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03-29-2018, 03:20 PM
BBC: "Is Gun Control Movement Too White?"

Never Again: Is gun control movement too white?

By Georgina Rannard
BBC News
27 March 2018

Is the new movement against gun violence that is sweeping America too white and too rich?

It’s a question hotly debated on social media … Protesters are being accused of hypocrisy, as some ask why they didn’t turn out for the Black Lives Matter movement, which was set up in 2013 to end police violence against black people and highlight the impact of gun violence in ethnic minority communities.

In 2016 more than 52% of murder victims (73% killed by guns) in America were black, even though black people make up 13% of the population.

Debate on Twitter focused on a photograph of white protesters holding up their palms, which read: “Don’t shoot.” The slogan and gesture became a rallying cry in 2014 after 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was reported to be raising his arms, was fatally shot by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.

Accusations that the weekend marches had appropriated the slogan were shared more than 3,000 times.

I suspect that what black people really want is some extension of intellectual property rights law so that every time a white person says a black catchphrase, or dances a black step, or wears his pants baggy or whatever, he has to pay a nickel into a fund that will be shared out among all black people.

I’m not wholly opposed to this idea.


03-29-2018, 04:00 PM
Gun control does not work. And in the case in Parkland Fl. the local police and the FBI knew all about this guy and they did nothing. The shooter even committed criminal felonies prior to the shooting and he was never arrested or charged. Dam near most of the shootings and terror attacks the FBI knows about the perps and they do nothing.

03-29-2018, 04:47 PM
See, this is the dumb shit that sets things back. Uhm people are rallying for a good cause... let's see how we can try and divide them.

03-29-2018, 04:49 PM
Gun control does not work. And in the case in Parkland Fl. the local police and the FBI knew all about this guy and they did nothing. The shooter even committed criminal felonies prior to the shooting and he was never arrested or charged. Dam near most of the shootings and terror attacks the FBI knows about the perps and they do nothing.


Bell Beaker
03-29-2018, 04:58 PM
Everything is too white for post modernists, post-marxists and their dystopic ideas..... :lol:

03-29-2018, 05:00 PM
See, this is the dumb shit that sets things back. Uhm people are rallying for a good cause... let's see how we can try and divide them.

The rallies are about all kinds of leftist ideas. The 2nd A is in the constitution and it isn't going away. What laws would you pass? In the USA states and cities with the more strict gun laws, beyond federal laws have the most gun violence. Criminals don't follow the law.
Did you know that last week an officer stationed inside a school shot and killed a perp who shot 2 students. The perp broke at least 4 laws,
1) under age possession of a gun
2) illegally carrying of the gun
3) taking the gun inside of the school
4) the shooting the students of course.


03-29-2018, 05:10 PM
Yes, it is too white.

It is minority neighborhoods that have the majority of gun violence, the article mentions that itself.

The disconnect, is that minorities are more willing to protest against police than address the criminally large murder rate that they have among themselves.

Meanwhile, the white homicide rate is about that of European countries with much stricter gun control... but with the right to bear arms in a nation that has enough guns to arm every citizen. White Americans don't have a reason to support gun bans.

03-29-2018, 05:30 PM
There is a cognitive dissonance with these Leftists. Many of them speak about police brutality, for example. Yet they want to see guns being taken away from the general population and let the government and police have the monopoly on guns. And these various politicians and celebrities are damned hypocrites, whining about "gun control" for the masses while they themselves have armed bodyguards.

These guilty white liberals are actually the most "racist" of all, because its when there are these school shootings or more mass-shootings when they find their renewed outrage about guns, whereas they turn a blind eye when inner city blacks kill each other with gun violence. And its ridiculous how these teens suddenly jumped on a cause, only a week after they were eating Tide pods and all the other stupid idiotic things many of them do. There's also a correlation between where these school and mass shootings primarily occur; its disproportionately in more liberal states where there are stricter gun laws. Yet these don't deter these shootings obviously.

03-29-2018, 05:32 PM
I don't know if you guys have seen this, but here ya go

H.R.5087 - Assault Weapons Ban of 2018


03-29-2018, 05:44 PM
I don't know if you guys have seen this, but here ya go

H.R.5087 - Assault Weapons Ban of 2018


I saw that lost month. Those clowns sponsoring want ban way too much lol. Being killed by a rifle, of any kind,
is so marginal maybe 3-5% of gun deaths.

03-29-2018, 05:50 PM
I saw that lost month. Those clowns sponsoring want ban way too much lol. Being killed by a rifle, of any kind,
is so marginal maybe 3-5% of gun deaths.

My jaw dropped when I saw the guns being banned, thats like 90%+ of guns out there now :lol::picard1: my marlin lever action looks safe but they'll come for my sks if i use the detachable mag. so much stupidity lol

03-29-2018, 06:02 PM
My jaw dropped when I saw the guns being banned, thats like 90%+ of guns out there now :lol::picard1: my marlin lever action looks safe but they'll come for my sks if i use the detachable mag. so much stupidity lol

They loco. BTW Brazil passed super tight gun regulations years ago.....2005 or 2008. Not easy for a law abiding citizen to arm themselves.
Police make confiscations like this from the gangs, ARs, M-16s, AKs, Sigs you name it they got. Brazilian made guns sold in another country then smuggled right back in.

03-29-2018, 09:50 PM
The rallies are about all kinds of leftist ideas. The 2nd A is in the constitution and it isn't going away. What laws would you pass? In the USA states and cities with the more strict gun laws, beyond federal laws have the most gun violence. Criminals don't follow the law.
Did you know that last week an officer stationed inside a school shot and killed a perp who shot 2 students. The perp broke at least 4 laws,
1) under age possession of a gun
2) illegally carrying of the gun
3) taking the gun inside of the school
4) the shooting the students of course.

I agree with you when you say that the USA will never undo the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is so institutionalized, so immersed in US culture it would take a very brave and possibly very foolish president/congress to enact such a revolutionary, incendiary piece of legislation.

That's why I think that talking about "gun reform" is a lot smarter than talking about "gun control".

Also, I would think it much more effective if race and generational politics stayed out of this debate. To muddy the waters trying to focus on race or identity politics rather than the moral and ethical issues surrounding the right (or not) to bear arms only adds a potential distraction. It gives the gun toting Americans of all varieties another reason to hate various 'kinds' of people.

United you can win, divided you can't.

I believe that these youngsters protesting against gun violence can actually achieve reforms that keep people who most everybody agrees should not possess a gun from buying one and that reaching this goal can lead to more changes improving the lives of millions of people in the US and around the world.

03-29-2018, 10:14 PM
"Is the gun control movement too white?" I love it when the hard left resorts to auto-cannibalism. They are out of control and are becoming a parody of themselves.

03-29-2018, 11:56 PM
Typical race baiting SJW article.

03-30-2018, 03:13 AM
I agree with you when you say that the USA will never undo the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is so institutionalized, so immersed in US culture it would take a very brave and possibly very foolish president/congress to enact such a revolutionary, incendiary piece of legislation.

That's why I think that talking about "gun reform" is a lot smarter than talking about "gun control".

Also, I would think it much more effective if race and generational politics stayed out of this debate. To muddy the waters trying to focus on race or identity politics rather than the moral and ethical issues surrounding the right (or not) to bear arms only adds a potential distraction. It gives the gun toting Americans of all varieties another reason to hate various 'kinds' of people.

United you can win, divided you can't.

I believe that these youngsters protesting against gun violence can actually achieve reforms that keep people who most everybody agrees should not possess a gun from buying one and that reaching this goal can lead to more changes improving the lives of millions of people in the US and around the world.

Why are you blind or willingly ignorant? The police and FBI failed to do their job? The only reforms needed is that of failed law enforcement. Many of our God given rights are based on the brutality of the British Empire. Government does not rule us the people have the rights.

Heather Duval
03-30-2018, 03:20 AM


03-30-2018, 05:46 AM
My jaw dropped when I saw the guns being banned, thats like 90%+ of guns out there now :lol::picard1: my marlin lever action looks safe but they'll come for my sks if i use the detachable mag. so much stupidity lol

I live in a gun hostile state, but I can tell you with just two phone calls as well as the proper amount of cash I can get any gun I want. I have a relative who knows several black market dealers who sell Gen 5 Glocks and HK VP9s like hotcakes in California, and neither of them are involved or connected with any criminals or gangs. In fact one's college educated and works at a start up, LOL.

03-30-2018, 06:26 AM
I agree with you when you say that the USA will never undo the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is so institutionalized, so immersed in US culture it would take a very brave and possibly very foolish president/congress to enact such a revolutionary, incendiary piece of legislation.

That's why I think that talking about "gun reform" is a lot smarter than talking about "gun control".

Also, I would think it much more effective if race and generational politics stayed out of this debate. To muddy the waters trying to focus on race or identity politics rather than the moral and ethical issues surrounding the right (or not) to bear arms only adds a potential distraction. It gives the gun toting Americans of all varieties another reason to hate various 'kinds' of people.

United you can win, divided you can't.

I believe that these youngsters protesting against gun violence can actually achieve reforms that keep people who most everybody agrees should not possess a gun from buying one and that reaching this goal can lead to more changes improving the lives of millions of people in the US and around the world.

1st off, with enough demographic change, it can be abolished. White American men are the voting block that protects the second amendment from being deleted.

Second off.. these people dont know enough on the topic to debate on any reform. Tell us, what "reform" should be done.. giving the government unfettered access to our healthcare information?

The "reform" needed.. are the goddamn agencies actually enforcing the laws already in place.

Heather Duval
03-30-2018, 06:53 AM
1st off, with enough demographic change, it can be abolished. White American men are the voting block that protects the second amendment from being deleted.

Second off.. these people dont know enough on the topic to debate on any reform. Tell us, what "reform" should be done.. giving the government unfettered access to our healthcare information?

The "reform" needed.. are the goddamn agencies actually enforcing the laws already in place.

Show me your gun

03-30-2018, 06:19 PM
Why are you blind or willingly ignorant? The police and FBI failed to do their job? The only reforms needed is that of failed law enforcement. Many of our God given rights are based on the brutality of the British Empire. Government does not rule us the people have the rights.

Uhm well, you'd agree that the system that's used to check the background of potential gun purchasers is badly in need of improvement.

Lawmakers from both parties acknowledge that errors in the background check system let felons obtain guns, as we saw when a deranged man, Devin Kelley, killed 26 people at a church in Sutherland Springs, Tex., in November. The killer, while in the Air Force, had been convicted of domestic violence in 2012, involuntarily committed to a mental health care center and given a bad conduct discharge. Yet the Air Force failed to follow policies to ensure that his conviction was reported to federal law enforcement, which allowed the killer to pass the check. The military has failed to report other such cases.

The man accused of killing nine people in a historically black church in South Carolina last month was able to buy the gun used in the attack because of a breakdown in the federal gun background check system, the FBI said Friday.

Despite having previously admitted to drug possession, the man, Dylann Roof, 21, was allowed to buy the .45-caliber handgun because of mistakes by FBI agents, a failure by local prosecutors to respond to a bureau request for more information about his case, and a weakness in federal gun laws.

The authorities’ inability to prevent Roof from obtaining the weapon highlighted the continuing problems in the background check system. Roof exploited the three-day waiting time that has allowed thousands of prohibited buyers to legally purchase firearms.

The man charged with murder in Parkland, Florida, was a loner, came from dysfunction and had an unusual interest in violence and weapons. Some in the media report this as if it were a surprise. But this should not be a shocker.

In the 25 mass school shootings since Columbine and the 160 active shooter incidents that occurred in the United States between 2000 and 2013, a familiar pattern has emerged. Mental health was almost always an issue.

And while some point to the gun as the problem, that minimizes the over-arching issues. There is a systemic breakdown of our systems -- including the way background checks are conducted.

Individuals with mental health issues and who are prone to violence are, by law, "prohibited persons" who are not allowed to lawfully access a firearm. Unfortunately, there are minimal ways to stop them. The current background‎ check system, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), is fundamentally flawed and most Americans don't understand why.

03-30-2018, 06:34 PM
Uhm well, you'd agree that the system that's used to check the background of potential gun purchasers is badly in need of improvement.

In all 3 of those cases government screwed up. Air Force in case one, FBI #2 and #3 was really bad. The police were called to his house, by his Mother, about 20 times over maybe a 2 year period because he was always doing crazy stuff. The he took ammo to school, a felony in Florida. The school did call the police or the police did not charge him. He then posted on youtube that he was going to shoot up a school. Someone notified the FBI then the FBI office in Miami was notified and they did not investigate.

If government workers fail to enter data into the background check system, that is their fault. If the police fail to charge and the FBI fails to investigate that is their fault. There was no systematic break down or database errors. It was human error.

03-30-2018, 06:40 PM
1st off, with enough demographic change, it can be abolished. White American men are the voting block that protects the second amendment from being deleted.

Second off.. these people dont know enough on the topic to debate on any reform. Tell us, what "reform" should be done.. giving the government unfettered access to our healthcare information?

The "reform" needed.. are the goddamn agencies actually enforcing the laws already in place.

Ok this is what I think it could be done:

- Re-licensing/continuing education, for every gun one owns, periodically renewed.

- Stricter licensing commensurates with the dangers of guns. If you're in a conceal/carry class and you let a round go off as you're taking the gun out of the holster, your license for that gun and the conceal permit is revoked forever. It only takes one stray bullet to kill someone, and the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" overrides the rights of any single gun owner.

- Categorized licensing, as with cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc. If you are licensed to own a revolver and want a semi-automatic, you must have training and pass tests for that specific type of gun (just as you need a motorcycle license classification). Each gun of that type that you add to your collection would require a short continuing education course.

- Owners must have a blanket insurance policy and specific coverage for each gun they are licensed to carry. Insurance travels with the gun: if the gun is stolen, you continue to pay the premium until the firearm is recovered and placed into police custody, at which point you no longer own that firearm, and any victim of that gun is compensated. This will encourage the use of safes and more effective trigger-locks (or biometric locks).

- Concealed/open carry are ridiculous and insulting in a civilized society.

Slowing down purchasing/ensuring competence will increase the chances that, going forward, only highly competent, licensed people will own firearms. It would also be a major cultural shift, which may be the most important thing you can do: as a society, you need to make a strong statement that these things can literally be deadly weapons when used properly (not like a car, which is only incidentally a deadly weapon, and then generally only when used improperly or incompetently).

The response to any of this from you Gundamentalists, of course, will be that nothing will stop illegal guns already out there. What a ridiculous canard :picard1: OF COURSE that's true, and please stop bringing it up. It's like yelling "the sky is blue!". Obvious, dude. But you CAN start to incrementally slow the endless and virtually unfettered flow of guns into the population. You need to look to the future on this and stop thinking you can solve the problem of guns already in circulation.

Gun owners might say that this imposes too high a burden, but right now, society at large is paying the burden. Why not ask the owners to pay for it?

03-30-2018, 06:48 PM
Ok this is what I think it could be done:

- Re-licensing/continuing education, for every gun one owns, periodically renewed.

- Stricter licensing commensurates with the dangers of guns. If you're in a conceal/carry class and you let a round go off as you're taking the gun out of the holster, your license for that gun and the conceal permit is revoked forever. It only takes one stray bullet to kill someone, and the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" overrides the rights of any single gun owner.

- Categorized licensing, as with cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc. If you are licensed to own a revolver and want a semi-automatic, you must have training and pass tests for that specific type of gun (just as you need a motorcycle license classification). Each gun of that type that you add to your collection would require a short continuing education course.

- Owners must have a blanket insurance policy and specific coverage for each gun they are licensed to carry. Insurance travels with the gun: if the gun is stolen, you continue to pay the premium until the firearm is recovered and placed into police custody, at which point you no longer own that firearm, and any victim of that gun is compensated. This will encourage the use of safes and more effective trigger-locks (or biometric locks).

- Concealed/open carry are ridiculous and insulting in a civilized society.

Slowing down purchasing/ensuring competence will increase the chances that, going forward, only highly competent, licensed people will own firearms. It would also be a major cultural shift, which may be the most important thing you can do: as a society, you need to make a strong statement that these things can literally be deadly weapons when used properly (not like a car, which is only incidentally a deadly weapon, and then generally only when used improperly or incompetently).

The response to any of this from you Gundamentalists, of course, will be that nothing will stop illegal guns already out there. What a ridiculous canard :picard1: OF COURSE that's true, and please stop bringing it up. It's like yelling "the sky is blue!". Obvious, dude. But you CAN start to incrementally slow the endless and virtually unfettered flow of guns into the population. You need to look to the future on this and stop thinking you can solve the problem of guns already in circulation.

Gun owners might say that this imposes too high a burden, but right now, society at large is paying the burden. Why not ask the owners to pay for it?

The US has a gang problem. Everything you listed will just be bypassed by criminals and gangs. No way in hell any of those guys will consider "Relicensing/continuing education." they dont give a damn about licensing, insurance policies and they sure as hell don't give a damn about the law and none of what you proposed will slow down the flow of guns to criminals and gangs. you're only making it a pain in the ass for the people who aren't criminals. makes no god damn sense.

03-30-2018, 07:17 PM
Ok this is what I think it could be done:

- Re-licensing/continuing education, for every gun one owns, periodically renewed.

- Stricter licensing commensurates with the dangers of guns. If you're in a conceal/carry class and you let a round go off as you're taking the gun out of the holster, your license for that gun and the conceal permit is revoked forever. It only takes one stray bullet to kill someone, and the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" overrides the rights of any single gun owner.

- Categorized licensing, as with cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc. If you are licensed to own a revolver and want a semi-automatic, you must have training and pass tests for that specific type of gun (just as you need a motorcycle license classification). Each gun of that type that you add to your collection would require a short continuing education course.

- Owners must have a blanket insurance policy and specific coverage for each gun they are licensed to carry. Insurance travels with the gun: if the gun is stolen, you continue to pay the premium until the firearm is recovered and placed into police custody, at which point you no longer own that firearm, and any victim of that gun is compensated. This will encourage the use of safes and more effective trigger-locks (or biometric locks).

- Concealed/open carry are ridiculous and insulting in a civilized society.

Slowing down purchasing/ensuring competence will increase the chances that, going forward, only highly competent, licensed people will own firearms. It would also be a major cultural shift, which may be the most important thing you can do: as a society, you need to make a strong statement that these things can literally be deadly weapons when used properly (not like a car, which is only incidentally a deadly weapon, and then generally only when used improperly or incompetently).

The response to any of this from you Gundamentalists, of course, will be that nothing will stop illegal guns already out there. What a ridiculous canard :picard1: OF COURSE that's true, and please stop bringing it up. It's like yelling "the sky is blue!". Obvious, dude. But you CAN start to incrementally slow the endless and virtually unfettered flow of guns into the population. You need to look to the future on this and stop thinking you can solve the problem of guns already in circulation.

Gun owners might say that this imposes too high a burden, but right now, society at large is paying the burden. Why not ask the owners to pay for it?

All this does is target good law abiding citizens. One does not need a license for a constitutional right. Not allowing conceal/open carry does not allow for self defense. States manage this. A typical homeowners policy covers all that stuff you mentioned about insurance.

03-31-2018, 10:38 PM
Ok this is what I think it could be done:

- Re-licensing/continuing education, for every gun one owns, periodically renewed.

- Stricter licensing commensurates with the dangers of guns. If you're in a conceal/carry class and you let a round go off as you're taking the gun out of the holster, your license for that gun and the conceal permit is revoked forever. It only takes one stray bullet to kill someone, and the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" overrides the rights of any single gun owner.

- Categorized licensing, as with cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc. If you are licensed to own a revolver and want a semi-automatic, you must have training and pass tests for that specific type of gun (just as you need a motorcycle license classification). Each gun of that type that you add to your collection would require a short continuing education course.

- Owners must have a blanket insurance policy and specific coverage for each gun they are licensed to carry. Insurance travels with the gun: if the gun is stolen, you continue to pay the premium until the firearm is recovered and placed into police custody, at which point you no longer own that firearm, and any victim of that gun is compensated. This will encourage the use of safes and more effective trigger-locks (or biometric locks).

- Concealed/open carry are ridiculous and insulting in a civilized society.

Slowing down purchasing/ensuring competence will increase the chances that, going forward, only highly competent, licensed people will own firearms. It would also be a major cultural shift, which may be the most important thing you can do: as a society, you need to make a strong statement that these things can literally be deadly weapons when used properly (not like a car, which is only incidentally a deadly weapon, and then generally only when used improperly or incompetently).

The response to any of this from you Gundamentalists, of course, will be that nothing will stop illegal guns already out there. What a ridiculous canard :picard1: OF COURSE that's true, and please stop bringing it up. It's like yelling "the sky is blue!". Obvious, dude. But you CAN start to incrementally slow the endless and virtually unfettered flow of guns into the population. You need to look to the future on this and stop thinking you can solve the problem of guns already in circulation.

Gun owners might say that this imposes too high a burden, but right now, society at large is paying the burden. Why not ask the owners to pay for it?

Fuck that authoritarian licensing bullshit. That's the kind of legislation I oppose most. In particular, it gives a database to disarm in the future. Fuck no. Fuck no infinity times.

The fuck is this "round being fired off accidentally during cwp class" bullshit youre talking about? You don't pass with that shit.

03-31-2018, 11:12 PM
All this does is target good law abiding citizens. One does not need a license for a constitutional right. Not allowing conceal/open carry does not allow for self defense. States manage this. A typical homeowners policy covers all that stuff you mentioned about insurance.

Concealed carry is something many people in Europe will wish they had in the very short forthcoming years. I would put a bet on it.

03-31-2018, 11:42 PM
"Is the gun control movement too white?" I love it when the hard left resorts to auto-cannibalism. They are out of control and are becoming a parody of themselves.

Yes, let them self-destruct... eventually. But maybe just not so fast. Let them keep pushing their current lunacy. It will NOT help the Democrats in the electoral landscape.

03-31-2018, 11:44 PM
Dear BBC,

We have already had this debate.

You lost.

Are you wanting another shot at the title?


Colonel Frank Grimes
03-31-2018, 11:54 PM
People from the Black Lives Matter movement now pretending it was about Black on Black crime and by extension gun control and not just about cops and Blacks.

03-31-2018, 11:54 PM
Dear BBC,

We have already had this debate.

You lost.

Are you wanting another shot at the title?



Their freedom of speech protections are rapidly deteriorating. They should be more concerned about that.

Colonel Frank Grimes
04-01-2018, 12:07 AM
I agree with you when you say that the USA will never undo the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is so institutionalized, so immersed in US culture it would take a very brave and possibly very foolish president/congress to enact such a revolutionary, incendiary piece of legislation.

That's why I think that talking about "gun reform" is a lot smarter than talking about "gun control".

Also, I would think it much more effective if race and generational politics stayed out of this debate. To muddy the waters trying to focus on race or identity politics rather than the moral and ethical issues surrounding the right (or not) to bear arms only adds a potential distraction. It gives the gun toting Americans of all varieties another reason to hate various 'kinds' of people.

United you can win, divided you can't.

I believe that these youngsters protesting against gun violence can actually achieve reforms that keep people who most everybody agrees should not possess a gun from buying one and that reaching this goal can lead to more changes improving the lives of millions of people in the US and around the world.

Reforms to gun control laws aren't needed. There are many incidents where he could have received a record for illegal behavior which would have kept him from acquiring a gun but wasn't. He brought bullets to school, for example. He made threats to people in school. He stated online (a youtube) comment under his real name that he wanted to kill people. The owner of the youtbube channel contacted the FBI. They said they couldn't do anything (he posted under his real name and so they brushed it off). People don't normally say online they're going to kill people. They might say they'll fuck you up but rarely say they're going to kill them and if they say it in general - as in they want to kill a bunch of people - that's more brow raising then if they say it to a specific person online they don't know.

04-02-2018, 06:49 PM

Students Stage Walkout in Support of Second Amendment

So maybe there is some hope for the next generation after all.

About 75 students at Rockledge High School in central Florida walked out of class in support of the Second Amendment on Friday. The students say they felt "silenced" last week when students walked out in support of gun control.

Fox News:

“I’m pro-Second Amendment,” Rockledge junior and protest organizer Anna Delaney told the station. "I wouldn’t mind deeper background checks, of course, but the Second Amendment will not be infringed upon.”
Many Rockledge students walked out of class March 14 as part of the National School Walkout that was held in support of the Parkland school shooting victims and to protest gun violence and call for new gun control measures. They stood on the football field and formed a huge heart.

About 75 students participated in Friday’s walkout at Rockledge, Florida Today reported. The protest lasted 20 minutes.

They walked onto the schools track carrying the American flag and signs that said “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” and “I support the right to bear arms,” the paper reported. Some wore Trump “Make America Great Again” hats and camouflage clothing.

“We were built on certain rights and that was one of the original rights, that we should have the right to bear arms,” sophomore Chloe Deaton told the group. She helped Delaney organize the walkout.

Zachary Schneider, a junior, was quoted by the paper as saying, “It’s all over the news right now that all students hate guns. I wanted to show that not all students feel that way.”

Rockledge principal Vickie Hickey said the school treated the Second Amendment walkout exactly like it treated the walkout that took place two weeks ago, the paper reported.

She said both events were completely student-driven.

Forgive me if I smell fear from school authorities who knew if they objected to the second protest, the wrath of God would descend upon them.

Flashback 30 Years: Guns Were in Schools ... and Nothing Happened

Regardless, what I found interesting is that, apparently, the pro-Second Amendment kids didn't know what the consequences would be and walked out anyway. Unlike the kids who walked out for gun control knowing that nothing would happen to them, the pro-gun crowd must have felt some trepidation given the attitude of their teachers and classmates.
