View Full Version : How to Help the Black Underclass: Get rid of all the white people

03-30-2018, 02:59 PM
Bill O’Reilly Has Figured Out How to Help the Black Underclass
Thomas DiLorenzo
12:23 pm on March 29, 2018

Get rid of all the white people. Well, most of em anyway. Right out of the playbook of the contemporary Left. That, says O’Reilly, is why the Left is so insane about welcoming Third World immigration — to dilute the white population. There is a minority underclass, the cultural Marxist Left says, because there are too many white people.

It has nothing to do with the welfare state that has so devastated the black family (and increasingly all other races) and destroyed the work ethic; the war on drugs that has imprisoned hundreds of thousands of young black and Hispanic men for victimless crimes; the rotten government schools that ruin the lives of millions in the inner cities with fraudulent “education”; the minimum wage that has caused the black teenage unemployment rate to be double the white teenage unemployment rate for the past seventy years; the complete and utter failure of government police to control crime in cities like Baltimore and Chicago; etc. It supposedly has nothing to do with liberalism, interventionism, and socialism, in other words — the cornerstone policies of the cultural Marxist Left.

It’s not all white people who need to be eradicated, of course. Mostly white heterosexual males. Many universities, for example, are now effectively run by white Marxist feminist females. Those are the “good” white people — for now.


03-30-2018, 03:09 PM
but muh diversity, muh multiculturalism, muh tolerance!! say it clear and say it loud im white and im proud!!!

03-30-2018, 03:52 PM
O'Reilly is spot on. Today's bullshit of blaming whitey wouldn't have gone down in the 90s. They're changing their tune as whites come closer to losing the majority status.

03-30-2018, 04:12 PM
When cotton grows on the fig tree
And alfalfa hangs on the rose
When the aliens run the United States
And the Jews grow a straight nose
When the Pope is praised by every one
In the land of Uncle Sam
And a Greek is elected President
THEN-the Ku Klux won't be worth a damn

Grand Turk .


03-30-2018, 04:35 PM
Its breibart news so I dont take it seriously

03-30-2018, 04:43 PM
Its breibart news so I dont take it seriously

Its a link to a different article with a video of O'Reilly speaking.

03-30-2018, 04:53 PM
dont do that

03-30-2018, 04:57 PM
I skimmed through. Brief o reily doesnt believe in that, hes is saying thats what people on the left want. Its just bill o reily talking jibberish. Some extremists on the left are like that. But the majority arent trying to remove white people off the planet.

03-30-2018, 04:58 PM
Brietbart LOL

The Illyrian Warrior
03-30-2018, 05:23 PM
Bill O'Reilly and Breitbart are strong reason how dumbing down of Americans has gone to concerning point, also a culprit why we see more people deny science, global warming etc. or why we seen a surge of anti science, reality show host guys succeed into mainstream or political position.....sad.

03-30-2018, 05:31 PM
Bill O'Reilly and Breitbart are strong reason how dumbing down of Americans has gone to concerning point, also a culprit why we see more people deny science, global warming etc. or why we seen a surge of anti science, reality show host guys succeed into mainstream or political position.....sad.

I agree, with that. What is also funny is that Breitbart is one of the most Zionist media outlet out there. Fox News is pretty pro-Zionist depite being owned by the gentile Rupert Murdoch. If you look at American media a lot of it is focusing on making the people dumber and stupider and it's clearly a distraction. Look at the Fox produced show Family Guy, which is a good example of the dumbing down, plus these reality tv bs like the Kardashians. No wonder the Americans are becoming stupider. What also funny is that Fox and other channels often also bring up the racial divide, as way of division tactic. Many Americans don't really know what's going on, in their nation or even outside, because they are provided the booze and the ball games, bikinis and such. Hence Americans have become to dumb to rebel for their own interest, quite sad when you think about it.

The Illyrian Warrior
03-30-2018, 05:38 PM
Many Americans don't really know what's going on, in their nation or even outside, because they are provided the booze and the ball games, bikinis and such. Hence Americans have become to dumb to rebel for their own interest, quite sad when you think about it.

Never has a truer word been spoken, I agree 100%.

03-31-2018, 09:51 PM
Bill O'Reilly and Breitbart are strong reason how dumbing down of Americans has gone to concerning point, also a culprit why we see more people deny science, global warming etc. or why we seen a surge of anti science, reality show host guys succeed into mainstream or political position.....sad.

No, we see less of all that on the right now than in previous decades. The left has become the antiscience wing now with its "intersectionalism" taking over.

Meritocracy is being pushed as "white supremacy" now. You all can claim it is fringe, but it is in our college classes on many, many campuses.