View Full Version : Online radicalisation of young white men

04-08-2018, 02:27 PM
For several years now, I’ve had a dark and fairly unusual hobby. When I’m alone and bored and the mood strikes me, I’ll open up my laptop and head for a particularly unsavoury corner of the internet.

No, not the bit you’re thinking of. Somewhere far worse. That loose network of blogs, forums, subreddits and alternative media publications colloquially known as the “manosphere”. An online subculture centred around hatred, anger and resentment of feminism specifically, and women more broadly. It’s grimly fascinating and now troubling relevant.

In modern parlance, this is part of the phenomenon known as the “alt-right”. More sympathetic commentators portray it as “a backlash to PC culture” and critics call it out as neofascism. Over the past year, it has been strange to see the disturbing internet subculture I’ve followed for so long enter the mainstream. The executive chairman of one of its most popular media outlets, Breitbart, has just been appointed Donald Trump’s chief of strategy, and their UK bureau chief was among the first Brits to have a meeting with the president-elect. Their figurehead – Milo Yiannopoulos – toured the country stumping for him during the campaign on his “Dangerous Faggot” tour. These people are now part of the political landscape.

On their forums I’ve read long, furious manifestos claiming that women are all sluts who “ride the cock carousel” and sleep with a series of “alpha males” until they reach the end of their sexual prime, at which point they seek out a “beta cuck” to settle down with for financial security. I’ve lurked silently on blogs dedicated to “pick-up artistry” as men argue that uppity, opinionated, feminist women – women like myself – need to be put in their place through “corrective rape”.

I know about the “men going their own way” movement, which is based around the idea that men should avoid any sort of romantic or sexual relationship with women. I’m aware of “traditional marriage” advocates, who often argue that you should aim to marry a very young woman as she’s likely to be easier to control. I also learned the difference between an “incel” who is involuntarily celibate, and a “volcel” who makes a deliberate choice to avoid sexual activity, and sometimes also masturbation, often in the belief that ejaculation depletes their testosterone and saps them of masculine power.

It’s hard to know whether pseudonymous online posters are telling the truth about their offline identity: the individuals making up the manosphere seem to skew younger on average, but be drawn from all walks of life. There are socially awkward, video game-loving teenagers, bitter divorcees and Ivy League-educated millennials who feel women don’t afford them the respect and admiration they deserve. There are men who claim to be highly successful at attracting sexual partners, but hate women all the same.

One thing I noticed early on is that the community seems to be largely white. And that’s evident because race comes up, a lot. Sometimes, in the form of a kind of racial pseudo-science that advocates use to explain the dynamics of heterosexual relations. The age-old racist argument – that black men are “taking our women” – is made regularly. Racist slurs are chucked around casually. There seems to be a significant overlap with organised white supremacy.

Even taking into account its rising prominence, it would be absurd to claim that the alt-right is primarily responsible for electing Donald Trump. More than 60 million people voted for him, the majority of whom have probably had little or no contact with this strange, angry online movement. Most were people who also voted Republican in previous elections.

A minority were previous Obama voters, mainly concentrated in lower income brackets. Just over half of white women went for the guy who was facing rape charges, and who was caught on camera asserting that he would “grab them by the pussy” if he felt like it. Turnout was also depressed, through voter suppression and also because some Democrat voters felt uninspired by Hillary Clinton’s candidacy.

What is true, though, is that some of his most passionate, core supporters seem to be regulars on the blogs and forums I’m talking about. It’s no surprise that pretty much every prominent manosphere figure came out in support of Trump, and Clinton’s gender isn’t the only relevant factor.

Prior to the election, members of the alt-right online community often warned each other to keep their Trump support secret to avoid being “stigmatised” by more liberal peers. Now they’re celebrating openly. They’re gleeful about some of the harshest policies Trump promised: mass deportations, defunding Planned Parenthood, the wall. They feel like they have scored a victory against feminism and multiculturalism. They’re glad that white men are, once again, in control. They were filled with fury at the thought they had been toppled from their rightful place at the top of the social hierarchy; this is vindication. The old order has been defeated, this is their world now.

When we fret about young people leaving western countries and going to fight with Isis, it’s common to focus on the role of the internet in their political radicalisation. It’s time we discussed the radicalisation of angry, young white men in a similar way. The manosphere gave us Elliot Rodger. He was a regular on the forum “PUAhate” – populated by bitter men who had tried the techniques advocated by so-called “pick-up artists” to attract women and failed.

Reading through the posting history of individual aliases, it’s possible to chart their progress from vague dissatisfaction, and desire for social status and sexual success, to full-blown adherence to a cohesive ideology of white supremacy and misogyny. Neofascists treat these websites as recruitment grounds. They find angry, frustrated young men and groom them in their own image. Yet there’s no Prevent equivalent to try to stamp this out.

Much has been written about financial hardship turning afflicted white communities into breeding grounds for white supremacist politics, but what about when dissatisfaction has little to do with economic circumstance? It’s hard to know what can be done to combat this phenomenon, but surely we have to start by taking the link between online hatred and resentment of women and the rise of neofascism seriously.


04-08-2018, 07:37 PM

04-10-2018, 09:54 PM
I would consider this phenomenon similar to the radicalization of Islamic terrorists - a dreadful ideology that is right out there, ready to be picked up by entitled and embittered young men, giving them someone to blame and something to focus on. Unfortunately, I don't know where you even start to combat this.

04-10-2018, 09:57 PM
Cringe at the article.

04-10-2018, 10:08 PM
I would consider this phenomenon similar to the radicalization of Islamic terrorists - a dreadful ideology that is right out there, ready to be picked up by entitled and embittered young men, giving them someone to blame and something to focus on. Unfortunately, I don't know where you even start to combat this.

This might the most stupid thing I have read in some time. We had leftist Antifa radicals, covering their faces and beating people all over the USA. Prior to that leftists attacking people leaving Trump rallies all over the USA. These are not only embittered you men they are violent criminals. Over 200 hundred were arrested in DC at Trump's inauguration in DC for violence, rioting, burning cars, etc. Virtually all of the violence comes from the left.

04-10-2018, 10:13 PM
The 'radicalisation' is brought about by things like this


04-10-2018, 10:15 PM
All I need to know about the writer,

My priorities as a feminist and as a socialist are not contradictory, but inextricable. Move to Venezuela Abi.


04-12-2018, 10:24 PM
This "radicalisation" is in response to the radicalisation of white women into feminists, however these young men are turning themselves into weasels who mostly complain about hypotetical stuff and things that only exist on the internet. They have turned themselves into women haters, worse than that they fear being with a woman for how she could be a feminist.

One of the problems is the oversexualisation of the public, you see sex everywhere yet a lot of people aren't having any, creating frustration which eventually lead to radicalisation. When you fuck a woman, you don't have time to think about her possible ideology, and women who get fucked by men don't have time to think about ideology either.

Bobby Martnen
04-12-2018, 10:54 PM
I'm a volcel/MGTOW.

Modern relationships don't work in men's favor. I don't hate women or wish them ill, I just have decided I don't want to engage in romantic or physical relationships with them.

04-14-2018, 01:01 AM
Don't listen to this bullshit article. If you want to k ow about the Altright, go to the horse's mouth. The media will just lie and distort what they have said... Listen to a few podcasts with Richard Spencer, watch a few of Faith Goldy and James Allsup's videos. Subscribe to Red Ice and watch Lana interview altright women, watch Stephan McNallen give his spiritual take on it.

There are points to argue with them, but labelling them as Elliot Roger types is completely off base.

04-14-2018, 01:08 AM
Maybe MissMischief would be more comfortable is a Muslim or SSA country. Far removed from white men and their governments. She would last a few days maybe.

04-14-2018, 01:20 AM
It’s time we discussed the radicalisation of angry, young white men in a similar way. The manosphere gave us Elliot Rodger.

04-14-2018, 01:25 AM
Oy vey

Colonel Frank Grimes
04-14-2018, 01:42 AM
Why is MissMischief holding a gawd damn nigger cat in her avatar? There are perfectly good white cats to hold.

04-14-2018, 01:57 AM
Maybe MissMischief would be more comfortable is a Muslim or SSA country. Far removed from white men and their governments. She would last a few days maybe.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

04-14-2018, 01:59 AM

She is great. Love Ice TV.

04-14-2018, 01:31 PM
Don't listen to this bullshit article. If you want to k ow about the Altright, go to the horse's mouth. The media will just lie and distort what they have said... Listen to a few podcasts with Richard Spencer, watch a few of Faith Goldy and James Allsup's videos. Subscribe to Red Ice and watch Lana interview altright women, watch Stephan McNallen give his spiritual take on it.

There are points to argue with them, but labelling them as Elliot Roger types is completely off base.

Sounds like a movement for emotionally stunted, psychologically isolated individuals who fear progressive ideas because deep, deep down they feel that the world is out to get them. You can always spot adults who had loveless childhoods. Poor souls.

Either way, the whole alt-right movement is essentially a single issue movement. There isn't really a cohesive political idea of the movement, they have no policy decisions, they have no ideological underpinnings other than the attack on left wing identity politics and policies associated to it (like affirmative action).

Good thing is, on the internet and on campuses the whole identity politics vs alt right seems to be a big deal, but in real life, their involvement is still extremely marginal. Sure, even Trump has adopted some of the alt-right into his campaign, but the majority of his support still comes from conservatives and traditional republican supporters

04-14-2018, 01:45 PM
Why is MissMischief holding a gawd damn nigger cat in her avatar? There are perfectly good white cats to hold.

That made me chuckle :P

It's actually a girl, Morgana, but I put a man's shirt on her because...fuck gender stereotypes!

04-14-2018, 02:52 PM
Sounds like a movement for emotionally stunted, psychologically isolated individuals who fear progressive ideas because deep, deep down they feel that the world is out to get them. You can always spot adults who had loveless childhoods. Poor souls.

Either way, the whole alt-right movement is essentially a single issue movement. There isn't really a cohesive political idea of the movement, they have no policy decisions, they have no ideological underpinnings other than the attack on left wing identity politics and policies associated to it (like affirmative action).

Good thing is, on the internet and on campuses the whole identity politics vs alt right seems to be a big deal, but in real life, their involvement is still extremely marginal. Sure, even Trump has adopted some of the alt-right into his campaign, but the majority of his support still comes from conservatives and traditional republican supporters

You've taken what the media says hook, line, and sinker. What a sucker. Again, if you want to know what the Altright is about, actually listen to what they say, not the establishment.

They oppose the conservatives, aka "cuckservatives", because conserving is seen as a losing battle. They engage in what they call, "counter signalling" to not only move the Overton window, but to help change the policies of the mainstream. Yes, white identity is a huge part of it, but not the only issue.

Look at these radical young men... protesting the bombing of a foreign nation.


04-14-2018, 03:39 PM
You've taken what the media says hook, line, and sinker. What a sucker. Again, if you want to know what the Altright is about, actually listen to what they say, not the establishment.

They oppose the conservatives, aka "cuckservatives", because conserving is seen as a losing battle. They engage in what they call, "counter signalling" to not only move the Overton window, but to help change the policies of the mainstream. Yes, white identity is a huge part of it, but not the only issue.

Look at these radical young men... protesting the bombing of a foreign nation.

Dude, no one, but a bunch of racist lunatics, takes the alt-right seriously. So please, stop talking about it as if it were a serious political party or something. Just stick to making meme and spouting moronic paranoid conspiracy theories and the outdated propaganda of the 1930s online https://i.imgur.com/fqG8lDz.gif

04-14-2018, 03:46 PM
Alt-right, Alt-left wtf is this shit? I must be getting old.

04-14-2018, 03:47 PM
Dude, no one, but a bunch of racist lunatics, takes the alt-right seriously. So please, stop talking about it as if it were a serious political party or something. Just stick to making meme and spouting moronic paranoid conspiracy theories and the outdated propaganda of the 1930s online https://i.imgur.com/fqG8lDz.gif

Did you have your frontal lobe scrubbed with undiluted bleach?

04-14-2018, 03:50 PM
What's the point of this thread? You're only replying to polite answers that people gave to your shitty bait with cookie-cutter leftist insults and ad hominems that you learned from the rags you read. If anything, naive young women like you are the ones getting indoctrinated with toxic, unnatural ideas.

04-14-2018, 04:15 PM
As much as I generally dislike the alt-right, it has shown they are able to use critical thinking and oppose "their own". Something the left, or right, generally are unable of. People who would have been against Bush are now supporting the things he has done, why? Because the alt-right is against such policy, people are so focused on hating the alt-right beyond reason and summing them up as racists, nazis, sexists etc (all the easy shortucts when you're losing an argument) that they are working for the deep capitalist state (even though they believe they're opposing capitalists).

In fact the alt-right is a bunch of young people who have at least a bit of political consciousness and have grown very cynical and use trolling on emotional people just to get a kick out of it and laugh. They're literally like most TA members. The problem with the alt-right is not the alt-right itself, it's that there is no alt-left.

04-14-2018, 04:25 PM
Alt-right, Alt-left wtf is this shit? I must be getting old.

There is no "alt left." The left embraces antifa, communism, sjw, third wave feminism, etc.

04-14-2018, 04:30 PM
There is no "alt left." The left embraces antifa, communism, sjw, third wave feminism, etc.

The irony is that most of these modern leftists would probably be labeled as anti-state agents and put to jail in even the mildest Socialist country such as Yugoslavia or something.

04-14-2018, 04:33 PM
Unfortunately, the rise of the internet has led to the radicalization of many sub-groups and identity groups in society. Although the internet has also been helpful in demolishing the control of the MSM narrative over many different topics as well, but an off shoot of that is that many people often fall into their own echo chambers.

04-14-2018, 07:28 PM
As much as I generally dislike the alt-right, it has shown they are able to use critical thinking and oppose "their own". Something the left, or right, generally are unable of. People who would have been against Bush are now supporting the things he has done, why? Because the alt-right is against such policy, people are so focused on hating the alt-right beyond reason and summing them up as racists, nazis, sexists etc (all the easy shortucts when you're losing an argument) that they are working for the deep capitalist state (even though they believe they're opposing capitalists).

In fact the alt-right is a bunch of young people who have at least a bit of political consciousness and have grown very cynical and use trolling on emotional people just to get a kick out of it and laugh. They're literally like most TA members. The problem with the alt-right is not the alt-right itself, it's that there is no alt-left.

Seriously though now, I think that identity politics based on racial lines (or gender lines) are stupid and short-sighted, whichever side of the political spectrum they come from. It's easy to get the Left to see the absurdity when it comes to anything to do with whiteness or masculinity, but Black Lives Matter gets a free pass and feminism (as opposed to humanism) is applauded.

While I admit that what's here called the 'alt-right' actually hits the nail on the head in many of their critiques of 'progressives' (the absurd hypocrisies of "cultural appropriation", the left's unwillingness to discuss gender issues scientifically etc.), I can clearly see that they also lack awareness of their own shortcomings (that institutional racism is a thing, that social conditioning and class significantly affect personal development etc. etc.)

04-14-2018, 07:32 PM
What's the point of this thread? You're only replying to polite answers that people gave to your shitty bait with cookie-cutter leftist insults and ad hominems that you learned from the rags you read. If anything, naive young women like you are the ones getting indoctrinated with toxic, unnatural ideas.

The hell are you on about, bro? Where have I insulted people? Au contraire, they even attacked my poor black cat :(

I'm curious though, what are these toxic and unnatural ideas you're talking about?

PS: I'm anything but naive xD

Bobby Martnen
04-14-2018, 07:39 PM
That made me chuckle :P

It's actually a girl, Morgana, but I put a man's shirt on her because...fuck gender stereotypes!

But how do you get a cat to fit into a shirt anyway? I've tried with my dog, but the best I can do is have her wear it like a cape.

04-14-2018, 08:31 PM
Scary stuff indeed. We might end up with traditional families, heteronormativity, white countries, and governments that represent the interests of the people. Shut down the internet, this was not the plan.

04-14-2018, 09:22 PM
The hell are you on about, bro? Where have I insulted people? Au contraire, they even attacked my poor black cat :(

I'm curious though, what are these toxic and unnatural ideas you're talking about?

PS: I'm anything but naive xD

He's talking about the article you linked. It is clickbait with cookie cutter insults. He's not wrong on that.

Watch the video I linked. You'll see brainwashed idiots calling people "Fascists" as they peacefully protest Trump's bombing of Syria. Then later attacking taxis. What a joke.

04-14-2018, 11:25 PM
Seriously though now, I think that identity politics based on racial lines (or gender lines) are stupid and short-sighted, whichever side of the political spectrum they come from. It's easy to get the Left to see the absurdity when it comes to anything to do with whiteness or masculinity, but Black Lives Matter gets a free pass and feminism (as opposed to humanism) is applauded.

While I admit that what's here called the 'alt-right' actually hits the nail on the head in many of their critiques of 'progressives' (the absurd hypocrisies of "cultural appropriation", the left's unwillingness to discuss gender issues scientifically etc.), I can clearly see that they also lack awareness of their own shortcomings (that institutional racism is a thing, that social conditioning and class significantly affect personal development etc. etc.)

To come back to the main point of the thread about white radicalisation and "alt right", that is a symptom rather than an illness. It's because you have people claiming "we live in a post gender society" yet make everything about gender that we have fierce opposition to transgenders. Transsexuals and crossdressers have existed for a long time and people didn't care for it. It's because we have people complaining that whites are priviledged that we have whites going to their "white" identity. It's because we have feminists who think that any opinion that is not going along their way is sexism that we have more men who believe women are evil. It's because we have all these people protesting about things that were true 150 years ago but are obsolete today that we have these trolls who just want to give an online PTSD to these people who need safe-spaces.

It's one thing I admire in Leninism, everyone is equal de facto, no "women/blacks/gays/x had to fight for their right", no guilt, just proletarians who formed the dictatorship of the porletariat. I'm not saying that is a good system but at least it helps you identify what is against your own interest, what is horizontal conflict. Whose interest is it to have a husband and his wife argue over irrelevant shit?

04-15-2018, 01:34 AM
Scary stuff indeed. We might end up with traditional families, heteronormativity, white countries, and governments that represent the interests of the people. Shut down the internet, this was not the plan.

We can't have that! Better keep open the fire hose of mass enforced diversity, progressive politics, sexual depravity, misandry, white hatred and other forms of subversion.

04-15-2018, 01:35 AM
To come back to the main point of the thread about white radicalisation and "alt right", that is a symptom rather than an illness. It's because you have people claiming "we live in a post gender society" yet make everything about gender that we have fierce opposition to transgenders. Transsexuals and crossdressers have existed for a long time and people didn't care for it. It's because we have people complaining that whites are priviledged that we have whites going to their "white" identity. It's because we have feminists who think that any opinion that is not going along their way is sexism that we have more men who believe women are evil. It's because we have all these people protesting about things that were true 150 years ago but are obsolete today that we have these trolls who just want to give an online PTSD to these people who need safe-spaces.

It's one thing I admire in Leninism, everyone is equal de facto, no "women/blacks/gays/x had to fight for their right", no guilt, just proletarians who formed the dictatorship of the porletariat. I'm not saying that is a good system but at least it helps you identify what is against your own interest, what is horizontal conflict. Whose interest is it to have a husband and his wife argue over irrelevant shit?


It's being said that many alt right are in fact, former libertarians or classical liberals that have been redpilled on the fact that our values will be radically departed from with whites becoming a minority. That's the leap from "civic nationalist" to "ethnonationalist". That common thread of values and beliefs defining the nation and in turn governing it.

If you value small government, with inidiviual freedoms.. letting white people become the minority should be prioritized AGAINST. Immigrants coming from less compatible cultures just don't believe in our rights and will vote them the fuck out.

04-15-2018, 01:57 PM
Seriously though now, I think that identity politics based on racial lines (or gender lines) are stupid and short-sighted, whichever side of the political spectrum they come from. It's easy to get the Left to see the absurdity when it comes to anything to do with whiteness or masculinity, but Black Lives Matter gets a free pass and feminism (as opposed to humanism) is applauded.

While I admit that what's here called the 'alt-right' actually hits the nail on the head in many of their critiques of 'progressives' (the absurd hypocrisies of "cultural appropriation", the left's unwillingness to discuss gender issues scientifically etc.), I can clearly see that they also lack awareness of their own shortcomings (that institutional racism is a thing, that social conditioning and class significantly affect personal development etc. etc.)

It is much easier to get radicalized about racial issues when you are someone who has little contact with people of other races. I have to deal with people of very many different backgrounds every day and although there are certainly cultural norms that I observe, there is also a very wide variance in the quality of my interactions with people that it's pretty much impossible for me to just hate any race. The cultural norms really primarily just exist with first generation immigrants of different backgrounds, most of the second gen. or 1.5 gen. are pretty Americanized and there is no cultural barrier between them and I.

Although if I were socially isolated and lived in some ethnic Asian enclave and just browsed the Asian American identity subforums, I could imagine I would get really paranoid thinking society hated me for some reason.

04-16-2018, 10:35 AM
As much as I generally dislike the alt-right, it has shown they are able to use critical thinking and oppose "their own". Something the left, or right, generally are unable of. People who would have been against Bush are now supporting the things he has done, why? Because the alt-right is against such policy, people are so focused on hating the alt-right beyond reason and summing them up as racists, nazis, sexists etc (all the easy shortucts when you're losing an argument) that they are working for the deep capitalist state (even though they believe they're opposing capitalists).

In fact the alt-right is a bunch of young people who have at least a bit of political consciousness and have grown very cynical and use trolling on emotional people just to get a kick out of it and laugh. They're literally like most TA members. The problem with the alt-right is not the alt-right itself, it's that there is no alt-left.

That’s a very accurate observation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

04-16-2018, 11:53 AM
Sounds like a movement for emotionally stunted, psychologically isolated individuals who fear progressive ideas because deep, deep down they feel that the world is out to get them. You can always spot adults who had loveless childhoods. Poor souls.

Do you think your pitiful sarcasm helping to have a dialog? Any of these guys would tell you to stick it up your you know what and they will be right to do so. And spare us your 'progressive ideas' nonsense. It doesn't mean anything to anyone with developed rational thinking.

Either way, the whole alt-right movement is essentially a single issue movement. There isn't really a cohesive political idea of the movement, they have no policy decisions, they have no ideological underpinnings other than the attack on left wing identity politics and policies associated to it (like affirmative action).

Good thing is, on the internet and on campuses the whole identity politics vs alt right seems to be a big deal, but in real life, their involvement is still extremely marginal. Sure, even Trump has adopted some of the alt-right into his campaign, but the majority of his support still comes from conservatives and traditional republican supporters

You're very mistaken about their harmlessness. Good number of them is ready to do much to reach their goals. All it will take is for state control to weaken to certain degree and then leftist radicals will be in big trouble.