View Full Version : Is the Deep State Taking out Trump?

04-10-2018, 01:37 AM
There is a civil war going on in our government. Bolton was appointed and now we might be plunged into Syria as a response to an incident Trump as candidate would've easily blew off as the staged incident that it was. The FBI may dig up a number of incriminating allegations against Trump. Is the Deep State winning?


04-10-2018, 01:38 AM
The deep state always wins. :(

04-10-2018, 01:41 AM
There is a civil war going on in our government. Bolton was appointed and now we might be plunged into Syria as a response to an incident Trump as candidate would've easily blew off as the staged incident that it was. The FBI may dig up a number of incriminating allegations against Trump. Is the Deep State winning?

May I ask where you stand on this issue?

04-10-2018, 01:42 AM
Mueller Feds raided Trump's personal lawyer today. Scary time to be an American. Everything post election with Mueller is a soft coup attempt. Trump is obviously not a CIA stooge. Very concerning considering the massive corruption inside the FBI, DOJ, 1600, DNC, FISA Gate, and Trump still won.

04-10-2018, 01:43 AM
The deep state always wins. :(

Says JFK from the grave.

04-10-2018, 01:46 AM
May I ask where you stand on this issue?

I am on Trump's side. Because I think he is doing a number of things that are painful but necessary. Also, he was supposed to keep us out of another war in the Middle East. What the FBI is doing is extremely disruptive and it is embarrassing to be quite frank.

04-10-2018, 01:48 AM
I am on Trump's side. Because I think he is doing a number of things that are painful but necessary. Also, he was supposed to keep us out of another war in the Middle East. What the FBI is doing is extremely disruptive and it is embarrassing to be quite frank.
Couldn't of said it better myself.

04-10-2018, 02:04 AM
I am on Trump's side. Because I think he is doing a number of things that are painful but necessary. Also, he was supposed to keep us out of another war in the Middle East. What the FBI is doing is extremely disruptive and it is embarrassing to be quite frank.

The Swamp

04-10-2018, 02:07 AM
Former Brazil Pres got a 12 year sentence.

04-10-2018, 06:24 AM
Depends on the what democrat goes up against him. Would be rare for Trump to lose in next election.

04-10-2018, 07:57 AM

04-10-2018, 08:08 AM
Pretty sure the deep state is trying to depose Trump and install Mike Pence, so they can plunge us back into another prolonged war in the Middle East. Fuck this.

Armenian Bishop
04-10-2018, 10:23 AM

This is what is really happening -- "false flag" chemical attacks. Turkey actually provided chemical weapons to extremist rebels such as ISIS, and other similar cutthroats. Civilian Deaths from chemical weapons are directly attributable to them, and civilian hostages in the hands of extremist rebels have paid the price. Strangely, Israel appears to be involved in this too, and they didn't want Trump to pull out of Syria.

By the way, Syrian Girl's YouTube Account has been heavily censored, and her videos were deleted. This one is new. The best place to find her is at her Twitter Account.

Armenian Bishop
04-10-2018, 10:34 AM

Turkey has provided chemical weapons for ISIS and extremist rebel factions in Syria. It was those chemical weapons that caused the civilian deaths on multiple occasions. This was clearly an attempt to frame and slander the Assad Regime. I'm truly amazed at how many otherwise intelligent people have been fooled by the "false flag" version -- even President Trump. Syrian civilian hostages are the victims of extremist rebels and ISIS, whom have slaughtered them like sheep.

Armenian Bishop
04-10-2018, 10:47 AM
Syrian Girl claims that "The Army of Islam" is the guilty party, guilty of slaughtering civilian hostages with chemical weapons. This is surely the case, and there is video evidence of caged Alawite civilian hostages, in the custody of the Army of Islam.

04-10-2018, 11:33 AM
I suspect there will be an assassination attempt on him.

He has really pissed of some powerful puppet masters who are very upset their people didnt win.

Last guy who did that was Kennedy and they killed him.

04-10-2018, 02:43 PM
I suspect there will be an assassination attempt on him.

He has really pissed of some powerful puppet masters who are very upset their people didnt win.

Last guy who did that was Kennedy and they killed him.

They don't need to assassinate him. They have raided the offices of his attorney. They will find things there which they will use to take him to court and push for his impeachment.

04-10-2018, 02:44 PM
Syrian Girl claims that "The Army of Islam" is the guilty party, guilty of slaughtering civilian hostages with chemical weapons. This is surely the case, and there is video evidence of caged Alawite civilian hostages, in the custody of the Army of Islam.

This is obvious to any honest observer who has been paying attention. This happened before.

04-10-2018, 02:45 PM

Turkey has provided chemical weapons for ISIS and extremist rebel factions in Syria. It was those chemical weapons that caused the civilian deaths on multiple occasions. This was clearly an attempt to frame and slander the Assad Regime. I'm truly amazed at how many otherwise intelligent people have been fooled by the "false flag" version -- even President Trump. Syrian civilian hostages are the victims of extremist rebels and ISIS, whom have slaughtered them like sheep.

What makes me mad is that this is clearly a staged incident meant to drive emotions and push the public back to war, and it is unbelievable how many people just accept these narratives without any critical thinking when any effort to uncover the facts will show this narrative carries absolutely no logic whatsoever.

04-10-2018, 03:43 PM
The fact that Bolton is being planted in this administration is enough to tell me the Project for the New American Century (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century) never actually went away; they are comfortably in control of their puppet Trump now.

04-10-2018, 03:48 PM
Tucker Carlson on Phonied-Up War on Syria


04-10-2018, 04:05 PM
Tucker Carlson on Phonied-Up War on Syria


That is a good take.

04-10-2018, 04:12 PM
Syrian Girl claims that "The Army of Islam" is the guilty party, guilty of slaughtering civilian hostages with chemical weapons. This is surely the case, and there is video evidence of caged Alawite civilian hostages, in the custody of the Army of Islam.

So Turkey is giving Army of Islam chemical weapons (or another similar group).?

04-10-2018, 04:13 PM
The Options of Syria-Iran-Russia-Hezbollah
Michael S. Rozeff

Trump is quoted on Syria “We have a lot of options militarily, and we’ll be letting you know pretty soon. Probably after the fact.”

Trump’s “We” now includes John Bolton:

“Under President Bush, Bolton was among a number of chickenhawks feverishly pushing the lie that Saddam Hussein needed to be stopped right this minute, lest he use his non-existent nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction against us. Bolton was credibly accused of manipulating intelligence. And he told us the Iraqis would greet Americans as liberators, and would quickly exercise their newfound freedom and establish a functional democracy.”

Bolton was as far off base on Iraq as one can be. His position was criminal. He’s a warmonger. There is no reason to think that his foresight has improved or that he even has any skill in that department.

The Trump-Bolton duo continues the American uninvited military presence in Syria, and now promises to launch new aggression over a chemical, chlorine, that has not been outlawed by the Chemical Weapons Convention.

While they consider their military “options”, the question is whether or not they are considering the options and thinking of those on the receiving end, the Syrian coalition: Syria, Iran, Russia and Hezbollah. Trump impetuously and emotionally launched 59 Tomahawk missiles at Syria a year ago, and he got away with it. American forces remain on the ground in Syria, without being hampered or attacked by the Syrian coalition. He is probably way too overconfident in his freedom of action because he views it on a personal basis as a just retaliation or punishment for a heinous crime. However, a military attack by the U.S. is the furthest thing from an act purporting to be an act of justice or enforcement of justice. The rules of international relations are again about to be openly breached by the U.S.

France is now in on this prospective aggression too. Great Britain is also planning to attack Syrian forces. “Britain’s Armed Forces are drawing up options for a joint strike with the US on Syrian forces.” Once again, the West is going full war criminal. They are using chlorine as a pretext for doing what they have wanted to do all along.

The Syrian coalition members have options to respond that they believe are within their “rights” as international state actors. They will choose the times, places and methods. The results may well be escalation against the American presence in Syria or elsewhere or against the interests of France. There is a limit to how much punishment the Syrian coalition will allow to go answered. They have many options covering a broad range. Bolton-Trump are almost surely going to provoke retaliation that will surprise them and cause them to consider further escalation of their own.

For Bolton-Trump to attack Syria again, this time perhaps aiming their missiles directly at the abodes of Assad, his generals, or their forces, is really to launch a new war in Syria. The other side has options too that the blind Bolton-Trump fail to see or understand, and they will be goaded to exercise them.

Regardless of what immediate response the West generates, the aggression of the western states is sure to divide the world further. It is sure to generate long-term splits, realignments, distrust, antagonism and hostility. This aggression is sure to be seen for what it is, a belated last-ditch attempt to prevent Assad from securing a battlefield victory, reuniting Syria and dislodging uninvited foreigners from that land. This aggression will be seen as immense weakness on the part of the West. It will be seen as a sign of the West’s moral bankruptcy and hypocrisy. It is impossible justly to enforce one’s idea of morality at the point of a gun or missiles. Bombing to create “good” out of what the West claims to be as “evil” on the other side is doomed to fail. The very act of force condemns the rationale. The use of violence as a means to enforce “good” becomes an end in itself, an evil end.

04-10-2018, 04:15 PM
Laurence M. Vance

How can the U.S. (that is, Trump) be considering an attack on Syria as a “retaliation” when Syria never did anything to us? This is like someone in Kansas striking his neighbor and someone in New York driving to Kansas to retaliate against the striker. In a word, it is madness.

04-10-2018, 04:18 PM

04-10-2018, 04:20 PM
From Skripal to Chemical Attack: What Accusation Is Next?
By Paul Craig Roberts
April 10, 2018

Einstein said that the definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing and expect different results. Isn’t this what the Russian government is doing when it continues to respond to false accusations and expects facts to have any bearing on the matter?

As soon as the British orchestration of the “Skripal poisoning” was exposed as part of the ongoing plan to demonize Russia, the next false flag event is staged. Again Syria is accused of a chemical attack against civilians. As the Syrian army is fighting successfully against Washington’s mercenaries euphemistially called “rebels” even by Russian media, the accusation of a chemical attack against civilians makes no sense. It is well known that the “White Helmets” are a Washington propaganda organization whose mission is to foster fake news about staged events.

Nevertheless, the Russians again rose to the bait. General Yury Yevtushenko said that as soon as Douma is liberated Russia will send specialists to collect data that will expose the accusation as a fabrication.

As if Washington will care. Washington has already declared that Russia is responsible no matter who did it: https://www.rt.com/news/423499-us-blames-russia-douma-chemical/

As long as Russia keeps responding to false charges, Washington’s strategy of keeping Russia on the defensive responding to accusations will continue to work.

04-10-2018, 04:33 PM
Trump has been consistent on Iran in his views. Anyway he is closer to Clinton in views than some on many sides would like to say, or whatever spin fox news has. :Dhttps://epeak.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/trump-calls-out-putin-by-name-for-backing-animal-assad.png

04-10-2018, 04:36 PM
'Dershowitz: Today is a 'very dangerous day for lawyer-client relations' on raiding Trump's personal lawyer's office.

"I tell [clients] on my word of honor that what you tell me is sacrosanct," he said. "And now they say, just based on probable cause ... they can burst into the office, grab all the computers, and then give it to another FBI agent and say, 'You're the firewall. We want you now to read all these confidential communications, tell us which ones we can get and which ones we can't get.'"

"If this were Hillary Clinton being investigated and they went into her lawyer's office, the ACLU would be on every television station in America, jumping up and down," he added.

"The deafening silence from the ACLU and civil libertarians about the intrusion into the lawyer-client confidentiality is really appalling," Dershowitz said.


Armenian Bishop
04-10-2018, 08:13 PM

So Turkey is giving Army of Islam chemical weapons (or another similar group).?

Surely, that's what happened. Now, Turkish MPs and Journalists are finding themselves prosecuted and facing prison sentences, simply because they exposed Turkey's role, because it provided chemical weapons for "The Army of Islam" and Al Qaida. So, Erdogan is sending his attack dogs to prosecute the whistleblowers, in court. RT News Report said: "Blowing the whistle, in Turkey, can lead to some very serious consequences."

This is obvious to any honest observer who has been paying attention. This happened before.

Indeed it's incredibly obvious for anyone whom wants to take the time to dig up the information, and the evidence isn't terribly difficult to find. Simply using common sense, one can easily realize that there isn't a motive for Assad to use chemical weapons when his side is winning; on the other hand, the Army of Islam is very motivated to lie and slander Assad, and they are fine with slaughtering Alawite Civilians.

What makes me mad is that this is clearly a staged incident meant to drive emotions and push the public back to war, and it is unbelievable how many people just accept these narratives without any critical thinking when any effort to uncover the facts will show this narrative carries absolutely no logic whatsoever.

Unfortunately the staged incidents can be very effective in misleading and fooling otherwise intelligent people. I've seen it happen before, in other situations, and the narratives can be very dangerous, because people don't take the time to investigate properly.

04-10-2018, 08:27 PM

Surely, that's what happened. Now, Turkish MPs and Journalists are finding themselves prosecuted and facing prison sentences, simply because they exposed Turkey's role, because it provided chemical weapons for "The Army of Islam" and Al Qaida. So, Erdogan is sending his attack dogs to prosecute the whistleblowers, in court. RT News Report said: "Blowing the whistle, in Turkey, can lead to some very serious consequences."

Indeed it's incredibly obvious for anyone whom wants to take the time to dig up the information, and the evidence isn't terribly difficult to find. Simply using common sense, one can easily realize that there isn't a motive for Assad to use chemical weapons when his side is winning; on the other hand, the Army of Islam is very motivated to lie and slander Assad, and they are fine with slaughtering Alawite Civilians.

Unfortunately the staged incidents can be very effective in misleading and fooling otherwise intelligent people. I've seen it happen before, in other situations, and the narratives can be very dangerous, because people don't take the time to investigate properly.

Bishop do you have anything that is not RT as a source or video, thanks.

04-10-2018, 08:57 PM
The fact that Bolton is being planted in this administration is enough to tell me the Project for the New American Century (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century) never actually went away; they are comfortably in control of their puppet Trump now.

Well, the list was Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Sudan, Iran and Yemen.

They are almost done with it.


04-10-2018, 09:18 PM
Well, the list was Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Sudan, Iran and Yemen.

They are almost done with it.

Clark is a clown. Name names or provide docs.

04-11-2018, 12:16 AM
Well of course Trump was put their as front show, but he seeming to do what they tell him to do. He is not different than any other president. I knew this especially if you look at the history of the presidents. He might talk about Iraq war, ect. but all of it is just for show. If Trump becomes truly independent they would replace him in heart beat. Now he is under pressure to engage in Syria. To Syrians both Russia and U.S are evil because they are the victim of this proxy war. Assad was no angel, plus he made the Protest move into revolt and then he played conquer and divide tactics which lead to sectarianism and the mess we see now before us. The only good thing Assad is doing is keeping the country somewhat under control, but otherwise he is the one largely to blame. As person of Bedouin descent, I am against Assad, just like our fellow Asli/noble Bedouin tribes who have protest his rule, but can see a little positive in him.

04-11-2018, 12:31 AM

Bell Beaker
04-11-2018, 12:48 AM
Donald Trump is going to have the same future of Richard Nixon.

He might not tell that "Niggers are fucking inbred, Abortion should be necessary in case the baby is born into a White-Black relationship and the Bohemian Grove is a faggy goddamn thing" but he is going to find a lot of "lobbies" around there.

But I also must add that Trump is a bit of an idiot he is not a politician, well he is a Business man, professional salesman, he doesn't sound intelectual enough.

Sounds like a general idiot to be honest.

Colonel Frank Grimes
04-11-2018, 01:25 AM
Trump flipped the script on the establishment. They didn't expect it. Now different elements of the establishment are gunning for him. I don't believe in a deep state conspiracy. I do believe in organizations within the government taking a 'special interest' in people they believe are a threat to their organization. In this case the FBI sees Trump as a threat and were antagonistic towards him from the start.

04-11-2018, 04:25 AM
Trump flipped the script on the establishment. They didn't expect it. Now different elements of the establishment are gunning for him. I don't believe in a deep state conspiracy. I do believe in organizations within the government taking a 'special interest' in people they believe are a threat to their organization. In this case the FBI sees Trump as a threat and were antagonistic towards him from the start.

It's not a conspiracy theory. These government organs are the deep state. It's playing out in full view, it's no conspiracy.

04-12-2018, 10:38 PM
Hard to say, especially with the recent events. The economic tensions with China are being underestimated, things like the National Guard on the border are more sensationalistic and people care more about that. What I see is that Trump is solidifying the left, he is making leftists and democrat voters absolute slaves to the left's rhetoric. But Trump may crack and obey the establishment, the real test is Syria, if he goes into a full scale war he will show how much of a puppet he is.

To me it feels that the deep state is coercing him into obeying them, or at least they're trying.

Edit: on top of that, other important nations for a coalition in Syria are experiencing troubles, France has problems with protests all over the country and Britain has the Skripal thing, France needs a war for diversion and Skripal is the element that ties "Russia" and "chemical attacks".