View Full Version : Do you think that Bill Cosby is innocent but got framed?

Bobby Martnen
05-06-2018, 06:24 AM
Like it's just so weird

Nothing about his alleged sex crimes until he's almost 80 and going blind

This seems like a cowardly assault on an elderly comic legend.

05-16-2018, 05:04 AM

05-16-2018, 09:34 AM
Like it's just so weird

Nothing about his alleged sex crimes until he's almost 80 and going blind

This seems like a cowardly assault on an elderly comic legend.

He is most likely guilty of many of the things he has been accused.
But I also believe many opportunistc women jumped on the bandwagon to get paydays and many things were probably exaggerated too.

Its like many of the people who are accused by the modern day "me too crowd", are to some extent guilty but on top of that many people are probably being opportunistic and most likely any old enemies are contributing too.

One of the really suprising cases was Matt Lauer, whom basicslly didnt seem to be much more than an office sleazebag , far as I know he didnt rape anyone or blackmail anyone for sex. He was pretty much just a sleazebag , Im not defending the guy probably he was a snobby asshole too , but if he was just a regular not famous guy who didn't have millions of dollars working a regular office job no one would really care so much that he is a sleazebag who likes to hit on girls in the office...we all know there are millions of guys like that , we live in interesting times.

05-16-2018, 12:26 PM

05-16-2018, 12:29 PM
No, he's guilty. He's no saint...

05-16-2018, 12:50 PM
Guilty motherfucker

05-16-2018, 12:54 PM
These accusations have been around for a long time, it is not anything new.

05-16-2018, 12:55 PM

Bobby Martnen
09-29-2018, 06:14 AM
I still like the Cosby show, though, it's funny regardless of what Dr. Cosby did.