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02-23-2009, 01:23 PM
At the end of this piece of text I will post a link of a short film...

This film is considered a snuff-movie and therefor was revoked from all videohosting sites such as youtube...

However, people have been discussing wether the contents is real or fake...

Watch the film and give your opinion...



WARNING -The actual film- (http://video.google.fr/videoplay?docid=7113620637998912729&hl=fr) WARNING

Edit; Although I'm a National- Socialist, or Nazi for those who prefer that term, I don't agree with the happenings in this flick... Let that be dearly noted!!!!

02-23-2009, 01:28 PM
Hmm, care to be a little more detailed in what I might see if I click on your link? I have no great desire to see anyone sawn in half or the like.

02-23-2009, 01:28 PM
Indeed, not a film for people who don't have a strong stomach.

I've watched it before, it looks pretty real. Also the cutting at the back of the neck.

I guess it is real.

02-23-2009, 01:30 PM
Hmm, care to be a little more detailed in what I might see if I click on your link? I have no great desire to see anyone sawn in half or the like.Then you'd better not watch it...

02-23-2009, 01:36 PM
I do recall coming across a page which went into the video in some depth, and discovered the two men are real and they were executed.

A very real video.

Lady L
02-23-2009, 01:41 PM
Looks real to me!

And, Its Disgusting

02-23-2009, 01:45 PM
Looks real to me!

And, Its Disgusting

Yeah it is disgusting, but I did watch it without looking away.
Maybe to see them pay for the beheading of white people?

And this movie is illegal, but movies of beheading white people (American soldiers for example) are not illegal? Doesn't make sense in my eyes...

02-23-2009, 02:00 PM
I've seen this piece of shit before, and in fact, someone was praising it...

I ask you all one single question:

How do the actions of those so-called european nationalists differ from those of Muslim extremists who decapitate Europeans on camera?

02-23-2009, 02:13 PM
I ask you all one single question:

How do the actions of those so-called european nationalists differ from those of Muslim extremists who decapitate Europeans on camera?Simple...

The actions of "so-called European Nationalists" are condemned in the worst ways possible, whilest actions by Muslim fundamentalists are considered an act of religion, and are waved away...

An eye for an eye, blood for blood...

02-23-2009, 02:22 PM
An eye for an eye, blood for blood...
Are you saying you consider the above to be noble nationalistic behavior, fit for European men?

The actions of "so-called European Nationalists" are condemned in the worst ways possible, ...

P.S. for the record, I condemn both actions, in the worst ways possible. :mad:

02-23-2009, 02:28 PM
Are you saying you consider the above to be noble nationalistic behavior, fit for European men? I believe someone didn't read my edit in the threadstarting post.

If this is a retaliation, then yes I think it's the noble way for any Nationalist to go...

If this is purely out of racial contempt, then I'm just as sick of it as you probably are.

You however seemed to believe, that me breaking my investors nose was real Germanic. So I don't quit understand your stance in this.

P.S. for the record, I condemn both actions, in the worst ways possible. :mad:As do I...

02-23-2009, 02:37 PM
First off, breaking some annoying dude's nose is far off from decapitating two hog-tied people unable to defend themselves and filming it on camera to show the world how "brave" an action.

Second, I loathe muslim tactics, especially the aforementioned on-camera decapitations, and I believe that we are better than them. We are more advanced, more civilized if you may. I am not against killing your enemy, I am against this cowardly mockery of killing your enemy.

Third, I do not believe in the "An Eye for An Eye" axiom. That is the semitic mentality. Again, I believe we are superior to that.

Fourth, I would condemn that sort of crap no matter where it came from, even in retaliation, but even more so when it comes from so-called european nationalists, because they should have known better. This savagery is not part of our culture. Let alone it can only harm the nationalist movement in the public opinion.

I feel only but contempt for them.

And in a relevant discussion I participated in at the "New Right" Yahoo! group, practically everyone gave hell to the thread started for praising crap like this.

02-23-2009, 02:44 PM
It looks fake to me. There'd have to be a lot more blood than that. Also, while it's of course hard to tell since the blood's on the ground, but it looks a wrong colour.

Also you can't really saw through the vertebrae in someone's neck with a serrated knife, as if it were a loaf of bread or something.

Finally, when someone starts sawing off your head, don't you think you'd try to resist or even twitch in some way?

02-23-2009, 02:53 PM
I've chosen not to watch this, mainly because I've seen something similar before - it's not something I'd want to see again. The first time I saw it, I think it was in Chechnya and they were decapitating Russian soldiers. It's the worst thing I've seen on the internet, and to me it appeared quite real - I can't see how it could be fake.

It amazes me how someone could be so barbaric, even in a war zone!

02-23-2009, 02:56 PM
It amazes me how someone could be so barbaric, even in a war zone!

That's rich coming from a Celt.


02-23-2009, 02:57 PM
First off, breaking some annoying dude's nose is far off from decapitating two hog-tied people unable to defend themselves and filming it on camera to show the world how "brave" an action. To me it's the same piece of pie... Violence remains violence, wether it kills a person or not...

Second, I loathe muslim tactics, especially the aforementioned on-camera decapitations, and I believe that we are better than them. We are more advanced, more civilized if you may. I am not against killing your enemy, I am against this cowardly mockery of killing your enemy. Agreed... But what if the parents off these men where slaughtered in the same fashion? Videotaping the whole thing and broadcasting it is not my thing aswell, but the fact remains that we don't know why they did this, now do we?

Third, I do not believe in the "An Eye for An Eye" axiom. That is the semitic mentality. Again, I believe we are superior to that. I don't believe in the white/european man being superior...

I think it's a bald and a generalistic opinion...

Fourth, I would condemn that sort of crap no matter where it came from, even in retaliation, but even more so when it comes from so-called european nationalists, because they should have known better. This savagery is not part of our culture. Let alone it can only harm the nationalist movement in the public opinion. I don't agree with you on this.

Seeing everything from a nationalistic stance is plain stupid... Sometimes you need to see things purely by heart. So, again, what if the parents of these man suffered the same faith? Say it where your parents? What would you do? Forget and let live?

I feel only but contempt for them. I've made my opinion clear on this I believe...

And in a relevant discussion I participated in at the "New Right" Yahoo! group, practically everyone gave hell to the thread started for praising crap like this.Well no one should praise this crap... It's concerning enough shit like this happens... However... You need to realise that this could have happened for any sort of reason.

Maybe even a legit one (in their point of view ofcourse)...

But lets get back on topic...

The film; Fact or Fake?

02-23-2009, 02:59 PM
That's rich coming from a Celt.


Oh yeah! Forgot about that!

02-23-2009, 03:03 PM
Oh yeah! Forgot about that!
You...you...you...you... BARBARIAN!!!!!:p

02-23-2009, 03:07 PM
Beheading actually isn't that brutal, compared to some of the older torture methods (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanged,_drawn_and_quartered) that were used not so long ago.

The thing is though we are meant to have got past all of that. Although some might say that attitude is precisely why we are seen as such walkovers nowdays.

02-23-2009, 03:08 PM
It's not fake killers are Russian skinheads. What can I say...I don't accept such methods it's like some Ukrainian fanatics tread Polish civilians in WW2 period. Such people are called in my mother language "rezun"(butcher, murderer) and I feel repugnance to them. Even if them will be fight for right ideas it doesn't explain such methods...they are unworthy of white men. KCV please remove this shit.

02-23-2009, 03:11 PM
KCV please remove this shit.No I wont...

For me this was a lesson as to how barbaric slavs are...

Cause in a way I agree whit Genosse Absinthe... We are more civilized than this!

02-23-2009, 03:27 PM
If it sent the rest of the muslims fleeing back to their homelands, it would prevent a lot of future problems.

02-23-2009, 03:28 PM
No I wont...

For me this was a lesson as to how barbaric slavs are...

Cause in a way I agree whit Genosse Absinthe... We are more civilized than this!

Interresting turn of action...but don't you remember under such sign it was do? And yes Germans were very civilized in 2WW period almost like ancient Greeks or Romans, they teach us barbarians poetry, music etc. ...and Dr. Mengele teached untermenshen music in Auschwitz right:rolleyes:?

02-23-2009, 03:34 PM
Interresting turn of action...but don't you remember under such sign it was do? And yes Germans were very civilized in 2WW period almost like ancient Greeks or Romans, they teach us barbarians poetry, music etc. ...and Dr. Mengele teached untermenshen music in Auschwitz right:rolleyes:?Pipe down Sarmata...

The fact a Blütfahne was used in this film doesn't automaticly mean every National- Socialist agrees to this type of conduct...

I as hell don't...

What remains a fact, is that this sort of shit is purely conducted by backward Slavs... Like for centuries rednecks have been occupied with this sort of behaviour.

What Joseph Mengele did, you can't hold me or whatever person responsible for...

02-23-2009, 03:44 PM
It looks fake to me. There'd have to be a lot more blood than that. ...Also you can't really saw through the vertebrae in someone's neck with a serrated knife, as if it were a loaf of bread or something.

Can we see your skull collection?:p

Anyway, the answer is shock to the first part of your statement: when in shock, blood-flow is diverted away from the head and rushed to the extremities in the "fight-or-flight" response. As far as getting through the vertebrae, he had notable trouble doing so; in fact, it looked as if the video were time-edited for when the head did finally come loose.

Finally, when someone starts sawing off your head, don't you think you'd try to resist or even twitch in some way?

Again, shock. Plus, not only is it a bit futile to resist a proper hogtie, but it would be visually un-noticable if he were resiting - so he might have been.

The squeal he gave as the deed began was quite real: the sound of complete and utter helplessness.

The video is real.

I won't get into the morals of the act, or whether or not it is or isn't "European" to take heads. I will say, though, that I do find it repugnant; and even though the swastika was flying, I half-expected someone to yell "Allah ou Akbar".

02-23-2009, 04:05 PM
I won't get into the morals of the act, or whether or not it is or isn't "European" to take heads. I will say, though, that I do find it repugnant; and even though the swastika was flying, I half-expected someone to yell "Allah ou Akbar".

Repugnant is a weak word in this instance. The perpetrators are cowards and subhuman filth. I hope they never procreate. Not worthy of the designation "European". But then again, Europeans have been brutal throughout the ages, so perhaps they are particularly European. Who knows. And to ascribe this barbarity to particular meta-ethnicity (i.e. Germanic or Slavic) is futile. They all have done these things.

02-23-2009, 04:25 PM
Pipe down Sarmata...

The fact a Blütfahne was used in this film doesn't automaticly mean every National- Socialist agrees to this type of conduct...

I as hell don't...

What remains a fact, is that this sort of shit is purely conducted by backward Slavs... Like for centuries rednecks have been occupied with this sort of behaviour.

What Joseph Mengele did, you can't hold me or whatever person responsible for...

Huh thats good I was thinked that my collection of heads in basement is untypicall... And now you tell my that is "purely conducted" to us, wow! I must run and tell about that to my neighborers who live in the pits by the way...

02-23-2009, 04:36 PM
Anyway, the answer is shock to the first part of your statement: when in shock, blood-flow is diverted away from the head and rushed to the extremities in the "fight-or-flight" response.

Well, I've have been assured this video is real, so I certainly am prepared to admit the possibility that I may be wrong.

Maybe I just don't know enough about human anatomy, or perhaps some psychological defense mechanism kicked in to make me insist this is fake. Could be both of those, or none of them, or something else altogether.

However there's still a couple of points I'd like to address: the force with which the human heart pumps blood into the brain is fearsome. If the throat is cut, or the head severed, it does take the heart at least a few seconds (often more) to get the message. I didn't see it happening here.

Also it seems too convenient for me when the cameraman loses the focus for ten seconds just before what I would have thought would be the money shot in the whole shindig: when they actually start sawing off the first's dude's head.

02-23-2009, 05:50 PM
[...] But then again, Europeans have been brutal throughout the ages, so perhaps they are particularly European.

Like the Heretic’s fork, Lead sprinkler, Thumbscrew, Tongue Tearer, The Rack, Breast Ripper, Iron Maiden, Crocodile shears, Judas Chair, The Pear, The Wheel, Brazen Bull, Knee Splitter, Inquisitional Chair, The Boots, The Spanish Tickler, The Skull Splitter, Head Crusher, Revolving Drum, Spanish Donkey, Rat Torture, and the Saw.

I think we tend to forget ourselves: The abolition of torture as a part of European criminal trial process, and as a method of execution, didn't occur over most of Europe until the second half of the eighteenth century.

And to ascribe this barbarity to particular meta-ethnicity (i.e. Germanic or Slavic) is futile. They all have done these things.

Europeans, once upon a time, did it 'better' than anyone, in fact.

But in the end accounting, I still think you are right: every meta-ethnicity has had its fair share of barbarity.

02-23-2009, 08:07 PM
I can't wait to get home on my own computer to dive into this thread......


02-23-2009, 08:23 PM
However there's still a couple of points I'd like to address: the force with which the human heart pumps blood into the brain is fearsome. If the throat is cut, or the head severed, it does take the heart at least a few seconds (often more) to get the message. I didn't see it happening here.

Continuing from SuuT, but I have seen quite a few of these beheading videos in my time and each one is always thought fake by people because of the lack of blood.
Each beheading is as gruesome as the next, but each one is proven real and verified; and each one has not had half the amount of blood one would have thought there should be.

02-23-2009, 08:52 PM
I got as far as the neck being sawed, and I couldn't watch any more. I see no honour or glory in this act of cowardice. They're scums of the earth who deserve a dose of their own medicine!

02-23-2009, 10:18 PM
Continuing from SuuT, but I have seen quite a few of these beheading videos in my time and each one is always thought fake by people because of the lack of blood.
Each beheading is as gruesome as the next, but each one is proven real and verified; and each one has not had half the amount of blood one would have thought there should be.

It's probably also of signifigance to note that the shock is so severe that the heart would very likely seize, if not stop, after the first couple strokes; thereby, the blood 'pours' as opposed to spurts as the jugular is severed. Further, leaving perhaps the majority in the extremeties that were ready for fight-or-flight.

02-23-2009, 10:52 PM
I've seen the video before and I've seen 'snuff' videos, beheadings, executions, suicides , and like those before me in the thread have said - they all look fake even when you know for a fact that they're real. We've grown accustomed to thinking that blood splatters or goes flying like it does in movies and when we imagine it (not as ridiculous as Kill Bill or anything though) though that's not always the case.

Anyone seen the video of the guy behind the police cruiser with the bomb around his neck? That's not what I would have thought a human head exploding would look like - or sound like for that matter.

As for the morality behind this; I think it's disgusting, shocking, appauling. But every act of violence and war is disgusting when viewed outside the context. War and violence are emotionally charged actions - you can't necessarily judge objectively.

Don't think I'm defending them though. I'd prefer if there were less uncontrolled beheadings in the world; but I'm no better - as I feel violent criminals deserve violent deaths and I would gladly cheer the execution on for a serial killer or rapist or child predator. Isn't that as bloodthirsty and barbaric as committing the crime? And I don't think I'm the only man who feels that way - I'm just not ashamed to admit it.

I think ALL of our ancestors have committed gruesome unspeakable acts that make this seem tame in comparison. Some would say 'we're above that' as civilized westerners; but I tend to think modern man only thinks he's civilized. We're one foot on the moon and one foot still in the cave.

02-23-2009, 11:00 PM
It's only in the last 200 years or so that Europeans stopped using torture as official punishment. And I mean the likes of these:

Hanged, drawn and quartered (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanged,_drawn_and_quartered)

Until reformed under the Treason Act 1814,[2] the full punishment for the crime of treason was to be hanged, drawn and quartered in that the condemned prisoner would be:

1. Dragged on a hurdle (a wooden frame) to the place of execution. This is one possible meaning of drawn. The more likely meaning of Drawn is the act of disembowelment.

2. Hanged by the neck for a short time or until almost dead (hanged).

3. Disembowelled and emasculated and the genitalia and entrails burned before the condemned's eyes.

4. The body divided into four parts, then beheaded (quartered).

Typically, the resulting five parts (i.e. the four quarters of the body and the head) were gibbeted (put on public display) in different parts of the city, town, or, in famous cases, in the country, to deter would-be traitors who had not seen the execution. After 1814, the convict would be hanged until dead and the mutilation would be performed post-mortem. Gibbeting was later abolished in England in 1843, while drawing and quartering was abolished in 1870.

The French method:

In France, the traditional punishment for regicide (whether attempted or completed) under the ancien régime (known in French as écartèlement) is often described as "quartering", though it in fact has little to do with the English punishment. The process was as follows: the regicide offender would be first tortured with red-hot pincers, then the hand with which the crime was committed would be burned, with sulphur, molten lead, wax, and boiling oil poured into the wounds. The quartering would be accomplished by the attachment of the condemned's limbs to horses, who would then tear them away from the body. Finally, the often still-living torso would be burned.

The ordinary man on the street loved watching these gruesome public executions. Some witness accounts:

To my Lord's in the morning, where I met with Captain Cuttance, but my Lord not being up I went out to Charing Cross, to see Major-general Harrison hanged, drawn, and quartered; which was done there, he looking as cheerful as any man could do in that condition. He was presently cut down, and his head and heart shown to the people, at which there was great shouts of joy.

02-23-2009, 11:21 PM
I only watched the first man being beheaded, it looked real & I felt dirty watching it is.

Beheading has never been an acceptable way of killing (in combat or executing convicts) in the US - except maybe by some of the more savage Indians. Hanging had been the prefered method of execution before the electric chair. We didn't even burn our witches (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salem_witch_trials) but hanged them & it was the prefered way of getting rid of troublesome Negroes. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching) The firing squad or single shot to the head is another means of execution that has been used in the US.

I'm aware the English used beheading at one time (Charles I, Anne Boleyn & Catherine Howard etc..) but it never made it's way across the Atlantic. And even in England the executioner was usually a specialist in beheading to make it less messy.

02-23-2009, 11:24 PM
The ordinary man on the street loved watching these gruesome public executions. Some witness accounts:

Reminds me of Rome and her state endorsed spectacles within the arenas dotted throughout the empire.

Cicero and others, notably Seneca, although great admirers of the Gladiator values and virtues, were clearly against the blood lust with which the common people would indulge themselves in, which is clearly laid out in Seneca's 'letter to Lucilius'.

02-24-2009, 03:23 PM
I've just done a little Googling and indeed it would seem the video is real. They've apparently identified one of the victims and detained someone they suspect of being of the masked men in the video.

Russian Video Shows Apparent Extremist Killings

A Russian ultranationalist group has posted a video on the Internet that appears to show the execution-style killing of two men from Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Two men are seen kneeling on the ground in a forest, their arms and legs tied up. A large flag with a Nazi swastika stands in the background.

"We've been arrested by the Russian National Socialists," one of the two men says.

A third man walks up to the captives and beheads one of them with a knife. The second captive is shot in the head and falls forward into a freshly dug grave.

Two masked men then raise their arms in a Nazi salute.

Killings Appear Real

This the content of a two-minute video posted on the Internet by a little-known Russian organization calling itself National Socialism/White Power.

The video identifies the two captives as "colonists from Tajikistan and Daghestan."

It appeared on the Internet on August 12 but has since been pulled from most websites.

This is not the first time a Russian hate-crime video has been posted on the Internet. But antiracism experts say that while most of the slayings shown on these videos appear to have been staged, the latest footage seems very genuine.

"This film is the not the first of its kind, there have been other similar ones, says Vladimir Pribylovsky, the head of the Panorama political think tank in Moscow. "While the other films were probably fabricated, it's hard to say with this one."

The video has caused an outcry among human-rights activists in Russia and drawn heated debate on Internet blogs.

The Interior Ministry has reportedly opened a probe into the video's content. The Prosecutor-General's Office has yet to comment on the case.

Shohin Samadov, a representative of the Russian-based organization Migration and Rights, believes prosecutors have no alternative but to launch a thorough investigation.

"This case involves a Tajik and a Russian citizen," Samadov says. "I think that even if they don't do anything for the Tajik citizen, they will try -- for the sake of the Russian citizen -- to bring [perpetrators] to justice. It has become a high-profile case. It is all over the Internet, and everyone in Moscow knows about it."

Officials Reluctant To Crack Down

Russian prosecutors say they opened a criminal investigation into the video's content.

But Svetlana Gannushkina, chairwoman of the Civic Assistance committee for refugees and forced migrants, tells RFE/RL's Russian Service that Russian authorities remain reluctant to crack down on racially motivated attacks.

"Every day, people tell us about similar cases," she says. "This is taking on massive proportions. And the stance of law-enforcement and judicial organs is clear -- for every such case, we have to fight to obtain a normal investigation and a sentence against [perpetrators]."

Russia has seen a surge in hate crimes in past years, most of which target people from Central Asia and the Caucasus.

According to Sova, a Russian group that monitors racially motivated crimes, 37 people have been killed so far this year in racist attacks -- a 22 percent increase over the same period last year.

Few perpetrators of hate crimes have been brought to justice, as prosecutors continue to charge most assailants with "hooliganism" -- a charge that carries relatively light sentences.

Link. (http://www.rferl.org/content/Article/1078139.html)

Russian Hate Crime: Brutal Beheading Caught on Tape, Case Solved?

By Yasha Levine

Last summer, I grossed out a bunch of my guests at a small party I had at my apartment. We watched a gruesome beheading video that was posted on the Internet that day. The video showed two masked Russian skinheads performing a ritual execution of what appeared to be two Caucasian gastarbeiters. Both were gagged and bound with ropes. One was beheaded with a long, dull knife, while the other was shot. The video was truly revolting. It took the killer a while to fully sever the head of his victim, and all the while you could see the raw fear in the man’s eyes and hear him gurgling his own blood in his trachea. It was the worst snuff footage that I had ever seen. I managed to download the video from some obscure Russian white power site up before the Russian government moved in to cleanse the net of its nauseating presence.

At the time, Russian police brushed off the video as a hoax. It sure didn’t seem that way, especially when a Dagestani family identified the beheaded man as their relative. Just imagine: your friend is browsing the Internet at your house when he stumbles upon the video and says: “Hey Abdul, isn’t that your third cousin, what’s his name. You know, the one that went to Moscow to find a job last spring? Dude, I think he got his head cut off.”

Fucking brutal.

Initially, the police wouldn’t pursue the matter, making them silent accomplices in the race crime tsunami that’s hit Russia in the past few years. But now it seems they nabbed four suspects in relation to the two murders.

Here’s what the Moscow Times had to say about it:

A senior Interior Ministry official said four suspects had been detained in connection with a horrific video showing the execution of two men that was circulated on the Internet last year.

The video, which appeared on ultranationalist web sites under the title “The Execution of a Tajik and a Dagestani,” showed two dark-skinned men kneeling, bound and gagged in front of a Nazi flag. The two men say, “Russian national-socialists have arrested us,” before masked men cut one man’s head off and shoot the other at point-blank range.

Boris Miroshnikov, head of the Interior Ministry’s hi-tech crimes department, told Rossiiskaya Gazeta in an interview published Wednesday that four suspects had been detained. He did not elaborate.

It’s still too early to tell if they’ll get a conviction, but the kid who first posted this video got one year in the slammer. So they’ll at least get two or three, maybe even four years. And by Russian standards, that’s a serious punishment.

Link. (http://exiledonline.com/russian-hate-crime-brutal-beheading-caught-on-tape-case-solved/)