View Full Version : So when is Britain going to get its colonies back?

Bobby Martnen
05-21-2018, 07:14 AM
I know that they have been temporarily allowed to have "independence" since Britain was occupied with other things, but they have demonstrated a lack of ability to self-rule effectively, so I think it's time for the British to come back and retake their colonies.

Anyone have a timescale for this?

05-21-2018, 07:25 AM
Taking back control of the islands would be too expensive, labor-intensive, and the ROI is too low for them to bother. Plus, that's not how things work nowadays.

Bobby Martnen
05-21-2018, 07:28 AM
Taking back control of the islands would be too expensive, labor-intensive, and the ROI is too low for them to bother. Plus, that's not how things work nowadays.

Giving independence to the colonies was a mistake.

05-21-2018, 07:32 AM
Giving independence to the colonies was a mistake.

The bigger mistake would be to hold on to them, because they are an economic liability.

Bobby Martnen
05-21-2018, 07:34 AM
The bigger mistake would be to hold on to them, because they are an economic liability.

But they brought prestige to Britain, and the people there do a piss-poor job of ruling themselves.

05-21-2018, 07:37 AM
But they brought prestige to Britain, and the people there do a piss-poor job of ruling themselves.

Prestige means nothing in this day and age. Economic viability is more important.

Bobby Martnen
05-21-2018, 07:41 AM
Prestige means nothing in this day and age. Economic viability is more important.

I just see the independence of the Third World as the West's greatest humiliation.

05-21-2018, 07:45 AM
I just see the independence of the Third World as the West's greatest humiliation.

Nah, ain't nobody got time for Belize....

Bobby Martnen
05-21-2018, 07:48 AM
Nah, ain't nobody got time for Belize....

But like for Britain to lose India, France to lose Algeria, Rhodesia to be destroyed.

That was humiliating for Westerners.

05-21-2018, 05:49 PM
I know that they have been temporarily allowed to have "independence" since Britain was occupied with other things, but they have demonstrated a lack of ability to self-rule effectively, so I think it's time for the British to come back and retake their colonies.

Anyone have a timescale for this?

Totally agree with you, America should be first on the list.

05-21-2018, 05:51 PM
Giving independence to the colonies was a mistake.

Which colonies?

Grace O'Malley
05-21-2018, 05:56 PM
I know that they have been temporarily allowed to have "independence" since Britain was occupied with other things, but they have demonstrated a lack of ability to self-rule effectively, so I think it's time for the British to come back and retake their colonies.

Anyone have a timescale for this?

Well if Britain doesn't sort out the Irish border they could lose Northern Ireland as well.

Brexit support plummets in Northern Ireland as 69% back remain


A new survey suggests that people in Northern Ireland want to stay within the European Union's single market and customs union.


05-21-2018, 05:58 PM
I have mixed feelings on the topic. I'm a monarchist so the founding principles of American government (including Enlightenment era liberalism) don't strongly appeal to me. I also largely still identify as a Briton despite being an American since I feel no strong connection to African Americans, Korean Americans, or even other white Americans of a different heritage than me like Russian Americans or Italian Americans. Indeed I feel a stronger connection with other Anglos/British like Aussies.

On the other hand modern Britain seems pretty shit with its politically correct insanity, so that makes me glad to have the Bill of Rights.

While I am a monarchist I'm also a Jacobite sympathizer and hence feel no strong love for the House of Windsor. Furthermore modern Britain is just another effeminate democracy so what would be the point?

Restore a good monarchy to Britain and recreate the British Empire, or at least the Anglosphere, based on some true hierarchy and traditional conservatism and I'd be on board.

Grace O'Malley
05-21-2018, 05:59 PM
Taking back control of the islands would be too expensive, labor-intensive, and the ROI is too low for them to bother. Plus, that's not how things work nowadays.

They would have no hope of Ireland again becoming part of the UK. Ireland wasn't a colony anyway. Ireland isn't even in the Commonwealth like Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

Just adding Ireland is very pro-EU unlike England. Scotland and Northern Ireland did vote to stay in the EU though so it will be interesting to see what happens down the track.

05-21-2018, 06:00 PM
We're too busy being colonised by the third world at the moment, and until we sort that out, re-colonising the third of the wrold we once had will need to be postponed for a bit.

yes I see the irony in this pot.

05-21-2018, 06:09 PM
Well if Britain doesn't sort out the Irish border they could lose Northern Ireland as well.

Brexit support plummets in Northern Ireland as 69% back remain


A new survey suggests that people in Northern Ireland want to stay within the European Union's single market and customs union.


Apparently the vote in North Ireland to rejoin Ireland has been slowly growing. They say in a decade or two the votes will be majority, should brexit (england exit) happen.
Any truth in that?

05-21-2018, 06:11 PM
The UK is a sinking ship, why on earth would any former colony wish to rejoin it? Hopefully Scotland will vote for independence and and the North of Ireland will join the republic.

05-21-2018, 06:12 PM
Which colonies?

Space colonies on Mars.

05-21-2018, 06:25 PM
Space colonies on Mars.

As red as our Redcoats, Mars is British territory.


Grace O'Malley
05-21-2018, 06:25 PM
Apparently the vote in North Ireland to rejoin Ireland has been slowly growing. They say in a decade or two the votes will be majority, should brexit (england exit) happen.
Any truth in that?

The Catholics are becoming a majority and Brexit just separated the two Irelands. No one really wants that anymore. People that don't think Northern Ireland might reunite with the rest of Ireland are in denial.

People were happy with the status quo but that was when both Britain and Ireland were in the EU and there was no border issues. Northern Ireland gets all their electricity from Eirgrid which supplied electricity to the whole of Ireland. This is owned by the Irish State. 3/4s of the land in Northern Ireland is now majority Catholic. These are just some things that a lot of people don't understand. It is not straight forward for Northern Ireland to be cut off from the rest of Ireland as 30,000 people cross the border every day. Good luck with a hard border being put in. People won't tolerate this anymore and people are delusional if they don't understand this. Most of Britain hasn't a clue about Northern Ireland.

05-21-2018, 06:29 PM
Empires don't return. They peak and then live on past glory.

05-21-2018, 06:45 PM
Empires don't return. They peak and then live on past glory.

Specific empires yes, but a particular ethnic group may have multiple empires over the course of history. A good example is the Chinese....Han Empire, Tang Empire, etc. Qing Empire if you count Manchurian rule. If you include Han domination over other groups then many other dynasties could be included. China now again seems to be a rising star and with their presence in Africa we may yet see another Chinese empire.

We Brittonic Anglo-Celts can rise again too. First step would be casting off the disease of leftism/SJW-ism and racial/ethnic self-hatred though.

05-21-2018, 07:45 PM
So much assumption that we ordinary English actually want an Empire now :p

If Northern Ireland wants to rejoin Ireland, good luck to them all. No point forcing those to stay who don’t want to. Unfortunately I can’t see it happening peacefully. Scotland will likely go soon too. Not sure what Wales wants. Might be a good thing for England just being able to focus on ourselves anyway.

Honestly I think it’s a sad shame. Uk relationships breaking up. But what can you do.

I dont want the colonies back anyway :).

05-21-2018, 10:54 PM
So much assumption that we ordinary English actually want an Empire now :p

If Northern Ireland wants to rejoin Ireland, good luck to them all. No point forcing those to stay who don’t want to. Unfortunately I can’t see it happening peacefully. Scotland will likely go soon too. Not sure what Wales wants. Might be a good thing for England just being able to focus on ourselves anyway.

Honestly I think it’s a sad shame. Uk relationships breaking up. But what can you do.

I dont want the colonies back anyway :).

I actually think that in the event of Scottish independence and Irish reunification that the relationship between the Isles nations will improve, there will be far less resentment on all sides.

It will be about redefining our relationships rather than braking them.

05-21-2018, 11:07 PM
all colonies go back to mother if they agree - I think they would

Armenian Bishop
05-21-2018, 11:09 PM
It's too bad that Britain surrendered Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China.

Grace O'Malley
05-22-2018, 01:18 AM
So much assumption that we ordinary English actually want an Empire now :p

If Northern Ireland wants to rejoin Ireland, good luck to them all. No point forcing those to stay who don’t want to. Unfortunately I can’t see it happening peacefully. Scotland will likely go soon too. Not sure what Wales wants. Might be a good thing for England just being able to focus on ourselves anyway.

Honestly I think it’s a sad shame. Uk relationships breaking up. But what can you do.

I dont want the colonies back anyway :).

England voted for a hard Brexit though. It doesn't suit some other parts of the UK. That's why people are now reassessing their future. A hard Brexit is a big headache for the whole island of Ireland.

05-22-2018, 01:30 AM
So much assumption that we ordinary English actually want an Empire now :p

If Northern Ireland wants to rejoin Ireland, good luck to them all. No point forcing those to stay who don’t want to. Unfortunately I can’t see it happening peacefully. Scotland will likely go soon too. Not sure what Wales wants. Might be a good thing for England just being able to focus on ourselves anyway.

Honestly I think it’s a sad shame. Uk relationships breaking up. But what can you do.

I dont want the colonies back anyway :).

I sense too much hostility from Scots and possibly also Welsh(no need to mention the Irish...) towards England and English people nowadays like if it's the 1700s or something, I too think UK will fall and I wish all the best for England.

Bobby Martnen
05-22-2018, 02:44 AM
Which colonies?

African and Asian ones.

05-22-2018, 02:47 AM
African and Asian ones.

It isn't cost effective. Just engage in trade in various ways.

05-22-2018, 02:49 AM
Well if Britain doesn't sort out the Irish border they could lose Northern Ireland as well.

Brexit support plummets in Northern Ireland as 69% back remain


A new survey suggests that people in Northern Ireland want to stay within the European Union's single market and customs union.

In what scenario? The EU would have to support an ethnic insurgency basically and it didn't turn out well the last time.

Bobby Martnen
05-22-2018, 02:50 AM
It isn't cost effective. Just engage in trade in various ways.

It was better culturally for third worlders to be Westernized and colonized.

05-22-2018, 03:11 AM
It was better culturally for third worlders to be Westernized and colonized.

They wanna be, good enough for me.

Grace O'Malley
05-22-2018, 10:50 AM
In what scenario? The EU would have to support an ethnic insurgency basically and it didn't turn out well the last time.

Ever hear of the Good Friday Agreement? A majority has to vote on a united Ireland. The Irish Republic would also have to vote if people in the North decided they wanted a united Ireland. It would all be democratically done. Both parts of Ireland would decide so nothing more fairer than that.

The Irish in the Republic get more a say than most other nations. The constitution can't be changed unless it is put to the people.

05-22-2018, 10:59 AM
African and Asian ones.

Good Luck.


05-22-2018, 12:33 PM
Scots and Irish nationalists should not underestimate that there are people in Scotland and northern Ireland who aren't pro British but just don't want hassle in their life.

Some of us Scots might want our place in the world again and the Irish dream about uniting Ireland back to what it was. But we live in a liberalised materialistic age where some don't want to risk that.

It might not happen.

Grace O'Malley
05-23-2018, 12:30 PM
Scots and Irish nationalists should not underestimate that there are people in Scotland and northern Ireland who aren't pro British but just don't want hassle in their life.

Some of us Scots might want our place in the world again and the Irish dream about uniting Ireland back to what it was. But we live in a liberalised materialistic age where some don't want to risk that.

It might not happen.

There is some truth is what you say but Brexit and a border in Ireland creates hassle for a lot of people. The fact that there is a possibility of a border is the reason why people are evaluating whether it would be better to be part of one Ireland in the EU or outside the EU as British but with a border. The majority of people want to remain in the EU and have no border. If Britain remained in the EU with Ireland people would be happy with the status quo.

05-23-2018, 01:17 PM
There is some truth is what you say but Brexit and a border in Ireland creates hassle for a lot of people. The fact that there is a possibility of a border is the reason why people are evaluating whether it would be better to be part of one Ireland in the EU or outside the EU as British but with a border. The majority of people want to remain in the EU and have no border. If Britain remained in the EU with Ireland people would be happy with the status quo.

A hard border would be a crazy solution, a smarter Ulster Unionist would realise that too.

05-23-2018, 01:31 PM
The UK is a sinking ship, why on earth would any former colony wish to rejoin it? Hopefully Scotland will vote for independence and and the North of Ireland will join the republic.

I support Irish unification, but is the dissolution of the UK really such a good idea?


05-23-2018, 01:50 PM
I support Irish unification, but is the dissolution of the UK really such a good idea?

THE UK is lopsided to England where everything is in London and British culture is English culture, that's the reputation. The UK is a continuation of England in everything but name and a few more seats in Parliament. It will still be the same thing afterwords too.

edit: the video is not available here. I tried to listen.

05-23-2018, 01:58 PM
Scots and Irish nationalists should not underestimate that there are people in Scotland and northern Ireland who aren't pro British but just don't want hassle in their life.

Some of us Scots might want our place in the world again and the Irish dream about uniting Ireland back to what it was. But we live in a liberalised materialistic age where some don't want to risk that.

It might not happen.

I don't think anyone in Scotland takes it for granted that we would win a referendum, especially when we have the full force of the British state and their msm lackeys against us. I think it was actually quite an achievement to get 45% yes last time considering the sheer volume of unionist propaganda coming from the BBC and msm.

The last poll had support for independence at 48% so it's not inconceivable that we could win, but I do see a number of problems they could have in maximising the yes vote. In my opinion the SNP and the wider yes movement has to do better than last time at educating people about the benefits of independence rather than being on the back foot all the time, they also have to reach out to people that are more to the centre and right politically, the yes movement is too tied to SNP politics and feels like it is an exclusively leftist movement, thus probably excluding quite a few potential yes voters. Neither should it be tied to EU membership as we seen last time that the EU would not give us any clarity whether we would still be members after independence. I also think a referendum on EU or EFTA membership should follow independence as not to turn off independence supporters that are pro-Brexit. Currency is also another big issue and I do think the SNP are on the right track if on Friday they do propose that we use our own currency as is being suggested

We definitely have a better chance this time than we did last time, the announcement of EVEL the day after the indyref was a slap in the face of No voters, and people can see that the promises made in the vow were a lie and then there's the attack on devolution as well as the clusterfuck that is Brexit, while there are some issues to address I do think we have a very good chance of winning this time, but we won't know unless we try.

♥ Lily ♥
05-23-2018, 02:03 PM
2:17 - 2:55 :cool:

'You don't show your British passport to officials;- you slap them aside with it! Out of my way, Johnny Foreigner;- it's British - that's all you need to know.'

'Reason for visiting?'

'Imperialism, ok!' :lmao


On a serious note though, I don't think people want us taking over their lands again. It's in the past now.

05-23-2018, 02:04 PM
I support Irish unification, but is the dissolution of the UK really such a good idea?


Yes from a Scottish perspective it's a very good idea, as Graham say's it's very one sided, what England wants England gets,we have a situation where we have a government we didn't vote for for the last 10 years, and a Brexit we didn't vote for. And now the Tories are doing their best to undermine the devolution settlement, I'm not sure why people in other countries seem to think Scotland should put up with stuff they wouldn't even contemplate putting up with themselves.

Grace O'Malley
05-23-2018, 02:08 PM
A hard border would be a crazy solution, a smarter Ulster Unionist would realise that too.

I don't think anyone wants a hard border. Britain says they don't want it but they have offered no solution as to how this is going to be achieved. The only way to not have a hard border is if Britain stays in the Custom's Union or Northern Ireland does. Britain voted that they want out of the EU and also the Custom's Union. Northern Ireland could be given a special designation and still be in the EU (and also in the UK) but there would have to be some sort of border in the Irish Sea. The DUP doesn't want any differentiation between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. If no deal is reached with the EU Britain will not have a trade deal and WTO rules will then come in and that means a hard border.

Not sure what the solution is. The DUP are stupid and going against the majority of Northern Irish. Really Northern Ireland would get a terrific deal if they still retained some sort of special EU status while still remaining part of the UK.

Other parts of the UK (including Nicola Sturgeon) said that if Northern Ireland gets a special EU deal than other parts of the UK want it as well but it would only happen with Northern Ireland because of the Irish border situation.

I really haven't a clue how this is all going to play out because things keep changing.

Anti-Brexit parties have come together to insist the DUP does not represent the majority view in Northern Ireland.

In a rare move, leaders of Sinn Féin, the SDLP, the Alliance Party and Green Party presented a united front at Stormont in calling for the UK to remain in the EU's single market and customs union structures post-Brexit.


Can't see anyway out of this unless all the UK remains in the Custom's Union which sort of defeats the purpose of Brexit in the first place. UK would still have to follow EU rules but have no say in the EU. Sometimes I wonder how much people know about this topic? I'll never understand how the UK voted out of the EU. I think it was delusional.

05-23-2018, 02:11 PM
I'll try and not moan too much more now on this thread. :D Royal thing brought it back out and I suspect a few others.
#postive #thinkpostive #positive #relax

05-23-2018, 02:16 PM
I'll try and not moan too much more now on this thread. :D Royal thing brought it back out and I suspect a few others.
#postive #thinkpostive #positive #relax

Oh yes! thanks for reminding me! a referendum on the Royals should also be a priority come independence.

The Republic of Scotland has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

♥ Lily ♥
05-23-2018, 02:17 PM
Hong Kong was on a lease to Great Britain. When the lease of HK expired, the British kept their side of the agreement and handed HK back to China on the due date. Hong-Kongers were upset as it meant losing their passports and their British HK identity overnight.

But if the UK didn't hand HK back on the due date when the lease expired, then the Chinese military could've walked into HK and taken over HK very easily within a day or even a matter of hours - and there was no way that the British would take-on the Chinese military.

There were some tears during the handover ceremony of HK when Prince Charles and UK government officials and leaders attended the event, and Prince Charles looked tearful when the UK flag was lowered and taken-down, and the Chinese flag was lifted and raised by the Chinese military troops during the handover ceremony of HK being given back to China.

China has now become a rising superpower over the last decade, and India (formerly part of the British Empire) is also a rising superpower today. The US is also a superpower.


HK was a major industrial and financial and business centre under the British rule. Today HK is the world's third largest financial centre, after London and NY. Victoria Harbour still has the 'Symphony of Lights' every evening over their skyscrapers.


A poll showed that 92% of Hong-Kongers want to return to British rule. I don't understand why they don't just ask to be independent (from both the UK and China,) instead of wanting to return to British rule, if they're not happy with being Chinese.


Hong-Kongers constantly complain about the behaviour of mainland Chinese people, (they accuse the mainlanders of being loud and rude, insulting the Hong Kongers, pooping on the streets, etc.) I know there's a lot of video complaints from other nations about loud Chinese tourists and CCTV video-footage of them defecating in elevators, on the streets, etc, and public signs have been put up asking them to not poop in elevators, etc.



The mainland Chinese culture is different to the Hong-Kongers. In HK they had double-decker buses, red telephone boxes, high court judges and barristers wearing traditional white wigs on their heads like British judges and barristers also wear on their heads in UK courts.


Most of the Chinatowns in Western nations actually consists of ex Hong-Kongers who want to live in Western nations.

India was known as 'The Jewel of the British Empire' and it was ruled over by the German-descent Empress Victoria of India.

India they gained their independence in a peaceful way (without guns or fighting in wars) - but through peaceful protests led by Gandhi. Millions of Indian people sat down and stopped working for the British in peaceful nationwide strikes.

Every year, 1.2 billion Indians celebrate their Independence Day, but more people worldwide celebrate 4th July than they care for India's Independence Day. I find that strange.

Canadians are still 'subjects of Her Majesty, the Queen'. I'd rather be a citizen than a 'subject of the Queen'. Her Majesty always addresses the people of the Commonwealth Nations as 'My subjects' in speeches.

There's even a prison sentence in the UK, known as 'At Her Majesty's Pleasure'... which means inmates with this sentence are not given a release date and will never be released from Her Majesty's Prisons unless the Queen personally gives her consent and permission for the prisoner's release, or unless the Monarch pass away and a new Monarch overtakes the throne.


05-23-2018, 02:41 PM
Weren't most of the "nationalists" supporting independence for Scotland trying to increase immigration from third world countries as well? Wonder what's going on with that.

05-23-2018, 02:50 PM
Weren't most of the "nationalists" supporting independence for Scotland trying to increase immigration from third world countries as well? Wonder what's going on with that.

Hahaha... Oh come on mate, you're expecting to be taken seriously when get your "news" from the express.

05-23-2018, 03:33 PM
I actually think that in the event of Scottish independence and Irish reunification that the relationship between the Isles nations will improve, there will be far less resentment on all sides.

It will be about redefining our relationships rather than braking them.

My Scottish nationalist boyfriend argues the same :). Sometimes the Irish will support England at football, whereas the Scottish never would.

I think the bad feeling might come from the English after going through another Scottish referendum campaign. It’s quite depressing keep being told how crap your country is and how Scotland needs to escape it, having all your weaknesses pointed out while no one actually wants to help fix them but just ditch you. Some posts in this thread show examples of this.

05-23-2018, 03:40 PM
My Scottish nationalist boyfriend argues the same :). Sometimes the Irish will support England at football, whereas the Scottish never would.

I think the bad feeling might come from the English after going through another Scottish referendum campaign. It’s quite depressing keep being told how crap your country is and how Scotland needs to escape it, having all your weaknesses pointed out while no one actually wants to help fix them but just ditch you. Some posts in this thread show examples of this.

oh oh, i've been caught. Yeah I'm pretty annoying offline and online. Sorry, peace. :P

Thanas Django
05-23-2018, 03:54 PM
It was better culturally for third worlders to be Westernized and colonized.

Source? Reasoning?

05-23-2018, 04:03 PM
i could see getting guyana n belize back if u roll the dice far and often enough
its like the falklands

Grace O'Malley
05-23-2018, 04:16 PM
My Scottish nationalist boyfriend argues the same :). Sometimes the Irish will support England at football, whereas the Scottish never would.

I think the bad feeling might come from the English after going through another Scottish referendum campaign. It’s quite depressing keep being told how crap your country is and how Scotland needs to escape it, having all your weaknesses pointed out while no one actually wants to help fix them but just ditch you. Some posts in this thread show examples of this.

LOL! There must be some interesting discussions going on between you two.

I think one of the problems is representation. Look at the Brexit vote for example. Scotland and NI voted to remain in the EU but because of the much larger English vote their choice is over-ridden. I mean people complain about the EU but smaller countries have a big say and also countries have a veto on a lot of things. I like the English and have so many English friends but they know very little about places like Northern Ireland. People also might have different ideas of what is best for them but people voting Brexit don't appear to have given any thought to what that does for a place like Northern Ireland. Why? Because they don't really care or understand the repercussions.

It possibly shows how distant some people are to what happens in another part of the UK. Perhaps that is one of the problems of the UK.

05-23-2018, 04:25 PM
Hahaha... Oh come on mate, you're expecting to be taken seriously when get your "news" from the express.

"It doesn't count because I don't like the news source"
The parties billing themselves as being for independence all openly do this. Look at the communists in Sinn Fein.

05-23-2018, 04:32 PM

05-23-2018, 09:47 PM
LOL! There must be some interesting discussions going on between you two.

I think one of the problems is representation. Look at the Brexit vote for example. Scotland and NI voted to remain in the EU but because of the much larger English vote their choice is over-ridden. I mean people complain about the EU but smaller countries have a big say and also countries have a veto on a lot of things. I like the English and have so many English friends but they know very little about places like Northern Ireland. People also might have different ideas of what is best for them but people voting Brexit don't appear to have given any thought to what that does for a place like Northern Ireland. Why? Because they don't really care or understand the repercussions.

It possibly shows how distant some people are to what happens in another part of the UK. Perhaps that is one of the problems of the UK.

Yes :P

I know Scots, the Welsh and Northern Irish don’t like being compared to an English region, and I get that, but not all areas of England voted for Brexit either. I think for the Uk to work better we’d need more federalism, with England divided into regions so each area of the UK has a similar population/power.

One thing I wonder is if Scots were told that for some reason them leaving the UK might destabilise Northern Ireland and cause more unrest there, would pro independence Scots put aside their own desires and ambitions to keep the peace in Ireland as the English are expected to? Or is their cause considered more noble so they wouldn’t be judged for following their desires despite the potential consequences to others? Or would they just consider it not their problem because Northern Ireland would no longer be part of their country, unlike with England and NI, so who cares about any mess left behind?

I agree that it is a shame that England and Wales can pull Scotland and Northern Ireland out of the EU against their will, and ideally it would be fairer, perhaps with federalism. But each person in the UK gets one vote, no matter their nationality, and is it fair to expect an individual English fisherman in Cornwall to vote less self-interestedly than we’d expect a Scot in Shetland to?

People generally vote for what they think is best for them and their local environment. I think people in all countries did that, and I don’t think individual Englishmen were any more self focused than the other nations.

I hope we can settle the Irish border issue soon.

Bobby Martnen
05-23-2018, 10:51 PM
Source? Reasoning?

Cyprus is one of the British colonies I was glad to see granted independence, though. Cypriots are civilized. Third World Tribesmen are not.

05-23-2018, 10:59 PM
Cyprus is one of the British colonies I was glad to see granted independence, though. Cypriots are civilized. Third World Tribesmen are not.

Unfortunately thats the only colony Great Britain would be able to take back. Cyprus may be civilized, but the Indians and other Third World tribesmen have very powerful militaries, and nuclear warheads as well.

Bobby Martnen
05-23-2018, 11:03 PM
Unfortunately thats the only colony Great Britain would be able to take back. Cyprus may be civilized, but the Indians and other Third World tribesmen have very powerful militaries, and nuclear warheads as well.

Indians aren't third world tribesmen. I was talking about like Bantus and Sudanese.

Grace O'Malley
05-24-2018, 04:12 AM
Yes :P

One thing I wonder is if Scots were told that for some reason them leaving the UK might destabilise Northern Ireland and cause more unrest there, would pro independence Scots put aside their own desires and ambitions to keep the peace in Ireland as the English are expected to? Or is their cause considered more noble so they wouldn’t be judged for following their desires despite the potential consequences to others? Or would they just consider it not their problem because Northern Ireland would no longer be part of their country, unlike with England and NI, so who cares about any mess left behind?

Your comment above highlights the problem with the UK. Different areas have different needs. Northern Ireland has different problems to England and if they have different desires and needs this has been highlighted by the Brexit vote. This is why people in Northern Ireland are contemplating where their future should lie. England will always have the power and influence and with Northern Ireland being part of the UK what English voters decide also has a flow on effect in the rest of Ireland.

Why would Scots voting for independence destabilise Northern Ireland? What could destabilise Northern Ireland is a hard border because it brings back all the problems of the past with the partition of Ireland. While in the EU the border is invisible and there is a lot of cross country cooperation. People in the border areas cross freely all the time. Some Northern Irish go to work in the Republic and live in Northern Ireland. People shop and do business on both sides of the border. In places like Donegal the closest hospital is in Derry. It's much more complicated for people in Northern Ireland with Brexit but because they are part of the UK what England wants trumps what they want. Brexit is a mess for the UK.

If people want the UK to work surely everyone should be looking at the whole of the UK? If there is such a conflict of interest in different parts of the UK then Brexit is just highlighting this and while Brexit might suit the English fisherman in Cornwall it is a disaster for businesses and farms in the border areas in both parts of Ireland.

A total of 69% would favour Remain if there was another referendum compared to 56% at the vote two years ago, the UK In A Changing Europe project said.

Catholics were much more likely to support a united Ireland if there was a "hard exit" in which the UK left the customs union and single market.

28% of Catholics would vote for a united Ireland if the UK changed its mind and remained in the EU while 53% of Catholics would vote for a united Ireland if there was a hard exit in which the UK left the customs union and single market.


05-24-2018, 05:52 AM
Your comment above highlights the problem with the UK. Different areas have different needs. Northern Ireland has different problems to England and if they have different desires and needs this has been highlighted by the Brexit vote. This is why people in Northern Ireland are contemplating where their future should lie. England will always have the power and influence and with Northern Ireland being part of the UK what English voters decide also has a flow on effect in the rest of Ireland.

If people want the UK to work surely everyone should be looking at the whole of the UK? If there is such a conflict of interest in different parts of the UK then Brexit is just highlighting this and while Brexit might suit the English fisherman in Cornwall it is a disaster for businesses and farms in the border areas in both parts of Ireland.

This is why I suggested a federal uk as a possible solution, where England is broken into regions to even out the sizes and power. I would also say that even within a small country different groups have different needs, and we have to stop breaking up countries somewhere. There were parts of Northern Ireland who voted majority leave EU too. They were only 55.8% remain.

Why would Scots voting for independence destabilise Northern Ireland? What could destabilise Northern Ireland is a hard border because it brings back all the problems of the past with the partition of Ireland. While in the EU the border is invisible and there is a lot of cross country cooperation. People in the border areas cross freely all the time. Some Northern Irish go to work in the Republic and live in Northern Ireland. People shop and do business on both sides of the border. In places like Donegal the closest hospital is in Derry. It's much more complicated for people in Northern Ireland with Brexit but because they are part of the UK what England wants trumps what they want. Brexit is a mess for the UK.

I was talking hypothetically, wondering whether under those circumstances the same judgements people have of the English who wanted to the leave the Eu would also apply to Scots who want to leave the uk.

I know about the border issues, I honestly don’t know what the best solution is. If Northern Ireland wanted a vote to join Ireland it would be understandable. The only thing is you’d only shift the hard border to between the two islands, and there are some on the other side who would be massively against that and could cause problems. But if they felt joining Ireland would help keep the peace then go for it.

As much as I’d like the uk to stay together, if the majority of people in any part of it wanted to leave then I have zilch desire for them to stay against their wishes.

Btw, post brexit the English are far more aware of the issues than you may think- it’s on the news a lot, programmes about it etc.

05-24-2018, 06:02 AM
I know that they have been temporarily allowed to have "independence" since Britain was occupied with other things, but they have demonstrated a lack of ability to self-rule effectively, so I think it's time for the British to come back and retake their colonies.

Anyone have a timescale for this?Please take back Indian so they can learn to be civilized from the british. They haven't been colonized long enough! Thank you. ~ World

Grace O'Malley
05-24-2018, 08:26 AM
This is why I suggested a federal uk as a possible solution, where England is broken into regions to even out the sizes and power. I would also say that even within a small country different groups have different needs, and we have to stop breaking up countries somewhere. There were parts of Northern Ireland who voted majority leave EU too. They were only 55.8% remain.

I was talking hypothetically, wondering whether under those circumstances the same judgements people have of the English who wanted to the leave the Eu would also apply to Scots who want to leave the uk.

I know about the border issues, I honestly don’t know what the best solution is. If Northern Ireland wanted a vote to join Ireland it would be understandable. The only thing is you’d only shift the hard border to between the two islands, and there are some on the other side who would be massively against that and could cause problems. But if they felt joining Ireland would help keep the peace then go for it.

As much as I’d like the uk to stay together, if the majority of people in any part of it wanted to leave then I have zilch desire for them to stay against their wishes.

Btw, post brexit the English are far more aware of the issues than you may think- it’s on the news a lot, programmes about it etc.

A federal UK would help but not in situations like Brexit. I think if the border issue can be solved that will alleviate a lot of the concerns but I'm stumped on how they will do this as no one appears to be agreeing on anything. Regarding Northern Ireland still majority voted to stay and that is the main thing. There is also a rise in people now that would vote to stay. I wonder if the situation has changed in Britain re Brexit?

If UK leaves the Custom's Union they will be the only country in that part of the world not in the Custom's Union or the EU. I don't understand it myself. You are cutting yourself off from a lot of trade with your closest neighbours and increasing a lot of red tape. It will be interesting to see if that does eventuate. If it does I can see it giving impetus to places like Northern Ireland and Scotland wanting to break away from the UK. I really think the best thing that the UK could do is continue in the Custom's Union but then why bother leaving the EU in the first place?

05-24-2018, 01:48 PM
A federal UK would help but not in situations like Brexit. I think if the border issue can be solved that will alleviate a lot of the concerns but I'm stumped on how they will do this as no one appears to be agreeing on anything. Regarding Northern Ireland still majority voted to stay and that is the main thing. There is also a rise in people now that would vote to stay. I wonder if the situation has changed in Britain re Brexit?

If UK leaves the Custom's Union they will be the only country in that part of the world not in the Custom's Union or the EU. I don't understand it myself. You are cutting yourself off from a lot of trade with your closest neighbours and increasing a lot of red tape. It will be interesting to see if that does eventuate. If it does I can see it giving impetus to places like Northern Ireland and Scotland wanting to break away from the UK. I really think the best thing that the UK could do is continue in the Custom's Union but then why bother leaving the EU in the first place?

Would things remaining status quo, at least politically,be that catastrophic?
What you're describing is politics as usual in the US.

05-24-2018, 01:51 PM
I know that they have been temporarily allowed to have "independence" since Britain was occupied with other things, but they have demonstrated a lack of ability to self-rule effectively, so I think it's time for the British to come back and retake their colonies.

Anyone have a timescale for this?

Dude Birtain is already a colony of Israel and the Jews for houndred of years, the fact that you dont know it shows exactly why thats the case.

You Anglos are sheeps.

05-24-2018, 05:32 PM
Dude Birtain is already a colony of Israel and the Jews for houndred of years, the fact that you dont know it shows exactly why thats the case.

You Anglos are sheeps.

He's not Anglo you dumb kraut

Bobby Martnen
05-24-2018, 05:50 PM
He's not Anglo you dumb kraut

Yes, I am.

05-24-2018, 05:55 PM
Yes, I am.

Fuck off retard. You have no English ancestry. You're an imposter.
No Anglo would whine about the Irish. You aren't one politically even.

Bobby Martnen
05-24-2018, 09:53 PM
Fuck off retard. You have no English ancestry. You're an imposter.
No Anglo would whine about the Irish. You aren't one politically even.

I found an English great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother in my family tree

05-24-2018, 10:11 PM
you're not anglo

05-24-2018, 10:21 PM
A federal UK would help but not in situations like Brexit. I think if the border issue can be solved that will alleviate a lot of the concerns but I'm stumped on how they will do this as no one appears to be agreeing on anything. Regarding Northern Ireland still majority voted to stay and that is the main thing. There is also a rise in people now that would vote to stay. I wonder if the situation has changed in Britain re Brexit?

If UK leaves the Custom's Union they will be the only country in that part of the world not in the Custom's Union or the EU. I don't understand it myself. You are cutting yourself off from a lot of trade with your closest neighbours and increasing a lot of red tape. It will be interesting to see if that does eventuate. If it does I can see it giving impetus to places like Northern Ireland and Scotland wanting to break away from the UK. I really think the best thing that the UK could do is continue in the Custom's Union but then why bother leaving the EU in the first place?

Australia and NZ paid a heavy price when Britain joined the EEC but both nations are stronger than ever.

The fear that the UK will suffer heavily is little more than scaremongering. A recession as the nation re-balances its economy is a strong possibility but Germany will not want to lose sales in the UK either.

There will be a fair arrangement met and life will go on. The UK can still play cards many on the continent can't. Its old colonies are still in the fold.

All this talk of a breakup needs to be closed down.

Bobby Martnen
05-24-2018, 11:06 PM
you're not anglo

Everyone's an Anglo
If you wanna be

Grace O'Malley
05-25-2018, 06:18 AM
Australia and NZ paid a heavy price when Britain joined the EEC but both nations are stronger than ever.

The fear that the UK will suffer heavily is little more than scaremongering. A recession as the nation re-balances its economy is a strong possibility but Germany will not want to lose sales in the UK either.

There will be a fair arrangement met and life will go on. The UK can still play cards many on the continent can't. Its old colonies are still in the fold.

All this talk of a breakup needs to be closed down.

Yes but Australia and NZ are in the Asia/Pacific region. Most of their trade is with Asian countries. Britain is in Europe.

Grace O'Malley
05-25-2018, 06:20 AM
Would things remaining status quo, at least politically,be that catastrophic?
What you're describing is politics as usual in the US.

It would be better if things remained status quo but with Brexit that isn't going to happen.

05-25-2018, 07:11 PM
Everyone's an Anglo
If you wanna be

Speak English, say cheers and drive on the left side

05-28-2018, 02:37 AM

First, Tommy Robinson needs to be freed. He had the misfortune to love his country.

05-28-2018, 08:24 AM
Yeah. When is Britain going to get the USA back?

Bobby Martnen
05-28-2018, 07:37 PM
Yeah. When is Britain going to get the USA back?

Not the USA. I was talking places that have massively degenerated since the British left.