View Full Version : Berlusconisierung a'la Pravda

03-04-2011, 09:53 PM

Suomalainen ruoka sai torstaina vuolaat kehut Italian pääministeriltä Silvio Berlusconilta.

"Se oli herkullista", hän sanoi EPP-kokouksessa tarjotusta illallisesta. Erityisesti hän kiitteli päivällisellä tarjottua vähärasvaista poroa.

Kokousvieraat söivät Helsingissä illallisen, johon kuului muun muassa jänisrilletteä tattikreemillä, merilohitartaria, grillattua poronfilettä, juustoja Suomesta ja Ranskasta sekä suklaakakkua.

Berlusconi on moittinut suomalaista ruokaa pariinkin otteeseen.

Myös italialainen EU-komissaari Antonio Tajani kertoi perjantaina nauttivansa suomalaisista herkuista.

"Poronpihvi", Tajani nimesi suomalaisen suosikkinsa hetken miettimisen jälkeen.

Italialaiskomissaari kertoi pitäneensä jopa ateriasta, jonka hän söi eilen Finnairin lennolla Pariisista Helsinkiin.

"Nautin oikein paljon Finnairin antimista", Tajani kehui.

Mutta voiko suomalaisista tulla ikinä keittiössä yhtä hyviä kuin italialaisista?

"Miksipä ei", Tajani sanoi.

Italialaisia saattoi pistää silmään se, että yksikään illallisilla tarjoilluista viidestä viinistä ei ollut Italiasta.

Pravda. (http://www.hs.fi/politiikka/artikkeli/Berlusconi+kehui+suomalaista+poroa/1135264284286)

No nyt voimme kai kaikki kollektiivisesti huokaista helpotuksesta, että sitä "taas saa hävetä" -mölinää ei tällä kerralla kuulukaan, kun itse Berlu antoi lopultakin armon suomalaiselle keittiölle.

Niin ja koska safkat ja brenkut maksoi EPP ja matkat osallistujien lähestystöt, tämä Käteis-Jykän kampanjanavaus ei siis maksanut mitään meille, eiks niin? No ei ihan:

Kokous vaatii arviolta 300 poliisin minimissään kahden vuoron työpanoksen sekä luonnollisesti heitä korvaavan poliisityön, joka arvioidaan todella varovaisesti puoleksi edellä mainitusta työmäärästä. Yhteensä se tekee veronmaksajille kustannuksina noin 260 tuhatta euroa. Tätä kirjoittaessani ulkona pörrää kolme kokousta valvovaa helikopteria. Lentotunneiksi muutettuna kahden päivän ajalle arvio voisi olla 30 tuntia ilmavalvontaa. Helikopterin varovainen tuntihinta lentotunneilta on 5000 euroa (se vaihtelee 5000-20000 euron välillä). Tästä tulee euroja 150 000. Yhteensä Kataisen vaalikampanjan avausta veronmaksajat tukivat siis noin 410 tuhannella eurolla.


Täytyy kuitenkin muistaa kaksi asiaa.

Summa on vielä säälittävän pieni siihen verrattuna, mihin maksuihin Jyrki sitoutuu kuluvan illan aikana. Olisiko minimissään kaksi miljardia suomalaisten rahaa, joka käytetään Kreikan, Irlannin ja Portugalin lisätukemiseen?

Toinen asia on lohduttavampi. Puolen miljoonan euron laskun onneksi maksavat luultavasti japanilaiset aivan kuten korotetun arvonlisäveronkin osalta tulee käymään. Mitähän pahaa ne japanilaiset ovat Jyrkille oikein tehneet?

Octavius (http://octavius1.wordpress.com/2011/03/04/laskuharjoitus-ja-helikopterit/).

03-04-2011, 09:58 PM
Could I have a fast summary about the article? I do not know finnish but I would like to know what the sleazy man has to do with finland.

03-04-2011, 10:04 PM
He was here for an electoral campaign opening event (disguised as a meeting of the European People's Party (http://www.epp.eu/)) for Jyrki Katainen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyrki_Katainen), the current minister of finances, possibly (God forbid) prime minister after the election.

Apparently he liked the reindeer steak served during the dinner. :rolleyes:

Some Italians living in Finland share your low opinion of him btw:


Here (http://www.yle.fi/uutiset/news/2011/03/epp_leaders_gather_in_helsinki_2407220.html) is an English article about the meeting.

03-04-2011, 10:08 PM
Many thanks!
I am glad to see that even in finland there are italians opposing him.

Jyrki Katainen is he really that bad?

03-04-2011, 10:11 PM
He was here for an electoral campaign opening event (disguised as a meeting of the European People's Party (http://www.epp.eu/)) for Jyrki Katainen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyrki_Katainen), the current minister of finances, possibly (God forbid) prime minister after the election.

Apparently he liked the reindeer steak served during the dinner. :rolleyes:

Some Italians living in Finland share your low opinion of him btw:


Here (http://www.yle.fi/uutiset/news/2011/03/epp_leaders_gather_in_helsinki_2407220.html) is an English article about the meeting.

I've always said that the best of Italy lives abroad. I agree with Bard's opinion about the sleazy dwarf Berluskaiser.

03-04-2011, 10:12 PM
Many thanks!
I am glad to see that even in finland there are italians opposing him.

Jyrki Katainen is he really that bad?

On this forum all the Italians hate Berluska, except San Galgano. I ask myself how does he win the elections.

03-04-2011, 10:13 PM
Many thanks!
I am glad to see that even in finland there are italians opposing him.

Jyrki Katainen is he really that bad?

Well, I think so. He's driving this country deeper and deeper into debt, while distributing our (borrowed) money around the €urozone, with basically no guarantees we'll get paid back.

03-04-2011, 10:22 PM
Well, I think so. He's driving this country deeper and deeper into debt, while distributing our (borrowed) money around the €urozone, with basically no guarantees we'll get paid back.

I understand your point.
I am glad to see that you are helping us (italy is one of the piigs or gipsi, the economically weak countries) but if I was in you I would probably be discontent just like you right now.

@veleda: I do not know what to answer, I suppose that he just preys on the weak, exploiting demagogy and misinformation he is able to push ignorant people to vote for him.

03-04-2011, 10:28 PM
I understand your point.
I am glad to see that you are helping us (italy is one of the piigs or gipsi, the economically weak countries) but if I was in you I would probably be discontent just like you right now.

@veleda: I do not know what to answer, I suppose that he just preys on the weak, exploiting demagogy and misinformation he is able to push ignorant people to vote for him.

Have you heard that he wants to alternate all the left-oriented TV hosts in the political debates programs? ONLY in the programs who are left oriented.
He manipulates the information. I ask myself why the other Italians don't understand this. It's frustrating. Do we live in a country of idiots? :eek:
People who vote him often don't have arguments in favour of why they vote him, they just say that there's none better at the moment.
And Lega Nord kills the brain and the culture of Northern Italians with the most ridicolous stories I have ever heard.

03-04-2011, 10:36 PM
Have you heard that he wants to alternate all the left-oriented TV hosts in the political debates programs? ONLY in the programs who are left oriented.
He manipulates the information. I ask myself why the other Italians don't understand this. It's frustrating. Do we live in a country of idiots? :eek:
People who vote him often don't have arguments in favour of why they vote him, they just say that there's none better at the moment.
And Lega Nord kills the brain and the culture of Northern Italians with the most ridicolous stories I have ever heard.
I cannot but agree on everything.
By the way he is going to stand a trial very soon, on the 8th of march (for the rubygate), then he should have other 2 or 3 trials but he is doing his best to elude them.

03-04-2011, 11:29 PM
i'm not surprised

berlusconi speaking about Finland some times ago (he caused a diplomatic crisis with finland )

On this forum all the Italians hate Berluska, except San Galgano. I ask myself how does he win the elections.

the typical berlusconi's electors are
35% people with more of 60 years old

22,8% housewives

52,8% people with no level of education, or only elementary education
only 3,2% of graduated people vote for him

so we can claim that only analphabets and old people affected from senile dementia vote for him :D

03-04-2011, 11:34 PM
i'm not surprised

berlusconi speaking about Finland some times ago (he caused a diplomatic crisis with finland )

the typical berlusconi's electors are
35% people with more of 60 years old

22,8% housewives

52,8% people with no level of education, or only elementary education
only 3,2% of graduated people vote for him

so we can claim that only analphabets and old people affected from senile dementia vote for him :D

Yeah it was also my ipothesy that mostly elders voted for him and young people with a very low level of education or the rare people who really have interest in what Berlusconi promises (industrials, bankarians, etc.).
Neverthless the situation is becoming alarming.
Italy is for the most a country made by elders and these soft heads are devasting the future of our youngs.

03-04-2011, 11:38 PM
Anyway you forgot this:


Sometime I'd like to bury the head under the ground like a ostrich. To don't mention when he made Angela Merkel wait becouse he had to speak at the mobile phone. In that occasion I and my mother looked each others and at the same time we exclaimed : <<He should speak with one of his whores to make the Merkel wait! >> and I think that most Italy was thinking the same too.

03-04-2011, 11:43 PM
Yeah it was also my ipothesy that mostly elders voted for him and young people with a very low level of education or the rare people who really have interest in what Berlusconi promises (industrials, bankarians, etc.).
Neverthless the situation is becoming alarming.
Italy is for the most a country made by elders and these soft heads are devasting the future of our youngs.

i'm positive
they are old, so the will die soon! :p

Motörhead Remember Me
03-10-2011, 09:43 AM
On this forum all the Italians hate Berluska, except San Galgano. I ask myself how does he win the elections.

Because the elections have been held in Italy where Slime Berlsuconi own most of the media?