View Full Version : Classify Spanish-Filipino priest Jose Maria de Manila

05-24-2018, 03:17 PM

05-24-2018, 03:24 PM
looks like a Criollo. is there significant Spanish ancestry in manila?

05-24-2018, 03:31 PM
looks like a Criollo. is there significant Spanish ancestry in manila?
From the DNA studies I've seen Visayas will usually hold the highest Euro percentage. But I believe Manila will prob have higher Espanol admixture than other regions in P.I. apart from Visayas.

And from the 23andme results I've seen around half of all the 100 Pinoy ancestry compositions I've seen will score inbetween 1-5.5% European admixture..sometimes tipping the 8% Euro/Iberian mark. Then there's that other half of those ancestry compositions which will score zero or near to zero European admixture. :D

05-24-2018, 03:32 PM
looks like a Criollo. is there significant Spanish ancestry in manila?
I do often see at times random Pinoys who look strongly Spanish/Euro-influenced in phenotype & appearance...like random people on the street and in different places lol it's pretty interesting.

05-24-2018, 03:33 PM
From the DNA studies I've seen Visayas will usually hold the highest Euro percentage. But I believe Manila will prob have higher Espanol admixture than other regions in P.I. apart from Visayas.

And from the 23andme results I've seen around half of all the 100 Pinoy ancestry compositions I've seen will score inbetween 1-5.5% European admixture..sometimes tipping the 8% Euro/Iberian mark. Then there's that other half of those ancestry compositions which will score zero or near to zero European admixture. :D

I have seen some Filipinos who are 30% euro and look very mestizo. while a Mexican that is 50% European still looks almost aboriginal Amerindian genes are strong as hell.

05-24-2018, 03:40 PM
I have seen some Filipinos who are 30% euro and look very mestizo. while a Mexican that is 50% European still looks almost aboriginal Amerindian genes are strong as hell.
Oh really? I often hear people on this forum say that Pinoy genes tend to override Euro genes when combined to produce phenotype. But IMO I honestly thought that White genes were stronger than Malay until others on TA started convincing me that Asian or SE-Asian genes are the ones that overpower White. Not sure what to believe anymore, but I think both can be dominant depending on the person in question.

05-24-2018, 03:43 PM
Oh really? I often hear people on this forum say that Pinoy genes tend to override Euro genes when combined to produce phenotype. But IMO I honestly thought that White genes were stronger than Malay until others on TA started convincing me that Asian or SE-Asian genes are the ones that overpower White. Not sure what to believe anymore, but I think both can be dominant depending on the person in question.

Amerindian genes are stronger than asian Shazouzu no doubt when Euros mixed with Japanese etc offspring come looking castizo.

white a euro+ amerindian looks leaning to native a great example of balanced mestizo mexican.


05-24-2018, 03:47 PM
Amerindian genes are stronger than asian Shazouzu no doubt when Euros mixed with Japanese etc offspring come looking castizo.

white a euro+ amerindian looks leaning to native a great example of balanced mestizo mexican.

Interesting insight!

Try posting a thread about that topic..as to whether Mongoloid or Amerindian genes are more dominant and see what people here say :P

05-24-2018, 03:48 PM
Interesting insight!

Try posting a thread about that topic..as to whether Mongoloid or Amerindian genes are more dominant and see what people here say :P


05-24-2018, 04:13 PM
Looks mostly Spanish

05-25-2018, 01:01 PM
Mainly Small Med.