View Full Version : A Nationalist Dream of Tomorrow

05-24-2018, 11:07 PM
A Nationalist Dream of Tomorrow

Once I was dreaming – and realized I was in a dream such that all was allowed and nothing was forbidden but by my will, lord of this hazy land of dreams was I. God had set me at liberty to order this dreamscape I was upon; Legislator, Judge and Executive was I. By my whim was all that was, ordered, as if by magic in this ethereal domain.

And it began thus -- It occured by insights deep and moving to me that the West has been so striped of industry that the normal rule about change in the industrial sector having profound effects upon the workers lives slash greater economy is no longer true as there are a lot fewer industrial workers these days inside the national borders. Fewer Jobs means Less Chaos caused by clean breaks from the present to new conditions – economic,political, and social – conditions that favor the White Majority regaining its exclusive use of this land.

This low wage labor on demand era is a terrible bane to our people, as it keeps us bound to the third world cheap labor,puts the sexes at war for jobs, and divides the natural organic nation for the sake of greed, as well as creating an gap between our rich and poor who are seen are replaceable and expendable. However, I am sure that it can also be a powerful boon as it provides motivation to rebuild a higher wage stable employment situation like the '35-'70 time frame was for our fathers and grandfathers.
If the Right Leadership -- leadership that rejected 'free trade' and the 'world market' in favor of our Nation; leadership that was free of 'public opinion'; leadership with a long term willful purpose -- was to be in power, this status can be used to the good if one realizes that with far less entrenched workers lives and/or special interests to disrupt and with such massive under tapped manpower potential that there really is no wrong way to go. A blank slate allows all things.
For the Record -- Robotics in the absence of a guaranteed living wage is not acceptable ... NO JOBS = NO WAGES = NO FAMILIES PRODUCING WHITE CHILDREN. Robotics is Death Cult at its pentacle. This means LIVING JOBS for MEN so they can be bread winners. It also means women in the home being a MOTHER and home keeper for the families as nature intended.
No Feminism/Sodomite nonsense about 'gender',equality, or choice will be acceptable -- we want FULL ADULT MALE EMPLOYMENT, nearly Universal Marriage, an end to legally allowed Divorce and maximum live births per breeding pair. This means good wages, benefits and stability in the home, as well as stable families that work and stay together to ensure they have the means to care for themselves.

Feminism's death cult mentality about among modern 'free women' will be PUT DOWN. The honor of the mother is in the home. Period.
White Knights -- who are almost entirely SODOMITES/Arrested-Beta-Boys trying to enable feminism for their own ends -- will submit to LIFE or be shipped to Far North for forced labor ... Neither Suffrage nor Sodomy shall endure into EthnoState -- both are unnatural side effects of Death Cult. We shall sweat them out.
So in effect we must put industry back on track to employ the mass of working middle class folks; however this is not even desirable from a Life Affirming pov unless we also reassert Patriarchy, Family and Life over Multiculture, Individual, and Choice/Happiness.
This means male female life long bonding pairs that have specialized duties over that life time such that the maximum number of living children are born. Not a trivial thing but all things can happen in a dream – and it is Our Great Dream after all.
Anything else is death inducing mamba that lowers birth rates and ensures LESS of our kind over time, making us generationally weaker, less fit to be a ruling race. Unacceptable.

#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion #MAGA #AmericaFirst #StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #AltRight #LockHerUp

Also Please Download the PDF Below. Completely safe Link.

https://drive.google.com/uc?export=do... 193 page pdf clean link. A real legal lawful doable Plan to really be free of PC. A plan that has an actual chance of success.

But at any rate these quality thoughts on how #ItsOkayToBeWhite are 100% of monetary cost. We never will have the Shekel Cup out for donations. Never.

It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling. But bottom comes -- then we can build upon Firm footings of family and folk.
Source: A Nationalist Dream of Tomorrow - I have seen #EthnoState - YouTube
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