View Full Version : Poor whites in Mexico and Latin America

05-26-2018, 03:49 AM
When I was a kid, I used to watch Latin American soap operas and what I noticed was that the main characters tended to be white, even the poor ones, if they were main characters. I remember there were a bunch of soaps with Thalia, who looks clearly white and her characters were wretchedly poor girls. Are there really poor whites in Mexico and Latin America? Are there really whites that wretchedly poor over there? I find it hard to believe. Her characters were girls who had to look for stuff at the dump or clean windshields with a rag. Is this as ridiculously implausible as I think. My understanding is that whites are the upper class or a large part of the upper class and middle class in Latin America and that there are probably no poor whites there.

Carlito's Way
05-26-2018, 03:54 AM
you mean white looking? yes they exist in Mexico, many poor white looking mexicans are even found in southern Mexico, for example in the state of Veracruz, its not rare to find white looking Mexicans who are poor as anyone else, there are also poor true whites in Veracruz, those who are of Italian and French background, very humble people


05-26-2018, 04:03 AM
LOL at the boy's teeth. I'm gonna talk about my country, Brazil. Here you can find white people in ALL social classes. It's a mith that all whites from Latin Americans are rich people that live segregated from non-whites. Here in this video you can see some middle class (not rich or poor) white Brazilians:


Carlito's Way
05-26-2018, 04:05 AM
little mexican girl begging for money and food, looks like a central euro baby stuck in poverty

05-26-2018, 04:07 AM
Where do you get these picture, Carlitos?
She looks like those poor white American kids you see in documentaries about hunger in the US.

Carlito's Way
05-26-2018, 04:12 AM
Where do you get these picture, Carlitos?
She looks like those poor white American kids you see in documentaries about hunger in the US.

the little girl went viral because the parents of the little girl are brown mexicans, not sure how they look pheno-wise, i mean they might their phenotype might be very european but skin wise they are brown, but anyways, the guy who saw the little girl thought she was kidnapped since the woman who the little girl was with was brown and didnt resemble the little girl according to him

it turn out that the brown lady was actually the mother of the little white girl, and that the little girl came out lighter due to her maternal grandmother who is also white looking with blonde hair and stuff

so yeah, this was categorized as an example of racism in Mexico lol

05-26-2018, 06:00 AM
Carlito, why do you say they are white looking, but not true whites, these poor white looking Mexicans? Are they castizos or what? If they look white, aren't they white?

05-26-2018, 06:08 AM
I don't think Carlito will answer (he requested a 3 month ban). Well, I think it's because many white looking Mexicans have mixed looking family members.
Like Rafael Amaya:
His parents:

05-26-2018, 07:34 PM
Carlito, why do you say they are white looking, but not true whites, these poor white looking Mexicans? Are they castizos or what? If they look white, aren't they white?

They are LOTS but LOTS of white looking people in Mexico who are not really upper class but in reality "middle class" Mexico is portrayed as a super mega Indian nation when is to far to be truth the reason why is because most foregins go to Mexico city or Southern Mexico states for vacationing areas where indigenous looking are majority.

But if you go to the blue areas of Mexico thats where white looking Mexicans are light skin and colored eyes are quiet common you might think Mexico is just another Chile or Argentina :p


05-26-2018, 07:41 PM
Our soap operas tend to be white washed.

Most poor people tend to be darker skinned, and most of the wealthy ones tend to be lighter skinned, but there are lots of poor whites, even blue eyed blond heaired ones, and there are rich pardos also.

Tooting Carmen
05-26-2018, 07:54 PM
In Colombia, while wealthier people have a tendency to be lighter-pigmented than poorer people, the difference is nowhere near as extreme as some people believe. I've seen some very blonde peasants and slum-dwellers and, contrariwise, plenty of darker-skinned middle and even to an extent upper-class people.

Carlito's Way
05-31-2018, 04:16 AM
Carlito, why do you say they are white looking, but not true whites, these poor white looking Mexicans? Are they castizos or what? If they look white, aren't they white?

like Latinus explained with his post, there are numerous cases of white looking mexicans who have very mix race looking parents, that is because mexicans on average are MGM mestizos, thus such phenotypes will occur

05-31-2018, 04:37 AM
Yes, Soap Operas tend to be white washed, but the actors in the Braziian ones tend to look more standard Euro than the ones on Mexican TV, I think. When I'm watching Mexican Soap Operas it's not uncommon to me get confused about someone's phenotype. I think to myself: is (s)he mixed or a darker/exotic looking white? With Brazilians this rarely happen.

Carlito's Way
05-31-2018, 04:51 AM
Yes, Soap Operas tend to be white washed, but the actors in the Braziian ones tend to look more standard Euro than the ones on Mexican TV, I think. When I'm watching Mexican Soap Operas it's not uncommon to me get confused about someone's phenotype. I think to myself: is (s)he mixed or a darker/exotic looking white? With Brazilians this rarely happen.

yeah, most of the actors in mexico are castizo pheno wise, while the rest more southern european, rarely do they look northern euro
thats because mexican media prefers the darker type of whites rather than the lighter ones

Heather Duval
05-31-2018, 05:04 AM
Thalia is not white. In many pics u can see her indigenous traits. And this very indigenous woman is her abuela

Heather Duval
05-31-2018, 05:12 AM
LOL at the boy's teeth. I'm gonna talk about my country, Brazil. Here you can find white people in ALL social classes. It's a mith that all whites from Latin Americans are rich people that live segregated from non-whites. Here in this video you can see some middle class (not rich or poor) white Brazilians:


Thats because ive read poor Europeans in colonial period mixed with ssa and native women especially in Minas Gerais but upper class whites didnt. The elite is almost pure white yes. But u can found pure whites and white looking people in all social classes in Brazil, especially in the rural South where plenty are poor. Recent immigrants in Rio de janeiro arent and will never be rich. Our rich area is full of colonial whites, in Rio. Immigrants from 20/30s are part of low classes. Copacabana and Leblon difnt received mass recent immigrants, people there are colonial riches.

05-31-2018, 05:17 AM
Thats because ive read poor Europeans in colonial period mixed with ssa and native women especially in Minas Gerais but upper class whites didnt. The elite is almost pure white yes. But u can found pure whites and white looking people in all social classes in Brazil, especially in the rural South where plenty are poor. Recent immigrants in Rio de janeiro arent and will never be rich. Our rich area is full of colonial whites, in Rio. Immigrants from 20/30s are part of low classes. Copacabana and Leblon difnt received mass recent immigrants, people there are colonial riches.

Nope, the purest whites in Brazil are the isolated ones from the colonies, not the richest. Social class is irrelevant to purity.

05-31-2018, 05:28 AM
Thalia is not white. In many pics u can see her indigenous traits. And this very indigenous woman is her abuela

My avatar is super Spanish looking:

But his maternal aunt is clearly Amerindian influenced:

Thalia could pass as Spaniard. It's not like pseudo Castizo Spaniards doesn't exist.

Heather Duval
05-31-2018, 05:31 AM
Nope, the purest whites in Brazil are the isolated ones from the colonies, not the richest. Social class is irrelevant to purity.

Not really. The elite didnt mix.
I doubt if Helo Pinheiro is mixed. Her family is colonial wealthy living in Ipanema since colonial period. Important families didnt mix with slaves and natives, they had a surname to preserve.

O processo de miscigenação em Minas Gerais foi intenso: os portugueses mais pobres rapidamente se misturavam com mulheres negras e mestiças. Os homens de famílias mais ricas se casavam com mulheres portuguesas ou com brasileiras brancas de origem portuguesa. Todavia, havia um crescente número de mulatos, filhos de pai português e mãe africana.

05-31-2018, 05:35 AM
Not really. The elite didnt mix.
I doubt if Helo Pinheiro is mixed. Her family is colonial wealthy living in Ipanema since colonial period. Important families didnt mix with slaves and natives, they had a surname to preserve.

O processo de miscigenação em Minas Gerais foi intenso: os portugueses mais pobres rapidamente se misturavam com mulheres negras e mestiças. Os homens de famílias mais ricas se casavam com mulheres portuguesas ou com brasileiras brancas de origem portuguesa. Todavia, havia um crescente número de mulatos, filhos de pai português e mãe africana.

Stop living in a fantasy world. The majority of colonials (whether they are rich or poor) have some non-Euro admixture. This is Brazil, not the US.

Heather Duval
05-31-2018, 05:43 AM
Stop living in a fantasy world. The majority of colonials (whether they are rich or poor) have some non-Euro admixture. This is Brazil, not the US.

well, lots of articles says poor whites were the ones who most mixed and it makes sense
non fidalgos didnt had nothing to be proud of
its better to believe it than in "SP is the whitest city in the world"

Heather Duval
05-31-2018, 05:49 AM
half of Brazil is self declared white and about 1% of Brazil is upper class according to the government datas. Also, less than 20% of Brazil are true(not that middle class created by PT) middle class. More than 40 millions of Brazilians is living in poverty according to government. Use your fucking brain.

05-31-2018, 07:30 AM

03-13-2019, 06:45 PM
the little girl went viral because the parents of the little girl are brown mexicans, not sure how they look pheno-wise, i mean they might their phenotype might be very european but skin wise they are brown, but anyways, the guy who saw the little girl thought she was kidnapped since the woman who the little girl was with was brown and didnt resemble the little girl according to him

it turn out that the brown lady was actually the mother of the little white girl, and that the little girl came out lighter due to her maternal grandmother who is also white looking with blonde hair and stuff

so yeah, this was categorized as an example of racism in Mexico lol

I have read that the mother of that girl had the baby having sex with US militars (prostitution or something similar) from a near military base or something like that.

03-13-2019, 06:55 PM
little mexican girl begging for money and food, looks like a central euro baby stuck in poverty
That girl is extremely atypical to the point that picture went viral, exposing how mexicans “couldn’t believe” she was on the street begging (because she was blonde), showing inner racism.

It is so atypical and shocking it even made it to the news

03-13-2019, 07:24 PM
In the Philippines the Chinese have basically eclipsed the Whites in wealth.

Whites are in the entertainment industry and sports though.

The Philippine Rugby Team looks like they're from Argentina...


It's not applicable to all sports though...

The Basketball Team is full of Africans and Mullatoes though.


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03-13-2019, 07:28 PM
you mean white looking? yes they exist in Mexico, many poor white looking mexicans are even found in southern Mexico, for example in the state of Veracruz, its not rare to find white looking Mexicans who are poor as anyone else, there are also poor true whites in Veracruz, those who are of Italian and French background, very humble people

http://i.imgur.com/jiQne.jpgIt's not rare to find poor Whites in Latin America, some of my brothers were assigned to minister in Brazil and they showed us pictures that there were poor blondes in the middle of the Amazon.

Sent from my CHM-U01 using Tapatalk

Carlito's Way
03-13-2019, 08:37 PM
That girl is extremely atypical to the point that picture went viral, exposing how mexicans “couldn’t believe” she was on the street begging (because she was blonde), showing inner racism.

It is so atypical and shocking it even made it to the news

she went viral because her parents were BROWN and they couldnt believe those were her parents since she was light and blonde, in fact the man who took the picture thought she had been kidnapped
but a DNA test proved that she was the daughter of those poor brown mexicans and that the little girl looked like her light skin grandmother

it had nothing to do with what you are saying, please educate yourself more about the subject
100% sure that your brown population can hardly make light skins like that, that is why you say those things LOL

Carlito's Way
03-13-2019, 08:40 PM
"Al hombre le llamó la atención que la pequeña fuera rubia y sospechó que posiblemente había sido robada, ya que su madre “era morena”, por lo que decidió alertar a las autoridades.

De acuerdo con la agencia AP, el cibernauta subió la imagen a las redes sociales: “difundamos esta foto”, pidió. Posteriormente miles de personas la compartieron en Internet e hicieron comentarios sobre ella, algunos agradeciendo su difusión y otros quejándose de que la iniciativa era racista.

El portavoz de la Procuraduría del estado, Lino González, señaló que hubo una denuncia de presunción de que Alondra fuera robada y argumentó que se tenía que actuar “porque había una presunción del delito”.

Rápidamente la niña fue encontrada y enviada a un orfanato de Guadalajara junto con su hermano de tres años y una prima de 11; en tanto, su madre, de 23 años fue detenida durante dos días.

Sin embargo, la abuela de la niña presentó el acta de nacimiento de su nieta. Y ahí surgió otro pequeño detalle: la mujer también tiene ojos verdes.

Finalmente la madre de Alondra fue liberada porque no existían indicios de que la pequeña hubiera sido secuestrada. No obstante, aún están pendientes los resultados de los exámenes de ADN que le fueron practicados a la menor y a los otros niños para confirmar el parentesco entre ellos y los adultos."

03-13-2019, 11:17 PM
En México (al menos en el Norte y Occidente) no es PARA NADA extraño ver güeros (blancos) en las clases bajas. De hecho, lo he visto varias veces.

03-13-2019, 11:30 PM
In fact, poor colonos from Brazil are the purest ones, the working class white and rich ones with colonial ancestry will score some non-Euro.
This link between race and social class in Latam is very overrated. Iberian phenotypes, for example, are numerous here and people don't really think they are rich because of their looks, it's the gringos in these forums that think all white Latinos were born rich, privileged and opress the brown majority.

03-14-2019, 03:43 AM
I have read that the mother of that girl had the baby having sex with US militars (prostitution or something similar) from a near military base or something like that.

Their is no nearby American military base in Guadalajara.Guadalajara is like 1,000 miles away from the USA.

07-10-2021, 11:57 PM
There are plenty of poor whites in Argentina.

07-11-2021, 12:34 AM
Same in rural andean areas from Colombia

In fact sometimes you can actually find more whites in rural poor areas than in the city

Rafael Passoni
07-11-2021, 01:48 AM
There are very poor whites in LATAM. And they are really true whites, no mixed people. Whiteness doesn't have to do with class. Upper class has a lot of Jews.

07-11-2021, 10:49 PM
In the Hispanic Caribbean you have the guajiros and jibaros specifically, white rural poor farmers who live in the mountains in small communities. My colonial line were jibaros ;)

07-13-2021, 06:46 AM
While it is true that most 'whites' in Mexico are mainly middle to upper class, it is not rare to find some in the poor areas too.

I have posted many examples throughout the years on here.

Just recently saw this woman in a news report about the drug war in Michoacan.


Also see:

I think that also happens in other regions of hispanoamerica where the european input remains relevant. In places like Peru or Bolivia you don't see this take place.

In Mexico, for example, occasionally you will see people who look off-white or full white amongst the cartels which generally come from the low class/rural areas, specially in the north and Jalisco.

Some examples:

El Guero Bastidas

El Grande

Ivan Archilvaldo

El Menchito


Carlos Montemayor


La Barbie


Cardenas Guillen


El Guero Palma


Juan Francisco Caraveo


As some of you guys know futbol is very popular in Mexico, specially among the lower class.
Here are the ''whitest'' looking players from each team. Which ones can pass in your country? :coffee:


07-24-2021, 08:45 AM











07-24-2021, 08:58 AM



07-24-2021, 11:20 PM
El Salvador doesn't have many poor whites, very uncommon, it might be one of the few places in Latin America with not very many poor whites, we have the region of chalatenango, it is known to have many "white" salvadorans but what we consider white there is probably not white in many places lol its our whitest region so they have that fame, santa ana is next to chalatenango, I will say this, there are many salvadorans from that region with light eyes

"En más de una ocasión hemos oído decir que “en Chalate casi toda la gente es chelita y de ojos zarcos“. Lo cierto es que detrás de ese dicho famoso se esconde una historia.

fuente: http://noseasmaje.com/por-que-chalatenango-tiene-a-la-gente-mas-chele-de-el-salvadoro"

its just a myth, but its the region with the most european admixture


Paraguayo HFD
06-03-2022, 04:42 AM

Chile Raptor 2.0
06-03-2022, 04:45 AM
In fact, poor colonos from Brazil are the purest ones, the working class white and rich ones with colonial ancestry will score some non-Euro.
This link between race and social class in Latam is very overrated. Iberian phenotypes, for example, are numerous here and people don't really think they are rich because of their looks, it's the gringos in these forums that think all white Latinos were born rich, privileged and opress the brown majority.


Paraguayo HFD
06-03-2022, 04:49 AM

How common are euromestizos or whites in the low class in Chile?

06-04-2022, 12:09 AM
It's actually pretty common.

I'll speak to what I have seen in Mexico. The perception in Central Mexico and Southern Mexico is that all poor Mexicans are indians and even coastal blacks. But in Western and Northern Mexico and even in states like Veracruz and Yucatan that is not really 100%. Even in Chiapas. I've been to little towns and villages in Michoacan, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Zacatecas, Sinaloa, Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, San Luis Potosi...I've seen many rural whites there, some with big extensions of land and others barely surviving. When I was in Michoacan the family I was staying with had a lady who came in and cooked and cleaned the place and she would bring in her daughters to help/keep an eye on them and the lady had dark hair but blue eyes and both daughters were blond and blue eyed like their father and brothers who worked in the little land they had in the mountains towards Ciudad Hidalgo (coming in from Morelia) and this wasn't uncommon AT ALL. In Michoacan while there are many mestizos, most tend to be castizos and the indigenous population (Purepechas/Tarascos) tend to keep to their villages and not let outsiders in...mestizos are rarely let in.Many towns are mainly white/castizos, with the peculiar thing that I noticed was while there were many white people all over Mexico (from Mediterranean phenotypes to more nordic), Michoacan had MANY red-heads! In a city like Morelia, a very "Criollo" city where most mestizos are castizos and the "Familias de Abolengo" can trace their families back to colonial times, most of Basque background, red heads are very common to spot in the city, in the central square and around the "arcos". They're not wealthy, they're just common Morelianos, while in places like Los Altos de Jalisco the norm was more blond and I never saw red heads. Just something peculiar I notcied.

This Guardian article was....wow...terrible. Mexico always says that they're not "racist" but "classists" and stuff like this always happens! Mestizaje in Mexico has brothers and sisters from the same parents looking from very indigenous to blond and blue eyed...I see this a lot.

And there's a lot of poor whites in Mexico City too....in places like Pantitlan, Iztapalapa, La Merced....it wasn't uncommon to see many poor whites working in butcher shops, making tacos, or whatever...in Central Mexico it's more typical to see whites as upper class people in urban settings, but in western and northern Mexico there's the concept of "güeros de rancho" which are like Mexico's version of "red necks" to an extent...I put some more akin to Rich Southern Folks in the USA in places like Georgia, South Carolina and Texas as well because there's always "El Rico del Pueblo" who is normally more euro passing/white or castizo! Just some observations.

06-04-2022, 10:59 PM
It's actually pretty common.

I'll speak to what I have seen in Mexico. The perception in Central Mexico and Southern Mexico is that all poor Mexicans are indians and even coastal blacks. But in Western and Northern Mexico and even in states like Veracruz and Yucatan that is not really 100%. Even in Chiapas. I've been to little towns and villages in Michoacan, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Zacatecas, Sinaloa, Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, San Luis Potosi...I've seen many rural whites there, some with big extensions of land and others barely surviving. When I was in Michoacan the family I was staying with had a lady who came in and cooked and cleaned the place and she would bring in her daughters to help/keep an eye on them and the lady had dark hair but blue eyes and both daughters were blond and blue eyed like their father and brothers who worked in the little land they had in the mountains towards Ciudad Hidalgo (coming in from Morelia) and this wasn't uncommon AT ALL. In Michoacan while there are many mestizos, most tend to be castizos and the indigenous population (Purepechas/Tarascos) tend to keep to their villages and not let outsiders in...mestizos are rarely let in.Many towns are mainly white/castizos, with the peculiar thing that I noticed was while there were many white people all over Mexico (from Mediterranean phenotypes to more nordic), Michoacan had MANY red-heads! In a city like Morelia, a very "Criollo" city where most mestizos are castizos and the "Familias de Abolengo" can trace their families back to colonial times, most of Basque background, red heads are very common to spot in the city, in the central square and around the "arcos". They're not wealthy, they're just common Morelianos, while in places like Los Altos de Jalisco the norm was more blond and I never saw red heads. Just something peculiar I notcied.

This Guardian article was....wow...terrible. Mexico always says that they're not "racist" but "classists" and stuff like this always happens! Mestizaje in Mexico has brothers and sisters from the same parents looking from very indigenous to blond and blue eyed...I see this a lot.

And there's a lot of poor whites in Mexico City too....in places like Pantitlan, Iztapalapa, La Merced....it wasn't uncommon to see many poor whites working in butcher shops, making tacos, or whatever...in Central Mexico it's more typical to see whites as upper class people in urban settings, but in western and northern Mexico there's the concept of "güeros de rancho" which are like Mexico's version of "red necks" to an extent...I put some more akin to Rich Southern Folks in the USA in places like Georgia, South Carolina and Texas as well because there's always "El Rico del Pueblo" who is normally more euro passing/white or castizo! Just some observations.

Dios mio!! Ya deja de fumar mota ey de meterte coca en el culo. Mexico no es Argentina. No sea aquien queres enganar

Poor whites en Mexico city lower class? HAHAHAH TU no sabes que son poor whites dumb wetback lavaplatos

06-04-2022, 11:00 PM
Un chicano llamando a otro wetback. Creo que ahora sí ya lo vi todo.

06-04-2022, 11:04 PM
Un chicano llamando a otro wetback. Creo que ahora sí ya lo vi todo.

It's common for Mexican-Americans calling Mexican immigrants they don't like "wetbacks" "mojados".

Chile Raptor 2.0
06-05-2022, 12:02 AM
How common are euromestizos or whites in the low class in Chile?

not very common, but exist, including light eyed types, seen a lot in the low class camps around Santiago and the South...

Por qué cresta te escribo en Inglés PARAGUA??

Lo malo es que ahora se esta llenando de caribeños y los blancos de clase baja desaparecerán


Esta es una niña preciosa que unos flaites asesinaron, ella era de clase baja igual


Cristiano viejo
06-05-2022, 12:50 AM
Un chicano llamando a otro wetback. Creo que ahora sí ya lo vi todo.

Y lavaplatos :pound:

RMayan es la persona más analfabeta, self hater y retrasada que he visto nunca, lo juro ante Dios :picard1: en serio que tiene que tener Síndrome de Down o algo, no es posible ser tan subnormal si no tienes retrasos mentales.

06-05-2022, 01:09 AM
Y lavaplatos :pound:

RMayan es la persona más analfabeta, self hater y retrasada que he visto nunca, lo juro ante Dios :picard1: en serio que tiene que tener Síndrome de Down o algo, no es posible ser tan subnormal si no tienes retrasos mentales.

Justo comentábamos eso con el Andullero: en este foro abundan los casos mentales pero el Mula es sin lugar a dudas el que está más jodido del coco. Es más, especulábamos que hoy se debe haber "olvidado" de tomar sus medicinas.

06-05-2022, 09:31 PM
jajaja dejen al tira flechas en paz! El piensa que su situacion ilegal todos la tienen en EEUU o fuera de Latino America! Pobre...en Mexico la gente se rie de ellos por ser "Pochos" ignorantes y el "Mojado" como el se cree la gran mierda por haber crecido ed East Los Angeles de criminal cholo que aparte se enorgullece de su analfabetismo! Por eso los mexicanos no los toman en serio.

Ojala los moderadores de estos foros lo bloqueen porque es una persona muy toxica. Es un asco de "persona". Pero bueno...al menos trae un poco de humor sin querer porque gente asi solo sirve para que se burlen de ellos!

06-05-2022, 09:36 PM
Si hay blancuzcos en las clases humildes de mi país pero son en su mayoria indiomestizos despigmentados. Similares a los de las fotoshttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220605/66a7719a0ada095844d93649f0fa7ef1.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220605/3e429fe3895303b9831ee1664f3ab1a3.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220605/81d35b5767ac3f71f15e225551a38f1e.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220605/6ff8c9cf14bc03d5981469494c730026.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220605/fd13affe737a061cda2f8ef36f25d1a9.jpg

06-05-2022, 10:01 PM
It's common for Mexican-Americans calling Mexican immigrants they don't like "wetbacks" "mojados".

I have a cuestion for you. :confused:

How do you prefer to be called, mexican-american or chicano?

Are chicanos (es mas corto) a nation inside USA or are they a minority like blacks or asians?

06-07-2022, 04:39 PM
B01AB20 said:
I have a cuestion for you. How do you prefer to be called, mexican-american or chicano?

Both are fine. But Mexican-American is used more often. Would be insulted being called latino or hispanic.

[ Are chicanos (es mas corto) a nation inside USA or are they a minority like blacks or asians?

Chicanos have our own subculture

06-07-2022, 04:46 PM
wetback dorian22
jajaja dejen al tira flechas en paz!

lmaoooo. Nobody has ever associated my phenotype for Tiraflechas. The local liquor store owners who are Lebanese and Syrian thought i was one of their countrymen when they first saw me.

El piensa que su situacion ilegal todos la tienen en EEUU


Pobre...en Mexico la gente se rie de ellos por ser "Pochos" ignorantes y el "Mojado" como el se cree la gran mierda por haber crecido ed East Los Angeles




06-07-2022, 04:49 PM
I have a cuestion for you. :confused:

How do you prefer to be called, mexican-american or chicano?

Are chicanos (es mas corto) a nation inside USA or are they a minority like blacks or asians?
In my experience the term "chicano" is not often used in real life.

Cristiano viejo
06-07-2022, 04:49 PM
I have a cuestion for you. :confused:

How do you prefer to be called, mexican-american or chicano?

Are chicanos (es mas corto) a nation inside USA or are they a minority like blacks or asians?
If chicano is shorter then makes sense :D

06-07-2022, 04:57 PM
In my experience the term "chicano" is not often used in real life.

It was used MORE in the 1970-1980's .You live in the Southwest USA,CALI?
I hate the term Latino or hispanic trying to label us Mexican-Americans or for Mexicans. Fake label.

Cristiano viejo
06-07-2022, 04:58 PM

It was used MORE in the 1970-1980's .You live in the Southwest USA,CALI?
I hate the term Latino or hispanic trying to label us Mexican-Americans or for Mexicans. Fake label.

Chicanos could not be more Latinos or Hispanics. For something your Anglo bosses call you Hispanic.

06-07-2022, 04:59 PM

It was used MORE in the 1970-1980's .You live in the Southwest USA,CALI?
I hate the term Latino or hispanic trying to label us Mexican-Americans or for Mexicans. Fake label.
I don't live in USA, but whenever I see or hear Americans talk about Chicanos, they're referred to as Mexican, Mexican-American, Latino or Hispanic, never Chicano.

Cristiano viejo
06-07-2022, 05:01 PM
I don't live in USA, but whenever I see or hear Americans talk about Chicanos, they're referred to as Mexican, Mexican-American, Latino or Hispanic, never Chicano.

They also are called Basque, what kind of ignorant are you?

06-07-2022, 05:06 PM
I don't live in USA, but whenever I see or hear Americans talk about Chicanos, they're referred to as Mexican, Mexican-American, Latino or Hispanic, never Chicano.


06-08-2022, 08:44 PM


WTF no lol, only generations from 90s below not above, growing up It was an Insult In School middle High etc.

06-08-2022, 08:45 PM
I don't live in USA, but whenever I see or hear Americans talk about Chicanos, they're referred to as Mexican, Mexican-American, Latino or Hispanic, never Chicano.

Only old school chicanos ..

06-09-2022, 01:44 AM
WTF no lol, only generations from 90s below not above, growing up It was an Insult In School middle High etc.

You grew up in the Central Valley ?

Really? I think it is still widely used. I hear Mexican-Americans referring themselves as “Mexican-Americans” or “Chicanos(as)” all the time. I live in California, by the way.

06-09-2022, 01:49 AM
Only old school chicanos ..


A Chicano renaissance? A new Mexican-American generation embraces the term

“If you take pride in being Chicano, you stand up,” said a young Mexican-American. “We’re here.”

SAN DIEGO — The signposts of a Chicano renaissance are everywhere. On streets and college campuses, in fashion and in art, there's renewed energy around a term associated with 1960s civil rights and farm worker activism.

“Being Chicana means you have a responsibility to your people,” said Olivia Parraz, 22, as she strolled along San Diego's Chicano Park in a tank top emblazoned with the word "Chicana."

Chicano is a word popularized by an older Mexican American generation, but it has been experiencing a revival at a time when an expanding, young Latino population is asserting its place as the country wrestles over issues of race, rhetoric and identity.

“Here in Southern California we’re having a cultural and political renaissance of the term,” said Alexandro José Gradilla, associate professor of Chicana/o Studies and African American Studies at California State University, Fullerton.

The park, with its large collection of murals andits own Chicano activism roots, is in Logan Heights, San Diego's oldest Mexican-American neighborhood.

Professor June Pedraza, chair of the National Association for Chicano and Chicana Studies, says Mexican-Americans in their teens are showing up at her classes at Northwest Vista College in San Antonio eager to study the roots of the Chicano movement. “There is more of a demand for it now,” she said.


Cristiano viejo
06-09-2022, 01:55 AM
RMayan you are so stupid that you even dont notice your contradictions. Two posts above you claim the term chicano "is used all the time", (and from a thread titled "Why the term chicano is no longer used" LOLOL).

One post above you claim there are a renaissance and a revival of the word chicano... what means, IDIOT, that the word indeed ceased to be used.

You have the intelligence of a rock. But of the dumbest rock, dont doubt it :thumb001:

06-09-2022, 04:01 AM
RMayan you are so stupid that you even dont notice your contradictions. Two posts above you claim the term chicano "is used all the time", (and from a thread titled "Why the term chicano is no longer used" LOLOL).

One post above you claim there are a renaissance and a revival of the word chicano... what means, IDIOT, that the word indeed ceased to be used.

You have the intelligence of a rock. But of the dumbest rock, dont doubt it :thumb001:


06-09-2022, 06:32 PM

It doesn't take much! LOL! Such a clown.

06-09-2022, 09:06 PM
RMayan you are so stupid that you even dont notice your contradictions. Two posts above you claim the term chicano "is used all the time", (and from a thread titled "Why the term chicano is no longer used" LOLOL).

One post above you claim there are a renaissance and a revival of the word chicano... what means, IDIOT, that the word indeed ceased to be used.

You have the intelligence of a rock. But of the dumbest rock, dont doubt it :thumb001:

You don't know shit. Chicano is still used in the barrio's of Southern Calif

Cristiano viejo
06-09-2022, 10:41 PM
You don't know shit. Chicano is still used in the barrio's of Southern Calif

You meant in San Quintín :lol:

06-09-2022, 11:42 PM
You meant in San Quintín :lol:


Cristiano viejo
06-10-2022, 12:13 AM

Chicanos are the best tourists in San Quintín and rest of Cali prisons :lol:

06-11-2022, 07:51 PM
You meant in San Quintín :lol:


06-12-2022, 12:34 AM
I'm so glad TheForeigner was banned. He was a vile forumer.

Cristiano viejo
06-12-2022, 12:41 AM
I'm so glad TheForeigner was banned. He was a vile forumer.

Not true.

Chile Raptor 2.0
06-12-2022, 03:14 AM
I'm so glad TheForeigner was banned. He was a vile forumer.

Faltas vos INCAmario

06-12-2022, 01:27 PM
In the neighborhood where I live in Mexico City, there is an extremely Iberian-looking man (not even castizo- or harnizo-looking) in his 30s or 40s who works as a cashier at the local Farmacias Similares ("Dr. Simi" or "Lo mismo pero más barato"... those with experience in Mexico will know what I'm talking about). Based on online data, this job pays very far below what is needed for a comfortable middle class life, even according to the relatively low cost of living in Mexico.

06-12-2022, 07:09 PM
Faltas vos INCAmario

A mí nunca me han baneado. Solo a los incas chilenos los banean.

06-13-2022, 04:15 AM
How about former Mexican president, Ernesto Zedillo (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?357853-Classify-former-Mexican-president-Ernesto-Zedillo-Ponce-de-Le%C3%B3n) (link to classification thread)? Most agreed that he was mostly European with minor Amerindian (between 10% and 25% although one poster did say harnizo) who could pass as a pure but slightly exotic Southern European. Anyway, he was of very humble origins, since his father was a mechanic, and Ernesto and his siblings had to shine shoes as kids to support the family economy.

06-13-2022, 06:42 AM
Hoy estuve en una población cercana de mi ciudad y el bicitaxista era rubio ojos claros. Si no saben qué es un bicitaxista, búsquenlo en Google. :p


07-23-2022, 03:30 PM
https://i.ibb.co/G2Ynhs0/sebastianmurillogallo445.png (https://ibb.co/d2Cjhbr)