View Full Version : Greek East Thracian GEDmatch result

Ajeje Brazorf
05-26-2018, 08:33 PM
He said his family is from East Thrace

HarappaWorld Admixture Proportions

HarappaWorld Admixture Proportions

This utility uses the HarappaWorld model, created by Zack. Questions and comments about this model
should be directed to him at harappa@zackvision.com or to his HarappaWorld blog.
We appreciate him making this excellent tool available here.

Kit Number: ******* Elapsed Time: 8.95 seconds

S-Indian 0.14
Baloch 8.15
Caucasian 32.67
NE-Euro 25.74
SE-Asian 0.26
Siberian -
NE-Asian -
Papuan 0.18
American 1.77
Beringian -
Mediterranean 23.74
SW-Asian 7.27
San -
E-African 0.07
Pygmy -
W-African -

Web site and contents ©Copyright 2011-2018 by GEDmatch, Inc.
Genealogy and DNA data remains the property of the submitter.
Each Admixture Proportions 'calculator' model remains the property of its developer.

52209 SNPs used in this evaluation


GEDmatch.Com Oracle
This version of GEDmatch Oracle is based on 'Oracle v1' by Dienekes Pontikos. His original program was developed as part of the Dodecad Ancestry Project. More information on Dienekes' orignal program can be found here.

Many thanks also to Zack Ajmal for helping us get this web version of Dienekes' Oracle program developed.

HarappaWorld Oracle results:
23 April 2013 - Oracle reference population percentages revised.

Kit *******

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 32.67
2 NE-Euro 25.74
3 Mediterranean 23.74
4 Baloch 8.15
5 SW-Asian 7.27
6 American 1.77
7 SE-Asian 0.26
8 Papuan 0.18
9 S-Indian 0.14
10 E-African 0.07
11 Beringian 0.01

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 ashkenazi (harappa) 8.95
2 tuscan (1000genomes) 9.06
3 tuscan (hgdp) 9.49
4 tuscan (hapmap) 10.17
5 bulgarian (yunusbayev) 10.48
6 romanian-a (behar) 11.81
7 ashkenazy-jew (behar) 11.95
8 italian (hgdp) 16.4
9 turk-aydin (hodoglugil) 16.84
10 sephardic-jew (behar) 18.77
11 morocco-jew (behar) 20.31
12 turk-istanbul (hodoglugil) 22.96
13 turk-kayseri (hodoglugil) 24.22
14 turk (behar) 25.14
15 romanian-b (behar) 25.15
16 cypriot (behar) 25.56
17 stalskoe (xing) 25.61
18 nogai (yunusbayev) 25.65
19 turkish (harappa) 26.62
20 hungarian (behar) 26.84

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 69.2% romanian-a (behar) + 30.8% cypriot (behar) @ 3.46
2 78.5% tuscan (1000genomes) + 21.5% urkarah (xing) @ 3.49
3 78.8% tuscan (1000genomes) + 21.2% chechen (yunusbayev) @ 3.71
4 75.4% tuscan (1000genomes) + 24.6% stalskoe (xing) @ 3.76
5 57.8% cypriot (behar) + 42.2% n-european (xing) @ 3.88
6 79.5% tuscan (1000genomes) + 20.5% lezgin (behar) @ 3.94
7 51.3% cypriot (behar) + 48.7% hungarian (behar) @ 3.95
8 58.5% cypriot (behar) + 41.5% utahn-white (hapmap) @ 3.96
9 53.8% bulgarian (yunusbayev) + 46.2% ashkenazy-jew (behar) @ 3.99
10 72.4% bulgarian (yunusbayev) + 27.6% cypriot (behar) @ 4.11
11 57.9% cypriot (behar) + 42.1% utahn-white (1000genomes) @ 4.15
12 56.5% french (hgdp) + 43.5% druze (hgdp) @ 4.15
13 65.6% bulgarian (yunusbayev) + 34.4% sephardic-jew (behar) @ 4.17
14 77.9% tuscan (1000genomes) + 22.1% kumyk (yunusbayev) @ 4.26
15 50.3% romanian-a (behar) + 49.7% ashkenazy-jew (behar) @ 4.31
16 54.9% ashkenazi (harappa) + 45.1% bulgarian (yunusbayev) @ 4.34
17 67.5% italian (hgdp) + 32.5% adygei (hgdp) @ 4.4
18 66.6% italian (hgdp) + 33.4% balkar (yunusbayev) @ 4.43
19 59% cypriot (behar) + 41% british (1000genomes) @ 4.48
20 58.5% ashkenazi (harappa) + 41.5% romanian-a (behar) @ 4.49


Kit Num: *******
Threshold of components set to 1.000
Threshold of method set to 0.25%
Personal data has been read. 20 approximations mode.
HarappaWorld 4-Ancestors Oracle
This program is based on 4-Ancestors Oracle Version 0.96 by Alexandr Burnashev.
Questions about results should be sent to him at: Alexandr.Burnashev@gmail.com
Original concept proposed by Sergey Kozlov.
Many thanks to Alexandr for helping us get this web version developed.

23 April 2013 - Oracle reference population percentages revised.

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 32.67
2 NE-Euro 25.74
3 Mediterranean 23.74
4 Baloch 8.15
5 SW-Asian 7.27
6 American 1.77

Finished reading population data. 377 populations found.
16 components mode.


Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 tuscan_1000genomes @ 9.713058
2 ashkenazi_harappa @ 9.713267
3 tuscan_hgdp @ 10.184507
4 tuscan_hapmap @ 10.914289
5 bulgarian_yunusbayev @ 11.515804
6 ashkenazy-jew_behar @ 13.038228
7 romanian-a_behar @ 13.045474
8 italian_hgdp @ 17.818077
9 turk-aydin_hodoglugil @ 18.230625
10 serbian_harappa @ 19.464844
11 sephardic-jew_behar @ 20.538612
12 morocco-jew_behar @ 22.173491
13 turk-istanbul_hodoglugil @ 25.143330
14 turk-kayseri_hodoglugil @ 26.561541
15 nogai_yunusbayev @ 27.364630
16 turk_behar @ 27.566687
17 romanian-b_behar @ 27.655575
18 stalskoe_xing @ 27.739857
19 cypriot_behar @ 28.235943
20 turkish_harappa @ 29.118174

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% cypriot_behar +50% hungarian_behar @ 4.223886

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% bulgarian_yunusbayev +25% turk-kayseri_hodoglugil +25% tuscan_hapmap @ 2.590085

Using 4 populations approximation:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.719658
2 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_1000genomes @ 1.745756
3 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_1000genomes @ 1.784405
4 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hgdp + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.790012
5 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.808876
6 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hapmap @ 1.841581
7 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.848534
8 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_hgdp + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.855032
9 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hgdp + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.859846
10 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_1000genomes @ 1.865036
11 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hapmap + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.899933
12 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hapmap @ 1.919197
13 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hapmap @ 1.922240
14 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hapmap + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.948916
15 belorussian_behar + chechen_yunusbayev + cypriot_behar + sardinian_hgdp @ 1.983651
16 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_hapmap + tuscan_hgdp @ 2.009920
17 armenian_behar + ashkenazi_harappa + hungarian_behar + italian_hgdp @ 2.011050
18 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hapmap + tuscan_hapmap @ 2.026751
19 armenian_yunusbayev + bulgarian_yunusbayev + italian_hgdp + romanian-a_behar @ 2.038384
20 armenian_yunusbayev + italian_hgdp + romanian-a_behar + romanian-a_behar @ 2.047275


Elapsed time 2.2377 seconds.

Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 Admixture Proportions

Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 Admixture Proportions

This utility uses the Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 model, created by Davidski (Polako). Questions and comments about this model
should be directed to him at his Project Blog.

Kit Number: ******* Elapsed Time: 7.13 seconds

North_Sea 8.04
Atlantic 14.66
Baltic 11.44
Eastern_Euro 9.09
West_Med 14.75
West_Asian 16.61
East_Med 22.70
Red_Sea 1.78
South_Asian -
Southeast_Asian 0.74
Siberian -
Amerindian 0.19
Oceanian -
Northeast_African -
Sub-Saharan -

Web site and contents ©Copyright 2011-2018 by GEDmatch, Inc.
Genealogy and DNA data remains the property of the submitter.
Each Admixture Proportions 'calculator' model remains the property of its developer.

59120 SNPs used in this evaluation


GEDmatch.Com Oracle
This version of GEDmatch Oracle is based on 'Oracle v1' by Dienekes Pontikos. His original program was developed as part of the Dodecad Ancestry Project. More information on Dienekes' orignal program can be found here.

Many thanks also to Zack Ajmal for helping us get this web version of Dienekes' Oracle program developed.

Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 Oracle results:
Kit ********

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 East_Med 22.7
2 West_Asian 16.61
3 West_Med 14.75
4 Atlantic 14.66
5 Baltic 11.44
6 Eastern_Euro 9.09
7 North_Sea 8.04
8 Red_Sea 1.78
9 Southeast_Asian 0.74
10 Amerindian 0.19

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Greek 4.73
2 Greek_Thessaly 8.47
3 Central_Greek 8.48
4 Bulgarian 9.17
5 Italian_Abruzzo 9.19
6 Ashkenazi 10.12
7 East_Sicilian 10.24
8 West_Sicilian 11.48
9 South_Italian 11.68
10 Romanian 11.84
11 Tuscan 12.66
12 Serbian 15.67
13 Italian_Jewish 16.39
14 Sephardic_Jewish 16.4
15 North_Italian 17.17
16 Algerian_Jewish 17.4
17 Turkish 18.91
18 Moldavian 20.18
19 Tunisian_Jewish 20.24
20 Cyprian 20.58

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 87.9% Greek + 12.1% Lezgin @ 2.13
2 88.9% Greek + 11.1% Chechen @ 2.38
3 88.3% Greek + 11.7% Kabardin @ 2.39
4 88.6% Greek + 11.4% Tabassaran @ 2.39
5 88.6% Greek + 11.4% Adygei @ 2.39
6 86.9% Greek + 13.1% Kumyk @ 2.45
7 88.6% Greek + 11.4% Balkar @ 2.5
8 89.7% Greek + 10.3% North_Ossetian @ 2.58
9 89.7% Greek + 10.3% Ossetian @ 2.67
10 91.2% Greek + 8.8% Abhkasian @ 2.85
11 90.4% Greek + 9.6% Georgian @ 2.87
12 89.4% Greek + 10.6% Nogay @ 3.34
13 88.6% Greek + 11.4% Turkmen @ 3.47
14 87.6% Greek + 12.4% Azeri @ 3.48
15 89.1% Greek + 10.9% Kurdish @ 3.51
16 85.9% Greek + 14.1% Turkish @ 3.61
17 90.9% Greek + 9.1% Tadjik @ 3.64
18 90% Greek + 10% Iranian @ 3.65
19 92.5% Greek + 7.5% Afghan_Pashtun @ 3.75
20 91.9% Greek + 8.1% Afghan_Tadjik @ 3.8


Kit Num: *******
Threshold of components set to 1.000
Threshold of method set to 0.25%
Personal data has been read. 20 approximations mode.
Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 4-Ancestors Oracle
This program is based on 4-Ancestors Oracle Version 0.96 by Alexandr Burnashev.
Questions about results should be sent to him at: Alexandr.Burnashev@gmail.com
Original concept proposed by Sergey Kozlov.
Many thanks to Alexandr for helping us get this web version developed.

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 East_Med 22.70
2 West_Asian 16.61
3 West_Med 14.75
4 Atlantic 14.66
5 Baltic 11.44
6 Eastern_Euro 9.09
7 North_Sea 8.04
8 Red_Sea 1.78

Finished reading population data. 207 populations found.
15 components mode.


Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Greek @ 5.418485
2 Central_Greek @ 9.721875
3 Greek_Thessaly @ 9.806972
4 Italian_Abruzzo @ 10.541971
5 Bulgarian @ 10.706044
6 Ashkenazi @ 11.342549
7 East_Sicilian @ 11.616240
8 West_Sicilian @ 13.147984
9 South_Italian @ 13.501031
10 Romanian @ 13.870973
11 Tuscan @ 14.619981
12 Serbian @ 18.392609
13 Sephardic_Jewish @ 18.763411
14 Italian_Jewish @ 18.812162
15 Algerian_Jewish @ 19.935972
16 North_Italian @ 19.982534
17 Turkish @ 21.661127
18 Tunisian_Jewish @ 23.096546
19 Moldavian @ 23.609318
20 Cyprian @ 23.988714

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% Greek +50% Greek @ 5.418485

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% Greek +25% Romanian +25% Turkish @ 3.779032

Using 4 populations approximation:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
1 Bulgarian + Greek + Greek + Turkish @ 3.591540
2 Greek + Greek + Romanian + Turkish @ 3.779032
3 Greek + Greek + Serbian + Turkish @ 3.933714
4 Bulgarian + Bulgarian + Greek + Turkish @ 3.934845
5 Armenian + Croatian + Greek + Greek @ 4.008704
6 Croatian + Georgian_Jewish + Greek + Greek @ 4.032705
7 Armenian + Austrian + Greek + Greek @ 4.189083
8 Austrian + Georgian_Jewish + Greek + Greek @ 4.195479
9 Assyrian + Croatian + Greek + Greek @ 4.266525
10 Croatian + Greek + Greek + Turkish @ 4.344020
11 Azeri + Bulgarian + Greek + Greek @ 4.348551
12 Greek + Greek + Moldavian + Turkish @ 4.359249
13 Croatian + Greek + South_Italian + Turkish @ 4.411375
14 Assyrian + Austrian + Greek + Greek @ 4.466450
15 Armenian + Greek + Russian_Smolensk + West_Sicilian @ 4.497542
16 Central_Greek + Croatian + Greek + Turkish @ 4.503661
17 Adygei + Belorussian + Lebanese_Druze + Sardinian @ 4.534045
18 Bulgarian + Bulgarian + Georgian_Jewish + Greek @ 4.541987
19 Armenian + Croatian + Greek + West_Sicilian @ 4.563653
20 Azeri + Greek + Greek + Romanian @ 4.580347


Elapsed time 1.5100 seconds.

05-26-2018, 10:17 PM
So really not that different or divergent from other Greek mainlanders. Maybe a slight NE or E pull to results. I knew someone from East Thrace and she was robust Alpine Med like with no Eastern affinity at all.

05-26-2018, 10:19 PM
High atlantic, somewhat high west asian.

05-26-2018, 10:20 PM
He said his family is from East Thrace

HarappaWorld Admixture Proportions

HarappaWorld Admixture Proportions

This utility uses the HarappaWorld model, created by Zack. Questions and comments about this model
should be directed to him at harappa@zackvision.com or to his HarappaWorld blog.
We appreciate him making this excellent tool available here.

Kit Number: ******* Elapsed Time: 8.95 seconds

S-Indian 0.14
Baloch 8.15
Caucasian 32.67
NE-Euro 25.74
SE-Asian 0.26
Siberian -
NE-Asian -
Papuan 0.18
American 1.77
Beringian -
Mediterranean 23.74
SW-Asian 7.27
San -
E-African 0.07
Pygmy -
W-African -

Web site and contents ©Copyright 2011-2018 by GEDmatch, Inc.
Genealogy and DNA data remains the property of the submitter.
Each Admixture Proportions 'calculator' model remains the property of its developer.

52209 SNPs used in this evaluation


GEDmatch.Com Oracle
This version of GEDmatch Oracle is based on 'Oracle v1' by Dienekes Pontikos. His original program was developed as part of the Dodecad Ancestry Project. More information on Dienekes' orignal program can be found here.

Many thanks also to Zack Ajmal for helping us get this web version of Dienekes' Oracle program developed.

HarappaWorld Oracle results:
23 April 2013 - Oracle reference population percentages revised.

Kit *******

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 32.67
2 NE-Euro 25.74
3 Mediterranean 23.74
4 Baloch 8.15
5 SW-Asian 7.27
6 American 1.77
7 SE-Asian 0.26
8 Papuan 0.18
9 S-Indian 0.14
10 E-African 0.07
11 Beringian 0.01

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 ashkenazi (harappa) 8.95
2 tuscan (1000genomes) 9.06
3 tuscan (hgdp) 9.49
4 tuscan (hapmap) 10.17
5 bulgarian (yunusbayev) 10.48
6 romanian-a (behar) 11.81
7 ashkenazy-jew (behar) 11.95
8 italian (hgdp) 16.4
9 turk-aydin (hodoglugil) 16.84
10 sephardic-jew (behar) 18.77
11 morocco-jew (behar) 20.31
12 turk-istanbul (hodoglugil) 22.96
13 turk-kayseri (hodoglugil) 24.22
14 turk (behar) 25.14
15 romanian-b (behar) 25.15
16 cypriot (behar) 25.56
17 stalskoe (xing) 25.61
18 nogai (yunusbayev) 25.65
19 turkish (harappa) 26.62
20 hungarian (behar) 26.84

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 69.2% romanian-a (behar) + 30.8% cypriot (behar) @ 3.46
2 78.5% tuscan (1000genomes) + 21.5% urkarah (xing) @ 3.49
3 78.8% tuscan (1000genomes) + 21.2% chechen (yunusbayev) @ 3.71
4 75.4% tuscan (1000genomes) + 24.6% stalskoe (xing) @ 3.76
5 57.8% cypriot (behar) + 42.2% n-european (xing) @ 3.88
6 79.5% tuscan (1000genomes) + 20.5% lezgin (behar) @ 3.94
7 51.3% cypriot (behar) + 48.7% hungarian (behar) @ 3.95
8 58.5% cypriot (behar) + 41.5% utahn-white (hapmap) @ 3.96
9 53.8% bulgarian (yunusbayev) + 46.2% ashkenazy-jew (behar) @ 3.99
10 72.4% bulgarian (yunusbayev) + 27.6% cypriot (behar) @ 4.11
11 57.9% cypriot (behar) + 42.1% utahn-white (1000genomes) @ 4.15
12 56.5% french (hgdp) + 43.5% druze (hgdp) @ 4.15
13 65.6% bulgarian (yunusbayev) + 34.4% sephardic-jew (behar) @ 4.17
14 77.9% tuscan (1000genomes) + 22.1% kumyk (yunusbayev) @ 4.26
15 50.3% romanian-a (behar) + 49.7% ashkenazy-jew (behar) @ 4.31
16 54.9% ashkenazi (harappa) + 45.1% bulgarian (yunusbayev) @ 4.34
17 67.5% italian (hgdp) + 32.5% adygei (hgdp) @ 4.4
18 66.6% italian (hgdp) + 33.4% balkar (yunusbayev) @ 4.43
19 59% cypriot (behar) + 41% british (1000genomes) @ 4.48
20 58.5% ashkenazi (harappa) + 41.5% romanian-a (behar) @ 4.49


Kit Num: *******
Threshold of components set to 1.000
Threshold of method set to 0.25%
Personal data has been read. 20 approximations mode.
HarappaWorld 4-Ancestors Oracle
This program is based on 4-Ancestors Oracle Version 0.96 by Alexandr Burnashev.
Questions about results should be sent to him at: Alexandr.Burnashev@gmail.com
Original concept proposed by Sergey Kozlov.
Many thanks to Alexandr for helping us get this web version developed.

23 April 2013 - Oracle reference population percentages revised.

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 32.67
2 NE-Euro 25.74
3 Mediterranean 23.74
4 Baloch 8.15
5 SW-Asian 7.27
6 American 1.77

Finished reading population data. 377 populations found.
16 components mode.


Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 tuscan_1000genomes @ 9.713058
2 ashkenazi_harappa @ 9.713267
3 tuscan_hgdp @ 10.184507
4 tuscan_hapmap @ 10.914289
5 bulgarian_yunusbayev @ 11.515804
6 ashkenazy-jew_behar @ 13.038228
7 romanian-a_behar @ 13.045474
8 italian_hgdp @ 17.818077
9 turk-aydin_hodoglugil @ 18.230625
10 serbian_harappa @ 19.464844
11 sephardic-jew_behar @ 20.538612
12 morocco-jew_behar @ 22.173491
13 turk-istanbul_hodoglugil @ 25.143330
14 turk-kayseri_hodoglugil @ 26.561541
15 nogai_yunusbayev @ 27.364630
16 turk_behar @ 27.566687
17 romanian-b_behar @ 27.655575
18 stalskoe_xing @ 27.739857
19 cypriot_behar @ 28.235943
20 turkish_harappa @ 29.118174

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% cypriot_behar +50% hungarian_behar @ 4.223886

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% bulgarian_yunusbayev +25% turk-kayseri_hodoglugil +25% tuscan_hapmap @ 2.590085

Using 4 populations approximation:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.719658
2 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_1000genomes @ 1.745756
3 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_1000genomes @ 1.784405
4 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hgdp + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.790012
5 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.808876
6 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hapmap @ 1.841581
7 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.848534
8 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_hgdp + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.855032
9 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hgdp + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.859846
10 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_1000genomes @ 1.865036
11 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hapmap + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.899933
12 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hapmap @ 1.919197
13 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hapmap @ 1.922240
14 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hapmap + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.948916
15 belorussian_behar + chechen_yunusbayev + cypriot_behar + sardinian_hgdp @ 1.983651
16 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_hapmap + tuscan_hgdp @ 2.009920
17 armenian_behar + ashkenazi_harappa + hungarian_behar + italian_hgdp @ 2.011050
18 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hapmap + tuscan_hapmap @ 2.026751
19 armenian_yunusbayev + bulgarian_yunusbayev + italian_hgdp + romanian-a_behar @ 2.038384
20 armenian_yunusbayev + italian_hgdp + romanian-a_behar + romanian-a_behar @ 2.047275


Elapsed time 2.2377 seconds.

Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 Admixture Proportions

Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 Admixture Proportions

This utility uses the Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 model, created by Davidski (Polako). Questions and comments about this model
should be directed to him at his Project Blog.

Kit Number: ******* Elapsed Time: 7.13 seconds

North_Sea 8.04
Atlantic 14.66
Baltic 11.44
Eastern_Euro 9.09
West_Med 14.75
West_Asian 16.61
East_Med 22.70
Red_Sea 1.78
South_Asian -
Southeast_Asian 0.74
Siberian -
Amerindian 0.19
Oceanian -
Northeast_African -
Sub-Saharan -

Web site and contents ©Copyright 2011-2018 by GEDmatch, Inc.
Genealogy and DNA data remains the property of the submitter.
Each Admixture Proportions 'calculator' model remains the property of its developer.

59120 SNPs used in this evaluation


GEDmatch.Com Oracle
This version of GEDmatch Oracle is based on 'Oracle v1' by Dienekes Pontikos. His original program was developed as part of the Dodecad Ancestry Project. More information on Dienekes' orignal program can be found here.

Many thanks also to Zack Ajmal for helping us get this web version of Dienekes' Oracle program developed.

Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 Oracle results:
Kit ********

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 East_Med 22.7
2 West_Asian 16.61
3 West_Med 14.75
4 Atlantic 14.66
5 Baltic 11.44
6 Eastern_Euro 9.09
7 North_Sea 8.04
8 Red_Sea 1.78
9 Southeast_Asian 0.74
10 Amerindian 0.19

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Greek 4.73
2 Greek_Thessaly 8.47
3 Central_Greek 8.48
4 Bulgarian 9.17
5 Italian_Abruzzo 9.19
6 Ashkenazi 10.12
7 East_Sicilian 10.24
8 West_Sicilian 11.48
9 South_Italian 11.68
10 Romanian 11.84
11 Tuscan 12.66
12 Serbian 15.67
13 Italian_Jewish 16.39
14 Sephardic_Jewish 16.4
15 North_Italian 17.17
16 Algerian_Jewish 17.4
17 Turkish 18.91
18 Moldavian 20.18
19 Tunisian_Jewish 20.24
20 Cyprian 20.58

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 87.9% Greek + 12.1% Lezgin @ 2.13
2 88.9% Greek + 11.1% Chechen @ 2.38
3 88.3% Greek + 11.7% Kabardin @ 2.39
4 88.6% Greek + 11.4% Tabassaran @ 2.39
5 88.6% Greek + 11.4% Adygei @ 2.39
6 86.9% Greek + 13.1% Kumyk @ 2.45
7 88.6% Greek + 11.4% Balkar @ 2.5
8 89.7% Greek + 10.3% North_Ossetian @ 2.58
9 89.7% Greek + 10.3% Ossetian @ 2.67
10 91.2% Greek + 8.8% Abhkasian @ 2.85
11 90.4% Greek + 9.6% Georgian @ 2.87
12 89.4% Greek + 10.6% Nogay @ 3.34
13 88.6% Greek + 11.4% Turkmen @ 3.47
14 87.6% Greek + 12.4% Azeri @ 3.48
15 89.1% Greek + 10.9% Kurdish @ 3.51
16 85.9% Greek + 14.1% Turkish @ 3.61
17 90.9% Greek + 9.1% Tadjik @ 3.64
18 90% Greek + 10% Iranian @ 3.65
19 92.5% Greek + 7.5% Afghan_Pashtun @ 3.75
20 91.9% Greek + 8.1% Afghan_Tadjik @ 3.8


Kit Num: *******
Threshold of components set to 1.000
Threshold of method set to 0.25%
Personal data has been read. 20 approximations mode.
Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 4-Ancestors Oracle
This program is based on 4-Ancestors Oracle Version 0.96 by Alexandr Burnashev.
Questions about results should be sent to him at: Alexandr.Burnashev@gmail.com
Original concept proposed by Sergey Kozlov.
Many thanks to Alexandr for helping us get this web version developed.

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 East_Med 22.70
2 West_Asian 16.61
3 West_Med 14.75
4 Atlantic 14.66
5 Baltic 11.44
6 Eastern_Euro 9.09
7 North_Sea 8.04
8 Red_Sea 1.78

Finished reading population data. 207 populations found.
15 components mode.


Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Greek @ 5.418485
2 Central_Greek @ 9.721875
3 Greek_Thessaly @ 9.806972
4 Italian_Abruzzo @ 10.541971
5 Bulgarian @ 10.706044
6 Ashkenazi @ 11.342549
7 East_Sicilian @ 11.616240
8 West_Sicilian @ 13.147984
9 South_Italian @ 13.501031
10 Romanian @ 13.870973
11 Tuscan @ 14.619981
12 Serbian @ 18.392609
13 Sephardic_Jewish @ 18.763411
14 Italian_Jewish @ 18.812162
15 Algerian_Jewish @ 19.935972
16 North_Italian @ 19.982534
17 Turkish @ 21.661127
18 Tunisian_Jewish @ 23.096546
19 Moldavian @ 23.609318
20 Cyprian @ 23.988714

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% Greek +50% Greek @ 5.418485

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% Greek +25% Romanian +25% Turkish @ 3.779032

Using 4 populations approximation:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
1 Bulgarian + Greek + Greek + Turkish @ 3.591540
2 Greek + Greek + Romanian + Turkish @ 3.779032
3 Greek + Greek + Serbian + Turkish @ 3.933714
4 Bulgarian + Bulgarian + Greek + Turkish @ 3.934845
5 Armenian + Croatian + Greek + Greek @ 4.008704
6 Croatian + Georgian_Jewish + Greek + Greek @ 4.032705
7 Armenian + Austrian + Greek + Greek @ 4.189083
8 Austrian + Georgian_Jewish + Greek + Greek @ 4.195479
9 Assyrian + Croatian + Greek + Greek @ 4.266525
10 Croatian + Greek + Greek + Turkish @ 4.344020
11 Azeri + Bulgarian + Greek + Greek @ 4.348551
12 Greek + Greek + Moldavian + Turkish @ 4.359249
13 Croatian + Greek + South_Italian + Turkish @ 4.411375
14 Assyrian + Austrian + Greek + Greek @ 4.466450
15 Armenian + Greek + Russian_Smolensk + West_Sicilian @ 4.497542
16 Central_Greek + Croatian + Greek + Turkish @ 4.503661
17 Adygei + Belorussian + Lebanese_Druze + Sardinian @ 4.534045
18 Bulgarian + Bulgarian + Georgian_Jewish + Greek @ 4.541987
19 Armenian + Croatian + Greek + West_Sicilian @ 4.563653
20 Azeri + Greek + Greek + Romanian @ 4.580347


Elapsed time 1.5100 seconds.

Nice results

05-26-2018, 10:21 PM
High atlantic, somewhat high west asian.

High Atlantic is interesting to me.

05-26-2018, 10:23 PM
High Atlantic is interesting to me.

I remember you scored high atlantic as well.

Ajeje Brazorf
05-26-2018, 10:25 PM
GEDmatch kit is... Z666730
This person has published his results without hiding the kit, so I think there are no privacy issues. In any case, I could remove it.

05-26-2018, 10:26 PM
I remember you scored high atlantic as well.


Ajeje Brazorf
05-26-2018, 10:29 PM
He comes out as half Greek half Bulgarian/Turkish. The same seems to apply to Harappa, which gives half Tuscan (since it doesn't have a Greek population) half Armenian/Slovenian.

05-26-2018, 10:32 PM
He comes out as half Greek half Bulgarian/Turkish. The same seems to apply to Harappa, which gives half Tuscan (since it doesn't have a Greek population) half Armenian/Slovenian.

Yes I wondered about the Turk in the 4 population oracle. Have not seen that in other Greek mainland results for EU K 15. But I guess one would have to consider Thrace's location.

05-26-2018, 10:36 PM
Looks like a standard mainland result to me but Caucasus components slightly higher than average and a shift toward Spain.

This result is similar to that of an Istanbul Greek I've seen.

Here's MDLP k23, Dodecad k12b and Puntdna-l k13:


09-16-2018, 09:23 PM
He said his family is from East Thrace

HarappaWorld Admixture Proportions

HarappaWorld Admixture Proportions

This utility uses the HarappaWorld model, created by Zack. Questions and comments about this model
should be directed to him at harappa@zackvision.com or to his HarappaWorld blog.
We appreciate him making this excellent tool available here.

Kit Number: ******* Elapsed Time: 8.95 seconds

S-Indian 0.14
Baloch 8.15
Caucasian 32.67
NE-Euro 25.74
SE-Asian 0.26
Siberian -
NE-Asian -
Papuan 0.18
American 1.77
Beringian -
Mediterranean 23.74
SW-Asian 7.27
San -
E-African 0.07
Pygmy -
W-African -

Web site and contents ©Copyright 2011-2018 by GEDmatch, Inc.
Genealogy and DNA data remains the property of the submitter.
Each Admixture Proportions 'calculator' model remains the property of its developer.

52209 SNPs used in this evaluation


GEDmatch.Com Oracle
This version of GEDmatch Oracle is based on 'Oracle v1' by Dienekes Pontikos. His original program was developed as part of the Dodecad Ancestry Project. More information on Dienekes' orignal program can be found here.

Many thanks also to Zack Ajmal for helping us get this web version of Dienekes' Oracle program developed.

HarappaWorld Oracle results:
23 April 2013 - Oracle reference population percentages revised.

Kit *******

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 32.67
2 NE-Euro 25.74
3 Mediterranean 23.74
4 Baloch 8.15
5 SW-Asian 7.27
6 American 1.77
7 SE-Asian 0.26
8 Papuan 0.18
9 S-Indian 0.14
10 E-African 0.07
11 Beringian 0.01

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 ashkenazi (harappa) 8.95
2 tuscan (1000genomes) 9.06
3 tuscan (hgdp) 9.49
4 tuscan (hapmap) 10.17
5 bulgarian (yunusbayev) 10.48
6 romanian-a (behar) 11.81
7 ashkenazy-jew (behar) 11.95
8 italian (hgdp) 16.4
9 turk-aydin (hodoglugil) 16.84
10 sephardic-jew (behar) 18.77
11 morocco-jew (behar) 20.31
12 turk-istanbul (hodoglugil) 22.96
13 turk-kayseri (hodoglugil) 24.22
14 turk (behar) 25.14
15 romanian-b (behar) 25.15
16 cypriot (behar) 25.56
17 stalskoe (xing) 25.61
18 nogai (yunusbayev) 25.65
19 turkish (harappa) 26.62
20 hungarian (behar) 26.84

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 69.2% romanian-a (behar) + 30.8% cypriot (behar) @ 3.46
2 78.5% tuscan (1000genomes) + 21.5% urkarah (xing) @ 3.49
3 78.8% tuscan (1000genomes) + 21.2% chechen (yunusbayev) @ 3.71
4 75.4% tuscan (1000genomes) + 24.6% stalskoe (xing) @ 3.76
5 57.8% cypriot (behar) + 42.2% n-european (xing) @ 3.88
6 79.5% tuscan (1000genomes) + 20.5% lezgin (behar) @ 3.94
7 51.3% cypriot (behar) + 48.7% hungarian (behar) @ 3.95
8 58.5% cypriot (behar) + 41.5% utahn-white (hapmap) @ 3.96
9 53.8% bulgarian (yunusbayev) + 46.2% ashkenazy-jew (behar) @ 3.99
10 72.4% bulgarian (yunusbayev) + 27.6% cypriot (behar) @ 4.11
11 57.9% cypriot (behar) + 42.1% utahn-white (1000genomes) @ 4.15
12 56.5% french (hgdp) + 43.5% druze (hgdp) @ 4.15
13 65.6% bulgarian (yunusbayev) + 34.4% sephardic-jew (behar) @ 4.17
14 77.9% tuscan (1000genomes) + 22.1% kumyk (yunusbayev) @ 4.26
15 50.3% romanian-a (behar) + 49.7% ashkenazy-jew (behar) @ 4.31
16 54.9% ashkenazi (harappa) + 45.1% bulgarian (yunusbayev) @ 4.34
17 67.5% italian (hgdp) + 32.5% adygei (hgdp) @ 4.4
18 66.6% italian (hgdp) + 33.4% balkar (yunusbayev) @ 4.43
19 59% cypriot (behar) + 41% british (1000genomes) @ 4.48
20 58.5% ashkenazi (harappa) + 41.5% romanian-a (behar) @ 4.49


Kit Num: *******
Threshold of components set to 1.000
Threshold of method set to 0.25%
Personal data has been read. 20 approximations mode.
HarappaWorld 4-Ancestors Oracle
This program is based on 4-Ancestors Oracle Version 0.96 by Alexandr Burnashev.
Questions about results should be sent to him at: Alexandr.Burnashev@gmail.com
Original concept proposed by Sergey Kozlov.
Many thanks to Alexandr for helping us get this web version developed.

23 April 2013 - Oracle reference population percentages revised.

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 32.67
2 NE-Euro 25.74
3 Mediterranean 23.74
4 Baloch 8.15
5 SW-Asian 7.27
6 American 1.77

Finished reading population data. 377 populations found.
16 components mode.


Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 tuscan_1000genomes @ 9.713058
2 ashkenazi_harappa @ 9.713267
3 tuscan_hgdp @ 10.184507
4 tuscan_hapmap @ 10.914289
5 bulgarian_yunusbayev @ 11.515804
6 ashkenazy-jew_behar @ 13.038228
7 romanian-a_behar @ 13.045474
8 italian_hgdp @ 17.818077
9 turk-aydin_hodoglugil @ 18.230625
10 serbian_harappa @ 19.464844
11 sephardic-jew_behar @ 20.538612
12 morocco-jew_behar @ 22.173491
13 turk-istanbul_hodoglugil @ 25.143330
14 turk-kayseri_hodoglugil @ 26.561541
15 nogai_yunusbayev @ 27.364630
16 turk_behar @ 27.566687
17 romanian-b_behar @ 27.655575
18 stalskoe_xing @ 27.739857
19 cypriot_behar @ 28.235943
20 turkish_harappa @ 29.118174

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% cypriot_behar +50% hungarian_behar @ 4.223886

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% bulgarian_yunusbayev +25% turk-kayseri_hodoglugil +25% tuscan_hapmap @ 2.590085

Using 4 populations approximation:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.719658
2 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_1000genomes @ 1.745756
3 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_1000genomes @ 1.784405
4 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hgdp + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.790012
5 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.808876
6 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hapmap @ 1.841581
7 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.848534
8 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_hgdp + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.855032
9 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hgdp + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.859846
10 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_1000genomes @ 1.865036
11 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hapmap + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.899933
12 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hapmap @ 1.919197
13 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_1000genomes + tuscan_hapmap @ 1.922240
14 armenian_yunusbayev + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hapmap + tuscan_hgdp @ 1.948916
15 belorussian_behar + chechen_yunusbayev + cypriot_behar + sardinian_hgdp @ 1.983651
16 armenian_behar + hungarian_behar + tuscan_hapmap + tuscan_hgdp @ 2.009920
17 armenian_behar + ashkenazi_harappa + hungarian_behar + italian_hgdp @ 2.011050
18 armenian_behar + slovenian_xing + tuscan_hapmap + tuscan_hapmap @ 2.026751
19 armenian_yunusbayev + bulgarian_yunusbayev + italian_hgdp + romanian-a_behar @ 2.038384
20 armenian_yunusbayev + italian_hgdp + romanian-a_behar + romanian-a_behar @ 2.047275


Elapsed time 2.2377 seconds.

Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 Admixture Proportions

Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 Admixture Proportions

This utility uses the Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 model, created by Davidski (Polako). Questions and comments about this model
should be directed to him at his Project Blog.

Kit Number: ******* Elapsed Time: 7.13 seconds

North_Sea 8.04
Atlantic 14.66
Baltic 11.44
Eastern_Euro 9.09
West_Med 14.75
West_Asian 16.61
East_Med 22.70
Red_Sea 1.78
South_Asian -
Southeast_Asian 0.74
Siberian -
Amerindian 0.19
Oceanian -
Northeast_African -
Sub-Saharan -

Web site and contents ©Copyright 2011-2018 by GEDmatch, Inc.
Genealogy and DNA data remains the property of the submitter.
Each Admixture Proportions 'calculator' model remains the property of its developer.

59120 SNPs used in this evaluation


GEDmatch.Com Oracle
This version of GEDmatch Oracle is based on 'Oracle v1' by Dienekes Pontikos. His original program was developed as part of the Dodecad Ancestry Project. More information on Dienekes' orignal program can be found here.

Many thanks also to Zack Ajmal for helping us get this web version of Dienekes' Oracle program developed.

Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 Oracle results:
Kit ********

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 East_Med 22.7
2 West_Asian 16.61
3 West_Med 14.75
4 Atlantic 14.66
5 Baltic 11.44
6 Eastern_Euro 9.09
7 North_Sea 8.04
8 Red_Sea 1.78
9 Southeast_Asian 0.74
10 Amerindian 0.19

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Greek 4.73
2 Greek_Thessaly 8.47
3 Central_Greek 8.48
4 Bulgarian 9.17
5 Italian_Abruzzo 9.19
6 Ashkenazi 10.12
7 East_Sicilian 10.24
8 West_Sicilian 11.48
9 South_Italian 11.68
10 Romanian 11.84
11 Tuscan 12.66
12 Serbian 15.67
13 Italian_Jewish 16.39
14 Sephardic_Jewish 16.4
15 North_Italian 17.17
16 Algerian_Jewish 17.4
17 Turkish 18.91
18 Moldavian 20.18
19 Tunisian_Jewish 20.24
20 Cyprian 20.58

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 87.9% Greek + 12.1% Lezgin @ 2.13
2 88.9% Greek + 11.1% Chechen @ 2.38
3 88.3% Greek + 11.7% Kabardin @ 2.39
4 88.6% Greek + 11.4% Tabassaran @ 2.39
5 88.6% Greek + 11.4% Adygei @ 2.39
6 86.9% Greek + 13.1% Kumyk @ 2.45
7 88.6% Greek + 11.4% Balkar @ 2.5
8 89.7% Greek + 10.3% North_Ossetian @ 2.58
9 89.7% Greek + 10.3% Ossetian @ 2.67
10 91.2% Greek + 8.8% Abhkasian @ 2.85
11 90.4% Greek + 9.6% Georgian @ 2.87
12 89.4% Greek + 10.6% Nogay @ 3.34
13 88.6% Greek + 11.4% Turkmen @ 3.47
14 87.6% Greek + 12.4% Azeri @ 3.48
15 89.1% Greek + 10.9% Kurdish @ 3.51
16 85.9% Greek + 14.1% Turkish @ 3.61
17 90.9% Greek + 9.1% Tadjik @ 3.64
18 90% Greek + 10% Iranian @ 3.65
19 92.5% Greek + 7.5% Afghan_Pashtun @ 3.75
20 91.9% Greek + 8.1% Afghan_Tadjik @ 3.8


Kit Num: *******
Threshold of components set to 1.000
Threshold of method set to 0.25%
Personal data has been read. 20 approximations mode.
Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15 4-Ancestors Oracle
This program is based on 4-Ancestors Oracle Version 0.96 by Alexandr Burnashev.
Questions about results should be sent to him at: Alexandr.Burnashev@gmail.com
Original concept proposed by Sergey Kozlov.
Many thanks to Alexandr for helping us get this web version developed.

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 East_Med 22.70
2 West_Asian 16.61
3 West_Med 14.75
4 Atlantic 14.66
5 Baltic 11.44
6 Eastern_Euro 9.09
7 North_Sea 8.04
8 Red_Sea 1.78

Finished reading population data. 207 populations found.
15 components mode.


Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Greek @ 5.418485
2 Central_Greek @ 9.721875
3 Greek_Thessaly @ 9.806972
4 Italian_Abruzzo @ 10.541971
5 Bulgarian @ 10.706044
6 Ashkenazi @ 11.342549
7 East_Sicilian @ 11.616240
8 West_Sicilian @ 13.147984
9 South_Italian @ 13.501031
10 Romanian @ 13.870973
11 Tuscan @ 14.619981
12 Serbian @ 18.392609
13 Sephardic_Jewish @ 18.763411
14 Italian_Jewish @ 18.812162
15 Algerian_Jewish @ 19.935972
16 North_Italian @ 19.982534
17 Turkish @ 21.661127
18 Tunisian_Jewish @ 23.096546
19 Moldavian @ 23.609318
20 Cyprian @ 23.988714

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% Greek +50% Greek @ 5.418485

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% Greek +25% Romanian +25% Turkish @ 3.779032

Using 4 populations approximation:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
1 Bulgarian + Greek + Greek + Turkish @ 3.591540
2 Greek + Greek + Romanian + Turkish @ 3.779032
3 Greek + Greek + Serbian + Turkish @ 3.933714
4 Bulgarian + Bulgarian + Greek + Turkish @ 3.934845
5 Armenian + Croatian + Greek + Greek @ 4.008704
6 Croatian + Georgian_Jewish + Greek + Greek @ 4.032705
7 Armenian + Austrian + Greek + Greek @ 4.189083
8 Austrian + Georgian_Jewish + Greek + Greek @ 4.195479
9 Assyrian + Croatian + Greek + Greek @ 4.266525
10 Croatian + Greek + Greek + Turkish @ 4.344020
11 Azeri + Bulgarian + Greek + Greek @ 4.348551
12 Greek + Greek + Moldavian + Turkish @ 4.359249
13 Croatian + Greek + South_Italian + Turkish @ 4.411375
14 Assyrian + Austrian + Greek + Greek @ 4.466450
15 Armenian + Greek + Russian_Smolensk + West_Sicilian @ 4.497542
16 Central_Greek + Croatian + Greek + Turkish @ 4.503661
17 Adygei + Belorussian + Lebanese_Druze + Sardinian @ 4.534045
18 Bulgarian + Bulgarian + Georgian_Jewish + Greek @ 4.541987
19 Armenian + Croatian + Greek + West_Sicilian @ 4.563653
20 Azeri + Greek + Greek + Romanian @ 4.580347


Elapsed time 1.5100 seconds.

I have been searching for Thracian Greek results for months, thank you! I'm from Western Thrace, ethnically 50% Pomak and 50% Balkan Turk. Here the difference;

His/her K13

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 East_Med 25.86
2 West_Med 19.29
3 Baltic 18.94
4 West_Asian 16.34
5 North_Atlantic 15.94
6 Red_Sea 1.59
7 East_Asian 1.29
8 Amerindian 0.68
9 Oceanian 0.07

My K13

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 East_Med 22.68
2 Baltic 19.39
3 West_Asian 15.84
4 North_Atlantic 15.26
5 West_Med 12.5
6 Siberian 6.86
7 Red_Sea 1.79
8 South_Asian 1.76
9 East_Asian 1.71
10 Sub-Saharan 0.91
11 Amerindian 0.8
12 Oceanian 0.5

09-16-2018, 09:35 PM
This person seems to have more NE European and Caucasian than what is typical for the mainland. They are one of the most deviating Greek regions from Crete or South Italy.

09-16-2018, 09:56 PM

09-16-2018, 10:06 PM

Amerindian 0.21
Arabian -
Armenian 5.77
Basque 2.39
Central_African -
Central_Euro 4.34
East_African -
East_Asian -
East_Balkan 2.93
East_Central_Asian -
East_Central_Euro 7.00
East_Med 12.57
Eastern_Euro 4.31
Fennoscandian 0.91
French 1.21
Iberian 5.68
Indo-Chinese -
Italian 18.93
Malayan -
Near_Eastern 6.32
North_African -
North_Atlantic 5.18
North_Caucasian 5.05
North_Sea -
Northeast_African -
Oceanian -
Omotic -
Pygmy -
Siberian -
South_Asian -
South_Central_Asian -
South_Chinese -
Volga-Ural 2.68
West_African -
West_Caucasian 7.79
West_Med 6.74

09-16-2018, 10:08 PM
Typical mainland Greek

09-16-2018, 10:18 PM
This is their similarity map on Eurogenes K36. They are fairly close to Athenians and Peloponnese, then to North Greeks, Bulgarians, and Cyclades/North Aegean, then to various Italians and other Aegean islanders.

They are closer, interestingly, to western and southern Germany than to the Levant.


09-16-2018, 10:24 PM
# Population Percent
1 East_Med 22.08
2 West_Asian 16.09
3 North_Sea 14.25
4 West_Med 12.62
5 Baltic 8.75
6 Eastern_Euro 8.65
7 Atlantic 6.62
8 Red_Sea 4.01
9 Siberian 3.60
10 South_Asian 1.43
11 Oceanian 1.04

Here is my Eurogenes Eu test v2 K15 results. I have a high North Sea than his results. Why? I'm a Balkan Turk from Drama(East Thrace) and Thessaloniki (Central Macedonia) Also im Albanian.

09-17-2018, 05:46 AM
He said his family is from East Thrace

but it was GEDCOm in Gedmatch or he just said?

09-17-2018, 09:38 AM
# Population Percent
1 East_Med 22.08
2 West_Asian 16.09
3 North_Sea 14.25
4 West_Med 12.62
5 Baltic 8.75
6 Eastern_Euro 8.65
7 Atlantic 6.62
8 Red_Sea 4.01
9 Siberian 3.60
10 South_Asian 1.43
11 Oceanian 1.04

Here is my Eurogenes Eu test v2 K15 results. I have a high North Sea than his results. Why? I'm a Balkan Turk from Drama(East Thrace) and Thessaloniki (Central Macedonia) Also im Albanian.

Balkan Turks usually score much more North_Sea than Greeks. I don't know its reason certainly but i think it is a sign of mixing with eastern europeans. But small amounts, obviously.

Btw Drama is at border of eastern macedonia and western thrace. Not in eastern thrace.

09-17-2018, 09:44 AM
Just another Greco

Ajeje Brazorf
09-17-2018, 10:52 AM
but it was GEDCOm in Gedmatch or he just said?

His kit doesn't have Gedcom, he's a Greek from Greece, this is what he said:

Both sides are from northern Greece, specifically the thracian region. My family is from eastern thrace, so, they were kicked out of there when Turks invaded. And they went to western Thrace, mainly Alexandroupolis.

09-17-2018, 12:06 PM
Just another Greco

Now do you clearly see the difference between this result and the one from Chios I posted the other day?