View Full Version : the mystery of the viking warrior

05-27-2018, 07:09 AM

In the late 1880s, Swedish archaeologists excavated a well-furnished 10th century Viking burial site where they discovered the skeletal remains of a warrior. Cradled against a sword, the mysterious Viking was entombed with all the equipment required for battle, including a spear, an axe, armor-piercing arrows, shields, two horses, and gaming pieces, which suggested to the archaeologists that the Viking was a high-ranking military strategist.

For decades, experts assumed this grave contained the remains of a man. It wasn’t until multiple independent investigations reported the skeleton was female that modern scholars attempted a DNA analysis to know for sure. Researchers analyzed DNA samples from the Viking’s teeth and arm bone, but could not detect any trace of a Y chromosome: this warrior was a woman. Their work also revealed the northern European ancestry of the Viking and uncovered her mitochondrial haplogroup, T2b.

Both you and this viking warrior are descendants of a woman who lived in Europe around 10,000 years ago at the end of the ice age and the beginning of the Neolithic Revolution.

05-27-2018, 07:12 AM

06-08-2018, 03:27 AM

Bobby Martnen
06-08-2018, 03:46 AM
Do you know how you got a Northern European mtDNA?

06-08-2018, 03:47 AM
Do you know how you got a Northern European mtDNA?

no clue, but mtdna is very tiny part of your genome. it could date thousand years back maybe too. if it remained on the direct maternal line. but i still somewhat think its cool.

Bobby Martnen
06-08-2018, 03:48 AM
no clue, but mtdna is very tiny part of your genome. it could date thousand years back maybe too. if it remained on the direct maternal line. but i still somewhat think its cool.

I'd love to know my mtdna

06-09-2018, 01:16 PM
Do you know how you got a Northern European mtDNA?
It's not a northern European haplogroup. T2b itself seems to have been mainly dispersed into Europe with the Neolithic farmers but was found in a Mesolithic sample. Just because his mtDNA is like that of a sample, it doesn't mean that his mtDNA is derived from that population. It says the same thing on 23andme for my mtDNA even though it definitely wasn't spread into the Balkans by Scandinavians

06-09-2018, 01:19 PM
It's not a northern European haplogroup. T2b itself seems to have been mainly dispersed into Europe with the Neolithic farmers but was found in a Mesolithic sample. Just because his mtDNA is like that of a sample, it doesn't mean that his mtDNA is derived from that population. It says the same thing on 23andme for my mtDNA even though it definitely wasn't spread into the Balkans by Scandinavians

Romanian user Seya is T2b from what I know. Such haplo was found in Cucuteni Trypillian samples, it def. looks more east balkan than Viking. But who knows.

06-09-2018, 01:29 PM
Do you know how you got a Northern European mtDNA?

It is not natively Northern European.

There is a lot of foreign mtDNA in Scandinavia due to female slavery / bride kidnapping by the Vikings from around the whole Europe and importing them to Scandinavia.

Romanian user Seya is T2b from what I know. Such haplo was found in Cucuteni Trypillian samples, it def. looks more east balkan than Viking. But who knows.

Probably Vikings enslaved a Seya-lookalike and imported her to Scandinavia. From "Journey of Ahmad Ibn-Fadlan to the Itil River and Adoption of Islam in Bulgaria (921-922 AD)":

"(...) The Vikings are the filthiest of Allah's creatures: they do not purify themselves after excreting or urinating, nor do they wash themselves when in a state of impurity after coitus and do not even wash their hands after food. Indeed they are like wild asses that roam in the fields.

They arrive from their land and moor their boats by the Itil, which is a great river, building on its banks large wooden houses. They gather in each house in their tens and twenties, sometimes more, or less. Each of them has a couch on which he sits. They are accompanied by slave-girls.

One man will have intercourse with his slave-girl while his companions look on. Sometimes a group of them comes together to do this, each in front of the other. Sometimes indeed a merchant will come in to buy a slave-girl from one of them and he will chance upon him having intercourse with her.

But a Viking will not leave her alone until he has satisfied his urge.

They cannot, of course, avoid washing their faces and their heads each day, which they do with the filthiest and most polluted water imaginable. I shall explain.

Every day a slave-girl arrives in the morning with a large basin with water, which she hands to her owner. He washes his hands, then his face and his hair in the water, then he dips his comb in the water and brushes his hair, blows his nose and spits in the basin. There is no filthy impurity which he will not do in this water. When he no longer requires it, the slave-girl takes the basin to the man beside him and he goes through the same routine as his friend. She continues to carry it from one man to the next until she has gone round everyone in the house, with each of them blowing his nose and spitting into the basin, then washing his face and hair in the basin. (...)"

06-10-2018, 12:10 PM
It is not natively Northern European.

They cannot, of course, avoid washing their faces and their heads each day, which they do with the filthiest and most polluted water imaginable. I shall explain.

Every day a slave-girl arrives in the morning with a large basin with water, which she hands to her owner. He washes his hands, then his face and his hair in the water, then he dips his comb in the water and brushes his hair, blows his nose and spits in the basin. There is no filthy impurity which he will not do in this water. When he no longer requires it, the slave-girl takes the basin to the man beside him and he goes through the same routine as his friend. She continues to carry it from one man to the next until she has gone round everyone in the house, with each of them blowing his nose and spitting into the basin, then washing his face and hair in the basin. (...)"[/I]

LOL. Possibly it was good hair conditioner:)

08-20-2018, 12:53 AM
hi! How are you?