View Full Version : I guess this falls under "weird" in a sense..

02-24-2009, 09:25 AM
First off I'll start of with late last night/this morning's occurance. I had just began to fall asleep, was still in and out(I have a horrid cold right now), and as I began to doze off I began to see what appeared to be a ship, with a man at the prow with an auburn beard, he spoke in a tongue that I did not fully understand, then as the ship begins to gain some distance it hits a large wave, the man is unbalanced, he regains himself and has a laugh with a nearby commarade, it fades out and I'm in a hall with a stone fragment floor, I take a drink from a vessel and begin to rise, a man with dark hair and beard and crow like eyes appears and caws like a crow, and slits my throat, I fall to the ground and watch the blood trickle away, as a woman flees the scene with a child screaming in arms.

The one thing that caught my attention was the fact that the dark haired man had eyes like a crow's. For a period of nearly 2 years crows all of a sudden began to just flock around me and my grandfather's property, neglecting to go anywhere else, and each time I would witness this there would be one pair of crows that sepparates off and does their own thing, in one instance this pair flew right over my head, I had thought they were going to collide with my skull. Crows are often associated with death, the fact that I've had such encounters with crows and that the fellow that kills me in this daze dream thingy had crowlike traits makes me suspicious.

I get dreamlike things like this all the time, but this is the first time I can remember exactly how I die in it, the other times I just remember dying no other details.

Thoughts anyone?

Lady L
02-24-2009, 01:49 PM
I am no dream genius but here is what I have to offer you:

If crows are constantly around your property, then it is something you are experiencing daily- then to me that would explain you dreaming of them.( your wondering of them is showing up in your dreams ) They say your dreams are a jumbled up mess of what has occurred over the past 24 hours and probably with a little extra thrown in.

When I first moved to Alabama me and my husband were having trouble finding a place to live- at the first 3 places I felt not at home- unwelcome- this caused me to dream for a long period of time dreams about " someone trying to get me " It was due to what I was experiencing in my life. Once we moved here...it all stopped because I wasn't feeling that way. That told me once I let all of that go and moved on so would my dreams. ;)

If you are often thinking of your death ( don't do that ) and you are seeing crows daily, these two might become intertwined for you and are showing up in your dreams.

Dream Meanings - CROW
To see a crow in your dream, represents your annoying habits and the darker part of your character. The crow may serve as messengers from your unconscious.

We've got crows hanging out in our yard. How can we get rid of these pests?

Good luck! Once crows have decided to come to your yard, it might be hard to convince them to leave. Plastic owl decoys will work, ... for about 15 minutes. A dog could be more effective, especially if it was encouraged to chase them. If, however, something really special was attracting the crows to the yard (like readily available food), the crows probably would figure a way how to get it and avoid the dog. The idea is to make the yard an unattractive place for the crows. Cut down your trees if you have to. Chase them when possible and make it obvious that you are after THEM, not just going out in the yard for other reasons (it will make a difference, trust me, but see below for the associated risks of this technique). Killing the crows is not a recommended option. It can be done legally only in a few areas (out of the city, and with permits or a hunting license). But, if one family of crows found your yard desirable, chances are others will too. Crow society is filled with excess crows that are waiting for an opportunity to breed (the helpers staying home and helping the parents raise young). If you kill some territory holders off, you just create a breeding opportunity for the crows waiting in the wings.

A far better solution is to work on your own attitudes, not the crows'. Pests are like weeds: their status relies entirely on your point of view and state of mind. What is a weed to one person is a beautiful flower to another. It is my experience that if you let something bother you, it will. The more upset you get about it, the more it bothers you, and the more it bothers you the more upset you get, and the more upset you get the more it bothers you, and so on and so on, until you explode. Although some measures do exist to change crow behavior, it might be easier and more effective to attempt to change people's attitudes about crows. (I actually have little hope of doing either!)

Crows are not evil, and they are not purposely trying to torment you. They are just being crows, trying to live their lives and feed their families. Actual property destruction is one thing that might require action, but just being annoying is something else again. Try to appreciate the crows for the fascinating creatures they are. If you get over that hurdle, the annoying habits become much less annoying. I have said that crows are much like my family or my dog: they do many things that annoy me, but I love them and am willing to overlook (most) of the annoying things because the relationship is primarily positive on the whole.

Crows do have one endearing characteristic that is apparently not shared by other birds. They will get to know people as individuals. While you can get chickadees to eat out of your hand, any old hand will do, and I suspect that the chickadees do not know you as an individual. Crows will! If you toss them peanuts (I recommend unsalted, in the shell) on a regular basis, they will wait and watch for you. Not just any person, but you. If you do this often enough, they will follow you down the street to get more. I have made a point of getting on the good side of a number of crow families around Ithaca. Some will follow my car down the street, and if I don't notice them and toss them peanuts they will dash across the windshield to let me know they are there. Some of these crows recognize me far from their home territories, way out of context. (It did, however, take some of them a long time to learn to recognize my new car.) So indulge yourself and makes some personal friends with the crows. That is the preferred relationship, because they also are happy to turn this talent of recognition to the darker side, and treat you as an enemy. (Again, not just all people, but YOU.) Because I climb to crow nests to band young birds, many crows in Ithaca know me and hate me. Whenever they notice me in their territory they will come over and yell at me. They will follow me around and keep yelling for as long as I am there. Believe me, it's better to be on their good side than their bad side!
