View Full Version : Anybody know good low K DIY Calculator tests?

Congolese Rice
06-07-2018, 08:19 PM
because all the high K tests like Eurogenes K36, MDLP Global K27 or whatever all give me pretty weird results, maybe its because i am very mixed but only the low K tests give me actually fairly decent results, and i've heard from many people that the Low K tests are actually inaccurate, but is there a difference in accuracy between high K and low K depending on how mixed the individual taking the test is?

Ill post a few tests here that give me very decent results:

Your DNA Portal Eurogenes ANE k7 test:

Population Percentage
Sub Saharan 25.68%
Oceanian 0.30%
Amerindian 2.27%
Euro Hunter Gatherer 42.32%
Siberian 0.26%
South East Asian 1.46%
Near Eastern 27.70%


Ancient Eurasia K6 Gedmatch:

Ancestral_North_Eurasian 14.74
Ancestral_South_Eurasian 2.42
East_Asian 1.34
West_European_Hunter_Gartherer 30.45
Natufian 27.76
Sub_Saharan 23.28


Dodecad Africa9 Gedmatch:

Europe 46.71
NW_Africa 5.17
SW_Asia 21.84
E_Africa -
S_Africa 2.20
Mbuti -
W_Africa 21.07
Biaka 1.18
San 1.83


as you can see, in my case it's only the Lower K tests that are all more consistent in results, the higher the K the more fucked up my results become, and considerably more european so. Trust me, it's not that i am denying my European ancestry or that AncestryDNA's results are completely flawed, but why do only High K tests and Eurogenes / AncestryDNA give me higher european? the rest of my tests clearly show me to have middle eastern admix yet most tests dont even pick up on it which is weird.

What do you guys think? I am fairly uninformed on this type of stuff.