View Full Version : Croats - Best Warriors of Europe in last 1000 years? (Having in mind population number)

06-07-2018, 09:41 PM
Considering our numbers, with all modesty, I would say we are amongst the best or maybe THE BEST in last 1000 years.

During Austro-Hungary, Austrian Emperor had an elite soldiers - Croatian soldiers, as his guardians and most brutal and fearful soldiers.

Napoleon said that if you would give him like 100 000 Croats he would conquer entire planet.

We managed to survive and defend EUROPE AGAINST OTTOMANS, we were THE WALL they never broke, those areas (Slavonia and inland of Dalmatia, never entire Dalmatia) they did hold for 80 years were just wasteland of 24 hours fighting against Croats. Finally, when Ottomans realized they could never conquer us or our cities and heart of Croatia; we FUCKED AND KILLED Ottomans from those areas so rest of them RAN BACK TO BOSNIA LIKE DWARF ASIAN COWARDS THEY ARE.

Croats were and are true modern Spartans of Europe.

Everyone will admit it, everyone honorable here. :D

For example I dont hate Serbs, not even a bit, nevermind of war, but I bet in everythin you want they fear us deep down even today.

Germans in 19th century scared their children before bedtime with stories; "be good and go to sleep or Croats will get you" (Because of our elite soldiers in Austro-Hungary).

On stone tablet in Germany there is writin; "God save us from plague and Croatian warriors".


CHECK ALL OF THIS, this are all facts.

Croats are naturally BORN for fighting, genetically and anthropologically..., we are tall, robust, with old european Y-DNA and old Autosomal DNA.

I am not fan of Hitler (God forbid), but it's no wonder he picked us for allies.

06-07-2018, 09:42 PM
After Albanians of course :thumb001:

Also Montenegris were good warriors too.

06-07-2018, 09:43 PM
Let's be modest here :) Croats are warriors, yes.

German bedtime stories are because of Croatian mercenaries in 30 year war. They were extremely brutal, I not proud of that. Legend say they also captured and slayed Swedish King.

06-07-2018, 09:43 PM

06-07-2018, 09:46 PM
The best warriors od Europe are the French, of course

06-07-2018, 09:46 PM

Ask members here, I was never praising my own country, NEVER, because I am modest, I was always in service of other nations to unite europeans here, but I decided now to tell the truth about my own people.

06-07-2018, 09:46 PM
I voted yes. But i don't really know if that is tru or not...

06-07-2018, 09:47 PM
The best warriors od Europe are the French, of course

Buahaha. Good one.

Anthony PV
06-07-2018, 09:47 PM
If someone makes an Age of Kings mod featuring them, what would be their unique unit? :confused:

06-07-2018, 09:47 PM
Got to respectfully disagree here ;). I would say that the French and some others were the best in terms of quality of troops and military power

Moje ime
06-07-2018, 09:48 PM
Considering our numbers, with all modesty, I would say we are amongst the best or maybe THE BEST in last 1000 years.


For example I dont hate Serbs, not even a bit, nevermind of war, but I bet in everythin you want they fear us deep down even today.

Serbs are scared of/hate Ustase, but since there was a thread to not blame all Croats for Ustase crimes,
then we can't say that Serbs are scared of/hate all Croats because you all are not Ustase.
Or are you?

06-07-2018, 09:48 PM
Croats are actually pretty badass Balkanites :D

06-07-2018, 09:48 PM
Little known fact: Croatian volunteers were axis soldiers who went deepest into enemy lines in Battle of Stalingrad. That's quite of archivement. However, most perished there.

06-07-2018, 09:50 PM
I guess that it will be about 100 pages if not more

06-07-2018, 09:51 PM
If someone makes an Age of Kings mod featuring them, what would be their unique unit? :confused:

Elite Cavalry, our cavalry during AustroHungary was like Praetorian Guards of Austrian Emperor.

Only Croats were far more brutal lol.

06-07-2018, 09:51 PM
Buahaha. Good one.

Of course the frenches are the best warriors, they don't even need to fight, they just show a flag and the war is over...

06-07-2018, 09:52 PM

Serbs are scared of/hate Ustase, but since there was a thread to not blame all Croats for Ustase crimes,
then we can't say that Serbs are scared of/hate all Croats because you all are not Ustase.
Or are you?

I am afraid of chetniks too, but I know most Serbs are not chetniks.

06-07-2018, 09:54 PM
Buahaha. Good one.
The French definitely were one of the best, they had the best knights at the time and had won majority of their wars

Cool Story Bro
06-07-2018, 09:54 PM
True story bro. ;)

06-07-2018, 09:56 PM
After Albanians of course :thumb001:

Also Montenegris were good warriors too.

Got to respectfully disagree here ;). I would say that the French and some others were the best in terms of quality of troops and military power

Croats are actually pretty badass Balkanites :D

Two days ago I went to beach, near beach one Albanian family have their large caffe-bar, very nice one, they know me because every summer Im there on beach lol, and every summer I come there for drink ofcourse, they're very nice guys, means their father is the boss of that large caffe-bar, his sons works there and his daughter, also his wife works there lol.

Anyway, two days ago they were like; "go on man, take 5 glasses of vine, we are paying" haha, I was like; "jesus christ it's 3 pm", but never the less we all drink haha, so they said to me; "man, Albanians are great warriors and we are proud of our Illyrians, but we always loved you Croats and we think you're fucking beasts considering history of war and fighting against enemy, we are proud to live here".

I just said; "Thank you, thank you very much".

And ofcourse we continued about history but it was another subject; WW2 etc... all sorts of stuff lol.

06-07-2018, 09:57 PM
The French definitely were one of the best, they had the best knights at the time and had won majority of their wars

They were badly defeated by English few times though, mostly because of their arrogance.

06-07-2018, 09:58 PM
The French definitely were one of the best, they had the best knights at the time and had won majority of their wars

Oh cammon man, they were somethin only durin Napoleon who was the greatest military mastermind in history (and btw he was Italian), now imagine, if Napoleon managed to conquer almost entire Europe with ppl like French, imagine what would Napoleon do with REAL MEN :D. hahaha.

06-07-2018, 09:59 PM
They were badly defeated by English few times though, mostly because of their arrogance.
Yeah, Agincourt was probably their worst loss against the English. But still, they were the ones who won the hundred years war.

06-07-2018, 10:00 PM
Napoleon said that if you would give him like 100 000 Croats he would conquer entire planet.

I came to realize many countries have this saying, you just have to put the name of their ethnicity instead of Croats.

But according to letters of General Marmont Napoleon said to him about Croats:

“il n’avait jamais eu...de soldats plus braves et meilleurs sous tous les rapports.”85

Les Croates étaint trčs fiers de leur armée... Napoleon lui męme estimait trčs fort ces soldats et ne parlait d’eux qu’en les appelant “mes braves Croates.” A la bataille de la Berezina et pendant toute la retraite de Russie, les régiments Croates combattant sous le drapeau français témoignčrent d’une bravoure surhumaine.87

He did also decorate many Croats with the Legion of Honor for bravery, general Čolić, Mundrovčić etc.

06-07-2018, 10:03 PM
Someone claims his ethnicity produced best warriors in history, how original.

06-07-2018, 10:04 PM
Someone claims his ethnicity produced best warriors in history, how original.

Considering the number of Croats, I am saying here without any doubt that Croats were the Spartans of Europe in last 1000 years.

I repeat; considering our numbers, math is very easy.

06-07-2018, 10:05 PM
Oh cammon man, they were somethin only durin Napoleon who was the greatest military mastermind in history (and btw he was Italian), now imagine, if Napoleon managed to conquer almost entire Europe with ppl like French, imagine what would Napoleon do with REAL MEN :D. hahaha.
France was a major power during the middle ages though especially during the Carolingian era.

War Chef
06-07-2018, 10:05 PM
Someone claims his ethnicity produced best warriors in history, how original.

This is actually a good question to think over. I think if you look at the history there's no mistake the North Caucasian people specifically chechen/ingush have the best warriors. not even hun or mongols and all the other turkic shits could conquer them. Even Kurgan europeans could not. Real warriors that make everyone else look like children.

06-07-2018, 10:05 PM
Considering the number of Croats, I am saying here without any doubt that Croats were the Spartans of Europe in last 1000 years.

I repeat; considering our numbers, math is very easy.

Yes, because the Spartans were from east Asia, yes...

Cool Story Bro
06-07-2018, 10:05 PM

Who is the current UFC reigning champion in heavyweight division?


06-07-2018, 10:06 PM

Who is the current UFC reigning champion in heavyweight division?


This guy looks Iberian

06-07-2018, 10:07 PM

Who is the current UFC reigning champion in heavyweight division?

Who do you think will win, him or Cormier?

06-07-2018, 10:07 PM
France was a major power during the middle ages though especially during the Carolingian era.

Beated by Hitler "in 30 minutes."

Now please tell me one thing, we all know Hitler had better weapons, but do you know how many ppl France have? And for that time they had pretty much average or above average world weapons, above average for sure, THEY FUCKING LOST like ants.

So answer me this now; if there is Albanians as much as French, or Croats as much as French, would we give better fight? OFCOURSE WE WOULD, and you know this is truth, yes we would lose maybe eventually, but HITLER WOULD BREAK HIS TEETH ON US.


06-07-2018, 10:07 PM
Ask members here, I was never praising my own country, NEVER, because I am modest, I was always in service of other nations to unite europeans here, but I decided now to tell the truth about my own people.

All Croatian members on this site are very annoying to me. Because oh wait you all are.

War Chef
06-07-2018, 10:08 PM
but there is nothing brave about killing innocent serbs like ustasha did in the 40's.

06-07-2018, 10:09 PM
Yes, because the Spartans were from east Asia, yes...

Nope, Spartans were pure Dorians, pure ones. Came there as such 1700-1200 BC.

06-07-2018, 10:09 PM
Considering the number of Croats, I am saying here without any doubt that Croats were the Spartans of Europe in last 1000 years.

I repeat; considering our numbers, math is very easy.

Georgians are small in numbers and resisted many invasions too.

Also, beditme stories about Croatians doesn't sound like a positive thing.

06-07-2018, 10:10 PM
but there is nothing brave about killing innocent serbs like ustasha did in the 40's.

I am not proud of Ustashes and I dont like them, and none of normal Croats love Ustashes, they were monsters and this is not topic about them. Thanks.

06-07-2018, 10:11 PM
This is actually a good question to think over. I think if you look at the history there's no mistake the North Caucasian people specifically chechen/ingush have the best warriors. not even hun or mongols and all the other turkic shits could conquer them. Even Kurgan europeans could not. Real warriors that make everyone else look like children.

Don't brag, Kipchaks fought alongside Caucasians, that's why you have many Turanids today.

06-07-2018, 10:11 PM
"Prvi za Hrvatsku" - what is your military rank? just curious

Cool Story Bro
06-07-2018, 10:11 PM
Who do you think will win, him or Cormier?

He beat the "strongest" and most overhyped black guy Francis Ngannou. Who can stop him now? Nobody. :p

06-07-2018, 10:12 PM
Beated by Hitler "in 30 minutes."

Now please tell me one thing, we all know Hitler had better weapons, but do you know how many ppl France have? And for that time they had pretty much average or above average world weapons, above average for sure, THEY FUCKING LOST like ants.

So answer me this now; if there is Albanians as much as French, or Croats as much as French, would we give better fight? OFCOURSE WE WOULD, and you know this is truth, yes we would lose maybe eventually, but HITLER WOULD BREAK HIS TEETH ON US.

Yh the French embarrassed themselves there but during the middle ages they were different. Yh I gotta agree, we would be better as warriors. Skanderbeg was able to beat back the Ottomans for 25 years with an army of less than 15,000 whilst the Ottomans had over 100,000. The Croatians too had beaten the Ottomans pretty badly like in the battle of Sisak

Moje ime
06-07-2018, 10:12 PM
I am not proud of Ustashes and I dont like them, and none of normal Croats love Ustashes, they were monsters and this is not topic about them. Thanks.

Not a reason to skip my question. If you started this kind of thread then be ready for all possible outcomes.

Porn Master
06-07-2018, 10:13 PM
but there is nothing brave about killing innocent serbs like ustasha did in the 40's.

they are brave warriors against civilians

06-07-2018, 10:13 PM
All Croatian members on this site are very annoying to me. Because oh wait you all are.

You Bosnian users as well. Vlatko is okay, the rest mostly have brain problems.

06-07-2018, 10:13 PM
Th fact is that the Japanese in the second war would crush any European natiion in the WWII, they prefered to suicide than to lost or to be captured from the enemy( due to the bushido), the Japanese were a example of bravure, what Europeans and Americans don't had at this moment

06-07-2018, 10:13 PM
He beat the "strongest" and most overhyped black guy Francis Ngannou. Who can stop him now? Nobody. :p
Ngannou definitely wasn't the strongest in terms of skill, he was called the "strongest" because he holds a record for having the strongest punch. But skill wise he isn't the best. Cormier is far more of a challenge for Miocic. As for the best ever, that would probably be either St Pierre, Jon Jones or Khabib

06-07-2018, 10:14 PM
Who do you think will win, him or Cormier?

Everythin is said with this guy, and btw Im not bragging with him cause he is Croat, Im sure you like him also lol, excellent song also in video tribute:


P.S. When I was a small kid I thought they were singing in this song; WHITE BOYS and not WILD BOYS, it would be better if song was called; WHITE BOYS haha :D

06-07-2018, 10:14 PM
Stating that they're the best is a bit too far fetched, in general the western balkans warrior bands had their finest and darkest hour in different eras though they shared values like freedom, honor, respect for the ancestors and the land

War Chef
06-07-2018, 10:14 PM
Don't brag, Kipchaks fought alongside Caucasians, that's why you have many Turanids today.

the kipchaks got skull fucked.... they actually back-stabbed north caucasian federation (alans + nakh) when the mongols promised them spoils of war, but in turn now their bones decorate kavkaz river valleys after they pitched battle. actually only 1 kipchak tribe managed to embed themselves in 1 valley, the karachay.

06-07-2018, 10:15 PM
You Bosnian users as well. Vlatko is okay, the rest mostly have brain problems.

Vlatko is Bosniak slovenian whore, I am Croat saying that Croatian members are annoying. Big difference.

Cool Story Bro
06-07-2018, 10:15 PM
Ngannou definitely wasn't the strongest in terms of skill, he was called the "strongest" because he holds a record for having the strongest punch. But skill wise he isn't the best. Cormier is far more of a challenge for Miocic. As for the best ever, that would probably be either St Pierre, Jon Jones or Khabib

Yeah i know. Im just saying what the media was saying how he was the strongest man alive and yet he still lost to Miocic.

06-07-2018, 10:16 PM
Everythin is said with this guy, and btw Im not bragging with him cause he is Croat, Im sure you like him also lol, excellent song also in video tribute:


P.S. When I was a small kid I thought they sing WHITE BOYS in this song and not WILD BOYS, it would be better it song is called; WHITE BOYS haha :D
Yh he was a beast I have to admit and has a really good record. But he isn't the best ever I think.

06-07-2018, 10:16 PM
The best warriors od Europe are the French, of course


06-07-2018, 10:17 PM
Yeah i know. Im just saying what the media was saying how he was the strongest man alive and yet he still lost to Miocic.
Still, it will be an interesting fight. I want Miocic to win but we'll see how it goes.

06-07-2018, 10:18 PM
the kipchaks got skull fucked.... they actually back-stabbed north caucasian federation (alans + nakh) when the mongols promised them spoils of war, but in turn now their bones decorate kavkaz river valleys after they pitched battle. actually only 1 kipchak tribe managed to embed themselves in 1 valley, the karachay.

Many Kipchaks were brought, settled in and were assimilated in Caucasia way before Mongols arrived. They were the backbones in wars against Muslims in the south.

And Khazars ruled Caucasia for a long time.

06-07-2018, 10:18 PM
All Croatian members on this site are very annoying to me. Because oh wait you all are.

You are annoying too! Tought Police!!

06-07-2018, 10:19 PM
Not a reason to skip my question. If you started this kind of thread then be ready for all possible outcomes.

Well I told you man, I dont like Ustashes, and when I was a teenager I got in few fights because of Ustashes, means against idiots of my own nation who were pretending to be Ustashes only because I didnt wanted to belong to that so please sell that story to someone else I didn't deserve that, I had no reason back then to almost got beat up by those fanatics, but I stood up to them, it was a time when Ustashes wannabe Croats were all around, I was like; "No way in Hell man, true Croats are not Ustashes".

So please, have some respect, cheers.

06-07-2018, 10:20 PM
This guy looks Iberian

Iberian, are you joking ?

06-07-2018, 10:21 PM
You are annoying too! Tought Police!!

Very annoying, still around five hundred times less compared to you and others even when I am trying to be annoying.

06-07-2018, 10:22 PM
Iberian, are you joking ?

In this photo not so much but on the other yes he looks a bit Iberian

06-07-2018, 10:22 PM
This is actually a good question to think over. I think if you look at the history there's no mistake the North Caucasian people specifically chechen/ingush have the best warriors. not even hun or mongols and all the other turkic shits could conquer them. Even Kurgan europeans could not. Real warriors that make everyone else look like children.
I've got to say, Dagestan produces some of the best MMA fighters ever. Their grappling skills are amazing

06-07-2018, 10:23 PM
they are brave warriors against civilians

That's pure slander, and far from truth. Most heroic battle against Ottomans was led by Croatian count, and most of his soliders were ethnic Croats.

06-07-2018, 10:23 PM
I've got to say, Dagestan produces some of the best MMA fighters ever. Their grappling skills are amazing

What is "Dagestan"

06-07-2018, 10:23 PM
Yh he was a beast I have to admit and has a really good record. But he isn't the best ever I think.

Ofcourse not, the best ever was/is Branko Cikatić (another croat before Cro cop lol) who won the first K1 cup ever 1993 (first K1 cup ever) :D:


P.S. Branko Cikatić was an instructor to Cro Cop, but they got in fight while training, jesus imagine someone recorded that lol.

Moje ime
06-07-2018, 10:24 PM
Well I told you man, I dont like Ustashes, and when I was a teenager I got in few fights because of Ustashes, means against idiots of my own nation who were pretending to be Ustashes only because I didnt wanted to belong to that so please sell that story to someone else I didn't deserve that, I had no reason back then to almost got beat up by those fanatics, but I stood up to them, it was a time when Ustashes wannabe Croats were all around, I was like; "No way in Hell man, true Croats are not Ustashes".

So please, have some respect, cheers.

Why so serious, man? This is fun thread, right? :cool:

06-07-2018, 10:25 PM
Vlatko is Bosniak slovenian whore, I am Croat saying that Croatian members are annoying. Big difference.

She is not Slovenian nor a whore, Slovenian ancestry isn't rare in northwestern croatia where she is from. You two should make peace :)

Cool Story Bro
06-07-2018, 10:25 PM
Yh he was a beast I have to admit and has a really good record. But he isn't the best ever I think.

This never gets too old. Bob Sapp was like 40kg heavier than him and still lost. lol


06-07-2018, 10:25 PM
What is "Dagestan"
Region in the north Caucasus, it is a federal subject of Russia

06-07-2018, 10:26 PM
I've got to say, Dagestan produces some of the best MMA fighters ever. Their grappling skills are amazing

Mtebid masterrace

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQq5LMOWmffK4cLkXxNCLdf2W_3p9qWX Nqqfk-pdtN4u6OxDloV

06-07-2018, 10:27 PM
Mtebid masterrace

[IG]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQq5LMOWmffK4cLkXxNCLdf2W_3p9qWX Nqqfk-pdtN4u6OxDloV[/IMG]
The king, 26-0


06-07-2018, 10:27 PM
Mtebid masterrace

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQq5LMOWmffK4cLkXxNCLdf2W_3p9qWX Nqqfk-pdtN4u6OxDloV

Are the cossacks "mtebids"

Cool Story Bro
06-07-2018, 10:27 PM
In this photo not so much but on the other yes he looks a bit Iberian

His mom and dad are both from Croatia...

06-07-2018, 10:27 PM

Serbians are true warriors. They always resisted against powerful armies.

06-07-2018, 10:28 PM
Are the cossacks "mtebids"

I don't know. I have never actually seen someone with Cossack descent.

War Chef
06-07-2018, 10:29 PM
The king, 26-0


this is the last face many turko-mongols saw before getting their throat slit, i'm sure .

06-07-2018, 10:29 PM
Getting conquered or conquering might not always indicate being superior warriors....sometimes superior resources, population, or even geography or luck can play a role in winning battles, wars, and conquering people.

That said as individual warriors and as a reputation for soldiery, the Scottish and Irish have been quite highly represented these past 1000 years. Scots formed an elite guard in medieval France for example. Their mercenaries were valued as far abroad as Moscow and of course played a large role in the British military and the expansion of the British Empire across the globe. Then you have all the early Irish boxers, bare knuckle boxers, and now Conor McGregor haha. The American whites with the toughest reputation were often either Scots-Irish or Irish generally.

06-07-2018, 10:29 PM
In this photo not so much but on the other yes he looks a bit Iberian


06-07-2018, 10:29 PM
She is not Slovenian nor a whore, Slovenian ancestry isn't rare in northwestern croatia where she is from. You two should make peace :)

I hate those fucking mongrels from Croatia (half this, half that) who belittle Croats from B&H, not thinking we are Croats, yet they themselves are not fully Croats. Plus, this whore herself is half Slovenian. Whore calling me Bosnian and putting me in the same basket with Bosniak (nothing against Bosniaks in this case), you understand what I am getting into... Very annoying.

06-07-2018, 10:31 PM
Serbs are the best warriors


06-07-2018, 10:32 PM
this is the last face many turko-mongols saw before getting their throat slit, i'm sure .
It's like he's using them as a rag-doll


06-07-2018, 10:32 PM
His mom and dad are both from Croatia...

You think he thought Miocic is part Iberian? A true genius.

Cool Story Bro
06-07-2018, 10:33 PM
I guess that it will be about 100 pages if not more

It's not even open for 1 whole hour and already got like 10 pages lol

06-07-2018, 10:33 PM
I hate those fucking mongrels from Croatia (half this, half that) who belittle Croats from B&H, not thinking we are Croats, yet they themselves are not fully Croats. Plus, this whore herself is half Slovenian. Whore calling me Bosnian and putting me in the same basket with Bosniak (nothing against Bosniaks in this case), you understand what I am getting into... Very annoying.

She is just saying that because you insulted her. I don't think she think you are not Croatian.
Croats from Croatia know BiH Croats are equally Croat as them.

06-07-2018, 10:34 PM
I hate those fucking mongrels from Croatia (half this, half that) who belittle Croats from B&H, not thinking we are Croats, yet they themselves are not fully Croats. Plus, this whore herself is half Slovenian. Whore calling me Bosnian and putting me in the same basket with Bosniak (nothing against Bosniaks in this case), you understand what I am getting into... Very annoying.

You can call me Slovenian, Croatian, Mongolian... I don't care. I won't be throwing temper tantrums like an adult baby such as yourself. You have anger issues.

Cool Story Bro
06-07-2018, 10:34 PM
You think he thought Miocic is part Iberian? A true genius.

Hes trolling i know but still wanted to make clear :p

06-07-2018, 10:35 PM
"The Albanians, these tigers of mountain wars ... have as their religion rebellion. Even their worst warrior is one of the strongest and bravest on the battle-field, just as if he was a knight on the legendary horse. But he has no horse, nor proper weapons for battle. Instead of the horse, he has a lance which strikes as lightning, he has spears who's points are full of posion as the sting of hornets, he has also a wooden bow with some arrows. Furthermore, he is stronger than iron ... "

- Ibn Kemal, Historian of the Turkish court during Skanderbeg's war against the Turks.


06-07-2018, 10:37 PM
Let's be honest, all nations in this corner of world are quite brave and war-like, with lot of glorious victories but also painful defeats. There is no need to brag, who knows history, knows who we are.

06-07-2018, 10:37 PM
"The Albanians, these tigers of mountain wars ... have as their religion rebellion. Even their worst warrior is one of the strongest and bravest on the battle-field, just as if he was a knight on the legendary horse. But he has no horse, nor proper weapons for battle. Instead of the horse, he has a lance which strikes as lightning, he has spears who's points are full of posion as the sting of hornets, he has also a wooden bow with some arrows. Furthermore, he is stronger than iron ... "

- Ibn Kemal, Historian of the Turkish court during Skanderbeg's war against the Turks.


thread can be closed

06-07-2018, 10:38 PM
She is just saying that because you insulted her. I don't think she think you are not Croatian.
Croats from Croatia know BiH Croats are equally Croat as them.

She is not saying that because of just that. Not the first retarded comment from her. Buuuuut, your comment is also retarded. Why, you may ask? Because what kind of retarded argument is that she said that because I insulted her. Think about it a little bit using your 800cc brain.

06-07-2018, 10:39 PM

I honestly dont know what is your problem man? Why do you insult Lucia for example? You are Croat from Bosnia right? It seems that you think that Croats from Croatia dislike you, wtf man?

It is true that we look on Croats from Bosnia as ppl from another country BUT WE LOOK AT YOU AS CROATS NEVER THE LESS, you are born natural Croats, a proud of our nation in that country of Bosnia, what Devil or God can say anythin against you in Croatia?

If Lucia ever said anythin bad about you Croats from Bosnia, that was not honorable from her's side.

But you're our brothers, all for one and one for all.

06-07-2018, 10:40 PM
She is not saying that because of just that. Not the first retarded comment from her. Buuuuut, your comment is also retarded. Why, you may ask? Because what kind of retarded argument is that she said that because I insulted her. Think about it a little bit using your 800cc brain.

You should take a breath and think why you have problem with all other Croatian members here. It's probably because of you, not because all of us are idiots. Just relax and try to be bit more judgemental, if you can.

Thanks :)

06-07-2018, 10:41 PM
You can call me Slovenian, Croatian, Mongolian... I don't care. I won't be throwing temper tantrums like an adult baby such as yourself. You have anger issues.

Anger issues where they are supposed to be. Don't forget that. Now fuck off slovenian.

06-07-2018, 10:43 PM
Hes trolling i know but still wanted to make clear :p

Why you think i am troling, this guys looks very Iberian, just less robust

War Chef
06-07-2018, 10:43 PM
Anger issues where they are supposed to be. Don't forget that. Now fuck off slovenian.

nah not anger issues.... diagnosis: high T

drink some soy milk like i do to lower my T, otherwise i cannot be with the estrogen of this forum

06-07-2018, 10:44 PM
Why you think i am troling, this guys looks very Iberian, just less robust

Please don't tell me average Iberian is less robust than Miocic, because thats nuts!

06-07-2018, 10:45 PM
nah not anger issues.... diagnosis: high T

drink some soy milk like i do to lower my T, otherwise i cannot be with the estrogen of this forum

Hahaha. I feel like you know me.

06-07-2018, 10:46 PM
Please don't tell me average Iberian is less robust than Miocic, because thats nuts!

I said the oposite, Miocic is not so robust as Iberians but if not that, he would look very Iberian

Moje ime
06-07-2018, 10:49 PM
nah not anger issues.... diagnosis: high T

drink some soy milk like i do to lower my T, otherwise i cannot be with the estrogen of this forum

Quite opposite (Low Testosterone Can Make Men Grumpy): https://www.everydayhealth.com/mens-health/low-testosterone-can-make-men-grumpy.aspx

06-07-2018, 10:50 PM
Anyway, to answer the question: among the best, for sure ;)

06-07-2018, 10:52 PM
I said the oposite, Miocic is not so robust as Iberians but if not that, he would look very Iberian

But he is very robust, since when are Iberians super robust ? Aren't they mediterranid ?

06-07-2018, 10:53 PM
I dont know what to say for those who mention Ustashes for Croats, we true Croatian patriots hates Ustashes.

We true Croatian patriots respect both Albanians and Serbs, I personally wish that somehow I could convince you all how great you are and were before all this nationalistic conflicts, how our region of Europe was a diamond of europe, how we togethar fought all NEMESIS of Europe, nevermind we are Catholics and you others are not, but WE WERE TOGETHAR against nemesis of Europe.

I wish you could remember those times in history.

but never the less, we Croats are friends with Albanians and vice versa, and always will be, and about Serbs; Croats like me will always try to make Serbia a friend to Croatia and vice versa, why? Cause I'm honorable. thank you very much

06-07-2018, 10:53 PM
Quite opposite (Low Testosterone Can Make Men Grumpy): https://www.everydayhealth.com/mens-health/low-testosterone-can-make-men-grumpy.aspx

Definitely not in my case.

War Chef
06-07-2018, 10:54 PM
Quite opposite (Low Testosterone Can Make Men Grumpy): https://www.everydayhealth.com/mens-health/low-testosterone-can-make-men-grumpy.aspx

high testosterone can also make you want to genocide stuff and cause maximum damage

Cool Story Bro
06-07-2018, 10:56 PM
Ofcourse not, the best ever was/is Branko Cikatić (another croat before Cro cop lol) who won the first K1 cup ever 1993 (first K1 cup ever) :D:

P.S. Branko Cikatić was an instructor to Cro Cop, but they got in fight while training, jesus imagine someone recorded that lol.

No man!! My dad told me always about Mate Parlov and how great he was.
Mate Parlov (16 November 1948 – 29 July 2008) was a Yugoslav and Croatian boxer, Olympic gold medalist who was European and World Champion as amateur and as professional. Parlov is the greatest Croatian boxer of all time, and the Croatian sportsman of the 20th century.


06-07-2018, 10:57 PM
I said the oposite, Miocic is not so robust as Iberians but if not that, he would look very Iberian

I believe what you mean is an angular face.

Moje ime
06-07-2018, 10:57 PM
I dont know what to say for those who mention Ustashes for Croats, we true Croatian patriots hates Ustashes.

We true Croatian patriots respect both Albanians and Serbs, I personally wish that somehow I could convince you all how great you are and were before all this nationalistic conflicts, how our region of Europe was a diamond of europe, how we togethar fought all NEMESIS of Europe, nevermind we are Catholics and you others are not, but WE WERE TOGETHAR against nemesis of Europe.

I wish you could remember those times in history.

but never the less, we Croats are friends with Albanians and vice versa, and always will be, and about Serbs; Croats like me will always try to make Serbia a friend to Croatia and vice versa, why? Cause I'm honorable. thank you very much

In your first post you said Serbs are still afraid of Croats and I answered to that.

Now if you want to continue in more serious tone, tell me, why would Serbs be afraid of Croats if we forget about Ustase for a moment?

06-07-2018, 10:58 PM
But he is very robust, since when are Iberians super robust ? Aren't they mediterranid ?

Mostly of they are mediterranids but a lot of them have a lo of cro magnid like berid and there are some nordid and celt influence in the nrot of Iberia

06-07-2018, 11:00 PM
I dont know what to say for those who mention Ustashes for Croats, we true Croatian patriots hates Ustashes.

We true Croatian patriots respect both Albanians and Serbs, I personally wish that somehow I could convince you all how great you are and were before all this nationalistic conflicts, how our region of Europe was a diamond of europe, how we togethar fought all NEMESIS of Europe, nevermind we are Catholics and you others are not, but WE WERE TOGETHAR against nemesis of Europe.

I wish you could remember those times in history.

but never the less, we Croats are friends with Albanians and vice versa, and always will be, and about Serbs; Croats like me will always try to make Serbia a friend to Croatia and vice versa, why? Cause I'm honorable. thank you very much

I agree except friendship with Serbia. Only masochist can want friendship with country that does everything they can to poison our relations and our image abroad.

Friendship with individual Serbs yes, with Serbia as country never, since our interests are completely opposite.

Just my opinion.

Cool Story Bro
06-07-2018, 11:01 PM
Anyway, to answer the question: among the best, for sure ;)

Not among the best but just THE best. Get it right. ;)

06-07-2018, 11:02 PM
Not among the best but just THE best. Get it right. ;)

For fuck sakes are you annoying.

06-07-2018, 11:02 PM
Remember baby, remember. xD
How that was soft and quick.


Croats deployed a little more warriors than Turks.
80-95% of the mighty Croats were obliterated, with a 10% loss on the Turkish side.
This battle is still taught in military schools as example of perfect combat and tactics ;)

06-07-2018, 11:05 PM
Remember baby, remember. xD
How that was soft and quick.


80-95% of the mighty Croats were obliterated, with a 10% loss.
This battle is taught in military schools as example of perfect combat and tactics ;)

Remember this too, dear Turk :)


The Siege of Güns or Siege of Kőszeg (Turkish: Güns Kuşatması) was a siege of Kőszeg (German: Güns) in the Kingdom of Hungary within the Habsburg Empire, that took place in 1532. In the siege, the defending forces of the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy under the leadership of Croatian Captain Nikola Jurišić (Hungarian: Miklós Jurisics), defended the small border fort of Kőszeg with only 700–800 Croatian soldiers, with no cannons and few guns. The defenders prevented the advance of the Ottoman army of 120,000–200,000 toward Vienna, under the leadership of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottoman Turkish: سليمان‎ Süleymān) and Pargalı Ibrahim Pasha.

06-07-2018, 11:08 PM
Croats were also the best sailors and shipbuilders in central Europe. Also objectively the best chefs, winemakers etc.

06-07-2018, 11:11 PM
Croats were also the best sailors and shipbuilders in central Europe. Also objectively the best chefs, winemakers etc.

Famous pirates too xD

Remember how Venetians called Croatian Duke Domagoj: ''worst Duke of Slavs'' because of constant warfare and piracy against Venice and Saracens in the Adratic.

Neretljani were also famous pirates, just like Illyrians before them :D

06-07-2018, 11:18 PM
Considering our numbers, with all modesty, I would say we are amongst the best or maybe THE BEST in last 1000 years.

During Austro-Hungary, Austrian Emperor had an elite soldiers - Croatian soldiers, as his guardians and most brutal and fearful soldiers.

Napoleon said that if you would give him like 100 000 Croats he would conquer entire planet.

We managed to survive and defend EUROPE AGAINST OTTOMANS, we were THE WALL they never broke, those areas (Slavonia and inland of Dalmatia, never entire Dalmatia) they did hold for 80 years were just wasteland of 24 hours fighting against Croats. Finally, when Ottomans realized they could never conquer us or our cities and heart of Croatia; we FUCKED AND KILLED Ottomans from those areas so rest of them RAN BACK TO BOSNIA LIKE DWARF ASIAN COWARDS THEY ARE.

Croats were and are true modern Spartans of Europe.

Everyone will admit it, everyone honorable here. :D

For example I dont hate Serbs, not even a bit, nevermind of war, but I bet in everythin you want they fear us deep down even today.

Germans in 19th century scared their children before bedtime with stories; "be good and go to sleep or Croats will get you" (Because of our elite soldiers in Austro-Hungary).

On stone tablet in Germany there is writin; "God save us from plague and Croatian warriors".


CHECK ALL OF THIS, this are all facts.

Croats are naturally BORN for fighting, genetically and anthropologically..., we are tall, robust, with old european Y-DNA and old Autosomal DNA.

I am not fan of Hitler (God forbid), but it's no wonder he picked us for allies.

How many Croats are in the elite French Foreign Legion 2 REP ? Us Irish/Brits are regulars within those ranks I think if I am not mistaken :


06-07-2018, 11:18 PM
This blind idiotic nationalism is just annoying and it makes you sound ignorant. Croats benefited from it's location and religion. The first decisive battle with the Turks resulted in a Croatian defeat, and a devastating one. The Turks conquered most of Croatian lands and they also devastated their army:
Now the 2nd decisive battle was more about Germans than Croats arguably. The army was mainly led by Ruprecht von Eggenberg, doesn't sound so Croatian. That army defeated the Turks decisively and Croats "got most of their lands back"(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Sisak), which I put in quotations because it succumbed to Hungarian and/ or Austrian rule.
There is no doubt that Croats like Albanians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Romanians etc. fought the Turks hard and bravely, but Croats are not unique. Had you been further south and not catholic, you'd be conquered much quicker than the other ethnic groups in SE Europe because you're not numerous like the others. Yeah a pope called Croatia the last bastion of christianity, but popes also said the same about Albania and Poland. A pope called Stephen the great "The true defender of the Christian faith" and many more people and persons have gotten praise from popes, it hasn't only happened once.

Cool Story Bro
06-07-2018, 11:19 PM
Remember baby, remember. xD
How that was soft and quick.

Croats deployed a little more warriors than Turks.
80-95% of the mighty Croats were obliterated, with a 10% loss on the Turkish side.
This battle is still taught in military schools as example of perfect combat and tactics ;)

2-3k against at least 150k. And yet you manage to lose 30k of your army and your Sultan? "turkish kebab warrior" lol

06-07-2018, 11:26 PM
Remember this too, dear Turk :)


The Siege of Güns or Siege of Kőszeg (Turkish: Güns Kuşatması) was a siege of Kőszeg (German: Güns) in the Kingdom of Hungary within the Habsburg Empire, that took place in 1532. In the siege, the defending forces of the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy under the leadership of Croatian Captain Nikola Jurišić (Hungarian: Miklós Jurisics), defended the small border fort of Kőszeg with only 700–800 Croatian soldiers, with no cannons and few guns. The defenders prevented the advance of the Ottoman army of 120,000–200,000 toward Vienna, under the leadership of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottoman Turkish: سليمان‎ Süleymān) and Pargalı Ibrahim Pasha.


Croatian Grand Vizier (Prime Minister) in Ottoman Empire, who fought against Anatolian Turkish rebels :p, and was famous for his harsh methods.

06-07-2018, 11:29 PM
The Turks conquered most of Croatian lands and they also devastated their army

They conquered most of the lands, but lands were under constant warfare thanks to Hajduks and Uskoks (kudos to Serbs too). Btw, you will eventually get conquered by a bigger army, but it was not easy and it was not possible to resist forever. For example:

Failed siege attempts
In 1510 around 1,000 Ottoman Akıncı ( irregular light cavalry) raided the countryside of Knin. There had been word that the Vice Ban of Croatia was captured on that occasion.[2] Three years later there was another siege of Knin, but Baltazar Baćan (Hungarian: Boldizsár Batthyány), Vice Ban of Slavonia, together with forces from the Zagreb Bishopry managed to lift the siege in January 1513. In February of the following year the Ottomans besieged Knin with 10,000 men from the Sanjak of Bosnia, but were unable to take the city and lost 500 troops. Knin's outskirts were burned on this occasion.[6][7]

These clashes left Knin devastated and there were no news about the city for 5 years. Local population was decimated by war, hunger, plague, and migration to safer places, and its economy was hindered by the seizure of crops and livestock. Due to Knin's strategic value, King Louis II responded to requests from captains of Knin, Skradin, and Ostrovica and promised reinforcements of 1,000 infantry and 1,000 cavalrymen. However, it is unlikely that these forces arrived to the endangered towns. In 1522 the Ottomans attacked Knin and the nearby forts not just to raid them, but with a firm intention to occupy the area.[7]


Failed siege attempts
From 1513, Petar Kružić was one of the commanding officers of Klis Fortress.[9] The Ottomans attempted to conquer the Klis Fortress on several occasions.[2] The first major attempt was by Skender-beg Ornosović in 1515.[2] The Ottomans captured Klis, a village just below the fortress bearing the same name, but the garrison in the fortress above held.[10] Kružić was promoted to captain of the Klis Fortress by the ban Petar Berislavić in 1520.[9] The second major attempt was in 1520,[2] and a year later another attempt was made by Makut-paša, with additional 2,000 infantry, 50 horsemen and siege equipment.[11] Another unsuccessful attempt was made in 1522, by Hasan-paša from Mostar and Mehmed-beg Mihalbegović.[2][12] Later that year, Mihalbegović made another attempt at a siege with 3,000 men, but failed again.[2] During 1523, Klis Fortress was again under attack by the Sultan's army.[13] Attempts were also made by Gazi Husrev-beg in 1526 and 1528, and later in 1531 and 1532.[2]

In 1534, the Ottomans under Mihalbegović laid a months-long siege with a constant concentrated cannonade to the fortress.[2] Ferdinand urged the Pope to send ships to relieve the Ottoman siege.[14] Although the Ottomans eventually lifted the siege, Ferdinand was displeased that the Pope had provided no assistance in the defense of the fortress.[15] In 1535, the Ottomans tried to seize the fortress by treachery, and again in 1536, but they failed on both occasions.[2] During that year the Ottomans started a new siege which would last until the final fall of the fortress.[2]

When a large Ottoman force threatened the fortress, Kružić appealed to Ferdinand for help, but the Emperor's attention was diverted by an Ottoman attack in Slavonia.[8] Kružić led the defense of Klis, and with his soldiers fought almost alone against the Ottomans, as they repeatedly hurled armies against the fortress.[2] No troops from the Hungarian king arrived, as they were slaughtered by the Ottomans at the Battle of Mohács in 1526, and the Venetians baulked at sending any help.[2] Only the pope was willing to provide some men and money.[2]

And so on.

06-07-2018, 11:44 PM
The assaulting Ottoman army during the 16th century wasnt majority Turkish, but mixed as fuck.
However, the army that burried Croats at Krbava in 1493 was all Akinjis (ethnic Turks) with some high ranking Bosniaks knowing the terrain and guiding Turks xD

After Ottomans took Caliphate in 1510s, that rapidly Arabized and entered stagnation era. With Caliphate came Arab bigot clerics from Egypt.
Turkish famous historian Halil İnalcık also explains that sad Arabization and backwardization, saying Ottomans needed to get Arab clerical approval even for international agreements which was no case prior to Caliphate. Ottomans were halted by Caliphate ideologies which brought Bedouin bigotry.

Best era of Ottomans in military, development, technology, science etc was prior to arrival of Caliphate.
Caliphate that came in 1510s ended immediately the growth of the empire and started stagnation and regression.

Vlatko Vukovic
06-07-2018, 11:47 PM
I vote for Chechens.

06-07-2018, 11:58 PM
The assaulting Ottoman army during the 16th century wasnt majority Turkish, but mixed as fuck.
However, the army that burried Croats at Krbava in 1493 was all Akinjis (ethnic Turks) with some high ranking Bosniaks knowing the terrain and guiding Turks xD

After Ottomans took Caliphate in 1510s, that rapidly Arabized and entered stagnation era. With Caliphate came Arab bigot clerics from Egypt.
Turkish famous historian Halil İnalcık also explains that sad Arabization and backwardization, saying Ottomans needed to get Arab clerical approval even for international agreements which was no case prior to Caliphate. Ottomans were halted by Caliphate ideologies which brought Bedouin bigotry.

Best era of Ottomans in military, development, technology, science etc was prior to arrival of Caliphate.
Caliphate that came in 1510s ended immediately the growth of the empire and started stagnation and regression.

Good thing we're bringing back the Caliphate, and now we will ask Syrian approval for our policies, MUH UMMAH

06-07-2018, 11:58 PM
The assaulting Ottoman army during the 16th century wasnt majority Turkish, but mixed as fuck.
However, the army that burried Croats at Krbava in 1493 was all Akinjis (ethnic Turks) with some high ranking Bosniaks knowing the terrain and guiding Turks xD

After Ottomans took Caliphate in 1510s, that rapidly Arabized and entered stagnation era. With Caliphate came Arab bigot clerics from Egypt.
Turkish famous historian Halil İnalcık also explains that sad Arabization and backwardization, saying Ottomans needed to get Arab clerical approval even for international agreements which was no case prior to Caliphate. Ottomans were halted by Caliphate ideologies which brought Bedouin bigotry.

5000 members of infantry were untrained and poorly armed villagers. It was I think first time they dealt with Ottoman army and learned their lesson. And LoL at all ethnic Tuuuurks. One wing of the Ottoman army was led by Ismail beg, commanding units from Serbia and Krusevac Sandzak, and the other wing was led by Mehmed Bey of Üsküp, under whose command were warriors from South Rumelia (the Ottoman province on the territory of today's northern Greece, the southern Macedonia and southwestern Bulgaria). Yakup Pasha commanded the units in the middle.

06-08-2018, 12:03 AM
5000 members of infantry were untrained and poorly armed villagers. It was I think first time they dealt with Ottoman army and learned their lesson. And LoL at all ethnic Tuuuurks. One wing of the Ottoman army was led by Ismail beg, commanding units from Serbia and Krusevac Sandzak, and the other wing was led by Mehmed Bey of Üsküp, under whose command were warriors from South Rumelia (the Ottoman province on the territory of today's northern Greece, the southern Macedonia and southwestern Bulgaria). Yakup Pasha commanded the units in the middle.

Ottoman army has always been predominantly Turkish, they were stationed in Balkans and stay ready to be mobilized. Only Janissaries were christian converts.

Cristiano viejo
06-08-2018, 12:06 AM
Certainly they could be considered among the best, IMO.
I know about Croatian horsemen fighting along Spaniards in Germany in the XVI century, and according the Spanish chronicles and sources, they were good warriors. That says a lot.

Against them that Turks stole half of their country forever, and they never could ricover it.

06-08-2018, 12:10 AM
Ottoman army has always been predominantly Turkish, they were stationed in Balkans and stay ready to be mobilized. Only Janissaries were christian converts.

...'with some high ranking Bosniaks knowing the terrain...'

06-08-2018, 12:12 AM
Croatians are fucking chad, but to say that they've held that title for that long is retarded. You're ignoring the Vikings, Teutons, Cossacks, (Albanians ;) ) etc. all great warrior cultures. Today though I wouldn't call them the best warriors. People have become so soft, the spirit of war now with the industrialized slaughter of modern war is pretty much dead. I'd say the Chechens are the best warriors in Europe now.

Cristiano viejo
06-08-2018, 12:14 AM
Croatians are fucking chad, but to say that they've held that title for that long is retarded. You're ignoring the Vikings, Teutons, Cossacks, (Albanians ;) ) etc. all great warrior cultures. Today though I wouldn't call them the best warriors. People have become so soft, the spirit of war now with the industrialized slaughter of modern war is pretty much dead. I'd say the Chechens are the best warriors in Europe now.

The vikings??? lol...
Chechens? trololol, they even are unable to have a own country, man.

06-08-2018, 12:18 AM
They literally fought against a country that was able to defeat the Wehrmacht, Napoleon, the Swedish Empire, etc. I'd love to see you in a Russian prison saying that shit to a bunch of Chechens. YOU'D GET YOUR WIG SPLIT :rofl_002:

Cristiano viejo
06-08-2018, 12:21 AM
They literally fought against a country that was able to defeat the Wehrmacht, Napoleon, the Swedish Empire, etc. I'd love to see you in a Russian prison saying that shit to a bunch of Chechens. YOU'D GET YOUR WIG SPLIT :rofl_002:

Winter defeated Germany and Napoleon.
Swedish empire...:picard1: for God sake...

Cuore di Tenebra
06-08-2018, 12:27 AM
Well i don't know if they are the best but surely they are a strong people, all of the balkan populations are made for war. That Dinaric race. ;)

06-08-2018, 12:33 AM
Winter defeated Germany and Napoleon.
Swedish empire...:picard1: for God sake...

I'm sorry is winter a country?


06-08-2018, 12:36 AM
Croats were also the best sailors and shipbuilders in central Europe.

Also the only nation in central Europe with direct access to the Mediterranean Sea... :picard1:

06-08-2018, 12:43 AM
Also the only nation in central Europe with direct access to the Mediterranean Sea... :picard1:

Wouldn't that make them a Mediterranean country?

Crn Volk
06-08-2018, 12:52 AM
This is actually a good question to think over. I think if you look at the history there's no mistake the North Caucasian people specifically chechen/ingush have the best warriors. not even hun or mongols and all the other turkic shits could conquer them. Even Kurgan europeans could not. Real warriors that make everyone else look like children.

Russians conquered them, and they remain conquered. Deal with it.

War Chef
06-08-2018, 01:00 AM
Russians conquered them, and they remain conquered. Deal with it.

Deal with what, you stupid monkeydonian ? .... I'm not even chechen.

Crn Volk
06-08-2018, 01:01 AM
Deal with what, you stupid monkeydonian ? .... I'm not even chechen.

What the fuck are you?

06-08-2018, 01:01 AM
Everythin is said with this guy, and btw Im not bragging with him cause he is Croat, Im sure you like him also lol, excellent song also in video tribute:


P.S. When I was a small kid I thought they were singing in this song; WHITE BOYS and not WILD BOYS, it would be better if song was called; WHITE BOYS haha :D

He’s one of my favs. But Fedor made short work of him.

War Chef
06-08-2018, 02:55 AM
Croatians descend from Sarmato-slavic Penkova culture, scattered by Huns and forced into Balkans. That + dinarid strain is why Yugoslavs are good fighters.


06-08-2018, 07:53 AM
Also the only nation in central Europe with direct access to the Mediterranean Sea... :picard1:

You forgot Slovenia :D

06-08-2018, 07:54 AM
Croatians descend from Sarmato-slavic Penkova culture, scattered by Huns and forced into Balkans. That + dinarid strain is why Yugoslavs are good fighters.


Croats weren't forced by Huns to Balkans, They came centuries later to expell Avars from Dalmatia...if we could trust Byzantine records.

06-08-2018, 07:58 AM
Huns,mongols,turkic for me!!!

06-08-2018, 08:00 AM
Croatians descend from Sarmato-slavic Penkova culture, scattered by Huns and forced into Balkans. That + dinarid strain is why Yugoslavs are good fighters.


Not good enough against ottomans ;)

06-08-2018, 08:01 AM
I respect some Croats but to say they are great warriors is a bit of a stretch.

06-08-2018, 08:07 AM
I respect some Croats but to say they are great warriors is a bit of a stretch.

True, and it is reason why we have Vlachs like you in Turkish Croatia today, because Croats were too weak to take it back :(

06-08-2018, 08:10 AM
True, and it is reason why we have Vlachs like you in Turkish Croatia today, because Croats were too weak to take it back :(

Croats tried many time to conquer Bosnia under Austrian flag... it took them 300 years when we actually lost support from Constantinople (who didn't want to loose man against Austrians).

We killed many Austro-Hungarian soldiers (Croats included) in the last few hundred years.

So no, we can't say Croats are Great Warriors, but they have other qualities.

06-08-2018, 08:14 AM
Croats tried many time to conquer Bosnia under Austrian flag... it took them 300 years when we actually lost support from Constantinople (who didn't want to loose man against Austrians).

We killed many Austro-Hungarian soldiers (Croats included) in the last few hundred years.

So no, we can't say Croats are Great Warriors, but they have other qualities.

No, actually Ottoman attacks on Croatia that were coming from Bosnia for centuries was by local islamised traitors. Ofc, they were always repelled.

My Bosniak ancestors included.

06-08-2018, 08:15 AM
Btw Vlach, you are alive because of Croatian soldiers who lifted siege of Bihać in 1995, otherwise you would end up just like other Bosniaks/&muslims in Srebrenica.

Never forget it.

06-08-2018, 08:16 AM
No, actually Ottoman attacks on Croatia that were coming from Bosnia for centuries was by local islamised traitors. Ofc, they were always repelled.

My Bosniak ancestors included.

We had dalmatia for a long time xD

You can thank Poles and Germans for safety of Croatia ^^

06-08-2018, 08:17 AM
We had dalmatia for a long time xD

You can thank Poles and Germans for safety of Croatia ^^

You can thank HV for safety of your family in Bihać.

Poles played 0% in defence of Croatia, and Germans did more damage than good. Because of Germans we didn't reconquer western Bosnia.

06-08-2018, 01:29 PM
Also the only nation in central Europe with direct access to the Mediterranean Sea... :picard1:

Still counts :p


06-08-2018, 02:56 PM
Hrvat je uvijek za dom spreman


06-15-2018, 01:16 AM

06-15-2018, 01:23 AM
Eh, I think the French and other western Europeans produced some of the fine soldiers and leaders in history of Europe if not the world. They all basically created colonial empires out of nothing in the 15th century AD and beyond. I don't doubt that Croats are capable warriors in their own right.

06-15-2018, 01:36 AM
Idk about warriors but Croatia produces the best footballers in the EE.

06-15-2018, 01:41 AM
Might as well give a plug to my fellow ethnics.








06-15-2018, 01:52 AM
Lol funny thread. Shit like this is not genetic. What I'm suddenly good at shepherding reindeers? Croats are people like everyone else who are not better or worse warriors than anyone else. Childish minds are funny though.

War Chef
06-15-2018, 01:55 AM
Shit like this is not genetic.

I honestly think it is. Wolves aren't designed to pick berries.

But Croats aren't wolves, they're rabbits.

North-Caucasus people are wolves.

06-15-2018, 02:00 AM
I honestly think it is. Wolves aren't designed to pick berries.

But Croats aren't wolves, they're rabbits.

North-Caucasus people are wolves.
North Kavkazis are not wolves they are people what are you talking about? How old are you?

So what you are saying is if an untrained chechen and an untrained croat similar in strength age and ability were to fight you think because of genes the chechen will have an instict not known to the croat and will have an upper hand...that sounds silly and sounds like you are obsessed with wolves and north caucasus

War Chef
06-15-2018, 02:03 AM
North Kavkazis are not wolves they are people what are you talking about? How old are you?

So what you are saying is if an untrained chechen and an untrained croat similar in strength age and ability were to fight you think because of genes the chechen will have an instict not known to the croat and will have an upper hand...that sounds silly and sounds like you are obsessed with wolves and north caucasus

You can take the African out of the jungle, but you can never take the jungle out of the African.

06-15-2018, 03:28 AM
From what i've seen i think its the Chechens or the Vietnamese, especially the Vietnamese those guys are like insects without emotions. They kill you or they die trying...

Porn Master
06-15-2018, 04:35 AM
From what i've seen i think its the Chechens or the Vietnamese, especially the Vietnamese those guys are like insects without emotions. They kill you or they eat you...


06-15-2018, 09:58 AM
Only Turks are wolves. We have the symbol's ownership rights since the 6th century (even earlier considering Chinese sources) via the Ashina clan.

06-15-2018, 10:17 AM

06-17-2018, 02:00 PM
Why do Croats excel in combat sports while their neighbours do not?
Croats are one of the most sucesfull nation in combat sports in the world-.
Three world champions in boxing :Mate Parlov, world and european champion,, Stipe Drviš and Stjepan Božić both european champions,Mavrovic fought with Lex Lenox for tittle and now we have Hrgovic who is the winner of European champion.
About K1:Brnko Cikatic was the first man who won K1, then we have Mirko, legend of that Sport.
And now we have Stipe Miočić who is hevyweight UFC world champion,
On the other hand I never heard of Serb or Bosniak fighters.

09-11-2018, 05:37 PM
Bump :cool:


09-11-2018, 05:50 PM
" During Austro-Hungary, Austrian Emperor had an elite soldiers - Croatian soldiers, as his guardians and most brutal and fearful soldiers."

Every powerful monarchy had foreigner as their elite bodyguards. The French kings had Scots, the Spanish kings had Walloon and so on. This is not a particularity of Croat, and the monarchs were doing that for a multitude of reasons that I don't wnat to bother to explain here because it's long and it need some research from my part if I want to be totally accurate but basically you get the idea. Though I agree that croat have a significant military history given the size of their country.

Mr. Anybody
09-11-2018, 06:09 PM
best warriors of world in last 1000 years who are not in age of empires,any video games,movies,series,books.

cmon dude.

09-11-2018, 06:20 PM
best warriors of world in last 1000 years who are not in age of empires,any video games,movies,series,books.

cmon dude.

They are in Medieval Total War I. :P

09-13-2018, 01:43 AM
For me, the smallest European nation with the best warriors is Switzerland for some reason they were and are the personal guard of the Pope. It is a pity that the Swiss guard today is no longer so Swiss.

But if the Croats were good warriors.

Slavic Italian
09-13-2018, 01:50 AM
French, Germans, Russians, and Poles.

09-13-2018, 01:58 AM
Anglo-Saxons are the best warriors to be honest, followed by the French and Germans from Europeans. However they still had hard time subduing us. I include the Americans in the Anglo-Saxon category we almost defeated them in Iraq if it was not for George W.Bush the Surge move. We actually managed to almost defeat them again in the Western regions. The same is true of the French and Germans who came as Crusaders and eventually got defeated and went back. They French came to North Africa, but I don't know much. The British in Iraq for example could not control it. They also knew they can't truly control the Arabian peninsula, so they made indirect form of colonization.

I don't know about Eastern Europeans, but the best warriors there are probably the Russians.

09-13-2018, 01:59 AM
Yeah, best warriors


09-13-2018, 02:36 AM
French, Germans, Russians, and Poles.
Buahahaha. Sorry but; buahahah for bold ones.

You honestly made me laugh with those two, especially with the first one out of two bolded.

09-13-2018, 02:47 AM
Croatia did go to the world cup Final with only a population of 3 million!!
Croatians should have more babies!!! Stearsolina should get to work

But Per capita the chechens are the former and current best European fighters!!

Slavic Italian
09-13-2018, 09:52 AM
Anglo-Saxons are the best warriors to be honest, followed by the French and Germans from Europeans. However they still had hard time subduing us. I include the Americans in the Anglo-Saxon category we almost defeated them in Iraq if it was not for George W.Bush the Surge move. We actually managed to almost defeat them again in the Western regions. The same is true of the French and Germans who came as Crusaders and eventually got defeated and went back. They French came to North Africa, but I don't know much. The British in Iraq for example could not control it. They also knew they can't truly control the Arabian peninsula, so they made indirect form of colonization.

I don't know about Eastern Europeans, but the best warriors there are probably the Russians.

Almost defeated the American's? My unit alone slaughtered six of your divisions in 1991. You people are not good warriors.

Slavic Italian
09-13-2018, 09:54 AM
Buahahaha. Sorry but; buahahah for bold ones.

You honestly made me laugh with those two, especially with the first one out of two bolded.

The French have won the most battles in European history than anyone and the Poles protected Christianity for hundreds of years from Muslim hordes. You croats have not done jack shit.

09-13-2018, 10:01 AM
Croats are the best warriors in the Balkans and southern Europe.

09-13-2018, 10:16 AM
The French have won the most battles in European history than anyone and the Poles protected Christianity for hundreds of years from Muslim hordes. You croats have not done jack shit.

Europe and Christianity was defended on Croatian, not Polish borders. That is why our country looks the way it does. It bled for centuries against Ottomans.
Polish victory in Vienna was magnificent, but bravery of Croatian soldiers against several times much more numerous Turks saved the same city two times indirectly, because after these battles Ottomans abandoned plans to siege the Habsburg capital.


We don't need to mention, Yugoslav partisans freed Axis held Croatian territories without Red Army or Allies in WW2, and that Croatia liberated it's territories alone in our last Indipendence War.

09-13-2018, 10:23 AM
Yeah, best warriors

To be the best warrior is not to win always, but to be brave, and be able to rise from your knees when you lose.

Slavic Italian
09-13-2018, 10:30 AM
Europe and Christianity was defended on Croatian, not Polish borders. That is why our country looks the way it does. It bled for centuries against Ottomans.
Polish victory in Vienna was magnificent, but bravery of Croatian soldiers against several times much more numerous Turks saved the same city two times indirectly, because after these battles Ottomans abandoned plans to siege the Habsburg capital.


We don't need to mention, Yugoslav partisans freed Axis held Croatian territories without Red Army or Allies in WW2, and that Croatia liberated it's territories alone in our last Indipendence War.

I thought the Croats were a German ally?

Slavic Italian
09-13-2018, 10:32 AM
Croats are the best warriors in the Balkans and southern Europe.

Better than the Greeks?

Slavic Italian
09-13-2018, 10:33 AM
Have people considered the Germans almost won the Great war? They certainly beat the Russians. It took the world to beat them. They also came close to accomplishing their goals the second time.

09-13-2018, 12:06 PM
I thought the Croats were a German ally?

Croatia was German ally. But we had bloody civil war between axis Croats and communist Croats. The population was nearly completely divided between them, varying from region to region.

09-13-2018, 12:25 PM
Without Croatians and Venetians ( Both Catholics ) today Europe would be an islamic land...

09-13-2018, 07:23 PM
Without Croatians and Venetians ( Both Catholics ) today Europe would be an islamic land...

True. We spilled same blood in same mud togethar to defend Europe and Christianity here, and succeded :)

Moje ime
09-13-2018, 07:24 PM
True. We spilled same blood in same mud togethar to defend Europe and Christianity here, and succeded :)

Without Serbs you would do nothing.

09-13-2018, 07:30 PM
Without Serbs you would do nothing.

You did your share I admit, but Serbia already fell by the time I was talkin about.

Anyway, those were the times when Croats and Serbs fought togethar also ofcourse, times when we were super friends lol.

1000 years of friendship until 1918, well we need to bring back that friendship, one day. Just wait until we exterminate Ustashes in Croatia.

Cristiano viejo
09-13-2018, 11:09 PM
Without Croatians and Venetians ( Both Catholics ) today Europe would be an islamic land...

Croatians allowed that Bosnia (which was part of Croatia) today is Islamic, if you did not notice.

Venetians? what the fuck. What did Venetians do than Spaniards (multiplied x1000) did not???

09-13-2018, 11:13 PM
Croatians allowed that Bosnia (which was part of Croatia) today is Islamic, if you did not notice.

Venetians? what the fuck. What did Venetians do than Spaniards (multiplied x1000) did not???

True, never forget Battle of Lepanto when the Spanish led the Christian navy against the Ottoman navy

09-13-2018, 11:15 PM
Croatians allowed that Bosnia (which was part of Croatia) today is Islamic, if you did not notice.

Venetians? what the fuck. What did Venetians do than Spaniards (multiplied x1000) did not???

Bosnia was a sovereign Kingdom, had it's own Church unrelated to Frankish Papacy and Roman Orthodoxy.

I could talk now about what happened later, but why would you care.. why would anyone care?

We converted to religion we decided it's most appropriate to us.

09-13-2018, 11:17 PM
Croatians allowed that Bosnia (which was part of Croatia) today is Islamic, if you did not notice.

Venetians? what the fuck. What did Venetians do than Spaniards (multiplied x1000) did not???

Bosnia was never Historically Catholic though or even Orthodox. Croats had other problems of their own than Bosnia.

Cristiano viejo
09-13-2018, 11:17 PM
True, never forget Battle of Lepanto when the Spanish led the Christian navy against the Ottoman navy

In Lepanto, even Don Juan de Austria, who was the leader of the Christians, had to sent Spanish soldiers to the Venetian galeazas, due the low quality of the Venetian soldiers. Enough said.

Cristiano viejo
09-13-2018, 11:19 PM
Bosnia was a sovereign Kingdom, had it's own Church unrelated to Frankish Papacy and Roman Orthodoxy.

I could talk now about what happened later, but why would you care.. why would anyone care?

We converted to religion we decided it's most appropriate to us.

Humm, I dont care. Just I expose some facts about Croatians.

09-13-2018, 11:35 PM
I sincerely hope OP aimed for failed attempt of humour there.

09-14-2018, 09:32 AM
Croatians allowed that Bosnia (which was part of Croatia) today is Islamic, if you did not notice.

Venetians? what the fuck. What did Venetians do than Spaniards (multiplied x1000) did not???

Just Western Bosnia (Bihać area etc, and Herzegovina) were once under Croatian rule before ottomans, rest of Bosnia (majority of Bosnia) was never ours, honestly, but those western parts of Bosnia were, even Bosniaks knows it, but we dont care for that anymore and we totally recognize those part today as parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ofcourse all those ppl there in Western Bosnia (Bihac city for example) are Bosniaks (Muslims) today, and that's a another country (Bosnia).