View Full Version : Can Milla Jovovich pass in Italy?

06-08-2018, 09:47 PM








06-08-2018, 09:50 PM
she is blue-eyed brunette, like Northern Italians, so I think she can pass as native Italian, yes. her face is so Eastern in some photos then so Western in others

06-08-2018, 09:53 PM
Only in the fifth photo looks normal.

06-08-2018, 09:53 PM
she is blue-eyed brunette, like Northern Italians, so I think she can pass as native Italian, yes. her face is so Eastern in some photos then so Western in others

She has a similar phenotype to supermodel Linda Evangelista

06-08-2018, 09:56 PM
She has a similar phenotype to supermodel Linda Evangelista who is of Italian descent

Jovovich looks like a morph of Evangelista and Halep

06-08-2018, 10:03 PM
I think she could pass in Italy.

06-08-2018, 10:11 PM
Never seen an Italian with that look, and wouldn't have guess her as Italian. She looks Russian to me.

06-08-2018, 10:12 PM
I think Italians are very diverse in looks and many Europeans can pass there.

06-08-2018, 10:15 PM

06-08-2018, 10:17 PM
Mila Jovovic is half Montenegrin Serb half Russian

06-08-2018, 10:19 PM
Never seen an Italian with that look, and wouldn't have guess her as Italian. She looks Russian to me.

She can pass as Italian. She have clearly baltid influence but seh can pass as atlantid+alpinid in Italy

06-08-2018, 10:21 PM
She can pass as Italian. She have clearly baltid influence but seh can pass as atlantid+alpinid in Italy

Agreed :) She is not much different type than MissMischief, who is Italian.

06-08-2018, 10:46 PM
No. way to eastern looking

06-08-2018, 10:49 PM
Never seen an Italian with that look, and wouldn't have guess her as Italian. She looks Russian to me.


She can possibly pass in Veneto or something but absolutely not in south Italy.

06-08-2018, 10:55 PM
No. way to eastern looking

She doesn't look Slavic to me.
When she was young she was pretty but now she looks British or something.
Very strange look for Slavic girl.

06-08-2018, 10:55 PM
She doesn't look Slavic to me.
When she was young she was pretty but now she looks British or something.
Very strange look for Slavic girl.

She looks very slavic imo

06-08-2018, 10:56 PM
Looks Reptilian.
http://m-jovovich.org/Gallery/albums/002/Milla2BJovovich2BCrew2BMembers2BPrepare2BAnother2B 7CBrNmylM_ux.jpg

06-08-2018, 11:01 PM
Agreed :) She is not much different type than MissMischief, who is Italian.

MM looks as Non-Italian as it gets, to me. She passes better in more northern areas. I thought she was 50% Italian + 50% Ukrainian and asked her about it (she probably remembers). There were some rumours about MM being half Ukrainian (I would believe it easier than that she is 100% Italian).

06-08-2018, 11:16 PM
MM looks as Non-Italian as it gets, to me. She passes better in more northern areas. I thought she was 50% Italian + 50% Ukrainian and asked her about it (she probably remembers). There were some rumours about MM being half Ukrainian (I would believe it easier than that she is 100% Italian).

I am pretty sure she is 100% Italian. And she looks more German(ic) than anything eastern imo. Yeah for sure more northern looking than average Italian, but you would be suprised, there are plenty of Pan European looking blonds in Italia :)

06-08-2018, 11:18 PM
If you mix Italian with Ukrainian you might get a pseudo-Germanic phenotype.

06-08-2018, 11:20 PM
If you mix Italian with Ukrainian you might get a pseudo-Germanic phenotype.

but where do you get idea she is half Ukrainian ? I remember she posted her family pics they looked pretty Italian to me.

maybe you should ask her, but I always tought she is nothing but Italian :dunno:

Carlito's Way
06-08-2018, 11:20 PM
yes, she can pass there

06-08-2018, 11:22 PM
but where do you get idea she is half Ukrainian ?

As I said some people were spreading such rumour. That was long ago.

You claim that Milla Jovovich looks similar to MM, and she is 50% Montenegrin + 50% Russian.

50% Montenegrin + 50% Russian is a similar mix as 50% NE Italian + 50% Ukrainian.

06-08-2018, 11:25 PM
As I said some people were spreading such rumour. That was long ago.

You claim that Milla Jovovich looks similar to MM, and she is 50% Montenegrin + 50% Russian.

50% Montenegrin + 50% Russian is a similar mix as 50% Italian + 50% Ukrainian.

Well, Italy is divese place :) I don't know about MM, but being northern looking in Italy don't mean automatically foreign ancestry. Btw, Italians don't look so western as Iberians do, so pseudo-Slavic phenotypes are possible among them as well!

06-08-2018, 11:28 PM
If you mix Italian with Ukrainian you...

you get South Slavs

06-08-2018, 11:29 PM
Perhaps in regions with a crossover with Slavic countries.

06-08-2018, 11:33 PM
Perhaps in regions with a crossover with Slavic countries.


Scipio Africanus
06-08-2018, 11:35 PM
Linda Evangelista is fully Italian,her parents are from Lazio,close to Campania and she look a bit like Milla Jovovic.

06-08-2018, 11:36 PM
She can easily pass in Trieste.

06-08-2018, 11:39 PM
Italians don't look so western as Iberians do

Iberians are diverse.

Few days ago I had a business meeting with 3 Spaniards in Poland (two guys and one brought his teenage daughter with him). One looks "Moorish" (even has curly black hair), the other one looks quite Nordic. The daughter of the Moorish-looking guy looks Pan-European but on a darker side.

But the daughter could pass in Poland (unlike her father).

06-08-2018, 11:40 PM
Mila Jovovic is half Montenegrin Serb half Russian

It's weird.
She has 100% true Slavic origin and like any true Slavic woman should be beautiful.
But she looks British, Irish or other Germanic people. Very ugly.:noidea:

06-08-2018, 11:50 PM
Irish or other Germanic people


06-08-2018, 11:57 PM
http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/fp/Milla+Jovovich+Doing+Interview+EXTRA+0YiGbn3rWGmx. jpg

06-08-2018, 11:58 PM
She looks typical Irish or British woman.

06-09-2018, 12:23 AM
Autosmal bs aside, she looks more like her Dad. You will either resemble one side of the family's parent more than the other side obviously.


06-09-2018, 12:24 AM
she looks more like her Dad

Both of her parents have pretty much the same phenotype.

06-09-2018, 12:25 AM
Autosmal bs aside, she looks more like her Dad. You will either resemble one side of the family's parent more than the other side obviously.


nah she looks like her mom.


06-09-2018, 12:37 AM
Sure can. Not the most typical face, but still passable.

06-09-2018, 12:45 AM








If she can speak French then France because France is Latin+ Celtic with Germanic and Slavic minorities.

06-09-2018, 12:48 AM
It's weird.
She has 100% true Slavic origin and like any true Slavic woman should be beautiful.
But she looks British, Irish or other Germanic people. Very ugly.:noidea:

Well she is not a young woman anymore.

06-09-2018, 06:19 AM

06-09-2018, 09:50 AM
It's weird.
She has 100% true Slavic origin and like any true Slavic woman should be beautiful.
But she looks British, Irish or other Germanic people. Very ugly.:noidea:

Myth. I know ton of ugly Slavic women from different Slavic countries. In my opinion Slavic women are pretty on average, but to claim they are all beautiful and Irish/German women ugly, is a lie.

06-09-2018, 09:55 AM
Well obviously she passes in the Slavic region of Italy...

There are no "Slavic regions" in Italy perhaps minorities.

Btw, Italians don't look so western as Iberians do


06-09-2018, 09:56 AM

What do you expect, looking equaly western while being more eastern geographically ?

06-09-2018, 10:18 AM
she looks like i girl that i know from Abruzzo. maybe not the most common but can definitively pass

06-09-2018, 10:20 AM
Suburbs of Trieste used to be completely Slovenian-speaking, but that is very small part of Friuli, the rest does not have important Slavic influence.

Slovenian settlement went to river Soča/Isonzo, never further than that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/So%C4%8Da

06-09-2018, 10:25 AM
She is clearly a mix of many things. Reminds me a bit of one Finnish politician, Li Andersson. Milla looks more Eastern Euro tho. But those questions are a bit strange any way. Italians seem to be a very diverse group. She can pass in many European countries. But yes looks a bit more central euro or a mix of north and south. And she does not look ugly like that one Russian dude said. Very beautiful she is.

Now go and ask yourself if Mona Lisa can pass in Italy...

06-09-2018, 10:36 AM
I always thought Trieste and the surrounding slavic speaking italian villages had heavy slavic influence.

Trieste (and its region) has always been a mix between Italian, German and Slovene cultures for its particular position and history but the majority is always being Italian language and Italian people.

Probably small villages in the border. Far to call it a "Slavic region". Slovene for example is spoken by 61 000 people according to Wikipedia and Friuli-Venezia Giulia has 1 million+ people.

06-09-2018, 10:46 AM
Well I understand this, but like in most the world - the small languages get drowned out - not the DNA. The fact that 61,000 people still speak Slavic tells me you can tripple that for those of the same blood lines who simply have assimilated. That is a massive amount. And seeing as here we concentrate of faces not language - I personally am confident to say the Trieste region is heavily slavicised genetically. Of course - due to the strength of Italians and confidence - one is not used to hearing such things - where as when Greeks are mentioned - it is one of the first things mentioned each time. I am just balancing the books. When I joined this forum - I was told there is no significant slavic input anywhere in Italy. I simply don't think that is true. :thumb001:

It works both way, there is Italian genetic influence in entire Slovenian coast and Croatian Istria, despite many of them are Slavic speakers now.

I was recently on Slovenian riviera and people there looked like mixture of Italians and Slovenes, quite different from those deeper inland.

06-09-2018, 10:48 AM
Milla Jovovich is such a diva. I love her.

06-09-2018, 10:56 AM
Which ever way you try to bend it for your own morals/beliefs/piece of mind - there is a region of Italy that is heavily slavicised and this is not insult to anyone - just like in Greece. There would have been 100,000s of peoples in the north that are 100% Italian culturally - however their ancestors and even recent ancestors are not. I know it is harder to hear such a thing for Italy as opposed for a place Greece but that is just the way it goes.

However I do understand this is an uncomfortable subject for some reason - even for non-Italians (such is the strength and mythology of the 'Italian') - so I shall desist having planted the seed.

There is Slavic influence in Italy and Greece, but it is much stronger in Greece, historicaly and genetically.

There is Italian influence in Slovenia and Croatia, that's just how it is. Nationalists don't like it, especially after events during and after ww2, but most people get along fine.

06-09-2018, 11:07 AM
So there is stronger slavic influence in modern Greece than in the Trieste region of Italy? I doubt that - severely. Rarely you get a Greek with around 15% slavic DNA - especially in the north around the borders of the slavic world. Most Greeks everywhere else average around 3% to 0%.

There is more Greek influence in Italy than Italian in the Balkans - that is just the way it is. However I understand this is deeply uncomfortable even for non Italians, so I will desist. I even have an Italian in my family tree and he was a swiss guy whose ancestry seems to be from Apulia. Anyways I digress.

Trieste is one city, while in Greece entire northern Greece has slavic influence.

Greek influence is present in balkanic orthodox countries, in Slovenia and Croatia there is none.

06-09-2018, 11:17 AM
Well I understand this, but like in most the world - the small languages get drowned out - not the DNA. The vast majority of Southern Italy was still Greek speaking up until the 14 century AD - now they are called Italians and like near Trieste - only a few enclaves left speaking a language that was once far more common. The fact that 61,000 people still speak Slavic tells me you can triple that for those of the same blood lines who simply have assimilated and become fully Italian. That is a massive amount in an important region. And seeing as here we concentrate of faces not language - I personally am confident to say the Trieste region is heavily slavicised genetically. Of course - due to the strength of Italians and their confidence - one is not used to hearing such things - where as when Greeks are mentioned - it is one of the first things mentioned each time - due to the weakness of many Greeks on the global stage. I am just balancing the books. When I joined this forum - I was told there is no significant slavic input anywhere in Italy. I simply don't think that is true.

Seriously, Friuli is mostly a Latin region (Italian and Friulan) with some Slavic (Slovene) and little German enclaves. Heck it was the same even under the Habsburgs. And about faces who says that those are indeed Slavic faces and not Italian? I find people in Friuli quite Italian looking, no need to be Slavic...

Italians are some best the best assimilation techniques anywhere on earth. :thumb001:


06-09-2018, 11:20 AM
Don't know what's going on there, but Slavic influence is well known in region of Trieste until river Isonzo. That's small part of Friuli and miniscule compared to size of Italy.

There is far more Celtic and Germanic admixture in Italy than Slavic. For Greece same cannot be said. Macedonia, Thrace and Thessaly have slavic admixture, while you can't find nothing comparable in Italy.

Yes, Greek influence in southern Italy is huge and far more important than Slavic one in extreme northeast of the country.

06-09-2018, 11:47 AM
The peak of Slavic westward expansion was in the 800s.

At that time the western boundary of areas with majority Slavic population was as follows: starting from the north-west, westernmost ethnically Slavic areas included: the Fehrman island, Wagrien region (Wagria) in what is today Holstein - including settlement Wendtorf in Kreis Plön (54°25′N 10°0′E) - then the outskirts of Hamburg, Lauenburg region, Lüneburger Heide, Wolfsburg region, Magdeburg region. South of Magdeburg the boundary of ethnic Slavic territory can be drawn as a meridional line extending up to Erfurt and the eastern part of the Thüringer Wald - in parts of Thuringia located to the west of the Saale River, the following area was ethnically Slavic during the 9th century: lands to the east of the line extending from the southern outskirts of Magdeburg, through the area of Erfurt, and up to the Thüringer Wald. From the Thüringer Wald the boundary was a line extending in south-western direction up to the River Main and the outskirts of Bamberg. From Bamberg the 9th century Slavic-Germanic ethnic boundary sharply turned towards Austrian Linz, and then once again turned meridionally, extending up to the Alpine city of Liezen at the River Enns. In the Alps groups of Slavs migrated through mountain valleys up to East Tirol and the Upper Drava River. Slavs settled in north-western and south-eastern parts of East Tyrol, and in Italy they reached up to Julian Alps north-west of Udine and also settled in what is now the Provincia di Gorizia up to the coast of the Marano Lagoon. The city of Matrei in Osttirol (47°0′N 12°32′E) was called Windisch [= Slavic] Matrei as late as 1335.

Although first incursions of Slavs into Italy were in the 590s.

Leszek Podhorodecki, "History of Ukraine", gives the following chronology for Slavic expansion:

"(...) At the turns of the 5th and the 6th centuries the Slavs, living until that time at the Dniester River, attacked the borders of the Byzantine Empire. The whole reign of Justin (518-527) and that of Justinian (527-557) were filled with combats against the Slavs pushing south across the Danube. They were especially active in period 545-557, because at that time they started to settle en masse in conquered territories [south of the Danube]. Only the incursion of the Avars into the Black Sea steppe and the lands along the Danube [years 561 - 569], hampered - for some time - the Slavic migration. After victorious wars against some of Slavic tribes, the Avars penetrated into the Pannonian Basin, and established their realm there. (...)"

The Avars showed up in the Pontic steppe around 560 and advanced westward to Pannonia along the northern bank of the Danube. Avar influence was not that unequivocally negative for Slavic settlement in the Balkans, though. Their initial attack against Slavs living north of the Danube (in Romania and southern Moldova) in the 560s drove some further Slavs - this time as refugees - south of the Danube, into the Balkans. Later there was a time when Avars were Byzantine allies against the Slavs (that was the case in years 584 - 585, for example), but in the end the Avars turned against the Byzantines and started to facilitate Slavic settlement. We can speak about two or three types of Slavic immigrants in the Balkans - those from tribes acting on their own, and those from tribes which accepted overlordship of the Avars, or signed alliances with them. The Avars also pushed Germanic tribes from Pannonia into Italy, when they defeated the Gepids (568) and forced the Langobards to emigrate (569). The disruption of the Gepids and the expulsion of the Langobards made a vacuum that West Slavs filled, migrating from Moravia into what is now Austria-Hungary-Slovenia.

Slavs were raiding Roman lands from their homeland north of the Danube river in what is now southern Romania since around the 490s, but they started to settle south of the Danube only since around 545. First settlements from ca. 545 - 550 were established in eastern Bosnia, Lower and Upper Moesia, and Little Scythia - including the regions of Ulmetum and Adina. Around the same time (ca. 550) first Slavic immigrants reached what is now Slovenia (they could be the same tribe which had besieged Durazzo in 547). Second wave of Slavs came to Slovenia after 568 (this time from the north, most probably from Moravia). According to John of Ephesus and Menander Protector another major wave of Slavs (Menander wrote that their strength was 100,000 but he didn't specify whether that included only warriors or all people) broke into Thrace and Thessaly as far as the Great Walls of Constantinople in period 577 - 580, and settled in vast areas. Sources mention that those Slavs were led by a war chief named Ardagast or Radogost (Ардагаст), and a king named Musokios. They could also reach as far as Greece "proper" already by ca. 580, when they sacked Athens, for which there is archaeological evidence (other sources indicate that Slavs started to settle in Attica and the Peloponnese only later, around 610).

In year 599 Pope Gregory I in a letter to Exarch of Italy wrote that Slavs had already seized most of Istria, and were penetrating (invading, raiding, etc.) into the Italian Peninsula. After mentioned invasions by Slavs, in 584 AD Byzantine Emperor Maurice sent emissaries to the Khagan of the Avars - Bayan I -, asking him for help against Slavs. The Avars initially worked as Byzantine allies against the Slavs. In 584 Ardagast with his 100,000 Slavs besieged Constantinople but was repulsed by combined Byzantine-Avar forces, and later lost two more battles against Byzantine-Avar forces led by Comentiolus (the battle of Erginia River and the battle of Ansinon, near Hadrianopole). Comentiolus also pushed Slavic settlers out of the region of Astica. In 585 the Byzantines and the Avars decided to attack the original Slavic lands across the Danube - forces under command of Priscus and Gentzon crossed the river at Dorostolon (Silistra) and surprise-attacked the Slavs in their native territory (as most of their forces had long been campaigning in the Balkans). They attacked at midnight and defeated the Slavs, but Ardagast eluded the attackers and escaped.

Later alliances switched - the Avars abandoned their Byzantine allies and instead started to cooperate with the Slavs, having subordinated some of their tribes (most notably one branch of the Dudlebes), and having signed alliances with other tribes.

Other early leaders of the Slavic tribes described by Byzantine, Italian and other sources - apart from Ardagast - include figures such as Musokios, Dabragezas, Usigard, Swarunas, Mezamir, Idarizos, Kelagastos, Chatzon, Waltunc, Kocel, Sandamir, Daurentios, etc.

These early names are often cited by linguists as a proof that Late Common Slavic was still one, mutually intelligible language at that time. 6th century Common Slavic was quite different from Slavic languages in later centuries. It preceded the ard-rad shift in Slavic.

For example at that time Slavs were still pronouncing [o] as short [a] - hence in modern Romanian language the word for grave is magura, and in modern Finnic languages the word for window is akkuna - both being loanwords from Late Common Slavic.

The word gard (town, stronghold) later changed into gord; then into grod in West Slavic*, grad in South Slavic, and gorod in East Slavic), the ard-rad shift had not yet taken place (hence there was Ardagast instead of the later form Radogost), etc.

*Except for Polabian and Pomeranian which retained the older gard form.

06-09-2018, 11:49 AM
Yes, but the point is - what happened to those millions of Greek speakers? Nothing. They just speak Italian now. If there is still around 60k Slavic speakers - you can guaretee - 100,000s more are now 100% Italian - however with slavic admixture.. that is the point.

There is no IBD sharing between Calabria/eastern-central Sicily and mainland Greece, but there is between Apulia and mainland Greece, which implies that some parts of southern Italy received a mass of Greek settlement, and in others, it was a cultural change. Either that or the Greeks in Calabria/Sicily came from the Aegean islands and Anatolia, who are genetically much further from mainland Greeks and in the south Italian cluster to begin with.

Compared to Mycenaeans, modern mainland Greeks are about 30% shifted toward Northeast Europe and much of this is Slavic. There is also up to 15% Slavic in the Peloponnese and surely much more in Thessaly, Macedonia, Epirus, and Thrace.

The only regions entirely free of Slavic input are Aegean islands who did not receive any recent admixture from the Greek mainland. You even see traces of higher NE Euro in some North Aegean and Cyclades islands, due to settlement from the mainland.

06-09-2018, 11:50 AM
You should be proud of Italian assimilation. I think it is one of the best things about Italian culture. That ability holds nations together. You want to see somewhere bad at assimilation? Come to the UK. Then you can put your palm in your italian face. We have 4th generation indians who still have indian accents, eat only indian food and see themselves as 100% indian - despite going to UK schools, working in the UK, living in the UK for most of last century.

Please... go tell that to German speaking in Alto Adige who still prefer their customs. I would agree with you if they would start speaking only Italian. :rolleyes:

Even here there are millions of foregners who prefer to use their customs and traditions instead to become italianized. Arabs, other Muslims and Indians too. Actually, now that i think about it we currently have a bad assimilation due to mass immigration and people who don't want to respect Italian laws.

I think France has a far greater "assimilation culture".

06-09-2018, 12:03 PM
France? :picard1:

I respected you as a poster up until today! :lmao

No France has terrible assimilation. Italy's on the other hand is exceptional. We are not talking about recent peoples. There are 4th generation and beyond peoples in the UK who have not assimilated. An Albanian name in the UK sticks out like a pink dress in the Vatican (actually that is probably a bad analogy - god knows what those freaks get up to behind closed doors..). In Italy - you put an 'o' on the end of your name or an 'i' or an 'a' and you are almost there.

Personally i think there are many Blacks who like to be indentified as French and act pretty good in French customs nowadays, can't say the same for Black people in Italy...

Also French managed to completely assimilate Corsica, Lorraine and Alsace. They surely know what is "Assimilation".

The Albanians, the Greeks, the slavs.. they are all Italian now.

Can you stop talking nonsense please? The Albanian and Greek (while they are Italian citizens) minorities still have their traditions. If this is assimilation...:picard1:

06-09-2018, 12:03 PM
So they made it West of Trieste and settled there also.


There were also Slavic pirates who raided the entire eastern coast of Italy, and even established some settlements along the coast. But I don't know what happened to those strongholds later (maybe they were driven out by anti-pirate expeditions or maybe assimilated).

"Historia Langobardorum" by Paul the Deacon describes Slavic raids into Italy and Langobard-Slavic wars.

Poor Italian peasants were trapped between Langobard hammer and Slavic anvil, both being foreign invaders.

06-09-2018, 12:06 PM
Personally i think there are many Blacks who like to be indentified as French and act pretty good in French customs nowadays, can't say the same for Black people in Italy...

Also French managed to completely assimilate Corsica, Lorraine and Alsace. They surely know what is "Assimilation".

Can you stop talking nonsense please? The Albanian and Greek (while they are Italian citizens) minorities still have their traditions. If this is assimilation...:picard1:
The Greeks in Apulia are not really different from other Apulians besides language. They are the descendants of Magna Graecia settlers and they are what's left of a larger greek speaking area in the South.

06-09-2018, 12:08 PM
:picard1: The vast majority of the millions of Italians who were once Greek - are now 100% Italian culturally. They have kept nothing. A few in some severely isolated villages have kept the language.

They only Greeks who have ancient Greeks connections are nowadays Griko and those have their traditions and spoke a Greek/Italian-like dialect.

But you're talking about ancient people who settled in Italy many centuries ago, it's pretty obvious they became assimilated (unlike the Indians of UK) still in part because as i said they still retain their culture.

06-09-2018, 12:12 PM
That is what happens when you have a Balkan education of Greece rather than one based on facts and figures.

Please, spare me :rolleyes: We don't learn aything about balkanic history of interaction with Greeks, because we were never part of that world and it is absolutely irrelevant ot us.

Only thing I learned about Greece is classical Greek philosophy and history.

06-09-2018, 12:13 PM
Yes, easily.

06-09-2018, 12:16 PM

There were also Slavic pirates who raided the entire eastern coast of Italy

Those were Croats. Hence Venetians named Croatian Duke Domagoj ''the worst Duke of Slavs''.

06-09-2018, 12:18 PM
That is what meant - not education in school - but cultural education. For example - you speak to someone in Greece about Albanians.. it is 90% of the time a highly negative conversation. Many Greeks also find it difficult to differentiate Croats from Nazism. That is called cultural education. The cultural education of Greece by fellow Balkanites is - well - your posts sum it up. Remember the 'entire North of Greece' statements but your 'only in Trieste' comments? :thumb001: Your own slavic peoples made it further than Trieste my dear.. read the above posts by Peterski... don't fight your history/

Nothing against Greece, just genetics seem to imply that. Nothing more.

06-09-2018, 12:19 PM
?? There are millions of Italians of direct Ancient Greek decent who have kept nothing of their former culture -

What an earth are talking about?

How do you know that? South Italians have been a mix of cultures not only Greeks. Direct Ancient Greek origin is pretty hard even for Greeks themself... like saying Italians are direct of Ancient Romans.

Maybe you're forgetting that Italians (South included) are primarily Latin/Romance.

But seriously you should not compare ancient population of Italy with recent Indians of UK, it's a bad example.

06-09-2018, 12:21 PM
Those were Croats. Hence Venetians named Croatian Duke Domagoj ''the worst Duke of Slavs''.

Also Narentines and other tribes. Are Narentines considered to be one of Croatian subdivisions?


06-09-2018, 12:24 PM
The Greeks in Apulia are not really different from other Apulians besides language. They are the descendants of Magna Graecia settlers and they are what's left of a larger greek speaking area in the South.

Are you talking about the Griko? Still they have their traditions (plus the Italian one) not really fully assimilated into the Romance sphere.

06-09-2018, 12:47 PM
Also Narentines and other tribes. Are Narentines considered to be one of Croatian subdivisions?


Depends who you ask :D

They are one of tribes that assimilated to Croats, but they were probably separated thing originally. Notorious pirates.

06-09-2018, 12:50 PM
I read about the Greek invasions and vast settlements of the Greeks in Southern Italy. It was actually exceptionally boring and a near total domination. The native Sicilians (there were not many anyway) hid themselves in central villages not to live near the Greeks. Greeks dominated their own cities and the local populations who had moved further into the interior often were highly aggressive towards the Greeks, what was left of native tribes like the Sicani - slowly assimilated with the Greeks a lot later and became just yet more of the already 100.000s of Southern Italian Greek speakers. The Greeks dominated places like Apulia before the words Latin/Romance even existed. :picard1: They were Mycenaean colonists and dominated the region 1000 years before most the Greek settlers we talk about came to Sicily and Southern Italy in around 500BC.

It was not even an "invasion"...

In the 8th and 7th centuries BC, for various reasons, including demographic crises (famine, overcrowding, etc.), the search for new commercial outlets and ports, and expulsion from their homeland, Greeks began to settle in southern Italy

06-09-2018, 01:00 PM
Your understand of the founding of Magna Grecia is so severely warped I don't know where to begin. And you claim to be Italian? Do all Italians have this problem with this specific region? other Italians on here seem to have a far better understanding of the region than you. What part of Italy did you go to school in?

I've just pointed out that wasn't an invasion like you claimed.

Nope. :icon_ask:

Greeks are even the direct descendants of the Myceneans - the ones you have clear trouble with understanding their settlement of Apulia.

Greeks Mycenean origins (http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/08/greeks-really-do-have-near-mythical-origins-ancient-dna-reveals)

Greeks nowadays are far from being direct descent of Ancient Greeks, cut this crap. lol

Greece has been under several dominations at least like South Italy.

Now, let's leave other people to talk about the original topic and cut your crap for Christ sake.

06-09-2018, 01:14 PM
I think you need to learn basic italian first. Once you can speak that - maybe learn basic english. An Invasion is a vast incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity. My goodness.. how can you be so badly educated? Greeks invaded and then colonised Southern Italy. They never left either. Millions upon millions of modern southern Italians have ancestry from these greeks. They were still even speaking Greek up until the end of the medieval period.

Migration is more an appropriate term. Invasions are more the Barbarian ones during the Late Antiquity where they indeed raided towns. And don't tell me to learn Italian, i know it better than you and also English considering how you typed previous lines and since you continue to edit your replies every fucking second.

Genetically greeks are descendants of ancient Greeks as the genetic tests you probably couldn't read clearly state.

Yes next time we'll say that Italians are direct descent of Ancient Romans... :picard1:

You have filled this topic with more crap than anyone. Even another Italian tried to educate you on the Greeks of southern italy and you confused yourself over even that! :picard1: Like the Greeks of Magna Grecia - I am no where my friend. This is a lesson for you on so many levels.

caviezel only said that Greeks from Apulia aren't different from other Apulians (probably referring to Grikos) but still, Grikos aren't fully Italian.

06-09-2018, 01:36 PM
As for editing posts - I believe you added the second part to this post when you realised how stupid the first part was:


You were right to edit and add the second part. However then talking to me about editing... kinda dog shit, no? :picard1:

Well you sure know how to mass edit your posts, unlike me. If you continue to change i need to fix mine as well. It's pretty obvious...:p

He was saying what I was saying. Apulians are the descendants of Greeks.

No he didn't say that... see? You don't know English. :)

The Greeks in Apulia are not really different from other Apulians besides language. They are the descendants of Magna Graecia settlers and they are what's left of a larger greek speaking area in the South.

He said that the Greeks in Apulia aka GRIKOS are not that different apart from language. He was talking about the GRIKOS who are the discendants and what's left of Magna Graecia not that Italians (Apulians) are the discendants of Greeks. :)

06-09-2018, 01:52 PM
Nope - he was describing Apulians as descendants of Greeks and saying the Grikos are simply those who still speak a Greek dialect.

Why you don't ask him to reply and see. Pretty simple.

You know, we can continue all day but unfortunately i don't have time to waste. Talking with you is like tilting at windmills. You turned this thread into a Greek thing with your craps about assimilations comparing UK recent immigrants with Italy ancient population. Congratulations.

06-09-2018, 02:04 PM
I see you edited you post to include this gem! :picard1:

He was very clear - let me post his post again. Read it hard. :thumb001:

Whatever will make you sleep well tonight. :bored:

06-09-2018, 02:54 PM
I think she could definitely pass in Northern Italy where Eastern European or Slovenian admixture is common.

06-09-2018, 03:56 PM
With difficulty.

06-09-2018, 04:27 PM

There were also Slavic pirates who raided the entire eastern coast of Italy, and even established some settlements along the coast. But I don't know what happened to those strongholds later (maybe they were driven out by anti-pirate expeditions or maybe assimilated).

"Historia Langobardorum" by Paul the Deacon describes Slavic raids into Italy and Langobard-Slavic wars.

Poor Italian peasants were trapped between Langobard hammer and Slavic anvil, both being foreign invaders.

lol I know, it's hard to be between hammer and anvil, Poland is expert in this subject, you know, Russians, German and Austrians... :rolleyes:

At least the Longobards also built things and contributed a lot to Italian culture.

06-09-2018, 04:37 PM

Care to elaborate?

06-10-2018, 06:32 AM
Care to elaborate?

She can only pass in Eastern Europe, she can't pass in Italy as her phenotype won't match.

♥ Lily ♥
06-10-2018, 11:09 AM
No. Her slightly Mongoloid eyes and flat-fronted skull shape looks typical of Slavs.

06-10-2018, 11:19 AM
No. Her slightly Mongoloid eyes and flat-fronted skull shape looks typical of Slavs.

But she could pass in England, right? ;) As a part Russian like Boris Johnson or Marc Bolan...

06-10-2018, 11:24 AM
She played Joan of Arc the movie The Messenger. I have to say I had a hard time believing she was French. I saw a French Girl at the French Restaurant I went too. She was a short Alpine cute girl. Looked nothing like this person.

06-10-2018, 12:12 PM
The Greeks in Apulia are not really different from other Apulians besides language. They are the descendants of Magna Graecia settlers and they are what's left of a larger greek speaking area in the South.

Apulia in general has higher IBD sharing with Greece (and Eastern Europe for that matter overall) than the rest of southern Italy, which shows they have the most, and most recent, Greek ancestry.

♥ Lily ♥
06-10-2018, 12:31 PM
But she could pass in England, right? ;)

I think she'd pass as a native in this crowd of Russians:


Or amongst Ukrainian people:


Compare with crowds of English people:



♥ Lily ♥
06-10-2018, 12:31 PM
But she could pass in England, right? ;)

Not as an ethnic and native person. I've always thought she has weird eyes and slightly Mongoloid eye shape and flat fronted skull shape. She doesn't look Western European.

I think she'd pass as a native in this crowd of Russians:


Or amongst Ukrainian people:


Compare with crowds of English people:



06-10-2018, 12:34 PM
Not as an ethnic and native person. I've always thought she has weird eyes and slightly Mongoloid features. She doesn't look Western European.

I think she'd pass as a native in this crowd of Russians:


Or amongst Ukrainian people:


Compare with crowds of English people:



She is obviously much more western european looking than many Russians lily :) Maybe she could pass as Polish or Slovakian there, who knows...

06-10-2018, 12:34 PM
Italy is very diverse.. many Europeans and West Asians even can pass at least somewhere in Italy, but Slavic phenotypes are one of the hardest to pass.

♥ Lily ♥
06-10-2018, 12:38 PM
She has 100% true Slavic origin and like any true Slavic woman should be beautiful.
But she looks British, Irish or other Germanic people. Very ugly.:noidea:


She looks very eastern European and exotic to me. I've never liked her eyes... there's something very off about them.

British people look western European in skull shape, eye shape, etc:

Rick Edwards

Kelly Brook

Jorgie Porter

Rebecca Louise Baillie


She doesn't pass in Italy either. Italians are Western Europeans and they don't have Mongoloid type foreheads and eyes.

She could easily pass in Slavic nations. How is her surname pronounced? :confused: Is it 'jo-vo-vich'? Her ancestry is Russian and Serbian.

A crowd of people from Bournemouth, south-west England


A crowd of people from Milan, northern Italy


A crowd of Serbian people. Milla Jovovich passes better here.


06-10-2018, 12:50 PM
She looks very eastern European and exotic to me. I've never liked her eyes... there's something very off about them.

She doesn't pass in Italy either. Italians are Western Europeans and they don't have Mongoloid type faces and eyes.

She could easily pass in Slavic nations. How is her surname pronounced? Is it 'jo-vo-vich'? Her ancestry is Russian and Serbian.

She looks west slavic yes, but not Russian. Thank you Lily for clarifying this. I almost forgot her name. And thank you for saying you don't like her "chinky eyes". Look at the singer of Mumford and Sons. British- mongoloid mix. Very awful... I never liked his looks... The truth is Lily, that Marcus Mumford is a very handsome man and Milla very beautiful woman. We just should embrace the truth Lily.

06-10-2018, 01:10 PM
She looks very eastern European and exotic to me. I've never liked her eyes... there's something very off about them.

She doesn't pass in Italy either. Italians are Western Europeans and they don't have Mongoloid type foreheads and eyes.

She could easily pass in Slavic nations. How is her surname pronounced? :confused: Is it 'jo-vo-vich'? Her ancestry is Russian and Serbian.

Lol according to some Idiots in this forum this is how a typical Mainland Greek woman looks like :lol:

06-10-2018, 01:13 PM
Lol according to some Idiots in this forum this is how a typical Mainland Greek woman looks like :lol:

Not typical, but she'd pass better there than in central-south Italy.

06-10-2018, 01:15 PM
Not typical, but she'd pass better there than in central-south Italy.

Someone who considers this look as Greek looking or associates it with Greeks is just ridiculous.

06-10-2018, 01:16 PM
Someone who considers orthis look as Greek looking or associates it with Greeks is just ridiculous.

As is anyone who thinks she looks Italian.

06-10-2018, 01:21 PM
As is anyone who thinks she looks Italian.

I don't think she looks Italian :lol:

06-10-2018, 08:24 PM
She played Joan of Arc the movie The Messenger. I have to say I had a hard time believing she was French. I saw a French Girl at the French Restaurant I went too. She was a short Alpine cute girl. Looked nothing like this person.

Yeah she also played a French girl on Married With Children and was not convincing at all lol

Ajeje Brazorf
06-10-2018, 08:44 PM
We even had some moron on this site from Apulia who came back around 80% Greek after a dna test and had some sort of mental breakdown he was so upset. I can see where he gets this problem with reality from. probably the Italian education system concerning the depth of Magna Grecia.

Our school system has no problem with Magna Graecia. In every school class of Italy there is a map of the Roman empire and one of Magna Graecia hanging on the wall. It's quite the opposite, we are often considered wannabes because of our obsession with ancient Greeks :cool:

03-15-2019, 11:13 AM

03-16-2019, 11:21 PM
She looks like Leo DiCaprio. Kinda a mix of Northern/ Western, Italian/ Balkan and Slavic. She could pass in Italy, why not? To me she looks more like half Italian tho.

03-17-2019, 12:08 AM
Linda Evangelista is fully Italian,her parents are from Lazio,close to Campania and she look a bit like Milla Jovovic.

Yes, Linda Evangelista is “ciociara”, from the province of Frosinone, in the Southern part of Lazio, that borders the region of Campania (Southern Italy). So she is basically a Southern Italian. “Ciociari” from Frosinone are considered Southerners.

03-17-2019, 12:19 AM
Only in the fifth photo looks normal.

IMO she is extremely hot. And I think she could pass in Veneto.

03-17-2019, 12:21 AM
Sure why not the only thing is she's almost 5'9 or smth so she'd prob get asked where she was from cuz Italians are not typically that tall

03-17-2019, 12:27 AM
She can pass and I disagree with Lilly that her look is specifically Slavic.

03-17-2019, 12:41 AM
She passes as easily as a train on a railroad.

03-17-2019, 12:43 AM
Looks Slavic to my eyes.