View Full Version : Classify Halid Beslic

03-11-2011, 06:58 PM
Bosnian singer.









03-11-2011, 07:15 PM
If I were to places him anywhere it would be Ireland or Britain (especially Ireland), he can also be from Northern-Central-Eastern France with ease.


Looks close to this American actor:

Chris Colfer

Jack B
03-11-2011, 07:24 PM
Funny he looks quite "foreign" to me, I'd assume something Eastern if I met him.

03-12-2011, 07:22 AM
Cromagnoid + Balto-Alpinoid imo.

03-12-2011, 08:18 AM
Funny he looks quite "foreign" to me, I'd assume something Eastern if I met him.

Cromagnoid + Balto-Alpinoid imo.

That must be Balto-Alpinoid influence Agrippa mentioned, definitely Cromagnoid type bet yes something "eastern" could be seen, little of "Eastern infantilisation".
Chris Colfer also has some Alpinoid influence, but in Beslic I guess it must be Baltid influence giving few "Eastern vibes".

03-12-2011, 09:03 AM
If he has Baltid influence, I'd expect him to looks less foreign but looking at him, he looks quite foreign if I saw him on the street of Poland. He looks like depigmented Balkan CM with Alpinoid influence. :icon_neutral:]

Baltid :

Imo, they looks nothing like him. :shrug:

03-12-2011, 09:42 AM
If he has Baltid influence, I'd expect him to looks less foreign but looking at him, he looks quite foreign if I saw him on the street of Poland. He looks like depigmented Balkan CM with Alpinoid influence. :icon_neutral:]

Baltid :

Imo, they looks nothing like him. :shrug:

His eyeshape might be Baltid inspired, there is similarity with those 2 girls in eyeshape. But no he doesn't look Polish, in Poland Baltids are far more common, there might be occaisonal Faelid, Balto-Cromagnoids-Westbaltid are far more common, but still less common than standard Baltid. He probably looks more Western but with Eastern vibe. His CM type might be somewhere between Dalofaelid and a more archaic variant, nose looks straight but broader for ex. I think indigenous Balkan CM's have light and dark variants, but very common as it is with CM's in general are rufous tendencies seen in him too.

03-12-2011, 10:00 AM
His eyeshape might be Baltid inspired, there is similarity with those 2 girls in eyeshape. But no he doesn't look Polish, in Poland Baltids are far more common, there might be occaisonal Faelid, Balto-Cromagnoids-Westbaltid are far more common, but still less common than standard Baltid. He probably looks more Western but with Eastern vibe. His CM type might be somewhere between Dalofaelid and a more archaic variant, nose looks straight but broader for ex. I think indigenous Balkan CM's have light and dark variants, but very common as it is with CM's in general are rufous tendencies seen in him too.
I cannot explain it but he gave too much foreign to be Baltid. I know what Baltid looks like and he is certainly not one of them but if you say he has Baltid influence, then I am not going to argue with you. To me, he looks like Balkan version of Baltid or something. ;)
I do think that West Baltid are more common than standard Baltid because I have seen many Polish people everyday with this type but they are often mixed.

Poles West Baltid :

(Dinaroid influence)

Anyway, I'm sorry for hijack your thread and I am agree with your comment.

03-12-2011, 11:17 AM
Interesting discussion, turned out my mom is Balto-Alpinoid, but she doesn't look like him and also not like those girls. Probably it also depend of what element is most present and what are other influences. And yes, probably in different regions, types look different depending on other local influences.

09-04-2013, 12:52 AM
Generic Alpino-Cromagnoid specimen.

09-04-2013, 10:35 AM
Balkanoid indeed

11-04-2013, 08:47 PM

11-04-2013, 08:57 PM
Cromagnid + Gorid.

11-04-2013, 10:09 PM
Balkan Borreby-Gorid