View Full Version : Which East Asian Society Is More Traditional?

06-12-2018, 05:52 AM
Modernization and westernization could affect native culture. So which East Asian society is more traditional? Vote and write your opinion.

Hong Kong
North Korea
South Korea

06-12-2018, 06:03 AM
Modernization and westernization could affect native culture. So which East Asian society is more traditional? Vote and write your opinion.

Hong Kong
North Korea
South Korea

Anglos were mentally retarded enough to let women vote that is the west is screwed up.

Napoleon’s saying — that women have no rank — should be adopted as the right standpoint in determining their position in society.

Nothing different can be expected of women if it is borne in mind that the most eminent of the whole sex have never accomplished anything in the fine arts that is really great, genuine, and original, or given to the world any kind of work of permanent value. This is most striking in regard to painting, the technique of which is as much within their reach as within ours; this is why they pursue it so industriously. Still, they have not a single great painting to show, for the simple reason that they lack that objectivity of mind which is precisely what is so directly necessary in painting. They always stick to what is subjective. For this reason, ordinary women have no susceptibility for painting at all: for natura non facet saltum. And Huarte, in his book which has been famous for three hundred years, Examen de ingenios para las scienzias, contends that women do not possess the higher capacities. Individual and partial exceptions do not alter the matter; women are and remain, taken altogether, the most thorough and incurable philistines; and because of the extremely absurd arrangement which allows them to share the position and title of their husbands they are a constant stimulus to his ignoble ambitions. And further, it is because they are philistines that modern society, to which they give the tone and where they have sway, has become corrupted. As regards their position, one should be guided by Napoleon’s maxim, Les femmes n’ont pas de rang.

--Arthur Schopenhauer


06-13-2018, 09:01 AM
^Wrong thread

06-13-2018, 04:29 PM
Different countries are traditional in different ways so ultimately it depends on your definition of traditional. If traditional is being westernized/modernized then Mongolia is probably the most traditional. If it is being conservative and retaining cultural social norms then it probably is Japan, where you can be ultra modern and futuristic on one hand and still sit on mats and have very traditional gender roles.