View Full Version : classify my father

03-13-2011, 07:36 AM
height: 1.80m
hair color: dark brown (beard light brown, body hair blond)
constitution: robust
skin color: pink
ancestry: 3/4 German, 1/4 Romanian

03-13-2011, 07:38 AM
Cromagno-Alpinoid.. not sure which is dominant, but he appears to be a combination of the two.

03-13-2011, 08:07 AM
Cromagnoid is definitely dominant. Your father has a strong stereotypical German jaw.

03-13-2011, 10:22 AM
Cromagnoid is definitely dominant. Your father has a strong stereotypical German jaw.

Yes... My father is very German looking. When he was young, he looked exactly like this ancient Germanic:

Fortis in Arduis
03-13-2011, 10:35 AM
He looks Jewish.

Invest in www.23andme.com


03-13-2011, 10:43 AM
Dalofaelid with Alpinid, Norid and maybe Nordid influences in that order.

03-13-2011, 11:50 AM
Cromagno-Alpinoid is dominant without a doubt, very Northern-Central German look in particular. I'd say the Cromagnoid component has a Borreby-tendency, though slight Westbaltid could be discussed as well as slight Nordoid.

03-13-2011, 12:11 PM
Yes, indeed he looks stereotypical jewish going out from the nose.
with this hooker he looks distinct here
Aheren Do you know from which he got the Jewish Appearance ?


Many Jews can show up blue eyes.
That don´t make them appear Nordic or Aryan.
Btw.. I advice you not to use the term "aryan" anymore cause i can´t fucking stand the pain in my ears nearly everytime people do make misuse of it.

03-13-2011, 05:07 PM
All faggots who invade my threads in a sorry attempt to insult me will enjoy permanent silence in my ignore list.

03-13-2011, 06:12 PM
Cromagno-Alpinoid is dominant without a doubt, very Northern-Central German look in particular.
Actually, his ancestors came from Franconia in late 1700s, and Franconia is, in my oppinion, the region with highest occurence of typical German types (Faelid and Scandonordid). Most people look German there. It is also the region with highest rate of unaltered "Nordics" in Germany, which is always a great plus.

03-13-2011, 06:22 PM
Actually, his ancestors came from Franconia in late 1700s, and Franconia is, in my oppinion, the region with highest occurence of typical German types (Faelid and Scandonordid). Most people look German there. It is also the region with highest rate of unaltered "Nordics" in Germany, which is always a great plus.

Where do you have the information from, that in Franconia are the most unaltered Nordoids from all of Germany?

03-14-2011, 05:42 AM
Where do you have the information from, that in Franconia are the most unaltered Nordoids from all of Germany?

This is mostly based on personal observation. But Coon also claims

Middle Franconia lies definitely south of the Borreby-Brunn racial frontier; its inhabitants belong mostly to the Alpine and Dinaric races, with many intermediate forms. The Noric type, a blond brachycephal with incipiently Dinaric facial features, seems to be relatively common, and is probably a Nordic brachycephalized through Alpine and Dinaric mixture. A few individuals, not numerous enough to influence the mean of the group statistically, seem to have retained a completely Nordic appearance.

Coon's conclusion:

To summarize the data on the physical anthropology of Germany it seems necessary to stress the relative absence of conventional Nordics comparable to those found in eastern Norway, in Sweden, and in England. Such Nordics may be seen almost everywhere in Germany as individuals, but nowhere as a large element in the population. The Northwest Germans represent for the most part a re�mergence of Br�nn and Borreby types which have absorbed the Iron Age Nordic group almost completely, as well as the old North German Corded concentration. The southwestern Germans are the most nearly Nordic of all, but have strong Br�nn and Borreby accretions. The southern Germans, from southern Baden to eastern Bavaria, are basically Alpine, with strong, often predominant, Dinaric tendencies, and a large purely brunet minority. In central Germany an intermediate condition between the North German and the South German extremes is found. In southeastern Germany, from Saxony to Silesia, while the head form is extremely brachycephalic, the pigmentation is usually light, and the head size small in comparison with the northern and western parts of the country. The racial type which is most characteristic here is the Noric, a blond Dinaric form resulting from a brachycephalization of Iron Age Nordics through direct or indirect Alpine admixture. In Silesia, to the same elements may be added a broad-faced, snub-nosed, brachycephalic strain which we have already observed among Finns and Balts, and which will be studied in further detail in Poland and Russia. The northeastern Germans are for the most part blond brachycephals, varying in type from Borreby to East Baltic, and especially the latter.

03-14-2011, 07:40 AM
Your father is pred. CM, I'm not sure what particular type. He has high head, it's trait widespread amongst some CM types, so I wonder if it comes from ancient Corded?(or maybe different CM high headed type)

03-14-2011, 08:13 AM
Your father is pred. CM, I'm not sure what particular type. He has high head, it's trait widespread amongst some CM types, so I wonder if it comes from ancient Corded?(or maybe different CM high headed type)

High head is prevalent among German Faelids accompanied by a low jaw, which my father also has. In absence of any other Aryan (Scandonordid) traits, it must be local development.

03-14-2011, 05:24 PM
This is mostly based on personal observation. But Coon also claims

Coon's conclusion:

Right, Coon believed the Southwest still retained a Nordic element from the Hallstatt and La Tene cultures.

03-14-2011, 07:44 PM
He looks German but also could pass for Austrian or perhaps Polish.

I can see him fitting among people of Central or Western European countries.

Alpinoid most likely.

Kosovo je Sjrbia
03-14-2011, 10:06 PM
he would be confused for an average American man.

03-14-2011, 10:20 PM
This is mostly based on personal observation. But Coon also claims (,,,)

Coon's conclusion:(,,,)

Repeat with me:




03-14-2011, 10:38 PM
Be that as it may, Coon's work is still the most rigorous scientific study done of subrace distributions in Europe.

Obviously, if there was someone here who lived in Franconia, their opinion could be more accurate. But I don't think there is.

03-16-2011, 11:50 AM
To summarize the data on the physical anthropology of Germany it seems necessary to stress the relative absence of conventional Nordics comparable to those found in eastern Norway, in Sweden, and in England

That's just not true if looking at the facts, and even more so, Coon seems have had a rather "Anti-German" attitude in a way and also a definition of Nordid vs. "Brünn" which is highly doubtful, namely if being based on smaller vs. larger measurements primarily.

I wouldn't question that Franconia has a lot of Nordoid variants, but to say the North West of Germany has little of it, is just a joke, that alone makes his assertions somewhat, let's say doubtful.

Of course, Cromagnoid-Borreby elements are strong in the North, but still, Nordoid elements are strong as well.

03-16-2011, 12:07 PM
He looks German but also could pass for Austrian or perhaps Polish.

I can see him fitting among people of Central or Western European countries.

Alpinoid most likely.

Na, If I saw him on the street of Poland, I'd mistake him for German. He is not Aryan looking enough to be Pole.

03-16-2011, 12:09 PM
That's just not true if looking at the facts, and even more so, Coon seems have had a rather "Anti-German" attitude in a way and also a definition of Nordid vs. "Brünn" which is highly doubtful, namely if being based on smaller vs. larger measurements primarily.

I wouldn't question that Franconia has a lot of Nordoid variants, but to say the North West of Germany has little of it, is just a joke, that alone makes his assertions somewhat, let's say doubtful.

Of course, Cromagnoid-Borreby elements are strong in the North, but still, Nordoid elements are strong as well.

I believe Faelid are probably one of the main type in Germany. You guys have more Cromagnoid in Germany than in Poland.

03-16-2011, 12:37 PM
I believe Faelid are probably one of the main type in Germany. You guys have more Cromagnoid in Germany than in Poland.

The Cromagnoid component is more Balticised/Osteuropid, while in Germany rather more Western Cromagnoid forms (Dalofaelid, Borreby, Alpinoid) dominate, that's the main difference.

03-16-2011, 12:42 PM
The Cromagnoid component is more Balticised/Osteuropid, while in Germany rather more Western Cromagnoid forms (Dalofaelid, Borreby, Alpinoid) dominate, that's the main difference.

Borreby does exist among Poles but it isn't common for sure. Btw, Faelid is what I think of stereotypical German looks. ;)

03-16-2011, 05:03 PM
That's just not true if looking at the facts, and even more so, Coon seems have had a rather "Anti-German" attitude in a way and also a definition of Nordid vs. "Brünn" which is highly doubtful, namely if being based on smaller vs. larger measurements primarily.

I wouldn't question that Franconia has a lot of Nordoid variants, but to say the North West of Germany has little of it, is just a joke, that alone makes his assertions somewhat, let's say doubtful.

Of course, Cromagnoid-Borreby elements are strong in the North, but still, Nordoid elements are strong as well.

Well, Coon said that "Nordoid"(meaning, having *any* Nordid influence) was common in the Northwest, but that there were not many pred. Nordids in Germany as a whole. The exception being the SW, represnting "Nordid-Dinarid" residues from the Hallstatt and La Tene cultures.

Interestingly, he said that Nordid was the most important racial element in England and Ireland, which I haven't seen any author say before.

03-16-2011, 05:12 PM
Well, Coon said that "Nordoid"(meaning, having *any* Nordid influence) was common in the Northwest, but that there were not many pred. Nordids in Germany as a whole. The exception being the SW, represnting "Nordid-Dinarid" residues from the Hallstatt and La Tene cultures.

Interestingly, he said that Nordid was the most important racial element in England and Ireland, which I haven't seen any author say before.

The funny thing is, most authors I know of said something different and of course, he had his own definition for "Brünn", because most other authors wouldn't have discarded an "oversized Nordoid", otherwise typical, as Nordid, like he did.

03-16-2011, 05:50 PM
Aryan indeed. Resembles my father(Faelid/Alpinid) who's maternal side is descended from Saxon miners in Sjrbia.

03-16-2011, 05:54 PM
Aryan indeed. Resembles my father(Faelid/Alpinid) who's maternal side is descended from Saxon miners in Sjrbia.

Not Aryan enough! :mad:

03-16-2011, 05:57 PM
Not Aryan enough! :mad:

legend plz. He's too Aryan form Milan, New york and Japan. :coffee:

03-16-2011, 07:13 PM
The funny thing is, most authors I know of said something different and of course, he had his own definition for "Brünn", because most other authors wouldn't have discarded an "oversized Nordoid", otherwise typical, as Nordid, like he did.

So you're saying Coon could not distinguish between robust Nordid vs. Faelid?

03-17-2011, 08:29 AM
So you're saying Coon could not distinguish between robust Nordid vs. Faelid?

He could, but he didn't wanted, because of his theory that all oversized European variants are in fact "Upper Palaeolithic" influenced and have, in his theory, stronger Neandertaloid influences than "pure sapiens" = "Mediterranean" including Nordoid.
So it fits his theory if all "oversized" variants are in a category of their own, almost regardless of how they look otherwise. Some of his "Upper Palaeolithic influenced" individuals were used as textbook Nordid by others.

03-17-2011, 08:43 AM
That's just not true if looking at the facts, and even more so, Coon seems have had a rather "Anti-German" attitude in a way and also a definition of Nordid vs. "Brünn" which is highly doubtful, namely if being based on smaller vs. larger measurements primarily.

I wouldn't question that Franconia has a lot of Nordoid variants, but to say the North West of Germany has little of it, is just a joke, that alone makes his assertions somewhat, let's say doubtful.

Of course, Cromagnoid-Borreby elements are strong in the North, but still, Nordoid elements are strong as well.

His findings are approved by other anthropologists who attest that Faelid is very dominant in N Germany.

03-17-2011, 08:52 AM
His findings are approved by other anthropologists who attest that Faelid is very dominant in N Germany.

It is very common, not very dominant in Northern Germany. And probably most common in Westfalen and Niedersachsen.

Point is, Nordid is very strong too, but has larger measurements often and is often influenced by Cromagnoid elements, that is known. Still more classic Nordoid forms are quite common there too.

Skandonordid - Dalofaelid - Osteuropid after Schwidetzky btw:


As an orientation.

03-17-2011, 09:17 PM
It is very common, not very dominant in Northern Germany. And probably most common in Westfalen and Niedersachsen.

Point is, Nordid is very strong too, but has larger measurements often and is often influenced by Cromagnoid elements, that is known. Still more classic Nordoid forms are quite common there too.

Skandonordid - Dalofaelid - Osteuropid after Schwidetzky btw:


As an orientation.

East Baltid.

03-17-2011, 09:44 PM
In my opinion, there aren't that many pred. unreduced Cromagnids(Faelids, Paleatlantids) left in Europe, including Germany(though, Pallantides does claim there are many in Norway). I haven't seen that many posted in the classification forums. What seems more common is Cromagno-Alpinoid combos, like Borreby or unstabilized mixtures. But if you're talking about *predominant" Cromagnid, there don't seem to be that many..

Interestingly, I see quite a few pred. unreduced Cromagnids living in America. In my opinion, they form a substantial part of the white American population. Why this is, I can only guess - my best theory is that most of the American immigrant population came over as heavy laborer, for which Cromagnid-types are suited because of their muscularity and strength.

(Going by the same theory, you find that most Italian-Americans tend to be pred. Dinarid, even though that type is a minority in Italy itself).

03-17-2011, 09:48 PM
Having been living in England and alway thought Poles are mostly Baltid but when visit Poland, I am quite surpised that West Baltid are very common and quite visible among Poles.

03-17-2011, 09:58 PM
His findings are approved by other anthropologists who attest that Faelid is very dominant in N Germany.

Coon said Borreby was dominant in N. Germany, which is intermediate between Faelid and Alpinid variants. Coon didn't believe Faelid/unreduced Cromagnid was dominant anywhere, though he said you could find many in West Ireland and in West Norway.

03-17-2011, 10:44 PM
East Baltid.

Yes, that's true, yet Eastbaltid is part of Osteuropid and they usually used the extreme (Eastbaltid) for Osteuropid in general, which makes at least insofar sense, as this is the most characteristic expression, while Westbaltid-Baltid is more similar to Cromagnoid and Alpinoid in comparison, therefore "less extreme-typical" in a Europe-wide comparison.

Yet I don't do that, because it was a misconception to see that as "pure" and the others mixed alone, failure of some German anthropologists as I see it by now.

In my opinion, there aren't that many pred. unreduced Cromagnids(Faelids, Paleatlantids) left in Europe

It is a strong element, but usually mixed and Palaeatlantid comes closer to a theoretical thing already, being so rare almost everywhere and present mostly on the fringes...

03-17-2011, 11:15 PM
Interestingly, I see quite a few pred. unreduced Cromagnids living in America. In my opinion, they form a substantial part of the white American population. Why this is, I can only guess - my best theory is that most of the American immigrant population came over as heavy laborer, for which Cromagnid-types are suited because of their muscularity and strength.

I must agree to a solid degree, thought about that already, yes Cromagnid is very common among white Americans. And yes I often thought of some stereotypes such as "hard-working American" to be quite fitting for Cromagnoids. Though to be honest this needs to be properly verified, if time permits me I'll do an analysis.

(Going by the same theory, you find that most Italian-Americans tend to be pred. Dinarid, even though that type is a minority in Italy itself).

Would be interesting to find out how common is that element among them.

03-17-2011, 11:23 PM
Oh once again we talk about how common is this or that element in an area. Why not do an analysis, not rely on views of old Anthropologists, which were even sometimes contradictory. I mean proper analysis, with a number of people being selected by previously determined standards, so no random photos of casual people, or some known individuals being picked out. I think a proper way would be to pick out ALL known individuals from an area, standard needs to be "versatile" as for example if you take only rugby players you'd expect naturally more Cromagnoids there.

03-17-2011, 11:31 PM
Absolutely. Actually, since we know countries create genetic clusters, we could get people from this forum who "cluster with Serbia" or "cluster with France", and see what ther pheotypes are. Well, I couldn't do it, since I can't type that well yet, but you get what I'm saying.

03-18-2011, 07:36 AM
:thumb001: Racial analysis would be step up in anthropological discussions.

03-18-2011, 07:51 AM
Interestingly, I see quite a few pred. unreduced Cromagnids living in America. In my opinion, they form a substantial part of the white American population. Why this is, I can only guess - my best theory is that most of the American immigrant population came over as heavy laborer, for which Cromagnid-types are suited because of their muscularity and strength.

Up until early 1900s, US had an absolute majority of Englishmen. Racial anthropologists (incl. Coon) have noticed an odd thing: among these diaspora Englishmen, Germanic types were MUCH more common than in England and what they called "Nordics" had a very high presence. Probably, this happened because most colonists came from Eastern England, areas where people are mostly of Germanic origins. Still, this doesn't explain why so many Anglo-Americans tend to have stereotypical Aryan features, with little or no Cro-Magnid admixture. The reason is selection. Short or meek people (always of Briton type) were much less likely to participate in early colonizations (from which the vast majority of Anglo-Americans derive from), which inadvertently reverted the typologies of their descendants back to a pure Germanic form.

Example (George Bush, typical Anglo-Saxon American):

In this picture, he looks like my father when he was young:

Based on Mormons I've seen here in Romania, who are all from Utah and all of old-stock Anglo-Saxon origin (their last names are ALWAYS English), Scando-Nordids (Germanic Aryans) are extremely common (1/3 at least in PURE form and at least as many of more rugged type). In Europe, no nation is NEARLY as much "Nordic" as these people: they are really a race of beauty (both women and men) and a pleasure to look at.

03-18-2011, 08:02 AM
Up until early 1900s, US had an absolute majority of Englishmen. Racial anthropologists (incl. Coon) have noticed an odd thing: among these diaspora Englishmen, Germanic types were MUCH more common than in England and what they called "Nordics" had a very high presence. Probably, this happened because most colonists came from Eastern England, areas where people are mostly of Germanic origins. Still, this doesn't explain why so many Anglo-Americans tend to have stereotypical Aryan features, with little or no Cro-Magnid admixture. The reason is selection. Short or meek people (always of Briton type) were much less likely to participate in early colonizations (from which the vast majority of Anglo-Americans derive from), which inadvertently reverted the typologies of their descendants back to a pure Germanic form.

Example (George Bush, typical Anglo-Saxon American):

In this picture, he looks like my father when he was young:

Are you seriously comparing your Father with George Bush ?

Fortis in Arduis
03-18-2011, 11:37 AM
Up until early 1900s, US had an absolute majority of Englishmen. Racial anthropologists (incl. Coon) have noticed an odd thing: among these diaspora Englishmen, Germanic types were MUCH more common than in England and what they called "Nordics" had a very high presence. Probably, this happened because most colonists came from Eastern England, areas where people are mostly of Germanic origins. Still, this doesn't explain why so many Anglo-Americans tend to have stereotypical Aryan features, with little or no Cro-Magnid admixture. The reason is selection. Short or meek people (always of Briton type) were much less likely to participate in early colonizations (from which the vast majority of Anglo-Americans derive from), which inadvertently reverted the typologies of their descendants back to a pure Germanic form.

So, Cro-Magnoids are short or meek and... Germanic = Aryan. :)

I can see where this is going. :)

You, your entire extended family and your pet lizard are tiny JEWS!!!

03-18-2011, 11:42 AM

03-18-2011, 11:49 AM
All this ''Aryan'' has to stop, right ?

03-18-2011, 01:16 PM
Gee, looking at this thread tags, I seem to have a lot of admirers lately! I reckon they are too shy to directly approach me, so they need a sorry excuse, like schoolgirls pinching their "heroes" to grab attention. The more they twist, the more they become entangled. Life is hard for faggots, I guess.

03-18-2011, 01:18 PM
Oh, Aherne. :love:

03-18-2011, 01:24 PM
Gee, looking at this thread tags, I seem to have a lot of admirers lately! I reckon they are too shy to directly approach me, so they need a sorry excuse, like schoolgirls pinching their "heroes" to grab attention. The more they twist, the more they become entangled. Life is hard for faggots, I guess.

I love you too, Aherne.:love::eyes:redface_002::swl:embarrassed

Fortis in Arduis
03-18-2011, 02:24 PM


03-19-2011, 11:00 AM
Right now, I think core Nordid area is:

Don Brick
03-19-2011, 11:17 AM
Right now, I think core Nordid area is:

lol your "core Nordid" area doesn´t for example even include most of Skċne yet parts of Belgium and God only knows what other more southwestern areas are included. :rolleyes:

03-19-2011, 06:00 PM
Right now, I think core Nordid area is:

lol so random. Looks like you drew this with your left foot without even looking.

03-19-2011, 06:07 PM
Based on Mormons I've seen here in Romania, who are all from Utah and all of old-stock Anglo-Saxon origin (their last names are ALWAYS English), Scando-Nordids (Germanic Aryans) are extremely common (1/3 at least in PURE form and at least as many of more rugged type). In Europe, no nation is NEARLY as much "Nordic" as these people: they are really a race of beauty (both women and men) and a pleasure to look at.

Please educate yourself (http://welshmormonhistory.org/) :thumb001:

03-19-2011, 07:18 PM
Please educate yourself (http://welshmormonhistory.org/) :thumb001:

I think I'm very educated. Read about this cult and its first followers:
All people of English stock. Celtic last names totally absent (as expected from real Englishmen). The ethnography of white people in Indiana, where mormon followers originated from was overwhelmingly english in 1840s. From that moment on, religious reasons prevented mormons from mixing with outsiders, so they remained pretty much mono-ethnic up until 1920s (when they started to open up to the world). Still, the people who come here in Romania at least are all from Utah, whose mormon section is pretty much entirely English (plus a bit of Scandinavian late converts). They all have name tags with very English last names (not to mention most look Anglo-Saxon). It saddens me to think this is America of a great bygone age:( Hardworking English people like them have created the formerly great country US used to be and parasitical Jews have totally wrecked it beyond repair.

03-19-2011, 07:18 PM
lol so random. Looks like you drew this with your left foot without even looking.
What did I miss?:fponder:

03-19-2011, 07:32 PM
What did I miss?:fponder:

Whole Norway, for example! There's no way Germany is more Nordid than Norway. That's impossible.

03-19-2011, 07:36 PM
I think I'm very educated. Read about this cult and its first followers:
All people of English stock. Celtic last names totally absent (as expected from real Englishmen).

Tut tut!

Search for the surnames Evans, Jones, Williams, Lewis, Thomas, Griffiths, Morgan etc, in the database (http://welshmormonhistory.org/index.php?/immigrants/index). Records show that over 6,000 Welsh settled as Mormons in Utah

Today it is estimated that approximately twenty percent of the population of Utah is of Welsh descent.

03-19-2011, 09:36 PM
Whole Norway, for example! There's no way Germany is more Nordid than Norway. That's impossible.


03-19-2011, 09:36 PM

who is this old fuck?

03-19-2011, 09:38 PM
he´s a pashtun

03-19-2011, 09:52 PM
he´s a pashtun

and what exactly he is doing in this thread?

03-19-2011, 10:04 PM
and what exactly he is doing in this thread?

Whole Norway, for example! There's no way Germany is more Nordid than Norway. That's impossible.
Then why can Pakistanis look more Northern than some Epicanthic Norwegians ?

03-19-2011, 10:11 PM
Then why can Pakistanis look more Northern than some Epicanthic Norwegians ?

Because of Germans? :rotfl: What's your point?
Norwegians are Nordid Gods next to Germans, I mean it. I dont know if I ever seen Nordid German in my life. :rofl:

03-20-2011, 12:10 AM
Because of Germans? :rotfl: What's your point?
Norwegians are Nordid Gods next to Germans, I mean it. I dont know if I ever seen Nordid German in my life. :rofl:

Well, that goes too far. I guess you didn't saw too many younger Germans at all then :coffee:

03-20-2011, 05:29 PM
Whole Norway, for example! There's no way Germany is more Nordid than Norway. That's impossible.

Eh, what ? There is way Norway is more Nordid than Germany and in fact, Poland is more Nordid than Germany.

03-20-2011, 05:35 PM
Eh, what ? There is way Norway is more Nordid than Germany and in fact, Poland is more Nordid than Germany.
He agrees with you.

I don't.

03-20-2011, 05:46 PM
Eh, what ? There is way Norway is more Nordid than Germany and in fact, Poland is more Nordid than Germany.

Poland more nordid than Germany?


12-25-2013, 09:22 PM
very Deutsch looking

12-25-2013, 09:25 PM

12-30-2013, 06:01 PM
Predominantly Cromagnid. Mainly Faelid with Alpino-Borreby, and minor Nordoid influence.