View Full Version : Classify Spanish footballer David Villa

Kosovo je Sjrbia
03-14-2011, 03:51 AM

03-14-2011, 03:57 AM

03-14-2011, 04:00 AM
The first pic is not David Villa.

03-14-2011, 04:03 AM
I'd be intereted in having the first pic also classified, though.

I agree with cg93, they both look Atlanto-Med. David Villa maybe looks somwhat Baskid.

03-14-2011, 04:04 AM

Haha. Very funny, asshole. ("http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showpost.php?p=362158&postcount=131')

03-14-2011, 04:06 AM
I still say he could be a darker type of British, but he really does look very representative of Spain.


03-14-2011, 04:19 AM
The first pic is a Turk from Istanbul :


Kosovo je Sjrbia
03-14-2011, 04:22 AM

It was just a trick, I have tried to testify your ability.

03-14-2011, 04:26 AM
OP: Listen and listen good. When you open a taxonomy thread please have the good sense to post the appropriate pictures of the person you are naming in the thread for taxonomic analysis. If all you are seeking to do is cause disruption on this forum, then you will find yourself promptly escorted to the door.


03-14-2011, 04:27 AM

It was just a trick, I have tried to testify your ability.

Extremely lame.

Don't do it again.

Kosovo je Sjrbia
03-14-2011, 04:33 AM
Extremely lame.

Don't do it again.

Ok, I' m sorry.

03-14-2011, 04:34 AM
Ok, I' m sorry.

03-14-2011, 04:48 AM
Why are you guys so upset?

Geez, He was just trying to testify your abilitiy

03-14-2011, 04:51 AM
Why are you guys so upset?

Geez, He was just trying to testify your abilitiy
Because he is the same troll that called us Arabs, and now he is posting turks saying they are spanish

03-14-2011, 04:53 AM
Because he is the same troll that called us Arabs, and now he is posting turks saying they are spanish

Did you see the thread where he called Rasputin a Jew? Precious.

Also, I was making fun of the way he used the word testify, but I guess no one caught that

03-14-2011, 04:54 AM
Because he is the same troll that called us Arabs, and now he is posting turks saying they are spanish

And he's pretending to be a Serb like Libre, who is this masked troll :coffee:

03-14-2011, 05:34 AM
And he's pretending to be a Serb like Libre, who is this masked troll :coffee:

Why do all the trolls choose to be Serbs and not Croats? What, are we not troll material?

03-14-2011, 05:37 AM
Why do all the trolls choose to be Serbs and not Croats? What, are we not troll material?

Oh believe me we had one doozey of a Croat troll here once upon a time. He went buh-bye! :D

Don't follow in his footsteps Emil. ;) :D Please!!! :) You seem like a good guy. :thumbs up

03-14-2011, 05:49 AM
Oh believe me we had one doozey of a Croat troll here once upon a time. He went buh-bye! :D

Don't follow in his footsteps Emil. ;) :D Please!!! :) You seem like a good guy. :thumbs up

When said that, I instantly reminded of this. Just watch the beginning.


03-14-2011, 11:39 AM
I think he is Gracile Med.





He could pass for a turk since there are white turks too -you won´t see them inmigrating to Europe though.

03-14-2011, 01:54 PM
Atlanto-Med + Alpine

Comte Arnau
03-14-2011, 03:08 PM
David Villa seems a combination of gracile West Med and that half-robust mesocephalic type so present in Asturias and Lugo provinces.

la bombe
03-14-2011, 03:21 PM
I still say he could be a darker type of British

I think he looks British too, personally. Like a Brit with a deep tan :p

Comte Arnau
03-14-2011, 03:33 PM
I think he looks British too, personally. Like a Brit with a deep tan :p

He's from British Spain, that's why. :tongue


la bombe
03-14-2011, 03:40 PM
He's from British Spain, that's why. :tongue


LOL, who made this map??

David Villa looks Spanish, British or French to me, aka Western European. If the OP wanted to troll, he could've chose a different person. Unless we're going to go with the idea that anyone with dark hair looks non-European.

03-15-2011, 02:41 AM
If he wanted to troll he should have used Beatriz Luengo. She is supposedly "pure" Spaniard but she looks triracial :lol:

Comte Arnau
03-15-2011, 02:47 AM
LOL, who made this map??

I made it. To illustrate the non-Iberian influences on another very scientific thread.

03-15-2011, 08:31 PM
I agree with Kosovo Je Serbjia, that Serbians and spaniards are not whites !

Kosovo je Sjrbia
03-15-2011, 08:36 PM
Because he is the same troll that called us Arabs, and now he is posting turks saying they are spanish

what?? Probably you suffer of inferiority complex, in the thread on Iberians I've written that Spain was occupied by moors, it's history, not racism against you!

Kosovo je Sjrbia
03-15-2011, 08:37 PM
I agree with Kosovo Je Serbjia, that Serbians and spaniards are not whites !
:confused: :confused:

don't you know where is Serbia? It's the earth of Europe, Serbians stopped the invasions of the Turkish empire!!!

03-15-2011, 08:37 PM
what?? Probably you suffer of inferiority complex, in the thread on Iberians I've written that Spain was occupied by moors, it's history, not racism against you!

I give you 10 seconds to write in perfect Serbian the sentence I am going to tell you, ok? :D

Kosovo je Sjrbia
03-15-2011, 08:39 PM
I give you 10 seconds to write in perfect Serbian the sentence I am going to tell you, ok? :D

No, as moderators has written, this forum is made for classifing races! Not to test my grammar capacities!

03-15-2011, 08:39 PM
No, as moderators has written, this forum is made for classifing races! Not to test my grammar capacities!

:thumbs up :coffee: :rolleyes2:

03-15-2011, 08:40 PM
what?? Probably you suffer of inferiority complex, in the thread on Iberians I've written that Spain was occupied by moors, it's history, not racism against you!
Spain has never been occupied by moors. They were a minority, and we expelled them.

Kosovo je Sjrbia
03-15-2011, 08:41 PM
Why are you guys so upset?

Geez, He was just trying to testify your abilitiy

they don't accept that Spain has been ruled by moors for centuries.

03-15-2011, 08:41 PM
No, as moderators has written, this forum is made for classifing races! Not to test my grammar capacities!
Our serbian friends have written private message to you in serbian, and you have not answered them. :coffee:s

03-15-2011, 09:00 PM
they don't accept that Spain has been ruled by moors for centuries.

What you don´t seem to accept or understand is that ruled in this case doesn´t equal repopulated or mixed on a high degree, but just ruled over thousands of converted natives, not to mention that muslim jurisdiction doesn´t applied to the actual and modern country but just a decreasing fraction of the peninsula as the christians were retaking it progressivelly throughout the centuries, and since all of this has been already explained to you we only can think you´re either trolling or just playing dumb. Whichever the case I´ll be glad when you´ll be gone.

03-15-2011, 10:00 PM
they don't accept that Spain has been ruled by moors for centuries.

I'm sure our friend Mehmet Oğuzhanović remembers Turkish rule in Serbia that lasted for almost 300 years, right?

03-15-2011, 10:03 PM
:confused: :confused:

don't you know where is Serbia? It's the earth of Europe, Serbians stopped the invasions of the Turkish empire!!!

The Turks managed to fight in Hungary, Vienna, and Romania, which was a poor job on Serbia's behalf.

03-15-2011, 10:30 PM
Can someone ban this troll already

03-15-2011, 10:30 PM
I'm sure our friend Mehmet Oğuzhanović remembers Turkish rule in Serbia that lasted for almost 300 years, right?

What you don´t seem to accept or understand is that ruled in this case doesn´t equal repopulated or mixed on a high degree, but just ruled over thousands of converted natives, not to mention that muslim jurisdiction doesn´t applied to the actual and modern country but just a decreasing fraction of the peninsula as the christians were retaking it progressivelly throughout the centuries.

03-15-2011, 10:55 PM
What you don´t seem to accept or understand is that ruled in this case doesn´t equal repopulated or mixed on a high degree, but just ruled over thousands of converted natives, not to mention that muslim jurisdiction doesn´t applied to the actual and modern country but just a decreasing fraction of the peninsula as the christians were retaking it progressivelly throughout the centuries.

But they never had a Serbian Inquisition to clean all the dirt after the match. :p

03-15-2011, 11:09 PM
But they never had a Serbian Inquisition to clean all the dirt after the match. :p

True, true.

03-16-2011, 12:17 AM
Can someone ban this troll already


Davy Jones's Locker
04-06-2011, 01:52 PM
Pred Atlanto-Mediterranean.

04-06-2011, 02:01 PM
Español Viejo; Grazile Mediterranid.

02-16-2012, 11:47 PM
East Med

02-17-2012, 12:19 PM
East Med

He does look almost Greek or Turkish.

02-17-2012, 12:24 PM
Look Spaniard, but could also fit in Morocco.

02-17-2012, 12:31 PM
Look Spaniard, but could also fit in Morocco.

You mean some like this:

02-17-2012, 01:24 PM
Lol, Villa looking moroccan and arab. The last thing I had to read.

02-17-2012, 01:34 PM
Look Spaniard, but could also fit in Morocco.

Morocco?. 99% of morocans cant fit in Spain, while Villa fit perfectly. Villa is diferent from 99% of the people from Morocco, and local marocans could recognize him easily as foreigner.

02-17-2012, 01:38 PM
Gracile Mediterranid slight Alpinid can pass in many South European countries.


02-17-2012, 01:44 PM
Trolling is tiring.

02-17-2012, 02:09 PM
He doesn't look Moroccan at all. In fact, he doesn't even look specifically Southern European.

02-17-2012, 02:41 PM
Looks Spanish as all hell.

02-17-2012, 06:57 PM
He looks clearly South European, he is strongly metditerrean.

02-18-2012, 12:21 AM
Dominant imbaWestern Med.




10-28-2012, 12:39 AM
Atlanto-Med + Berid

10-28-2012, 12:44 AM
I still think he looks British. He reminds me of Orlando Bloom.

Atlantic Islander
10-28-2012, 01:42 AM
West Med

11-30-2012, 09:33 PM

03-30-2013, 03:10 PM
Atlanto-Med with minor Gracile components

05-21-2013, 06:12 PM

06-12-2013, 01:00 AM
I still say he could be a darker type of British, but he really does look very representative of Spain.


I think so.

06-12-2013, 01:06 AM

06-12-2013, 10:54 AM
He doesn't look like Anglo at all.
Typical Southwest type. Gracile Med + Atlanto-Med

06-12-2013, 11:11 PM

07-10-2013, 08:36 AM
Atlanto/West Med as the main component + minor Baskid + minor Alpinised Berid

07-11-2013, 03:10 AM
He actually looks very close to me but most of my ancestry is Canarian. I should post my picture next to his.

08-20-2013, 09:22 AM
Gracile Med

08-20-2013, 09:26 AM

12-12-2013, 03:25 PM
essentially Med

12-12-2013, 03:30 PM

11-10-2014, 11:19 AM
Mostly Mediterranid with minor reduced CM.

08-20-2016, 05:25 PM
Gracile - Med.

08-20-2016, 05:27 PM
Gracile Med

The Blade
08-21-2016, 10:26 AM
Gracile Med/Alpine.

08-22-2016, 12:07 PM
Atlantomed+ paleomediterranean

08-29-2016, 12:35 AM

02-01-2018, 05:36 PM
He is the quintessence of the Western Mediterranean Race.
-His head is mesocephalic and somewhat smallish.
-His nose is not that long, nevertheless it's straight and leptorhine.
-His facial features are rather soft and fine, in contrast with the more sharper features of Atlantomediterranids.
-His face is long, showing no sihn of roundness, I don't think he's alpinid influenced.

Yeah, pretty much a Gracile Mediterranean, even his body (not very tall, thin) matches his anthropological classification.

02-01-2018, 06:36 PM
Gracile-Med + Alpine.

09-15-2018, 02:55 AM

09-29-2019, 10:46 AM
Lol at people saying he looks British

If he was Italian(could pass) he'd fit better in the south, he could be Neapolitan or even Sicilian, nobody would notice.
Very Med looking

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09-29-2019, 05:47 PM
Lol at people saying he looks British

If he was Italian(could pass) he'd fit better in the south, he could be Neapolitan or even Sicilian, nobody would notice.
Very Med looking

Inviato dal mio RNE-L01 utilizzando TapatalkYeah, I always perceived a Southern Italian vibe in this fella.

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08-17-2020, 01:38 PM
Gracile Mediterranid