View Full Version : Type George Friedman

03-14-2011, 05:17 PM
Runs an intelligence firm in America. Known for his theories that China and Russia will both collapse, India will remain disunified, and America will be the most powerful nation into the 22nd century.


03-15-2011, 05:26 AM
Jew, obviously, with visible Slavic admixture (probably Semitic + Baltid). Since Jews run America, it would be a bad marketing strategy to portray it as collapsing (which it does).

03-15-2011, 02:47 PM
Armenoid/Dinarid with Baltid.

03-15-2011, 02:58 PM
Armenoid/Dinarid with Baltid.

There are huge difference between Armenoid and Dinarid.

03-15-2011, 03:17 PM
There are huge difference between Armenoid and Dinarid.

Course they are alot of differences between both but I have seen some occassional similarities.

03-15-2011, 03:23 PM
Course they are alot of differences between both but I have seen some occassional similarities.

By Agrippa :

Short description following C. Vogel:
The nose of the typical Armenids is rather broader, fleshy and differently formed. The mouth is rather broad too, the lips, especially the lower, unusual formed, the chin is not strong, mostly neutral, the palbebral fissure is thick and fleshy too with a hanging lower eyelid. Hairs are more wavy and less simple than in most typical Europids.

There are fluent borders between Dinarid and Armenid in the Caucasus and Anatolia (Mtebid/Kaukasid being in some aspects even closer to Dinarid, Anadolids having at least some traits in common with Dinarids, are finally between Dinarid-Mediterranid-Armenid proper and overall Armenoid. But the typical Armenids show a different face and body.

Dinarids are tall, have a strong facial relief, strong-prominent chin, a hooked nose quite often, whereas Armenids have especially in later age a rather undifferentiated face with hanging eyes, fat deposits, hanging lower lip and hanging nose, in fact the whole face looks in typical Armenids like hanging rather than sharp like the Dinarid.

03-15-2011, 03:32 PM
By Agrippa :

Thanks still for the stuff by the way.