View Full Version : Turkey national football team: do they pass better in Europe or in the Levant as a group?

06-16-2018, 02:30 PM






06-16-2018, 02:35 PM
Some can pass in Balkans maybe, others nop.

06-16-2018, 02:37 PM
Current team is this one:

06-16-2018, 02:38 PM
Current team is this one:

A lot of them pass in Europe.

06-16-2018, 02:46 PM
Current team is this one:

i added the pic

A lot of them pass in Europe.

not a big difference

06-16-2018, 03:13 PM

06-16-2018, 03:21 PM
Some of them Europe, but as a group (all pictures considered) Levant.

06-16-2018, 03:22 PM

06-16-2018, 03:55 PM
They aren't particularly Levantine-looking, but certainly they pass better in the Levant than Europe.

06-16-2018, 04:15 PM
Current team is this one:

Whos the blonde guy?

06-16-2018, 04:22 PM
Whos the blonde guy?

Serdar Aziz

06-16-2018, 07:29 PM
Serdar Aziz

His father has balkan ancestry?

He looks balkan and more specifically albanian.

Congolese Rice
06-16-2018, 07:32 PM
i think some COULD pass in europe. But they look Turkish asf.


06-16-2018, 07:33 PM
His father has balkan ancestry?

He looks balkan and more specifically albanian.

He is half Macedonian Turk and Half Anatolian(from Bursa), as far as i know.
He doesn't strike like Balkanian to me, looks more like a Scandinavian.


06-16-2018, 07:48 PM
He is half Macedonian Turk and Half Anatolian(from Bursa), as far as i know.
He doesn't strike like Balkanian to me, looks more like a Scandinavian.


Scandinavian no way!!!

His characteristics are way different.

He can pass as Ghegh or Tsam Albanian.

But he doesn't look fyromanian.

06-16-2018, 07:51 PM
He is atlantid and he looks celtic!!!

He can fit in whole central europe and balkan region.

06-16-2018, 08:37 PM
more euro than the Egyptian team but still mostly the levant

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Petros Houhoulis
06-17-2018, 12:11 AM






Neither. They can only pass in an animal shelter.

06-17-2018, 09:36 AM

06-20-2018, 01:52 PM






In the first pic one of the dudes look black! (far left). I have been to turkey and i will tell u they probably look more euro than levantine.

06-29-2018, 12:38 AM
In the first pic one of the dudes look black! (far left). I have been to turkey and i will tell u they probably look more euro than levantine

He is black, his name is Colin Kazim-Richards

His father is Afro-Caribbean and his mother is a Turkish Cypriot

06-29-2018, 12:41 AM

06-29-2018, 03:17 PM
Almost all look middle eastern except for a few which may pass in the balkans but that's as far as it would get. If I saw these guys walking down the street I would think middle eastern so Levant is the answer

Cristiano viejo
06-29-2018, 03:19 PM
Turks look like Moors.

06-29-2018, 03:40 PM
Turks look like Moors.

Like spaniards? Not really

And not all players in the pictures are ethnic Turks, mooron.

Cristiano viejo
06-29-2018, 03:47 PM
Like spaniards? Not really

And not all players in the pictures are ethnic Turks, mooron.

The difference is that you have to do cherrypicking (by the way that bullfighter is dead) while all these groupal pictures of Turks that OP posted are a very good representation of Turks, and they look like North Africans :thumb001:

06-29-2018, 03:58 PM
The difference is that you have to do cherrypicking (by the way that bullfighter is dead) while all these groupal pictures of Turks that OP posted are a very good representation of Turks, and they look like North Africans :thumb001:

Representative with a Black guy and people of other ethnic groups in the middle? lol

None of ethnic Turks in the photos have SSA admixture, unlike you. I can post photos of North-African-looking Spaniards/Portuguese here if you want. :laugh:

Btw, i posted photos of crowds of Turks here from different provinces and individuals of various phenotypes. You're welcome to check my threads. :thumb001:

06-29-2018, 03:59 PM
They all look Turk. Even the black guy!?

06-29-2018, 04:24 PM
Doesn't Turkey have high percentages of haplogroup E? I notice some look distinctly Egyptian and Libyan

06-29-2018, 04:31 PM

06-29-2018, 04:55 PM
Europe. Just being honest.

06-29-2018, 04:58 PM
Not everyone in here are Ethnic Turks, like Selçuk İnan and Selçuk Şahin, and of course the black guy.

Tooting Carmen
06-29-2018, 05:08 PM
Photos 1, 2, 4 and 5 the Levant. Photo 3 is intermediate.

06-29-2018, 05:13 PM
Would say neither they are mostly atypical for both option

06-29-2018, 05:13 PM
Neither. Their best fit outside Turkey is Azerbaijan.

06-29-2018, 05:19 PM
Turks are Anatolians with a whiff of Turan admixture so people should not expect Mongolians when looking at Turks.

People of Constantinople (Istanbul) are all Rum (Romans) since there is not even a whiff of Turan admixture there (one of many reasons why it's not a capital of Turkey).

According to those pictures and (lightning) they don't pass on Western Balkans, but Greece, maybe Southern Italy, Cyprus maybe. Some of them have strong Levantine influence
which is OK for Anatolians.

06-29-2018, 06:17 PM
Turks are Anatolians with a whiff of Turan admixture so people should not expect Mongolians when looking at Turks.

People of Constantinople (Istanbul) are all Rum (Romans) since there is not even a whiff of Turan admixture there (one of many reasons why it's not a capital of Turkey).

According to those pictures and (lightning) they don't pass on Western Balkans, but Greece, maybe Southern Italy, Cyprus maybe. Some of them have strong Levantine influence
which is OK for Anatolians.

Constantinople belongs to Europe! The Byzantines and romans made the only european aspects of turkey. From the phenotypes to the architecture around Istanbul

06-29-2018, 06:18 PM
Levant slightly more than Europe

06-29-2018, 06:21 PM
Constantinople belongs to Europe! The Byzantines and romans made the only european aspects of turkey. From the phenotypes to the architecture around Istanbul

Now i'm interested. Which sock puppet are you?

06-29-2018, 06:26 PM
Constantinople belongs to Europe! The Byzantines and romans made the only european aspects of turkey. From the phenotypes to the architecture around Istanbul

You don't understand.

People of Constantinople (Istanbul) today ARE Romans.

They just call themselves Turks.. for linguistic reasons.

Turkic language became the official because Turks were Overlords and imposed their Turko-Persian culture.

06-29-2018, 06:59 PM
You don't understand.

People of Constantinople (Istanbul) today ARE Romans.

They just call themselves Turks.. for linguistic reasons.

Turkic language became the official because Turks were Overlords and imposed their Turko-Persian culture.

Lol, you are terribly mistaking.

People of Constantinople are Syrians.

06-29-2018, 07:03 PM
Lol, you are terribly mistaking.

People of Constantinople are Syrians.


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06-29-2018, 07:09 PM
Lol, you are terribly mistaking.

People of Constantinople are Syrians.

Allahu Akbar my muslim brother.

06-29-2018, 07:11 PM
Lol, you are terribly mistaking.

People of Constantinople are Syrians.

Oh, already accepted the fate?

06-29-2018, 08:08 PM
Oh, already accepted the fate?


Cristiano viejo
06-30-2018, 01:49 PM
Representative with a Black guy and people of other ethnic groups in the middle? lol
Yes, even with that black. Turks are enough dark for that.

None of ethnic Turks in the photos have SSA admixture, unlike you.
Even although that was true, and we scored 100% SSA, Turks still look like Moors and Gypsies, and are darker.

I can post photos of North-African-looking Spaniards/Portuguese here if you want. :laugh:
I dont need to post photos of North African-looking Turks... OP already did :laugh:

Btw, i posted photos of crowds of Turks here from different provinces and individuals of various phenotypes. You're welcome to check my threads. :thumb001:

06-30-2018, 01:53 PM
Yes, even with that black. Turks are enough dark for that.

Even although that was true, and we scored 100% SSA, Turks still look like Moors and Gypsies, and are darker.

I dont need to post photos of North African-looking Turks... OP already did :laugh:


Sure, sure :laugh:


Product of that moorish orgy

06-30-2018, 01:56 PM

Cristiano viejo
06-30-2018, 01:58 PM
Sure, sure :laugh:

You are an expert in cherrypicking the darker and exotic pictures of people.
But you dont cheat anyone


Not even darker than his ex-wife Melanie Griffith

In the other hand find me a Spaniard like Gundogan :lol:

06-30-2018, 01:59 PM
Sure, sure :laugh:


Product of that moorish orgy

What are those lines on the map and why does Syria has a red spot?

06-30-2018, 02:04 PM
You are an expert in cherrypicking the darker and exotic pictures of people.
But you dont cheat anyone


Not even darker than his ex-wife Melanie Griffith

In the other hand find me a Spaniard like Gundogan :lol:

As you wish:

No one needs to be expert to spot dark Spaniards or Portuguese. You also cherrypicked one with bad lighting. :lol:

Cristiano viejo
07-01-2018, 01:15 AM
As you wish:

No one needs to be expert to spot dark Spaniards or Portuguese. You also cherrypicked one with bad lighting. :lol:

Oh, you posted a dark Spaniard, what a drama... (of course the darker picture of him...)


Your problem is that you have to post individual Spaniards to show there are dark Spaniards...
This is called cherrypicking :D

... and in the other hand any groupal picture of Turks show how much dark, hairy and ugly Turks are

Not my fault they look like a mix of Gypsies and Moors.

Damião de Góis
07-01-2018, 01:45 AM
None of ethnic Turks in the photos have SSA admixture, unlike you. I can post photos of North-African-looking Spaniards/Portuguese here if you want. :laugh:

Not sure how we ended up in the discussion but go right ahead for the portuguese. The knowledge of brazilian monkeys is a subject that fascinates me.

07-01-2018, 01:53 AM
Oh, you posted a dark Spaniard, what a drama... (of course the darker picture of him...)

Your problem is that you have to post individual Spaniards to show there are dark Spaniards...
This is called cherrypicking :D

... and in the other hand any groupal picture of Turks show how much dark, hairy and ugly Turks are

Not my fault they look like a mix of Gypsies and Moors.

These people in the photo are Afghans, Cristiano Viagra.

Turks are these:

Do you deny these moorish rapespawns are Spanish? Pure Berberid look.

07-01-2018, 05:18 PM
These people in the photo are Afghans, Cristiano Viagra.

Turks are these:

Do you deny these moorish rapespawns are Spanish? Pure Berberid look.

You cant pick pictures of Turkish nationals with obvious Bulkan, Greek and North caucasian ancestry then call them turks. Turks do NOT look European unless they are from Istanbul which probably means they are Europeans to begin with. Turks look like Levants and everyone here can agree. The people here can easily be descendants of Thrace and mainland Greeks.

07-01-2018, 05:23 PM
You cant pick pictures of Turkish nationals with obvious Bulkan, Greek and North caucasian ancestry then call them turks. Turks do NOT look European unless they are from Istanbul which probably means they are Europeans to begin with. Turks look like Levants and everyone here can agree. The people here can easily be descendants of Thrace and mainland Greeks.

Retard, he posts Turkish photos, not Kurdish or Syrian or Afghan, that's why you're confused.

07-01-2018, 05:24 PM
You cant pick pictures of Turkish nationals with obvious Bulkan, Greek and North caucasian ancestry then call them turks. Turks do NOT look European unless they are from Istanbul which probably means they are Europeans to begin with. Turks look like Levants and everyone here can agree. The people here can easily be descendants of Thrace and mainland Greeks.

1 - We don't look like Levants. Ask anyone who saw my photos if i look like one.

2 - Many people in the photos look Anatolian rather than European and that pics are from Anatolia, not Thrace.

3 - Who said to you they have European ancestry. Do you know their DNA results or did you pulled that from your ass ?

4 - Istanbul is a ethnically mixed place, stop talking about thing you don't have a clue.

Now get lost, and at least post with your original account. God knows which sockpuppet you are.

And some moderator, please lock this trash thread. This is getting annoying.

07-01-2018, 05:40 PM
Like spaniards? Not really

And not all players in the pictures are ethnic Turks, mooron.

The Spanish are descendants of Huns, Visigoths and Vandals anyway.

07-01-2018, 05:44 PM
Yeah according to you people Germans are descendants of turks and Huns too. I've already had this discussion with a brown sematic looking turk before. The nationality in you people is worse than Hitlers

07-01-2018, 05:46 PM
1 - We don't look like Levants. Ask anyone who saw my photos if i look like one.

2 - Many people in the photos look Anatolian rather than European and that pics are from Anatolia, not Thrace.

3 - Who said to you they have European ancestry. Do you know their DNA results or did you pulled that from your ass ?

4 - Istanbul is a ethnically mixed place, stop talking about thing you don't have a clue.

Now get lost, and at least post with your original account. God knows which sockpuppet you are.

And some moderator, please lock this trash thread. This is getting annoying.

*Posts pictures of blonds with Europid phenotypes then proceeds to call them Anatolian. Ok bud. Neither of those are taken in anatolia

07-01-2018, 05:47 PM
Yeah according to you people Germans are descendants of turks and Huns too. I've already had this discussion with a brown sematic looking turk before. The nationality in you people is worse than Hitlers

What the fuck is this hatred? Behave yourself... Who said Germans are of Hun descent? If you don't know history just shut up...

07-01-2018, 05:50 PM
*Posts pictures of blonds with Europid phenotypes then proceeds to call them Anatolian. Ok bud. Neither of those are taken in anatolia

Now we know you are sockpuppet from that Iranian troll. :D

07-01-2018, 09:41 PM

07-02-2018, 08:50 PM
other opinions ?