View Full Version : Noam Chomsky's Not-so-Closeted Hatred of White People

Joe McCarthy
03-15-2011, 07:15 PM
Noam Chomsky's Not-so-Closeted Hatred of White People (http://www.westernrevival.org/)

“I answered all your questions, but I did not of course respond to the question you are now posing: whether indigenous Europeans have the right to living space – that is, to remain the overwhelming majority and barring entry to those they have been crushing for centuries. And I won't... Talk about the political impotence of the indigenous population as a result of Muslim immigration is so outlandish that one hears it only among neo-Nazis.”

-- Noam Chomsky, leftist intellectual and MIT professor

Ah, the ignorance of youth. I came across a posting this morning on the Occidental Observer website about the famed Noam Chomsky. A writer named John Wisniewski had a dialogue with him and summarized the results into a short piece, which is where the quotation at the top of this page comes from.

In my days as a leftist, one of my favorite authors was Noam Chomsky. His followers and admirers always purported him to be a non-biased critic of the evils of capitalism and the propaganda apparatus that its interests control, especially the mass media. His criticisms of the mainstream media and its alleged complicity with the interests of the ruling class seemed right-on, based on his presentation and my deficit in political knowledge. The motives of left authors such as he, we are told and I had believed, are driven by a universal concern for humanity, outrage at injustice, etc. They just want to see wrongs made aright (their definition of both of these notwithstanding) and the good guy to win at the end of the day. Even as a scholar in his field of linguistics, Chomsky is well-respected, and I recall a citation from a study he was involved in in a college psychology textbook that I once owned.

Chomsky's political activism is what I would in hindsight call very party-line. He knows well the largely Marxist-derived narrative of the class struggle, which splits the world into two polar opposite camps, oppressed and oppressor (proletariat and bourgeoisie, respectively) in an odd secular version of the traditional Christian narrative of God vs Satan. The struggle is not between God and Satan, but rather the haves and have-nots, and all else revolves around this struggle, including history itself.

Leftists of varying stripes have taken the basic narrative of the bourgeoisie vs proletariat struggle and applied it elsewhere, such as with race, in a field of study called “Critical Race Theory” which amounts to nothing but blame whitey-ism on a pseudo-scholarly level and perfectly describes the racial worldview among the left which I am about to describe which Chomsky adheres to. I believe this so-called scholarship is thinly-veiled anti-white racial hatred, and I believe that modern leftists such as Chomsky have drawn ammunition from it in varying degrees and use it because it has been a spectacularly successful endeavor to do so as inducing guilt is a powerful coercive weapon, and because they harbor racial hostility toward whites themselves.

Chomsky is not a Marxist, but rather what he calls an Anarcho-Syndicalist or a Libertarian Socialist. They're basically non-Marxist anti-capitalist leftists with a generally Marxian view of economic and social relations, but with a different opinion of what the ideal socialist society would look like and how to get there. Both groups focus their ire against capitalism in general and America in particular, be it economically, culturally, or otherwise. This often includes whites as a cultural and racial group.

Modern Leftists such as Chomsky selectively promote the idea that race doesn't exist and attempt to back it up with bogus scientific data from Franz Boas who peppered his study on cranial plasticity with false data to advance that the human cranial structure changes with environment, while they present that abstract and fluid ideas such as class do exist, and thus there is no such thing as a legitimate racial collective or consciousness whereas there is such a thing with class. Talk about eye-crossing idiocy.

During the 60s, the left's approach to race and race relations began to radicalize due in no small part to a certain emergent sector of Marxist thought which has had a vast impact on modern Western culture through academia and eventually media, generally referred to as the Frankfurt School. This ideological vein also gave birth to CRT (Critical Race Theory) which in turn produced so-called “Whiteness Studies,” which emphasizes that the concept of whiteness – and only whiteness - is a purely social construct created by a bunch of bigoted (capitalist) beasts, again bolstering the idea with falsified data from Boas combined with what amounts to Marxian talking points about oppressed vs oppressor, replacing the bourgeoisie with the word “white,” and the proletariat with “all other races.” These studies, and I have checked with a number of volumes on CRT in a college library, have something in common: They only disqualify the white race as a social construct and expend no small amount of effort to do away with the idea that it does exist, in any way, shape, or form. While they, generally speaking, say that race as a whole does not exist, there is a glaring inconsistency in constant play, and that is the wide gulf in their selective promotion of the idea that there is such a thing as legitimate group interests among the varying peoples of humanity. Which (allegedly non-existent) racial group being spoken of at any given moment depends on whether or not they have a legitimate identity or right to claim any set of collective interests. Yes, it depends on their (non-existent) race, and their place in the perpetrator/victim hierarchy on the Ladder of Victims. Those not among the group labeled as bourgeoisie in racial relations are allowed a collective identity and all the interests and rights that go with it. Those who are among the bourgeoisie-labeled group do not. Thus, Chomsky's ridiculous comments about Europeans and how they singularly do not have indigenous rights. Rather, this oppressor-classified group must be expropriated materially, culturally, and otherwise to atone for sins which it singularly must atone for, regardless of the blood-splotched histories of other peoples, simply for being born who they are.

The left correctly perceive that a collective in-group identity among the hoped soon-to-be-expropriated white capitalist pigs is a threat to the advance of the left's agenda, thus the desired end is to destroy all barriers to this ideological victory. Therefore a positive white identity is a threat to that end, and a positive anyone else identity is not. Indeed, the collective everyone elses are allies in this cause and the racial grudges their own ethnic ingroups carry provoke anger toward the majority white ingroup which can be stoked for revolutionary victory, thus their collective, hostile agitating is a useful tool and is encouraged while whites are at the same time told to stand down and accommodate all comers without question for the sake of “getting along.” This is why we don't see this crowd trying to undermine Mexican or black racial identity or attack and demonize anyone within those groups who asserts ethnic rights or honors their foreparents. In short, a positively-identified white racial/cultural ingroup is a massive threat to these people.

This brings to the fore another glaring contradiction: That we are repeatedly told that group punishment, group distrust, and group hatreds are wrong. We must not repeat the errors and evils of our ancestors and all that rot. Let's be clear: this “moral” code is meant as a one-way street, as I have illustrated in the previous paragraph. While so many on the left, including Chomsky, gleefully celebrate the UN's injunctions against collective punishment, Chomsky's quote above clearly shows that he is not actually against all kinds of collective punishment. Worse, he's not even opposed to the concept of inherited guilt based on ethnic group membership and wielding it as a weapon to silence, manipulate, and confiscate. This is not an uncommon viewpoint on the left, and is unfortunately one of the left-created poisons that have infested greater Western society as a whole and is serving to undermine it in no small way.

Undoubtedly Chomsky (who is Jewish) would balk in outrage if someone suggested that all living Jews were responsible for the crucifixion of Christ and thus deserved punishment for it and have no collective right to anything, yet that's exactly what he's done with Europeans. He asserts that Europeans have been “crushing” people for “centuries,” and that their resistance to Islamic migration is “racist.” First of all, nobody lives for “centuries,” therefore such a concept is laughable on its face. Chomsky is trying to silence debate by invoking inherited, collective white guilt. Secondly, he asserts that Europeans have done so-and-so for centuries therefore Muslims have the right to bitch and moan, one-sidedly giving Muslims the slide with no explanation in spite of over 1,000 years of Islamic invasions into many parts of this planet, especially Europe. Many Muslims to this day unflinchingly call Spain theirs. The message here? Muslims have the right to be incensed that Western powers have spent the past 100 or so years backing penny-ante Middle Eastern dictators over the stability of world oil markets but Europeans are “xenophobes” and “racists” if they are distrustful of millions upon millions of Muslim migrants and their accompanying bomb-packs in spite of that a solid 1,000 years of European history was spent in fending off one Muslim invasion after another, and that expressing unease over demographic projections is something that “only Nazis” would do. If anyone has the right to be distrustful for group behavior, its the Europeans. Not counting that their right to exist as an identifiable indigenous group is threatened by such massive incursions, its apples and oranges to compare the activities of small percentages of people acting on their own volition in contrast to a religion whose teachings have driven and inspired a great many violent acts for the last 1,500 years and is still doing so. See the intellectual and moral bankruptcy here?

If historical behavior was really at issue, then I ask why isn't everyone held to this standard? Why aren't Muslims bashed and told to give up reparations and shed their identities, why aren't Mongolians demonized and told their culture is crap, and why aren't Mexicans slammed for their filthy imperialistic bloodthirsty gut-ripping Aztec ancestors, for that matter? This guilt-tripping garbage is merely a pathetic pretext used to selectively attack a single identifiable group when the actual motives behind these attacks go unstated. In the end, these kinds of attacks are at least in some part, I believe, thinly-veiled racial attacks against European people by members of minority ethnic groups (such as Chomsky's) who harbor hostility toward the white majority for one reason or another. The racial undertone in these arguments is massive, and I think it not an accident that non-white is being pitted against white in a battle for loot and who knows what else. A lot of racial hatreds are being conjured up against whites as a means to depose and confiscate.

I was quite disappointed, yet not all that surprised, that when pressed on the subject of indigenous rights for Europeans, Chomsky morphed from a respected, well-spoken university professor to a mindless, party-line parrot of platitudes supported by slur-words as if he were an uneducated buffoon who inhaled a moral value system from his television and couldn't support it with an intelligent utterance if his life depended on it and was thus reduced to hurling invective while arrogantly snorting in derision at anyone who dare question him. Avoiding a question and justifying doing so by saying “only Nazis” would say that? I can almost hear the air escaping Noam's balloon. Talk about a defeated, deflated coward trying to avoid an uncomfortable discussion which exposes the hypocrisy at the core of his ideology. That's the kind of garbage I'd expect from a keyboard-banging liberal who, when confronted with something he dislikes but cannot explain why in a coherent sentence, can only scream, “Dat races!” No wonder most of Chomsky's followers are young, wide-eyed college students. Is Chomsky perhaps harboring some old Jewish hatreds of Europeans? I think so. Perhaps this is why such racially-charged anti-white attacks appeal to him.

I've heard of people rising from intellectual ignorance, going from being an uneducated dolt to something better, but the reverse??! This perfectly illustrates the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the left and the invalidity of the positions that they promote, and to say that this kind of thing should raise flags in peoples' minds about the motives of these people is the understatement of the century.

Noam, what do you really want and what are your real motives? As a scholar, I am sure you realize that invoking white guilt is not a response to a question or a justification for a position. We certainly expect more from a doctorate-holding professor, and we can only hope you didn't plagiarize your doctoral dissertation the way Martin Luther Kommunist did.

Joe McCarthy
03-16-2011, 02:05 AM
This piece makes an interesting distinction in noting that Chomsky, while not a Marxist, accepts much of the Marxian historical and social analysis. This was in fact true of even Marx's old foe Bakunin, who while opposing Marx's politics, accepted his historical paradigms. Realizing this points to the fact that the non-Marxist left is far more Marxist than they'll admit, despite their desperate denials to the contrary.

The Ripper
03-16-2011, 02:45 AM
Talk about the political impotence of the indigenous population as a result of Muslim immigration is so outlandish that one hears it only among neo-Nazis.

It is outlandish. Muslims did not come up with PC and multiculturalism.

03-16-2011, 02:55 AM
Europeans have been crushing Muslims for centuries?! Surely, it's been a little bit more give and take than this guy is willing to admit.

Or did I just dream up the Moors in Spain or the Turks in Vienna to and those "Asiatic" visits Europe received from time to time.

The only thing that's "outlandish" is Chomsky's one-sided analysis and reasoning.

He uses that word a lot. Outlandish. Seriously. Just find a youtube clip of him. I'll bet you dollars to donuts the man says it at least twice within any five minute q&a clip. It's a tool he uses to ridicule the other side to discourage guillible college-aged kids from hearing the other side's arguments. I know because it worked on me longer than I care to admit. He should stand in front of the mirror and then say that word.

Grumpy Cat
03-16-2011, 02:59 AM
These are the types of people who would be imprisoned/killed under my government.

03-16-2011, 03:04 AM
Gnome Dumpsky isn't like Meir Kahane, who didn't hate white people (he just didn't think they were the ideal allies of his people from what I can gather).

Kahane just wanted a Jew-ruled Israel and fuck the rest of the world. Dumpsky is one of these crypto-Marxists that seems to pull his head out of the sand every so often, bleat something, and then stuff his fat head back into the dirt.

The most honest Jews I've ever met are the Kahanists, with the rest being cryptos.

Joe McCarthy
03-16-2011, 03:06 AM
Riip - I find it interesting that your response centered around defending Chomsky rather than, say, asking precisely which non-European group Finns have been 'crushing for centuries'. But then it's long since become apparent to me that you're more interested in blaming all of the world's ills on Jews, capitalists, and Americans - and not necessarily in that order - than you are in defending your own people.

03-16-2011, 03:12 AM
PC and multiculturalism is not the fault of muslims though. I don't think I even know of neo-nazis claiming that but maybe I need to lurk moar @ stormfront.

Grumpy Cat
03-16-2011, 03:27 AM
PC and multiculturalism is not the fault of muslims though. I don't think I even know of neo-nazis claiming that but maybe I need to lurk moar @ stormfront.

No they didn't. Upon talking to normal Muslims and people from other groups, I've concluded that they are not near as hostile towards Western civilization as largely elite white cultural Marxists. For that reason, I think they should be culled, not minorities (well, except for their minority pawns).

The Ripper
03-16-2011, 03:27 AM
Riip - I find it interesting that your response centered around defending Chomsky rather than, say, asking precisely which non-European group Finns have been 'crushing for centuries'. But then it's long since become apparent to me that you're more interested in blaming all of the world's ills on Jews, capitalists, and Americans - and not necessarily in that order - than you are in defending your own people.

Good for you. Its long since been apparent to me that you are more interested in defending the financial elite of a mongrel melting pot than Europe, whose preservation is in the interest of this forum.

Your beef with Chomsky isn't that he is "anti-European". Its that he's anti-American. :coffee:

And Chomsky is a Jew and an American, shouldn't I be all over him according to your analysis?

03-16-2011, 04:16 AM
Pretty typical Cultural Marxist. If Paleoconservatives had just said, "Noam Chomsky" when explaining what a Cultural Marxist was I would have gotten it much quicker.

Joe McCarthy
03-16-2011, 04:19 AM
Anyone who has spent an appreciable amount of time among the far right fringe knows that they have a select handful of leftist Jews, e.g., Chomsky, Shahak, Shamir, etc., that they tend to like because they finger Israel a/o America. In light of this, I'm not at all surprised to see you coming to Chomsky's defense, Riip.

The Lawspeaker
03-16-2011, 04:24 AM
The thing is: we don't want to have to hate Islam and like America and Israel. Let's make it very simple for you, Joe, so you can actually understand it: fuck 'em all.

There are no two sides here - there is just the fact that Europeans and people of European descent are being used as pawns.

Joe McCarthy
03-16-2011, 04:29 AM
Pretty typical Cultural Marxist. If Paleoconservatives had just said, "Noam Chomsky" when explaining what a Cultural Marxist was I would have gotten it much quicker. Chomsky isn't much different from the old guard of Jewish leftist destroyers like Boas, Montagu, Adorno, Marcuse, etc. He shares their anti-war, anti-authority, anti-Western fixations. The only difference is that while the racialist right rightly despises the old school crowd, it tends to admire Chomsky. Hopefully that nonsense will now end.

03-16-2011, 04:50 AM
In what sense does it admire Chomsky?

Joe McCarthy
03-16-2011, 05:28 AM
Neo-fascists and others on the far right tend to cohabitate with equally far out leftists because both hate the government, and in Chomsky's case he is an intellectual who buttresses the far right's obsession with capitalism, Zionism, the war in Iraq, and American 'imperialism'. He is also liked by many Holocaust revisionists due to his ties, if you'd call them that, to Robert Faurisson. I've even had these sorts praise his nutty book on the media, where he calls it a right-wing front, because he bashes corporations. I suppose all of this brings to mind what Hayek said about Nazis and Communists - they are in many essentials of the same pedigree.

03-16-2011, 05:38 AM
^Thanks. I can't decide on what I think about Chomsky as a person. He is a bit of a joker in the deck and I've realized this even when I used to read him with enthusiasm as a teenager. It's partly his appeal, in a way. So what you say makes sense. He may identify very real problems in a very thorough manner, but his prescriptions are usually bogus as hell.

03-16-2011, 06:00 AM
We all know Chomsky is full of shit. But is he really effecting the way people live their lives? In my opinion, no. There's no threat from him.

03-16-2011, 06:03 AM
^He has major pull, dude. Not on mainstream America, but on young people. Those young people grow up and then act at least partly based on what was put inside their heads at a younger age, especially on 'guilt' issues (women are especially susceptible to such influence by nature) which Chomsky seems to relish talking about.

And aren't you a liberal Curtis? I'm surprised you'd be so harsh on the guy given your leftist orientation.

Joe McCarthy
03-16-2011, 06:50 AM
Chomsky has relatively little influence on American politics because our media, liberal though it is, cannot stomach his far left nonsense. He does however have considerable leverage as an anti-American propagandist in Europe and the Third World. Hugo Chavez is an especially big fan.

03-16-2011, 07:41 AM
Chomsky isn't much different from the old guard of Jewish leftist destroyers like Boas, Montagu, Adorno, Marcuse, etc. He shares their anti-war, anti-authority, anti-Western fixations. The only difference is that while the racialist right rightly despises the old school crowd, it tends to admire Chomsky. Hopefully that nonsense will now end.
He says it himself right here:
He won the Erich Fromm Society award in 2010 and says something interesting about him considering Chomsky's autobiographical statements about adopting what he calls "anarchism" since childhood (critical theory).

The Ripper
03-16-2011, 02:53 PM
In light of this, I'm not at all surprised to see you coming to Chomsky's defense, Riip.

Where do I defend him? Is Chomsky somehow relative to European nationalism? If I agree with something he says, do I have to agree with everything he says? :coffee:

03-16-2011, 04:54 PM
^He has major pull, dude. Not on mainstream America, but on young people. Those young people grow up and then act at least partly based on what was put inside their heads at a younger age, especially on 'guilt' issues (women are especially susceptible to such influence by nature) which Chomsky seems to relish talking about.

And aren't you a liberal Curtis? I'm surprised you'd be so harsh on the guy given your leftist orientation.

I consider myself a mainstream liberal, more in line with Obama and the Democrat platform than Chomsky's beliefs. Furthermore, I often support some of the same things as other liberals, but for different reasons - for instance, I support affirmative action knowing that blacks have lower intelligence, not because I think lack of black accomplishment is because of discrimination.

Joe McCarthy
03-17-2011, 08:37 PM
This is a tour de force of contra Chomskyphilia.


Supreme American
04-11-2012, 10:42 PM

The Ripper
04-11-2012, 10:47 PM
Talk about the political impotence of the indigenous population as a result of Muslim immigration is so outlandish that one hears it only among neo-Nazis.

Not even neo-Nazis are dumb enough to believe that. But Joe is.

Supreme American
04-11-2012, 10:50 PM
Not even neo-Nazis are dumb enough to believe that. But Joe is.

I think he's making references to the increasing loss of not only demographic majority but local control of political, legal, cultural, and educational infrastructure. It's not direct as in they seize it, but it's indirect in the sense of the left giving ear to them and giving them influence far beyond their number and due.

04-11-2012, 10:52 PM
The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people-Noam Chomsky

Supreme American
04-11-2012, 11:00 PM
The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people-Noam Chomsky

In other words, he's taking direct aim at white folks and our interests. We generate the fear we use to control...

la bombe
04-11-2012, 11:02 PM
Nothing in that quote leads to the conclusion that Noam Chomsky hates 'white people'. Dumb.

Supreme American
04-11-2012, 11:03 PM
Nothing in that quote leads to the conclusion that Noam Chomsky hates 'white people'. Dumb.

Did you read very closely?

la bombe
04-11-2012, 11:06 PM
Did you read very closely?

I've read plenty of Chomsky quotes. I happen to agree with many of them, including the two that have been posted in this thread. And I don't hate white people.

04-11-2012, 11:08 PM
But then it's long since become apparent to me that you're more interested in blaming all of the world's ills on Jews, capitalists, and Americans - and not necessarily in that order - than you are in defending your own people.
From the very article you posted:

No wonder most of Chomsky's followers are young, wide-eyed college students. Is Chomsky perhaps harboring some old Jewish hatreds of Europeans? I think so. Perhaps this is why such racially-charged anti-white attacks appeal to him.

Supreme American
04-11-2012, 11:12 PM
I've read plenty of Chomsky quotes. I happen to agree with many of them, including the two that have been posted in this thread. And I don't hate white people.

So you agree with the idea that whites aren't allowed a sovereign homeland due to white guilt "crushing people for centuries"?

Supreme American
04-11-2012, 11:14 PM
From the very article you posted:

I wrote the article.

Pointing out accurately old ethnic and religious hatreds on the part of Jews toward gentile whites is not "blaming everything on Jews." I can only hope you can discern the difference... Then again, perhaps not.


Joe McCarthy
04-11-2012, 11:15 PM
From the very article you posted:

There is context at work here. Unfortunately you seemed to miss it.

Supreme American
04-11-2012, 11:23 PM
There is context at work here. Unfortunately you seemed to miss it.

Blaming Jews for some things = blaming them for all things. I'm pretty sure I heard that on television somewhere...

la bombe
04-11-2012, 11:30 PM
So you agree with the idea that whites aren't allowed a sovereign homeland due to white guilt "crushing people for centuries"?

I agree that Muslims aren't to blame for anyone's political impotence. They're not responsible for mass immigration, you can thank globalist business and political interests for that. And Noam Chomsky is an anarchist so it's pretty easy to discern that his lack of support for the concept of a sovereign homeland would stem from his ideological beliefs, not from his hatred of 'whites'.

The Ripper
04-11-2012, 11:34 PM
I think he's making references to the increasing loss of not only demographic majority but local control of political, legal, cultural, and educational infrastructure. It's not direct as in they seize it, but it's indirect in the sense of the left giving ear to them and giving them influence far beyond their number and due.

WE CAN VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE. But we don't. We, ourselves, are doing this. We. Us. Not the Muslims. They're just eager to make it into the land of milk and honey, but its us who opened the flood gates, and its us who insist in keeping them open.

To say that we are politically impotent on account of Muslim immigration is indeed absurd. Our impotence, which is cultural, communal, political, demographic, ACTUAL, etc, has very little to do with Muslim immigration.

Supreme American
04-11-2012, 11:35 PM
I agree that Muslims aren't to blame for anyone's political impotence. They're not responsible for mass immigration, you can thank globalist business and political interests for that. And Noam Chomsky is an anarchist so it's pretty easy to discern that his lack of support for the concept of a sovereign homeland would stem from his ideological beliefs, not from his hatred of 'whites'.

They're responsible in the sense that they have willingly moved to a place where they don't like the indigenous religion, culture, and way of life, and are endlessly agitating to make it more like their home countries.

I don't seem to have gotten a real answer here. How can you say Chomsky isn't hostile against whites when he has by the use of throwing the race card at us tried to rob us of our right to exist via our sovereignty? If we're demographically outnumbered, we're done for. It's that simple.

Supreme American
04-11-2012, 11:36 PM
WE CAN VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE. But we don't. We, ourselves, are doing this. We. Us. Not the Muslims. They're just eager to make it into the land of milk and honey, but its us who opened the flood gates, and its us who insist in keeping them open.

As I just said, migrants are participating in that they're coming here by the millions and demanding we cave to their demands, but yes, we as a people need to do something. Standing up in large numbers and making demands is what we should be doing, rather than being apathetic, living day to day, and remaining only vaguely aware of what is going on.

Joe McCarthy
04-11-2012, 11:37 PM
I agree that Muslims aren't to blame for anyone's political impotence. They're not responsible for mass immigration,

So Muslims don't freely choose to jump on boats and sail across the Mediterranean into Europe then?

The Lawspeaker
04-11-2012, 11:40 PM
So Muslims don't freely choose to jump on boats and sail across the Mediterranean into Europe then?
The last waves have come to Europe because of America's little wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Ripper
04-11-2012, 11:42 PM
As I just said, migrants are participating in that they're coming here by the millions and demanding we cave to their demands, but yes, we as a people need to do something. Standing up in large numbers and making demands is what we should be doing, rather than being apathetic, living day to day, and remaining only vaguely aware of what is going on.

Are we speaking about Europe here, or what?

la bombe
04-11-2012, 11:45 PM
So Muslims don't freely choose to jump on boats and sail across the Mediterranean into Europe then?

Why wouldn't they hop on boats to a place where they are actively allowed and encouraged to go, where they know they can milk the system at little to no cost to themselves? Isn't this what most opportunistic people with even half a brain would do?

The reasons why they immigrate are simple, but the better questions to ask are who allows them to and for what reasons?

Joe McCarthy
04-11-2012, 11:45 PM
The last waves have come to Europe because of America's little wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Muslims don't sail across the Mediterranean from North Africa because of Afghanistan and Iraq. Take a geography lesson.

Joe McCarthy
04-11-2012, 11:48 PM
Why wouldn't they hop on boats to a place where they are actively allowed and encouraged to go

They aren't. These are illegal immigrants. In fact, Europe is awash in illegal Muslim immigrants - millions of them. That they have come illegally in their fault.

The Lawspeaker
04-11-2012, 11:49 PM
Muslims don't sail across the Mediterranean from North Africa because of Afghanistan and Iraq. Take a geography lesson.
You should really visit Europe for once. Most Islamic refugees that are currently being admitted to countries like f.i Sweden or the Netherlands are either Afghani or Iraqi.

04-11-2012, 11:50 PM
Pointing out accurately old ethnic and religious hatreds on the part of Jews toward gentile whites is not "blaming everything on Jews." I can only hope you can discern the difference... Then again, perhaps not.
Who is going to admit blaming everything on Jews? And I don't see any indepth analysis of anything there, just an effortless speculation based on the man's background. It's not so much that I disagree with it, btw. I don't really care about it, but I found it worth pointing out as it contradicts with Joe McCarthy's usual standpoint.

There is context at work here. Unfortunately you seemed to miss it.
I read the whole thing and I don't see what distinguishes that paragraph from any random anti-Semitic rant in this forum you are always critical of. I also don't think the far-right endorse Chomsky like you say.

Joe McCarthy
04-11-2012, 11:52 PM
Most Islamic refugees that are currently being admitted to countries like f.i Sweden or the Netherlands are either Afghani or Iraqi.

Many of them are, yes, as political instability and war creates refugees. This was the case before Afghanistan and Iraq. The receiving countries should refuse to take them in.

The Lawspeaker
04-11-2012, 11:54 PM
Many of them are, yes, as political instability and war creates refugees. This was the case before Afghanistan and Iraq. The receiving countries should refuse to take them in.
No. We wouldn't have had the problem if you lot didn't keep meddling in the Middle East. So if anything we should send all those refugees to the United States.

Joe McCarthy
04-11-2012, 11:55 PM
I also don't think the far-right endorse Chomsky like you say.

During the war in Iraq even a relatively responsible rightist like Buchanan was posting Chomsky's tripe on his website.

Joe McCarthy
04-11-2012, 11:58 PM
No. We wouldn't have had the problem if you lot didn't keep meddling in the Middle East. So if anything we should send all those refugees to the United States.

There is good reason to meddle in the Middle East. Europeans essentially fuel their economy courtesy of the US military. But again, war and chaos occur with or without the US, and I'd argue more without it. Your country doesn't have to take in refugees. Blame your own politicians.

The Ripper
04-12-2012, 12:02 AM
Blame your own politicians.

I thought we were supposed to blame Muslims because Chomsky said we shouldn't?

la bombe
04-12-2012, 12:03 AM
During the war in Iraq even a relatively responsible rightist like Buchanan was posting Chomsky's tripe on his website.

A lot of people quote Chomsky because he's one of the few modern political thinkers who actually has intelligent, insightful things to say. Probably because he isn't tied to the false dichotomy of 'left' and 'right'. PS, here's another quote

‘Capitalism basically wants people to be interchangeable cogs, and differences among them, such as on the basis of race, usually are not functional. I mean, they may be functional for a period, like if you want a super exploited workforce or something, but those situations are kind of anomalous. Over the long term, you can expect capitalism to be anti-racist — just because its anti-human. And race is in fact a human characteristic — there’s no reason why it should be a negative characteristic, but it is a human characteristic. So therefore identifications based on race interfere with the basic ideal that people should be available just as consumers and producers, interchangeable cogs who will purchase all the junk that’s produced — that’s their ultimate function, and any other properties they might have are kind of irrelevant, and usually a nuisance’.

04-12-2012, 12:07 AM
Capitalism isn't a person. A lot of these people speak as though it is.

Supreme American
04-12-2012, 12:07 AM
Who is going to admit blaming everything on Jews? And I don't see any indepth analysis of anything there, just an effortless speculation based on the man's background. It's not so much that I disagree with it, btw. I don't really care about it, but I found it worth pointing out as it contradicts with Joe McCarthy's usual standpoint.

I read the whole thing and I don't see what distinguishes that paragraph from any random anti-Semitic rant in this forum you are always critical of. I also don't think the far-right endorse Chomsky like you say.

As I said, I wrote the article. I did not "blame it all on the Jews" because that was not the intent. I mentioned the well-known mentality of many Jews (especially those on the political left) who project historical grievances against their white majority neighbors. This is no secret, you can find it often enough in Jewish literature such as Ginsberg's The Fatal Embrace: The Jews and the State. The only speculation here is yours; I was pointing out merely the obvious that his hostile attitude toward indigenous Europeans is related to his politics and probably his ethnicity as well. I stand by that completely; I've seen it often enough.

You are engaging in speculation about my intentions in writing that article and are coming to false conclusions based on your false speculations. McCarthy said nothing wrong about the article as it did not say anything you remotely claim it did. It's that simple.

Joe McCarthy
04-12-2012, 12:09 AM
I thought we were supposed to blame Muslims because Chomsky said we shouldn't?

Muslims should certainly be blamed, just as politicians should be for letting them in. The problem lies in blaming everything on politicians or corporations, as if Muslims aren't freely making a choice to immigrate, in some cases illegally. They don't belong in Europe. They know this. They come anyway. THAT is THEIR fault.

Supreme American
04-12-2012, 12:09 AM
Capitalism isn't a person. A lot of these people speak as though it is.

Sure it is. It's a white male supremacist with a plot to control everyone. Where have you been?!

Supreme American
04-12-2012, 12:12 AM
A lot of people quote Chomsky because he's one of the few modern political thinkers who actually has intelligent, insightful things to say. Probably because he isn't tied to the false dichotomy of 'left' and 'right'. PS, here's another quote

LOL... Actually his "insight" is very Marxian-derived. Typical radical leftwing standard-issue attack America as evil capitalist pig/imperialist/racist. He and avowed Marxist Michael Parenti have little different to say in geopolitical analysis. Why would they, after all, both having lifted their ideological foundation from Herr Marx?

Joe McCarthy
04-12-2012, 12:15 AM
A lot of people quote Chomsky because he's one of the few modern political thinkers who actually has intelligent, insightful things to say. Probably because he isn't tied to the false dichotomy of 'left' and 'right'. PS, here's another quote

Chomsky isn't a political thinker. He's a professional linguist with a side hobby dabbling in anti-Western geopolitical conspiracism. He's also a ferociously leftist figure. It's bizarre you'd suggest otherwise.

The Ripper
04-12-2012, 12:16 AM
Muslims should certainly be blamed, just as politicians should be for letting them in. The problem lies in blaming everything on politicians or corporations, as if Muslims aren't freely making a choice to immigrate, in some cases illegally. They don't belong in Europe. They know this. They come anyway. THAT is THEIR fault.

Them wanting to come here does not make us politically impotent. It does not render us powerless to stop it. The whole political system plays along in this demographic suicide. That's the biggest issue and that can't be blamed on Muslims (not to mention the multitude of other immigrants, but Joe's political allies in Europe only care about Muslims).

la bombe
04-12-2012, 12:23 AM
LOL... Actually his "insight" is very Marxian-derived. Typical radical leftwing standard-issue attack America as evil capitalist pig/imperialist/racist. He and avowed Marxist Michael Parenti have little different to say in geopolitical analysis. Why would they, after all, both having lifted their ideological foundation from Herr Marx?

Except he's not a Marxist because, shockingly, being anti-capitalistic doesn't automatically make you a Marxist.

Chomsky isn't a political thinker. He's a professional linguist with a side hobby dabbling in anti-Western geopolitical conspiracism. He's also a ferociously leftist figure. It's bizarre you'd suggest otherwise.

To quote the man in question, "I am not too happy with terms like 'the left'".

PS, what does it take to be a 'political thinker' then?

04-12-2012, 12:25 AM
Except he's not a Marxist because, shockingly, being anti-capitalistic doesn't automatically make you a Marxist. Uh, what? Noam Chomsky is a proud self-identified Marxist. Besides, prattling on about 'Capitalism' and 'Imperialism' does pretty much originate from Marxist-Leninism.

To quote the man in question, "I am not too happy with terms like 'the left'". Because he identifies the Democratic Party as 'the Right' and himself with the tru Left, to paraphrase the man.

Supreme American
04-12-2012, 12:28 AM
Except he's not a Marxist because, shockingly, being anti-capitalistic doesn't automatically make you a Marxist.

I said his ideology is Marxian-derived, and it is. I am well aware that he is a "libertarian socialist" or whatever he is calling himself this week. Anarchistic thought pulls heavily from Marxian class conflict theory.

To quote the man in question, "I am not too happy with terms like 'the left'".

PS, what does it take to be a 'political thinker' then?

Yet he is. There's a reason Marxist bookstores sell his works alongside the likes of Parenti and Avakian. He's close enough as it were.

04-12-2012, 12:33 AM
I mentioned the well-known mentality of many Jews (especially those on the political left) who project historical grievances against their white majority neighbors.

The only speculation here is yours; I was pointing out merely the obvious that his hostile attitude toward indigenous Europeans is related to his politics and probably his ethnicity as well. I stand by that completely; I've seen it often enough.
You are surely aware Chomsky himself is often accused of anti-Semitism?

"By now Jews in the US are the most privileged and influential part of the population. You find occasional instances of anti-Semitism but they are marginal. There’s plenty of racism, but it’s directed against Blacks, Latinos, Arabs are targets of enormous racism, and those problems are real. Anti-Semitism is no longer a problem, fortunately. It’s raised, but it’s raised because privileged people want to make sure they have total control, not just 98% control. That’s why anti-Semitism is becoming an issue."

- Noam Chomsky

McCarthy said nothing wrong about the article as it did not say anything you remotely claim it did. It's that simple.
I think Joe turned a blind eye to your anti-Semitic remarks since he agreed with the rest of the article, not unlike how some neo-Nazis may turn a blind eye to Chomsky's background and ideology on occasion for the sake of his stance against Israel and the US. :)

Supreme American
04-12-2012, 12:39 AM
You are surely aware Chomsky himself is often accused of anti-Semitism?

Because of his stance on Israel. What about it?

I think Joe turned a blind eye to your anti-Semitic remarks since he agreed with the rest of the article, not unlike how some neo-Nazis may turn a blind eye to Chomsky's background and ideology on occasion for the sake of his stance against Israel and the US. :)

Oh? What anti-semitic remarks did I make? That Jews can carry historical hostility against white people such as that blacks and other groups can? Can you tell me why this is an "anti-semitic remark" to begin with? This is laughable. It sounds to me as if you're saying the fecal matter of Jews smells like roses.

Joe McCarthy
04-12-2012, 12:53 AM
Them wanting to come here does not make us politically impotent. It does not render us powerless to stop it. The whole political system plays along in this demographic suicide. That's the biggest issue and that can't be blamed on Muslims (not to mention the multitude of other immigrants, but Joe's political allies in Europe only care about Muslims).

I'm unsure why you're connecting this to me. The 'political impotence' line was uttered by Chomsky, and amounts to little more than a crude strawman. Moreover, the people I support, such as Wilders or DF, regard non-Western immigration in general as a problem, not just Muslims.

04-12-2012, 01:02 AM
Because of his stance on Israel. What about it?

Did you read the paragraph I quoted at all? There is no mention of Israel, it's about American Jews.

Oh? What anti-semitic remarks did I make? That Jews can carry historical hostility against white people such as that blacks and other groups can? Can you tell me why this is an "anti-semitic remark" to begin with? This is laughable. It sounds to me as if you're saying the fecal matter of Jews smells like roses.
Look, it's not that I consider them anti-Semitic. I don't really care about them. I am saying Joe McCarthy should consider them anti-Semitic based on his history. I mean, he posts your article without addressing anti-Semitic parts, and in the same thread, accuses other posters of irrationally blaming Jews. What choice do I have but to point out the irony?

Joe McCarthy
04-12-2012, 01:09 AM
Did you read the paragraph I quoted at all? There is no mention of Israel, it's about American Jews.

Look, it's not that I consider them anti-Semitic. I don't really care about them. I am saying Joe McCarthy should consider them anti-Semitic based on his history. I mean, he posts your article without addressing anti-Semitic parts, and in the same thread, accuses other posters of irrationally blaming Jews. What choice do I have but to point out the irony?

Again, context is important. You're a new poster and you quoted a post made over a year ago to start this. What would you even know of the circumstances that would prompt me to assert Ripper blames the world's ills on Jews (and Americans and capitalists)?

The Ripper
04-12-2012, 10:24 AM
I'm unsure why you're connecting this to me. The 'political impotence' line was uttered by Chomsky, and amounts to little more than a crude strawman. Moreover, the people I support, such as Wilders or DF, regard non-Western immigration in general as a problem, not just Muslims.

You addressed me many times over this quote, so I assumed we were having a discussion. Did you run out of arguments, or what?

Just look on the first page of this thread. I focused on the same quote (which supposedly proves that Chomsky hates Europeans) and you immediatly resort to strawmen like "Ripper hates Jews," "Ripper runs to defencse of N.M." (some might find those two somewhat contradictory). You're like a walking talking bullshit generator.

05-05-2012, 12:31 AM
Gnome Dumpsky isn't like Meir Kahane, who didn't hate white people (he just didn't think they were the ideal allies of his people from what I can gather).

Kahane just wanted a Jew-ruled Israel and fuck the rest of the world. Dumpsky is one of these crypto-Marxists that seems to pull his head out of the sand every so often, bleat something, and then stuff his fat head back into the dirt.

The most honest Jews I've ever met are the Kahanists, with the rest being cryptos.

As a Kahanist,i don't hate white people.they just need to mind their bussiness,and leave us alone.

they should stop giving us AID,and we should stop supporting and following your degenerate,inferior gentile culture.

The Lawspeaker
05-05-2012, 12:33 AM
As a Kahanist,i don't hate white people.they just need to mind their bussiness,and leave us alone.

they should stop giving us AID,and we should stop supporting and following your degenerate,inferior gentile culture.
Woon je hier in Nederland ? Volgens mij heb ik jou al eerder eruit geschopt.

Supreme American
05-05-2012, 01:21 AM
Woon je hier in Nederland ? Volgens mij heb ik jou al eerder eruit geschopt.

The dude is banned, but thx anyway for thread bump. :thumbs up

Ghost Knight
07-08-2012, 07:18 PM
Top 200 Noam Chomsky lies: http://www.paulbogdanor.com/200chomskylies.pdf