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View Full Version : Heathers will teach u about black population in Rio de janeiro(my beautiful city)

Heather Duval
06-26-2018, 03:43 PM
After reading some ranks about the blackest places in Latin America on TA, I decide to do this.

Self declaration census from this city:

3 239 888 brancos (51,26%),
2 318 675 pardos (36,69%),
708 148 pretos (11,2%),
45 913 amarelos e 5 981 indígenas (0,09%), além de 1 842 sem declaração (0,03%)

And the pardos are usually the light blacks/quadroons, this you can perceive through dna results in our self declared pardos:


They have ssa enough to be black in USA, but we dont have one drop rule :)

So, basically these 708 148 pretos (11,2%) self declared pretos are folks who looks indeed black. There are many dark skinned over here:


Also, many self declared whites here are octoons

Heather Duval
06-26-2018, 03:58 PM

06-26-2018, 04:05 PM
After what percentage of white do you consider someone white? Or do you care mostly about how they look? I don't know if these whites or even most pardos would be considered black in the USA, they'd probably be classified as Latino if they don't show too obvious ssa traits. What do think?

If Ronaldo self declares himself as white, we see that the census might not be very accurate.

Also the blacks from Rio don't look much like the ones from Bahia that you posted. Did they come from different African countries?

Heather Duval
06-26-2018, 04:09 PM
After what percentage of white do you consider someone white? Or do you care mostly about how they look? I don't know if these whites or even most pardos would be considered black in the USA, they'd probably be classified as Latino if they don't show too obvious ssa traits. What do think?

If Ronaldo self declares himself as white, we see that the census might not be very accurate.

Also the blacks from Rio don't look much like the ones from Bahia that you posted. Did they come from different African countries?

Well, tbh as I said on the post above those self declared pretoes here looks indeed black. If you are light skinned, youd prob be seen as moreno/moreninho and therefore pardo. Neymar for exemple once claimed he aint black, but in USA he would be seen as black. Brazilians dont accept that u can be a light skinned and stil black
Gurl saying that she found out to be black/preta/negra because society considered her moreninha


Many "whites' from Rio are actually octoroons as I said. Its all about skin colour. Also, in that dna results shows our self declared pardos from Rio are about 20% SSA and that would be someone quadroon or even mulatto looking. Yes, Negroes from Rio arent West Africans. Negroes from Bahia are West Africans.

06-26-2018, 04:18 PM
Well, tbh as I said on the post above those self declared pretoes here looks indeed black. If you are light skinned, youd prob be seen as moreno/moreninho and therefore pardo. Neymar for exemple once claimed he aint black, but in USA he would be seen as black. Brazilians dont accept that u can be a light skinned and stil black
Gurl saying that she found out to be black/preta/negra because society considered her moreninha


Many "whites' from Rio are actually octoroons as I said. Its all about skin colour. Also, in that dna results shows our self declared pardos from Rio are about 20% SSA and that would be someone quadroon or even mulatto looking. Yes, Negroes from Rio arent West Africans. Negroes from Bahia are West Africans.

Thank you for your reply.

Neymar would be considered black despite looking like a balanced triracial.

To be honest I think most white Brazilian celebrities that you guys post wouldn't be fully white in terms of ancestry if they did a DNA test because most have colonial origin. For example, I saw someone say that Deborah Secco looked fully euro but I googled her parents and her mom looked like she has Amerindian input.

At the same time that many Brazilians want to be seen as whites, they also have a culture where being tanned is more beautiful than being white and that pale people are often told to try to catch some color or are called branquelo or white azedo.

Brazilian genetics is very interesting.

Heather Duval
06-26-2018, 04:25 PM
Thank you for your reply.

Neymar would be considered black despite looking like a balanced triracial.

To be honest I think most white Brazilian celebrities that you guys post wouldn't be fully white in terms of ancestry if they did a DNA test because most have colonial origin. For example, I saw someone say that Deborah Secco looked fully euro but I googled her parents and her mom looked like she has Amerindian input.

At the same time that many Brazilians want to be seen as whites, they also have a culture where being tanned is more beautiful than being white and that pale people are often told to try to catch some color or are called branquelo or white azedo.

Brazilian genetics is very interesting.

Her mother is genetically tri racial, I think Deborah Secco is octoroon(most octoroons looks white) and she looks white. Her mother and her family
But in this pic her mother looks somewhat more European because of fake straight hair.

Yes, Neymar is those so called pardos that would be seen as black in USA. We dont have one drop rule. But the black movement is getting strong in Brazil thanks to USA and many who were fself declared pardos, are feeling black. The mulattos included. This light skinned black gurl tells in this video she was told by her family that she is parda


Now she sees herself as a black woman, and shes against colorism now that tries to separate black folks. We black people came in all shades of colour.

06-26-2018, 04:33 PM
I dont undetstand why a pardo needs to self declare black.It is a black-white mix, soon it isnt white nor black.

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 01:37 PM
I dont undetstand why a pardo needs to self declare black.It is a black-white mix, soon it isnt white nor black.

Because many of them would be black in US. Neymar is a good exemple. Colorism made him believe hes not black. And colorism is part of Brazilian racist system that tried to whitening our population with mixing races.

06-27-2018, 04:20 PM
Because many of them would be black in US. Neymar is a good exemple. Colorism made him believe hes not black. And colorism is part of Brazilian racist system that tried to whitening our population with mixing races.

Eu acho que no USA não teve muita miscigenação entre negros e brancos; logo eles não precisaram criar termos como "pardo", "moreninho", "mulato".

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 04:23 PM
Eu acho que no USA não teve muita miscigenação entre negros e brancos; logo eles não precisaram criar termos como "pardo", "moreninho", "mulato".

Existem muitos Aframs miscigenados e são todos tidos como negros. Colorismo é presente no Brasil, pois o governo fez de tudo pra clarear os negros e assim acabar com a população preta no país. Negros claros que se dizem pardos/morenos são apenas vitimas do colorismo, que faz com que eles não se declarem negros.

Um negro claro que não se reconhece como negro, está apenas compactuando com o processo de "whitening", de outra forma o nosso número de negros no census aumentaria.

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 04:28 PM
Na minha certidão diz cor parda, o governo Brasileiro fez de tudo pra esconder os negros no país. Meu avô me dizia:" negro agora é pardo".

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 04:50 PM
There are also many neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro with African names such as Calundu.

06-27-2018, 04:52 PM
Go in. Tell us more about their culture.

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 05:02 PM
Go in. Tell us more about their culture.

The culture of Rio de janeiro is carioca culture. There is no cultural division segregated by races here. People in Rio de Janeiro basically like Pagode, samba and some likes funk carioca music. The samba originated in Rio, by Slaves. Pagode is a sub genre of samba and most listen by young folks. Cariocas likes to go to bars and listen to samba/pagode


"Lapa" is our Sicilian night club


06-27-2018, 05:23 PM
Brazil's census is retarded, self-identification is retarded.

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 05:26 PM
Brazil's census is retarded, self-identification is retarded.

Minha prima é super escura e na certidão dela diz cor parda. Ela ctz está inclusa no census Brasileiro na categoria parda, na minha tbm diz parda. Brasil tenta esconder os negros de todas as formas.

Lucas Rodrigues
06-27-2018, 08:09 PM
O Brasil não é os EUA, os brasileiros são muito mais miscigenados que os negros dos EUA, brasileiros são triraciais enquanto a maioria dos negros americanos são só biraciais. O negro médio brasileiro é 50% branco, enquanto os negro médio estadunidense é 70% negro geneticamente.
Existem muitos Aframs miscigenados e são todos tidos como negros. Colorismo é presente no Brasil, pois o governo fez de tudo pra clarear os negros e assim acabar com a população preta no país. Negros claros que se dizem pardos/morenos são apenas vitimas do colorismo, que faz com que eles não se declarem negros.

Um negro claro que não se reconhece como negro, está apenas compactuando com o processo de "whitening", de outra forma o nosso número de negros no census aumentaria.

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Lucas Rodrigues
06-27-2018, 08:10 PM
Negros/pardos são tão miscigenados que quase não vejo negros de pele escura onde eu moro

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Carlito's Way
06-27-2018, 08:18 PM
O Brasil não é os EUA, os brasileiros são muito mais miscigenados que os negros dos EUA, brasileiros são triraciais enquanto a maioria dos negros americanos são só biraciais. O negro médio brasileiro é 50% branco, enquanto os negro médio estadunidense é 70% negro geneticamente.

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genetics mean nothing when it comes to phenotype, while it might be true that blacks in brazil are on average 50% euro (though not sure who were the blacks who got samples since they never get their black samples from low class areas which is where most afro brazilians live), their phenotype tend to look pred SSA
while Aframs who are light skin and can often look more Euro influence than afro-Brazilan will still be pred SSA

so genetics is irrelevant because people go by phenotype, not by genetics
Afrobrazilians being triracial means nothing, they are still black

there are african americans whiter than the average brazilian who still identify themselves as black simply because of the past history of this country
there were aframs in America who passed themselves as whites, and during those times, whiteness revolved around northern euro phenotypes
in other words, most brazilians if they were under american control, they wouldve been classified as black regardless if they are triracial or they are pred euro

06-27-2018, 08:22 PM
genetics mean nothing when it comes to phenotype, while it might be true that blacks in brazil are on average 50% euro (though not sure who were the blacks who got samples since they never get their black samples from low class areas which is where most afro brazilians live), their phenotype tend to look pred SSA
while Aframs who are light skin and can often look more Euro influence than afro-Brazilan will still be pred SSA

so genetics is irrelevant because people go by phenotype, not by genetics
Afrobrazilians being triracial means nothing, they are still black

there are african americans whiter than the average brazilian who still identify themselves as black simply because of the past history of this country
there were aframs in America who passed themselves as whites, and during those times, whiteness revolved around northern euro phenotypes
in other words, most brazilians if they were under american control, they wouldve been classified as black regardless if they are triracial or they are pred euro
The genetic testing samples are mostly low-class.

Lucas Rodrigues
06-27-2018, 08:22 PM
Light-skinned Blacks classify themselves as Blacks because they were oppressed, there were many rules to separate Blacks from Whites in the USA, so to protected themselves they decided to unit, whereas in Brazil Blacks were never so oppressed as in the USA, there was no Kkk here.
genetics mean nothing when it comes to phenotype, while it might be true that blacks in brazil are on average 50% euro (though not sure who were the blacks who got samples since they never get their black samples from low class areas which is where most afro brazilians live), their phenotype tend to look pred SSA
while Aframs who are light skin and can often look more Euro influence than afro-Brazilan will still be pred SSA

so genetics is irrelevant because people go by phenotype, not by genetics
Afrobrazilians being triracial means nothing, they are still black

there are african americans whiter than the average brazilian who still identify themselves as black simply because of the past history of this country
there were aframs in America who passed themselves as whites, and during those times, whiteness revolved around northern euro phenotypes
in other words, most brazilians if they were under american control, they wouldve been classified as black regardless if they are triracial or they are pred euro

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Lucas Rodrigues
06-27-2018, 08:24 PM
In which state of the USA do blacks look like this?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180627/7d95204cf2d0c784ac4a4e938140b921.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180627/866d52264aba71e71c89156ef0c4c431.jpg

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06-27-2018, 08:29 PM
In which state of the USA do blacks look like this?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180627/7d95204cf2d0c784ac4a4e938140b921.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180627/866d52264aba71e71c89156ef0c4c431.jpg

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Stop comparing . In your state blacks are not 50% euro. But triracial. also the average self declared black in Brazil, are not 50% euro. at most 40% with some 10% indigenous

Carlito's Way
06-27-2018, 08:35 PM
Light-skinned Blacks classify themselves as Blacks because they were oppressed, there were many rules to separate Blacks from Whites in the USA, so to protected themselves they decided to unit, whereas in Brazil Blacks were never so oppressed as in the USA, there was no Kkk here.

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True but you make it seem as if being triracial stops someone from being black, or as if being 50% euro stops you from being black. There are many blacks in Brazil, tons of them that are just as black as the average African American, now those Afro-Brazilians can be genetically 60% European, but that is irrelevant because people go by phenotype at the end of the day

these African American for example looks a lot like the average Afro-Brazilian, to me Afro-Brazilians fall in the 60% SSA range pheno wise, genetically it might be something else

average Afro-Bahian looked like this

Average Afro-Rio looked liked this

Carlito's Way
06-27-2018, 08:40 PM
In which state of the USA do blacks look like this?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180627/7d95204cf2d0c784ac4a4e938140b921.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180627/866d52264aba71e71c89156ef0c4c431.jpg

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there are the Creoles of Lousiana, many who consider themselves black
here are blacks who are Creoles of Lousiana
http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/KD+Aubert+Celebs+Genlux+Magazine+Release+Party+Ixt x6677YbRl.jpg

Lucas Rodrigues
06-27-2018, 08:59 PM
Lol, most of them would be called Latinos by Americans
there are the Creoles of Lousiana, many who consider themselves black
here are blacks who are Creoles of Lousiana
http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/KD+Aubert+Celebs+Genlux+Magazine+Release+Party+Ixt x6677YbRl.jpg

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Lucas Rodrigues
06-27-2018, 09:01 PM
None of the Blacks you posted would suffer prejudice in my state, so no need to exist a black movement here.

True but you make it seem as if being triracial stops someone from being black, or as if being 50% euro stops you from being black. There are many blacks in Brazil, tons of them that are just as black as the average African American, now those Afro-Brazilians can be genetically 60% European, but that is irrelevant because people go by phenotype at the end of the day

these African American for example looks a lot like the average Afro-Brazilian, to me Afro-Brazilians fall in the 60% SSA range pheno wise, genetically it might be something else

average Afro-Bahian looked like this

Average Afro-Rio looked liked this

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Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 10:02 PM
genetics mean nothing when it comes to phenotype, while it might be true that blacks in brazil are on average 50% euro (though not sure who were the blacks who got samples since they never get their black samples from low class areas which is where most afro brazilians live), their phenotype tend to look pred SSA
while Aframs who are light skin and can often look more Euro influence than afro-Brazilan will still be pred SSA

so genetics is irrelevant because people go by phenotype, not by genetics
Afrobrazilians being triracial means nothing, they are still black

there are african americans whiter than the average brazilian who still identify themselves as black simply because of the past history of this country
there were aframs in America who passed themselves as whites, and during those times, whiteness revolved around northern euro phenotypes
in other words, most brazilians if they were under american control, they wouldve been classified as black regardless if they are triracial or they are pred euro

And since when Aframs are bi racial lol

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 10:05 PM
Negros/pardos são tão miscigenados que quase não vejo negros de pele escura onde eu moro

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Esses negros de pele clara q vc conhece nem devem se achar negros e sim morenos

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 10:09 PM
Rio has more blacks than census shows simple coz light skinnsd here claims to be pardo and u see them in every stretf here
Beyoncé and Obama wouldnt be black in Rio

06-27-2018, 10:14 PM
After reading some ranks about the blackest places in Latin America on TA, I decide to do this.

Self declaration census from this city:

3 239 888 brancos (51,26%),
2 318 675 pardos (36,69%),
708 148 pretos (11,2%),
45 913 amarelos e 5 981 indígenas (0,09%), além de 1 842 sem declaração (0,03%)

And the pardos are usually the light blacks/quadroons, this you can perceive through dna results in our self declared pardos:


They have ssa enough to be black in USA, but we dont have one drop rule :)

So, basically these 708 148 pretos (11,2%) self declared pretos are folks who looks indeed black. There are many dark skinned over here:


Also, many self declared whites here are octoons
Why would I want to learn about blacks in Rio in Brazil on a European community/heritage forum? Defeats the purpose of being here.

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 10:19 PM
Why would I want to learn about blacks in Rio in Brazil on a European community/heritage forum? Defeats the purpose of being here.
This forum is far from being "European commumity"
The reason everyones here is due to genetics and taxomy. We have many diversity on this forum incluinding many types of members. You for exemple its free to whitening creoles as you usually do. Otherwise, go to Stormfront.

06-27-2018, 10:33 PM
This forum is far from being "European commumity"
The reason everyones here is due to genetics and taxomy. We have many diversity on this forum incluinding many types of members. You for exemple its free to whitening creoles as you usually do. Otherwise, go to Stormfront.

Why would I go to stormfront? I’m not racist. Stormfront is filled with whites that have racist views. But sites like this one, people come to enjoy talk about the history, culture and genetics of people of European descent without being racists. Not all whites are racists you know. Nothing wrong with having some diversity. Whites are very diverse. There are others here of other races and it’s no problem. But really, I doubt many here came to learn about blacks in rio. What’s the point of having a European community if it’s not about Europeans or Europeans DNA/ancestry?

And I don’t have to whiten Creoles because Creole is not a race. Creoles can be any race, including white.

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 10:40 PM
Why would I go to stormfront? I’m not racist. Stormfront is filled with whites that have racist views. But sites like this one, people come to enjoy talk about the history, culture and genetics of people of European descent without being racists. Not all whites are racists you know. Nothing wrong with having some diversity. Whites are very diverse. There are others here of other races and it’s no problem. But really, I doubt many here came to learn about blacks in rio. What’s the point of having a European community if it’s not about Europeans or Europeans DNA/ancestry?

And I don’t have to whiten Creoles because Creole is not a race. Creoles can be any race, including white.

If u dont want simple dont come here, if u click it means u showed ineteresed. A lot of folks has viewed this thread and are still browsing it also there are many threads about non eiuropeans especially on this section This forum is about humans genetics, if u want only european issues go to Stormfront. Carlitos thread about black dna results has many postd and views as well Rmuller threads aboit tri racials and mexicans.

06-27-2018, 11:00 PM
If u dont want simple dont come here, if u click it means u showed ineteresed. A lot of folks has viewed this thread and are still browsing it also there are many threads about non eiuropeans especially on this section This forum is about humans genetics, if u want only european issues go to Stormfront. Carlitos thread about black dna results has many postd and views as well Rmuller threads aboit tri racials and mexicans.The site says it’s a European cultural community. It’s straying away from this badly. I don’t like being mean to people, but at some point someone needs to stress this to folks who seem to create endless threads about folks that are not European or significantly or mostly European. It’s ok to post something about non-Europeans sometimes, but you post nothing but black threads. Triracials and Mexicans are still significantly European in DNA. You just seem like you are on the wrong forum for your content. There are plenty Afro oriented forums to post non-stop threads about blacks. I just think a European cultural communty is not the place. If you posted one or two or a couple, no big deal. But that’s mostly all you post here. It’s overkill for this genre of forum.

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 11:07 PM
The site says it’s a European cultural community. It’s straying away from this badly. I don’t like being mean to people, but at some point someone needs to stress this to folks who seem to create endless threads about folks that are not European or significantly or mostly European. It’s ok to post something about non-Europeans sometimes, but you post nothing but black threads. Triracials and Mexicans are still significantly European in DNA. You just seem like you are on the wrong forum for your content. There are plenty Afro oriented forums to post non-stop threads about blacks. I just think a European cultural communty is not the place. If you posted one or two or a couple, no big deal. But that’s mostly all you post here. It’s overkill for this genre of forum.

Those are your problems. I dont care.

06-27-2018, 11:10 PM
I cant imagine about a guy like Neymar, Zeca Pagodinho or Preta Gil self declare themselves as blacks.It is dumb.

06-27-2018, 11:11 PM
Those are your problems. I dont care.

These are not my problems. It’s a problem of this forum. I don’t care if you don’t care. I am voicing my opinion, not trying to get your approval of anything.

06-27-2018, 11:11 PM
The site says it’s a European cultural community. It’s straying away from this badly. I don’t like being mean to people, but at some point someone needs to stress this to folks who seem to create endless threads about folks that are not European or significantly or mostly European.
Well, Black Brazilians are 40% European, is this enough for you?

06-27-2018, 11:12 PM

06-27-2018, 11:12 PM
Well, Black Brazilians are 40% European, is this enough for you?

Heathers doesnt post things only about blacks too.

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 11:13 PM
I cant imagine about a guy like Neymar, Zeca Pagodinho or Preta Gil self declare themselves as blacks.It is dumb.

Preta is self declared black. Neymar wasnt before 2012 bit is now. His sister was always self declared black before he said he aint black.

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 11:14 PM
Heathers doesnt post things only about blacks too.

I respect u but really u and Token should argue with him about his own problems. Its not something that we should care, those are his problems

06-27-2018, 11:15 PM
Preta is self declared black. Neymar wasnt before 2012 bit is now. His sister was always self declared black before he said he aint black.

Preta Gil clearly not is pure or almost pure black.It is only about skin unfortunely.

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 11:20 PM
Preta Gil clearly not is pure or almost pure black.It is only about skin unfortunely.

Shes half "white". She have natural straight hair. About Neymar, nowdays after that onterview which he said he never suffered racism because hes not preto, he claims to be black. His sister was always self declared black, my sis has racial identy crisis because she was born lighter than me. Anyway, being black in Brazil is something u wont understand becaus3 there are many levels: Colorismo, negação and in the end you found out youre black. Like many light skinned youtubers has said.

06-27-2018, 11:25 PM
Pardos have a lot more african than I expected. Aren't there any mestizo types in Brazil?

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 11:30 PM
Pardos have a lot more african than I expected. Aren't there any mestizo types in Brazil?

In the North region and Rio grande do sul u found mestizos. Some genetically tri racials here looks mestizo, tho. Check for Dira Paes, she claims ssa native anfd iberian but looks mexican. Rio de janeiro receveid more than 2 millions of negroes, you found anything here(Rio city and State) but not true mestizos.

06-27-2018, 11:38 PM
Shes half "white". She have natural straight hair. About Neymar, nowdays after that onterview which he said he never suffered racism because hes not preto, he claims to be black. His sister was always self declared black, my sis has racial identy crisis because she was born lighter than me. Anyway, being black in Brazil is something u wont understand becaus3 there are many levels: Colorismo, negação and in the end you found out youre black. Like many light skinned youtubers has said.

The only true africans blacks that I have seem is haitians immigrants that unfortunely are leaving our country.They look very SSA.A lot of brazilians blacks here have thin lips, narrow nose, straight hair, but dark skin.In racial census, should have more options to the people.

Heather Duval
06-27-2018, 11:44 PM
The only true africans blacks that I have seem is haitians immigrants that unfortunely are leaving our country.They look very SSA.A lot of brazilians blacks here have thin lips, narrow nose, straight hair, but dark skin.In racial census, should have more options to the people.

Ive seen some Haitians here in my city especially in the beach. They are here for some opportunity but they cant have it. They sells glasses in our beach. I dont have an opinion about them but i dont think u like them in your State. Also, my "cousin" is dating an Angolan who now lives in Rio. Another relative of mine have a kid with a British-Nigerian, hes at least rich.

06-27-2018, 11:47 PM
Brazil's census is retarded, self-identification is retarded.

Same as in Venezuela. According to the crappy Venezuelan census (based on self-identification) more than 50% of Venezuelans are "white" :lmao

06-28-2018, 12:09 AM
Ive seen some Haitians here in my city especially in the beach. They are here for some opportunity but they cant have it. They sells glasses in our beach. I dont have an opinion about them but i dont think u like them in your State. Also, my "cousin" is dating an Angolan who now lives in Rio. Another relative of mine have a kid with a British-Nigerian, hes at least rich.

I never saw an haitian steal something; even in noticiários, all people here congrats them for their characther and honestly.More of 50% them leave SC for others countries.They work hard according my uncle who gave job in his bar to 2 haitians.Them criolo language sound very strange too.

06-28-2018, 12:16 AM

Heather Duval
06-28-2018, 12:54 AM
I never saw an haitian steal something; even in noticiários, all people here congrats them for their characther and honestly.More of 50% them leave SC for others countries.They work hard according my uncle who gave job in his bar to 2 haitians.Them criolo language sound very strange too.
They do speak a bit of Portuguese, they learned some words easily. When im in the beach, they always come and sells some thing and say words in Portuguese. The daughter of a relative of mine who is half Nigerian is going to live in Uk/Nigeria. She already visited Nigerian :)
Her British Nigerian father sent her money every month and she and her mother lives in a fancy house in Campo Grande, Rio.

Heather Duval
06-28-2018, 12:57 AM
And another relative of mine is dating an afram man
He looks very African. They(my relatives) met them in Copacabana. Copa is a good point to met gringos

Heather Duval
06-28-2018, 01:53 AM
Well, Black Brazilians are 40% European, is this enough for you?
Curiosamente, esses negros com 40% de genes Europeans são os escuros postados por mim e que se dizem negro. Aquelas duas Baianas que marcaram 40/50% Euro, são muito escuras p serem tidas como moreninhas/pardas aqui no Rio. Os negros claros com aparência de Neymar/Beyoncé etc(Rio é infestado deles), são os chamados morenos e marcam bem mais Europeu que os negros Brasileiros.

Carlito's Way
06-28-2018, 02:05 AM
And since when Aframs are bi racial lol

yeah, they are hardly biracial, and hardly mix

Carlito's Way
06-28-2018, 02:10 AM
The only true africans blacks that I have seem is haitians immigrants that unfortunely are leaving our country.They look very SSA.A lot of brazilians blacks here have thin lips, narrow nose, straight hair, but dark skin.In racial census, should have more options to the people.

those are a tiny minority, those are also found among african americans, jamaicans also have blacks like that, afro mexicans, afro colombians, afro venezuelans, afro dominican, afro puerto rican etc

Heather Duval
06-28-2018, 02:16 AM
those are a tiny minority, those are also found among african americans, jamaicans also have blacks like that, afro mexicans, afro colombians, afro venezuelans, afro dominican, afro puerto rican etc

I consider Ronaldo pardo but he see himselve as white and his father said its written race white on his birth id:

"Ronaldo mal se separou de Daniela Cicarelli e já está envolvido em uma nova polêmica. Ao comentar, esta semana, o problema do racismo contra jogadores de futebol na Europa, o “Fenômeno” disse: “Acho que todos os negros sofrem. Eu, que sou branco, sofro com tamanha ignorância.”

Ele está certo ao se considerar branco? Afinal, você sabe dizer qual é a cor de Ronaldo? “Moreno”, diz um. “Pra mim ele é branco”, diz outro. “Amarelado”, arrisca uma jovem. “Marronzinho”, diz uma senhora. “Negro, completamente negro”, afirma uma jovem negra. “Sei lá, um rolo aí”, finaliza uma loira.

E que rolo. José Júnior, coordenador do grupo Afroreggae, ficou irritado com a afirmação de Ronaldo. “Foi uma fala infeliz, foi uma fala completamente equivocada. Ele como cidadão, ele até poderia falar o que ele falou. Mas ele, como formador de opinião e ídolo, ícone, ele não pode falar. Branco ele não é, nem aqui no Brasil e nem na Europa”, critica José Júnior.

Ninguém melhor para falar sobre a cor do Ronaldo do que o pai dele, Nélio Nazário. De que cor é o Ronaldo? “Ele sabe muito bem que é negro. O pai dele é negro e não tem sentido isso”, destacou Nélio. “Na verdade, na hora, eu pensei que fosse alguma filosofia, alguma coisa nesse sentido. Porque ele sabe que ele é negro”, complementou o pai de Ronaldo.

O geneticista Sérgio Pena, autor da maior pesquisa já realizada no país sobre a herança genética dos brasileiros, afirma que Ronaldo não errou ao se declarar branco.

“Ele, simplesmente, expressou a visão que ele tem de si mesmo. No Brasil, não existe nenhum critério objetivo para classificar as pessoas de acordo com a cor”, explicou Pena.

Não existe mesmo, porque, quando o assunto é cor de pele no Brasil, reina uma confusão geral. “Eu não sou preto nem sou branco. Sou moreno”, comenta um rapaz. “Eu sou branco. Estou queimado de sol, né?”, diz outro jovem. “Eu acho que sou branco, apesar que no papel, na minha certidão, está escrito pardo”, observou um segurança.

E o que consta na certidão de nascimento de Ronaldo? “Está branca, cor branca”, responde Seu Nélio."

Carlito's Way
06-28-2018, 02:25 AM
I consider Ronaldo pardo but he see himselve as white and his father said its written race white on his birth id:

"Ronaldo mal se separou de Daniela Cicarelli e já está envolvido em uma nova polêmica. Ao comentar, esta semana, o problema do racismo contra jogadores de futebol na Europa, o “Fenômeno” disse: “Acho que todos os negros sofrem. Eu, que sou branco, sofro com tamanha ignorância.”

Ele está certo ao se considerar branco? Afinal, você sabe dizer qual é a cor de Ronaldo? “Moreno”, diz um. “Pra mim ele é branco”, diz outro. “Amarelado”, arrisca uma jovem. “Marronzinho”, diz uma senhora. “Negro, completamente negro”, afirma uma jovem negra. “Sei lá, um rolo aí”, finaliza uma loira.

E que rolo. José Júnior, coordenador do grupo Afroreggae, ficou irritado com a afirmação de Ronaldo. “Foi uma fala infeliz, foi uma fala completamente equivocada. Ele como cidadão, ele até poderia falar o que ele falou. Mas ele, como formador de opinião e ídolo, ícone, ele não pode falar. Branco ele não é, nem aqui no Brasil e nem na Europa”, critica José Júnior.

Ninguém melhor para falar sobre a cor do Ronaldo do que o pai dele, Nélio Nazário. De que cor é o Ronaldo? “Ele sabe muito bem que é negro. O pai dele é negro e não tem sentido isso”, destacou Nélio. “Na verdade, na hora, eu pensei que fosse alguma filosofia, alguma coisa nesse sentido. Porque ele sabe que ele é negro”, complementou o pai de Ronaldo.

O geneticista Sérgio Pena, autor da maior pesquisa já realizada no país sobre a herança genética dos brasileiros, afirma que Ronaldo não errou ao se declarar branco.

“Ele, simplesmente, expressou a visão que ele tem de si mesmo. No Brasil, não existe nenhum critério objetivo para classificar as pessoas de acordo com a cor”, explicou Pena.

Não existe mesmo, porque, quando o assunto é cor de pele no Brasil, reina uma confusão geral. “Eu não sou preto nem sou branco. Sou moreno”, comenta um rapaz. “Eu sou branco. Estou queimado de sol, né?”, diz outro jovem. “Eu acho que sou branco, apesar que no papel, na minha certidão, está escrito pardo”, observou um segurança.

E o que consta na certidão de nascimento de Ronaldo? “Está branca, cor branca”, responde Seu Nélio."

yes ronaldo is def a pardo, doesnt even look over 80% euro at all

Heather Duval
06-28-2018, 02:35 AM
yes ronaldo is def a pardo, doesnt even look over 80% euro at all

I think Adriana should see herself as white Brazilian. She looks even Russian in some pics. But she claims to be Afro Brazilian, prob coz she lives in USA. Latinos in USA dont embrace whiteness

Carlito's Way
06-28-2018, 02:41 AM
I think Adriana should see herself as white Brazilian. She looks even Russian in some pics. But she claims to be Afro Brazilian, prob coz she lives in USA. Latinos in USA dont embrace whiteness

adriana is fine
couldnt believe when i found out that she was not famous in Brazil, yet that ugly as tranny german-brazilian was smh

06-28-2018, 02:43 AM
Well, tbh as I said on the post above those self declared pretoes here looks indeed black. If you are light skinned, youd prob be seen as moreno/moreninho and therefore pardo. Neymar for exemple once claimed he aint black, but in USA he would be seen as black. Brazilians dont accept that u can be a light skinned and stil black
Gurl saying that she found out to be black/preta/negra because society considered her moreninha

Many "whites' from Rio are actually octoroons as I said. Its all about skin colour. Also, in that dna results shows our self declared pardos from Rio are about 20% SSA and that would be someone quadroon or even mulatto looking. Yes, Negroes from Rio arent West Africans. Negroes from Bahia are West Africans.

I have a hook up that resembles her, I call her morena (chocolate for cute), she call herself black and is always talking about negriture, but love the castizo guy here ;)
I can't tell why this girl in the vid didn't think shes black, it's clearly obvious.

06-28-2018, 02:45 AM
Same as in Venezuela. According to the crappy Venezuelan census (based on self-identification) more than 50% of Venezuelans are "white" :lmao

What would be your estimation of the percentage of whites in Venezuela? Most of the Venezuelans that I’ve seen visiting my state have looked white, but that is not the same.

06-28-2018, 03:31 AM
What would be your estimation of the percentage of whites in Venezuela? Most of the Venezuelans that I’ve seen visiting my state have looked white, but that is not the same.

10-12% of the Venezuelan population living in Venezuela (counting people who are at least 85% Euro or more), without counting many white Venezuelans who have left the country during the last decades, but even more during the last shitty Chavist and Madurist governments.

Heather Duval
06-28-2018, 03:56 AM
adriana is fine
couldnt believe when i found out that she was not famous in Brazil, yet that ugly as tranny german-brazilian was smh

Noobs and low class folks knows Gisele. Adriana Lima is popular withing gay community and people into fashion world

Carlito's Way
06-28-2018, 03:58 AM
Noobs and low class folks knows Gisele. Adriana Lima is popular withing gay community and people into fashion world

Adriana is the most famous brazilian model outside of Brazil
shes also the most beautiful
im in love with my baby Adriana, cant live witout her
if i ever find a brazilian mami who looks like her, ima wife her up, dont give a fuck if she a thot from the favelas

06-28-2018, 04:09 AM
10-12% of the Venezuelan population living in Venezuela (counting people who are at least 85% Euro or more), without counting many white Venezuelans who have left the country during the last decades, but even more during the last shitty Chavist and Madurist governments.
Wow, that’s lower than I thought. I thought maybe 20% were white. Are there white enclaves? Areas with high concentrations of whites? Or are they all spread out?

06-28-2018, 04:27 AM
Wow, that’s lower than I thought. I thought maybe 20% were white. Are there white enclaves? Areas with high concentrations of whites? Or are they all spread out?

That's only counting Venezuelans who are equal or more than 85% Euro. However, Venezuelan whites and Euro mestizos added up together might be as much as 30% of the Venezuelan population, roughly speaking.

As I said, many white Venezuelans have left the country during the last decades. They might have been as much as 20% of the Venezuelan population back in the days (since the time of Marcos Perez Jimenez until the early 1980s).

There are not specific "white enclaves" but rather like a gradation in which you find more whites and pred European mestizos in certain social classes and regions of the country.

Generally you find more whites and Euro mestizos in the middle and upper classes, and in the general population of the Venezuelan Andes (that are somewhat similar to countries like Paraguay or Chile).

The only "strictly white" enclaves that come to my mind are the German towns of La Colonia Tovar and El Jarillo, both located close to Caracas ("Colonia tovar" at about 1 hour drive from Caracas, and "El Jarillo" at a 40 minute drive from Caracas). They're located in a temperate mountainous region, southwest from Caracas. However, there are also some mixed people living in these towns, even though they are still mostly filled with full/mostly German descent people.

Heather Duval
06-28-2018, 04:35 AM
Adriana is the most famous brazilian model outside of Brazil
shes also the most beautiful
im in love with my baby Adriana, cant live witout her
if i ever find a brazilian mami who looks like her, ima wife her up, dont give a fuck if she a thot from the favelas
Every fashionist in Brazil likes Adri but noobs may dont know her. Me as a gay fashionist ofc i know her

06-28-2018, 11:09 AM
Wow, that’s lower than I thought. I thought maybe 20% were white. Are there white enclaves? Areas with high concentrations of whites? Or are they all spread out?

I will say true whites don't exist in Latin America without exception of Uruguay maybe Buenos aires regio Sante fe Cordoba and Pampa Arg. Latin America is just mixed at different percentages I think in Brazil anyone who doesn't look stereotypical mestizo or the average pardo Brazilian is seen as white there I got a bit curious from Heather's comment on another thread said that my family seen themselves as white while that's not true right away I spot how Brazilians outside of these forums have a view on race.

Mexico is mestizo with a strong Mediterranean admixture component. Can't say the same thing about Peru or Bolivia where every one there have a head shaped of Evo Morales...

Heather Duval
06-28-2018, 12:47 PM
I will say true whites don't exist in Latin America without exception of Uruguay maybe Buenos aires regio Sante fe Cordoba and Pampa Arg. Latin America is just mixed at different percentages I think in Brazil anyone who doesn't look stereotypical mestizo or the average pardo Brazilian is seen as white there I got a bit curious from Heather's comment on another thread said that my family seen themselves as white while that's not true right away I spot how Brazilians outside of these forums have a view on race.

Mexico is mestizo with a strong Mediterranean admixture component. Can't say the same thing about Peru or Bolivia where every one there have a head shaped of Evo Morales...

In Brazil if you dont have black or brown skin youre white. Even called branquinho.

Heather Duval
06-28-2018, 12:53 PM
That's only counting Venezuelans who are equal or more than 85% Euro. However, Venezuelan whites and Euro mestizos added up together might be as much as 30% of the Venezuelan population, roughly speaking.

As I said, many white Venezuelans have left the country during the last decades. They might have been as much as 20% of the Venezuelan population back in the days (since the time of Marcos Perez Jimenez until the early 1980s).

There are not specific "white enclaves" but rather like a gradation in which you find more whites and pred European mestizos in certain social classes and regions of the country.

Generally you find more whites and Euro mestizos in the middle and upper classes, and in the general population of the Venezuelan Andes (that are somewhat similar to countries like Paraguay or Chile).

The only "strictly white" enclaves that come to my mind are the German towns of La Colonia Tovar and El Jarillo, both located close to Caracas ("Colonia tovar" at about 1 hour drive from Caracas, and "El Jarillo" at a 40 minute drive from Caracas). They're located in a temperate mountainous region, southwest from Caracas. However, there are also some mixed people living in these towns, even though they are still mostly filled with full/mostly German descent people.

Mixed races in Venezuela is by far less SSA than pardos from Rio de janeiro. DNA STUDIES says pardos here(Rio) are in average 20% ssa.

06-28-2018, 02:12 PM
Mixed races in Venezuela is by far less SSA than pardos from Rio de janeiro. DNA STUDIES says pardos here(Rio) are in average 20% ssa.

Well, there are many mixed Venezuelans who are 20% SSA and up, mainly in some coastal regions and in the lower class from the Venezuelan large cities located close to the coast.

I have been accused for trying to whitewhash my country, and is not true. I just try to be objective and realistic.

As I say in this thread, my country is not less black than many parts of Brazil, and has not as much as 50% whites (as claimed by the joke Venezuelan census, based on self determination), though I also defend that is not almost exclusively mulatto/triracial or similar to Dominican Republic (as some people claim), but that is on average triracial but with more Euro and Amerindian than SSA input, and that it also has its large minorities of whites, mestizos, and Euro mestizos.

Black Panther
07-11-2018, 02:37 PM
Well, there are many mixed Venezuelans who are 20% SSA and up, mainly in some coastal regions and in the lower class from the Venezuelan large cities located close to the coast.

I have been accused for trying to whitewhash my country, and is not true. I just try to be objective and realistic.

As I say in this thread, my country is not less black than many parts of Brazil, and has not as much as 50% whites (as claimed by the joke Venezuelan census, based on self determination), though I also defend that is not almost exclusively mulatto/triracial or similar to Dominican Republic (as some people claim), but that is on average triracial but with more Euro and Amerindian than SSA input, and that it also has its large minorities of whites, mestizos, and Euro mestizos.

Are Venezuelans 18% SSA on average?

07-11-2018, 02:41 PM
Brazilian population is stagnant.Is very expensive have children today.Even among my black and mulatto friends, the "only 1 child" is the mentality that prevail.A pity.Heathers, according IBGE, Rio de Janeiro has the second lowest fertility rate in Brazil - 1,68.

Heather Duval
07-11-2018, 03:09 PM
Brazilian population is stagnant.Is very expensive have children today.Even among my black and mulatto friends, the "only 1 child" is the mentality that prevail.A pity.Heathers, according IBGE, Rio de Janeiro has the second lowest fertility rate in Brazil - 1,68.

People that I know here dont have more than 3 kids. I dont care at all because im gay and I dont care about kids and maybe i think is good for them. Because you need to have a good job to raise kids, Rio is expensive.

07-11-2018, 03:53 PM
People that I know here dont have more than 3 kids. I dont care at all because im gay and I dont care about kids and maybe i think is good for them. Because you need to have a good job to raise kids, Rio is expensive.

Maybe if the public services were good, people would like to have children.

Heather Duval
07-11-2018, 03:56 PM
Maybe if the public services were good, people would like to have children.

E se o bolsa família fosse digno. Se não me engano, não passa de 60 reais ao mês p/ filho.

07-11-2018, 03:59 PM
E se o bolsa família fosse digno. Se não me engano, não passa de 60 reais ao mês p/ filho.

60 reais é muito pouco eu acho.O problema é : no Brasil vive bem que pode pagar por serviços privados.Isto deveria mudar.Se a educação e saúde públicas fossem de boa qualidade, aliviaria muita carga para os pais.

Heather Duval
07-11-2018, 04:03 PM
60 reais é muito pouco eu acho.O problema é : no Brasil vive bem que pode pagar por serviços privados.Isto deveria mudar.Se a educação e saúde públicas fossem de boa qualidade, aliviaria muita carga para os pais.

Fato. Os hospitais públicos no Brasil vivem num eterno caos. O único que funciona legal aqui no Rio é o UPA do centro da cidade.

07-11-2018, 10:26 PM
Are Venezuelans 18% SSA on average?

Some like that.

Heather Duval
07-11-2018, 11:27 PM
Some like that.

Is their ssa ancestry colonial? Many pardos here cant trace their black/white recent ancestry

07-11-2018, 11:38 PM

"Heathers will teach u about how to suck big dicks in Rio de janeiro(my beautiful city)"

07-12-2018, 12:38 AM
Is their ssa ancestry colonial? Many pardos here cant trace their black/white recent ancestry

Both colonial and post colonial.

Black Panther
07-12-2018, 08:38 AM
Some like that.

Then Venezuela is more SSA than Brazil, which is only 15 to 16% SSA.

07-12-2018, 12:46 PM
Then Venezuela is more SSA than Brazil, which is only 15 to 16% SSA.

I think they're about even, but with Brazil having some more heavily black people and more whites. And Venezuelan having some more Amerindian input and more mestizo phenotypes.

Lucas Rodrigues
07-12-2018, 01:29 PM
I have seen Venezuelan immigrants who entered into Brazil, most of them look Amerindian influenced, I saw few Blacks.

Gesendet von meinem XT1032 mit Tapatalk

Lucas Rodrigues
07-12-2018, 01:34 PM
I do not think they are more SSA influenced than Brazilians, but they can pass easily in Maranhão

Gesendet von meinem XT1032 mit Tapatalk

Black Panther
07-13-2018, 11:57 AM
I think they're about even, but with Brazil having some more heavily black people and more whites. And Venezuelan having some more Amerindian input and more mestizo phenotypes.

Pardos in Brazil are practically as Black as the average Venezuelan. The average Brazilian is far less Black than that. Pardos are 20% Black, Venezuelans are 18% Black on average...

07-14-2023, 09:41 AM
In Brazil if you dont have black or brown skin youre white. Even called branquinho.
Exactly, some relatives look indomestizo and because of their skin color they are white

07-14-2023, 09:42 AM
Pardos in Brazil are practically as Black as the average Venezuelan. The average Brazilian is far less Black than that. Pardos are 20% Black, Venezuelans are 18% Black on average...

Keep coping. Southeast Pardos are like 30% black on average.