View Full Version : 40% of Hartz IV recipients are foreigners - Germany

03-20-2011, 12:17 AM
Today, someone mentioned to me that 40% of Hartz IV recipients are foreigners. He complained that foreigners are here to take advantage of the German welfare system.

Initially, I refused to believe it because I remember that the percentage of foreigners in Germany is less than 15%. So the figure to me seems a little out of portion.

I did a little checking thereafter and realised that what he told is true:


I find this really puzzling and difficult to understand. How come there are so many foreigners receiving Hartz IV compared to the Germans (by proportion)?

Is it really a case of foreigners coming here to abuse the welfare system?


Karl der Große
05-23-2011, 05:39 PM
Are you one those?

05-23-2011, 10:12 PM
Are you one those?

One of those what ?
Will you ask me for my Passaporte , Dudde ? :D
Are you Crazy ?