View Full Version : Game: 21 reasons to be proud of being Italians

03-20-2011, 08:35 PM
21 is the number of the letters of the Italian alphabet. It is suggested to associate to every letter a reason for being proud to be Italians :D
I start:

A = the Alps: we have some of the most beautiful "boundary" of the world and also some of the most beautiful natural landscape.


B= battles. The battles fought during the Risorgimento by the people. Most Italians lived in a semianalphabetism, but those who were educated fought from the Alps to Sicily to reunite one of the oldest country of the world.

C = cuisine.

D = Dolce Vita.

E = emigrants. The 40 millions Italians living abroad. In every angle of the world there's a little or a big Italian community: Italy conquered the world without any weapon.

F = Fellini, a great film director.

G = geniuses, all the geniuses of Italy, from Caesar to Dante to Modigliani...

H = hills, the beautiful hilly landscape of central Italy with its "sweet hills".


I = inno (anthem). Riccardo Muti said that only 4 countries in the world have an anthem which are very important in a musical prospective: Russia, England, Germany and Italy.

L = language: statistics say that Italian is considered the most liked language in the world. But our language is also very old. Despite what it is commonly believed by foreigners, that Italian has been invented after the reunification, standard Italian exists since the High Middle Age and it has changed so little that a modern Italian can read a text in Medieval Italian without problems. Although in the past standard Italian was a koinč, becouse common people spoke dialects, this koinč existed and has been used by Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio, Manzoni and all the other great writers and poets but also by the educated society for centuries.

M = Mediterranean Sea, that sea that sometimes looks like a swimming pool.


N = nature.

O = occhiali (glasses). An other Italian invention.

P = prizes. Italy is among the countries with more Nobel Prizes.


Q = quadri (paintings). The paintings made by Italian artists like Michelangelo and Leonardo, Modigliani and Botticelli.

R = Rome, the Eternal City.

S = S.P.Q.R. the acronym of the most famous empire and the most envied of the world, inspiration even for the U.S.A.

T = table, the most important zone in every house. A said says "sad is the house in which the table is never prepared for friends".

U = uva (grapes). Wanna talk about the Italian wines? I am a strong supporter of them, every Saturday night and I have Hemingway on my side.

V = Vatican City: Italy has one of the holiest places in the world.


Z = Zibaldone. It is a collection of Leopardi's thoughts, a real piece if philosophy.

03-20-2011, 08:43 PM
As a wide eyed Englishman, I would have to say the one reason I would be proud to be Italian can be counted on one finger: ROME.


"Those who are about to die salute you."


Comte Arnau
03-21-2011, 12:20 AM
Hill, Terence
Sophia Loren