View Full Version : Take this online Biology test!

07-05-2018, 03:22 PM
and post your results... https://www.apost.com/en/blog/only-1-in-50-people-can-pass-this-high-school-biology-test/2681/

My results:

07-06-2018, 12:08 AM
A+ You are a biological genius, but this was easy. I think I got maybe 2 or 3 wrong the rest were very easy and I guessed a bit too. In my school it was more difficult because there were not multiple choice answers. There was a empty bar and you had to write down your answers. But I heard in austria that american school is easy. If thats really an american high school exam I think its really easy. But biology is easy learned back then in school I learned 1 day and got A but if I didnt learned anything it could be that I dont pass.

A+ You are a biological genius!
You are a biological genius! You know everything there is to know about the human body and our biological form. You understand the difference between a white blood cell and a red blood cell. Cellular structures get you excited and if you are not a doctor you definately should be.

07-06-2018, 04:50 AM
I got A+ too which proves it's BS. As on the last biology exam I took at 15 I got about 16%. Biology dunce is more like it with me.

07-06-2018, 04:52 AM
I got A+ too which proves it's BS. As on the last biology exam I took at 15 I got about 16%. Biology dunce is more like it with me.

If you are able to keep conversations on a Anthropology and genetics forum you at least have some basics about biology. Its BS maybe because its easy.