View Full Version : President Donald J Trump probably clusters between Belgians and Dutchmen

Bobby Martnen
07-10-2018, 11:30 PM
He's half West German, half Scottish.


07-10-2018, 11:37 PM
That could be possible. He looks more Scottish to me than anything else.

Bobby Martnen
07-11-2018, 12:09 AM
That could be possible. He looks more Scottish to me than anything else.

He's too old to really classify well.

He looked like Paul McCartney when he was younger...


07-11-2018, 12:15 AM
He's too old to really classify well.

He looked like Paul McCartney when he was younger...


He looks better without the tan there.

07-11-2018, 12:46 AM
He's half West German, half Scottish.


I think it would be more like somewhere in northeast England. I am like 70% Northwest and Southwest German, and 20% British (mostly English) and I map out in Belgium/South Netherlands

07-11-2018, 01:04 AM
Trump is probably quite similar to my mother in that regard. Her father's German family came from the same village as Trump's family, namely Kallstadt, and the rest of my mother's heritage is Gaelic Irish. Various calculators plot her in Ulster, Argyll, and Orkney, so all with a Northern Irish/Scottish pull.

Main difference is Trump is 50/50 German/Scottish whereas my mom is like 80+ Irish/20 (likely less) German, so perhaps its more proper to say her father was more like Trump since he was about 50/50. I'd say her father looked more German than Trump though who I see as more Scottish looking.

07-11-2018, 01:12 AM
I think it would be more like somewhere in northeast England. I am like 70% Northwest and Southwest German, and 20% British (mostly English) and I map out in Belgium/South Netherlands

Scots and northern English are genetically almost the same, so I doubt it.

07-11-2018, 01:17 AM
Scots and northern English are genetically almost the same, so I doubt it.

perhaps near London

09-01-2019, 10:07 AM
Finding this video is probably kind of a punishment for me for searching 'Belgium' and 'Belgian' obsessively on forums like this. But I dunno... Maybe?

09-01-2019, 10:13 AM
Orange is the color of the Netherlands. Cheeto people :D

Grace O'Malley
09-01-2019, 10:18 AM
Difficult to say unless he gets a dna test. I'm fully Irish but always plot between British Isles and Scandinavia on dna cluster maps. So it's just guessing where he plots. :)