View Full Version : Far right's surge sows division within Sarkozy party

Joe McCarthy
03-24-2011, 10:56 PM

With over 200 runoffs opposing far-right and socialist candidates in local elections on Sunday, the ruling, centre-right party of President Nicolas Sarkozy has refused to call for a left-wing vote, a position many in the party are uncomfortable with.

Five days before the second round of local elections, and in the wake of a first-round electoral drubbing, France’s ruling Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) appears rife with division. Prime Minister François Fillon (pictured above), for one, has blatantly defied runoff guidelines by President Nicolas Sarkozy.

In last Sunday’s elections, in which half of France’s 2,023 cantons, the country’s smallest territorial units, were up for grabs, the National Front (FN) set the stage for big political gains. The anti-immigration party led by Marine Le Pen won a place in the second round in 394 cantons, or one in five of all contested councils.

In half of those second-round races, National Front candidates will face Socialist challengers.

According to the conservative French daily Le Figaro, President Nicolas Sarkozy called a high-level meeting on Monday morning to establish an official position for the cantonal’s second round. The message, carried by the party's leader, Jean-François Copé, was clear: France’s ruling party would endorse neither the National Front nor the Socialist Party.

But speaking from his office later on Monday, Fillon told UMP party members faced with a local runoff between FN and Socialist candidates on March 27 to vote against the far right. “I will say it again, no vote from the right or centre should go to the far right…We need to remember our values, which are not those of the FN,” Fillon said.

Fending off attacks that the UMP was appeasing the far right, Copé told RTL radio he was not barring supporters from voting for the Socialists, but leaving the UMP’s rank and file free to take their own local pick.

A popular rift

The National Front’s recent surge has accentuated divisions within the UMP at a critical time. If relatively insignificant, Sunday’s cantonal polls are the final electoral contest before next year’s presidential race -- in which Sarkozy is hoping to secure a second term.

As with his successful campaign for the presidency in 2007, Sarkozy is expected to focus on convincing National Front members and sympathizers to vote for him.

“The UMP is confronted with a fundamental problem. It cannot seek an alliance with the National Front, which is siphoning votes from its candidates,” said Paul Taylor, an associate editor for Reuters news agency in Paris.

But fewer UMP leaders today seem to think this is a winning strategy. Some have questioned Sarkozy’s efforts to “hunt for votes on the same turf as the National Front”, as Taylor put it, and divisions within the ruling party’s leadership have been brewing for months.

Besides Fillon, a cast of UMP members have strayed off the official "cantonales" message. Former environment minister Jean-Louis Borloo, who only a few months ago was considered a serious contender for the prime minister’s office, and Senate President Gérard Larcher have called on voters to rally behind Socialist candidates facing FN opponents.

Other influential UMP figures have defended the “neither” position, including government spokesperson and Budget Minister François Baroin, Labour Minister Xavier Bertrand, and Frédérick Lefebvre, the secretary of state for trade under Finance Minister Christine Lagarde.

Speaking to France Inter radio on Monday, Lefebvre said endorsing Socialists would legitimize the National Front’s discourse. “They want us to hand the FN a gift… Because the FN thrives by stating that the UMP and the Socialists are the same thing.”

The Ripper
03-24-2011, 11:01 PM
We need more Sarkozys, because we'd rather have socialists than patriots in government. :coffee:

Joe McCarthy
03-24-2011, 11:05 PM
I was reading something a while back indicating that elements within the UMP want to merge with the FN. This particular article doesn't reflect that though.

But if Sarkozy wants to stay neutral between the FN and Socialists, that is a big improvement in French politics. They used to cooperate with the Socialists to keep the FN from winning elections.

03-24-2011, 11:08 PM
But if Sarkozy wants to stay neutral between the FN and Socialists, that is a big improvement in French politics. They used to cooperate with the Socialists to keep the FN from winning elections.

My exact same thoughts.

Nostalgic Redemption
03-25-2011, 08:55 AM
I heard in french radio this morning that this new UMP (Sarkozy's party) behavior toward FN is motivated by a willing of evicting socialists.
They hope a new 2002 presidential election with right against far-right on the second turn. And of course the "french democratic feeling" will give UMP winner.
Well maybe not this time. "A dangerous game" said the speaker...:D

The Lawspeaker
03-28-2011, 12:42 AM
Socialists trump a divided Sarkozy party in local polls
France's Socialists led in Sunday's local elections with 35 percent of the vote, followed by President Nicolas Sarkozy's ruling UMP party with 18 percent, early results show. The far-right National Front finished in third place with 10 percent.

AFP - French President Nicolas Sarkozy's ruling party suffered a rebuke in local elections Sunday that saw the Socialists surge and the Far Right cement its popularity ahead of next year's presidential vote.

The opposition Socialist Party (PS) took 36.2 percent in the second round of voting in the elections to local councils in France's 100 departments, followed by Sarkozy's UMP with 18.6 percent and the extreme right National Front (FN) with 11.1 percent, according to preliminary results.

The vote also saw record low turnout rates, with only 45 percent of voters going to the polls, according to polling group Ipsos.

In the first round of voting last Sunday the FN registered 15 percent of the vote. It was the FN's best-ever performance at this level, reflecting a surge in interest in the party since Marine Le Pen, daughter of longtime leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, took the helm in January.

An opinion poll published Sunday said Marine Le Pen would qualify for the second and decisive round of voting in next year's presidential poll whoever the Socialist candidate was and in most cases would knock out Sarkozy in the first round.

Source: France24 (http://www.france24.com/en/20110327-france-national-front-resurgent-far-right-ump-local-elections-cantons) (27 March 2011)

03-28-2011, 08:22 PM
Well the 11% of votes for National Front is an average on all local elections ,
even those where the FN wasn't present .

Actually if you just count the elections that was opposing a FN against a PS or an UMP ,
the FN had an average of 35 % !!!

This is very different .

04-03-2011, 06:33 AM
An opinion poll published Sunday said Marine Le Pen would qualify for the second and decisive round of voting in next year's presidential poll whoever the Socialist candidate was and in most cases would knock out Sarkozy in the first round.

This would be interesting. Sarkozy knocked out in first round, will mean Le Pen against a Socialist in the decider. And Le Pen would win, unless Sarkozy supporters vote for the Socialists. Would they? I somehow doubt it.

04-03-2011, 06:44 AM
This would be interesting. Sarkozy knocked out in first round, will mean Le Pen against a Socialist in the decider. And Le Pen would win, unless Sarkozy supporters vote for the Socialists. Would they? I somehow doubt it.

It depends whether indigenous French still make up a majority in France or not. :coffee:

04-03-2011, 06:46 AM
It depends whether indigenous French still make up a majority in France or not. :coffee:

They do.