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07-17-2018, 01:44 AM
I hope they answer some queries or at least are useful or serve as inspiration for you to continue the spiritual life.


There are truths to it

- God seems to be Sustaining and manipulating this universe anyway, regardless of our permission

- does God deserve to be worshipped because he earned this right owing to His goodness and how He has benefited us, or purely just because He wants to be and He is Supreme

- Worshipping God might be the natural order of things, as natural and unpresumptuous as natural phenomena, I feel like the Vedas support this, I personally like this notion, it's very Taoistic, when worship of God becomes so effortless as breathing and heartbeating it must be a higher stage, infact having to reason your way into worship seems like unnecessary weight weighing down the worship process

Hell I'm going to buy an artificial waterfall!

To the contrary

- blind submission makes you herdlike and disposable, "the Lord is my Shepherd" never liked that

Jewish "I never chose God, it was God who chose me" sounds very cute and flattering. Like a woman telling people that her husband was the one responsible for the relationship.

Reverse it the other way, the God who is being deliberately sought and loved, is a God who is lavishly receiving affection

In any case the Hindu seeker imagery touches a nerve very deep of my soul...

07-17-2018, 01:54 AM
In the absence of consent, God has to resort to punishment and torture to extract worship.

07-17-2018, 02:05 AM
The "I never chose God, God chose me" is a plea to feeling special. Its special because it's accidental/chance. It's rare like a lottery or roulette.