View Full Version : Classify us (Kurds)

07-18-2018, 10:34 PM
we are Kurdish

note : I dont want Sikeliot , Myanthropologies , or Tooting Carmen to post here . they always troll





07-18-2018, 11:07 PM

07-18-2018, 11:12 PM
This are many pictures man

I will start with the first 4

1 Alpine Armenoid; 2 Cappadocian Med 3 You yourself i think Anadolid"your own description is accurate",4 Armenoid predominantly i think but Med influence is also possible

07-19-2018, 12:09 AM
Il just write the phenotypes shown as theirs to many to classify individually , from the photos i see Armenoids, East Meds, Cap Meds, Robust Iranids, Anatolid and Asiatic Alpines, pretty typical of Kurdish people.

07-19-2018, 12:34 AM
Il just write the phenotypes shown as theirs to many to classify individually , from the photos i see Armenoids, East Meds, Cap Meds, Robust Iranids, Anatolid and Asiatic Alpines, pretty typical of Kurdish people.

Glad you're back, Hadouken.

07-19-2018, 02:39 AM
damn son welcome back

07-19-2018, 10:29 AM
more pics . just state the main types thats enough . no need to classify us all individually lol



07-19-2018, 07:51 PM
1000 years ago Kurds; Nordoid, Baltid, East nordid, Germanic, Alpine
Now; Armenoid

07-19-2018, 08:02 PM
1000 years ago Kurds; Nordoid, Baltid, East nordid, Germanic, Alpine
Now; Armenoid


07-19-2018, 08:02 PM
Welcome back bro!

The Blade
07-19-2018, 08:43 PM
1: Robust Atlanto-Med
2: Irano-Nordid
You: Med + Taurid
4: Dinaro-Med
5: Atlanto-Med
6: Borreby
7: Armenoid
8: Leans towards Irano-Nordid
9: Armenoid + CM
10: Atlanto-Med + Armenoid > Litorid
11: East Med + Alpinid
12: Armenoid
13: Dinarid
14: Med
15: Mediterranean range
16: East Med. A very long-faced one.
17: Dinaro-Med + Borreby
18: Irano-Nordid
19: Armenoid + Med input
20: Predominantly Gracile Med
21: Taurid
22: Med range
23: East Med + Alpinid elements
24: Iranid + CM
25: East Med
26: Alpinid + Taurid
27: Iranid with some CM
28: Arabid + Asiatic Alpine
29: Atlantid
30: Norid tendencies
31: Atlanto-Med
32: Atlantid + Dinarid
33: Dinarid
34: Dinaro-Med
35: Coarse Med
36: Dinaro-Med
Welcome back!

07-19-2018, 08:46 PM
^ wow thanks

lol borreby ? dafuq

btw. interesting that you say taurid + med for me . others have said this too . I think it might be correct . maybe west asian dinaric + armenid + med for me is good .

some people exeggerate the armenoid in me because they hold a grudge against me and think armenoid = ugly so let us call the man armenoid . not that it bothers me but I think I might me rather taurid + med as you say

The Blade
07-19-2018, 08:55 PM
^ wow thanks

lol borreby ? dafuq

btw. interesting that you say taurid + med for me . others have said this too . I think it might be correct . maybe west asian dinaric + armenid + med for me is good .

some people exeggerate the armenoid in me because they hold a grudge against me and think armenoid = ugly so let us call the man armenoid . not that it bothers me but I think I might me rather taurid + med as you say
Yes, I think it suits you as classification.
About the woman: Yes, I find her to be rather Borreby and not Alpinid, as some might say.
I see similar traits to these Borreby men:

07-19-2018, 09:08 PM
Armenoids, Mtbedid, Eastern and West Mediterraneans, some Dinarics and a few Alpines.....

07-20-2018, 03:53 PM
1: Robust Atlanto-Med
2: Irano-Nordid
You: Med + Taurid
4: Dinaro-Med
5: Atlanto-Med
6: Borreby
7: Armenoid
8: Leans towards Irano-Nordid
9: Armenoid + CM
10: Atlanto-Med + Armenoid > Litorid
11: East Med + Alpinid
12: Armenoid
13: Dinarid
14: Med
15: Mediterranean range
16: East Med. A very long-faced one.
17: Dinaro-Med + Borreby
18: Irano-Nordid
19: Armenoid + Med input
20: Predominantly Gracile Med
21: Taurid
22: Med range
23: East Med + Alpinid elements
24: Iranid + CM
25: East Med
26: Alpinid + Taurid
27: Iranid with some CM
28: Arabid + Asiatic Alpine
29: Atlantid
30: Norid tendencies
31: Atlanto-Med
32: Atlantid + Dinarid
33: Dinarid
34: Dinaro-Med
35: Coarse Med
36: Dinaro-Med
Welcome back!

btw, nr. 13 are 2 women . they are sisters I think

07-20-2018, 03:57 PM
An abundance of west Asiatic types; Cappadocian med, Asiatic Alpines, Armenoids and Anatolids with some being mixed with Iranids.

07-20-2018, 04:01 PM
overall west asians in purest form

07-20-2018, 06:24 PM

07-21-2018, 02:52 PM

07-21-2018, 02:55 PM
You ever look at somebody and think to yourself

'this guy must have came from a mountain'


07-21-2018, 02:56 PM
You ever look at somebody and think to yourself

'this guy must have came from a mountain'


mashallah pure mountain genes kardesh

07-21-2018, 04:48 PM
so what about classification guys

07-21-2018, 05:15 PM
mostly meds,dinaro-meds,Armenoids,iranids

Some pretty kurdish women

https://b.radikal.ru/b11/1807/2d/c6f2d37b607e.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://a.radikal.ru/a08/1807/be/90df495658bd.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://a.radikal.ru/a20/1807/b9/32807498aa50.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

https://c.radikal.ru/c20/1807/f6/dbce05356658.jpg (https://radikal.ru)

p.s. welcome back

07-21-2018, 05:19 PM
^ hülya avsar is half turkish

third chick is iraqi kurd I think and she doesnt fit well as turkish kurd

last chick is half turk too if I am not wrong

but thank you for posting

btw. when you say iranid what do you mean ? I dont know what iranid is anymore because so many different looking people get classified as iranid . a lot of such examples dont pass as kurdish tbh

if I am not wrong these are iranid and/or iranoafghan plates and they dont look kurdish to me except one of them to a certain extent . they look foreign to me




07-21-2018, 05:28 PM
Armenoid, Asiatic Alpine, Cappadocian Med

07-21-2018, 05:30 PM
this man (I think Iranian) was posted as an iranid example by a person on another forum . if this is iranid then iranid is almost non existent among us . thats why I am confused about what the fuck iranid even is

looks foreign for us


07-21-2018, 05:32 PM
Even though i am a man, i have to admit this guy is very handsome:


07-21-2018, 05:33 PM
this man (I think Iranian) was posted as an iranid example by a person on another forum . if this is iranid then iranid is almost non existent among us . thats why I am confused about what the fuck iranid even is

looks foreign for us


He can be anadolid also

07-21-2018, 05:37 PM
this man (I think Iranian) was posted as an iranid example by a person on another forum . if this is iranid then iranid is almost non existent among us . thats why I am confused about what the fuck iranid even is

looks foreign for us


I will post some Kurds which I think are Iranid but look different than this man and different than many other people who were classified as iranid . as I said if this man with the beard I am quoting is iranid then iranid is almost non existent among us

many of these people are pkk (most are probably dead) . I apologize for this and dont want to offend anybody and it has nothing to do with politics I am just posting them for anthropological reasons so nobody should get this wrong neither kurds nor turks


07-21-2018, 05:37 PM
He can be anadolid also

no not at all . he is uber doli for once and too exotic . doesnt pass anywhere in turkey including us kurds . he is too atypical

07-21-2018, 05:42 PM
I will post some Kurds which I think are Iranid but look different than this man and different than many other people who were classified as iranid . as I said if this man with the beard I am quoting is iranid then iranid is almost non existent among us

many of these people are pkk (most are probably dead) . I apologize for this and dont want to offend anybody and it has nothing to do with politics I am just posting them for anthropological reasons so nobody should get this wrong neither kurds nor turks


lol these persons are robust AF , even the women

07-21-2018, 06:54 PM
this man (I think Iranian) was posted as an iranid example by a person on another forum . if this is iranid then iranid is almost non existent among us . thats why I am confused about what the fuck iranid even is

looks foreign for us


Out of all the pictures you posted, youre the only one who stands out. Maybe because you look like a blend of Arabid and Armenoid. Bug eyed with an Arabid look. Iranid makes up most Kurds, you're the one who looks different. Beat it arab. You don't look kurdish at all.

07-21-2018, 06:56 PM
Out of all the pictures you posted, youre the only one who stands out. Maybe because you look like a blend of Arabid and Armenoid. Bug eyed with an Arabid look. Iranid makes up most Kurds, you're the one who looks different. Beat it arab

whose sockaccount are you ?

greek + kurd . yeah right :D

stay mad dude . it seems I hit a nerve

I fit among my people perfectly fine as we all have seen and classified

I hope you will be banned soon

as for Iranid I already explained above so take it or fuck off troll

07-21-2018, 06:58 PM
Out of all the pictures you posted, youre the only one who stands out. Maybe because you look like a blend of Arabid and Armenoid. Bug eyed with an Arabid look. Iranid makes up most Kurds, you're the one who looks different. Beat it arab. You don't look kurdish at all.

He doesn't look Arabic to me

Kurds i have seen in UK had his look

He can pass in Levant and Lebanon but generic Arabic he doesn't look

07-21-2018, 06:58 PM
He doesn't look Arabic to me

Kurds i have seen in UK had his look

He can pass in Levant and Lebanon but generic Arabic he doesn't look

dont you see that he is just a troll :D he is probably that jamalkazai guy or whatever his nick was

complexed and uber butthurt

07-21-2018, 07:04 PM
He doesn't look Arabic to me

Kurds i have seen in UK had his look

He can pass in Levant and Lebanon but generic Arabic he doesn't look

With that phenotype of his and wide eyes, I would think his father came out of the Arabian desert and raped an Armenoid women. He's stands out of all the pictures he posted. Looks clearly middle eastern, I don't know why he's trying to run away from his own world

07-21-2018, 07:05 PM
With that phenotype of his and wide eyes, I would think his father came out of the Arabian desert and raped an Armenoid women. He's stands out of all the pictures he posted. Looks clearly middle eastern, I don't know why he's trying to run away from his own world

you troll leave my thread alone . you are this guy https://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?20320-pashtunstar

leave my ethnicity alone you smelly cockroach

you are neither pashtun nor are you half greek half kurd . you are something else and are creating several sockaccounts

let me tell you that your life will not be any better when you troll people . gtfo

07-21-2018, 07:12 PM
you troll leave my thread alone . you are this guy https://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?20320-pashtunstar

leave my ethnicity alone you smelly cockroach

you are neither pashtun nor are you half greek half kurd . you are something else and are creating several sockaccounts

let me tell you that your life will not be any better when you troll people . gtfo

You think Im trolling? This guy right here looks like your Arab brother, maybe you 2 are related. Iranians look more kurdish than you. You don't represent Kurds at all.


07-21-2018, 07:16 PM
You think Im trolling? This guy right here looks like your Arab brother, maybe you 2 are related. Iranians look more kurdish than you. You don't represent Kurds at all.

nice one . I see slight similarities but we look very different still

he is probably looking closer to you especially taken into account where you are from . you are the troll I just gave a link . you also trolled on AS and I saw a person saying that you are indian . oh what a surprise . I dont know if you are indian of course I dont want to be too fast with my judging but I wouldnt be surprised . you are a complexed troll who creates several sockaccounts . now you pose as half greek half kurd ...LOL what a subanimal

yeah brothers btw.


07-21-2018, 07:17 PM
why do you care anyway you have nothing to do with kurds you smelly trash

07-21-2018, 07:31 PM
Very different looking from the Kurds I'm familiar with in Northern Iraq. Only you look quite Kurdish to me.

07-21-2018, 07:35 PM
Very different looking from the Kurds I'm familiar with in Northern Iraq. Only you look quite Kurdish to me.

I fit very well with my people (with the people I posted) and we are all kurdish looking . all of the people I posted are ethnic kurds . if you like it or not

"only you look kurdish to me" ...yeah right 1 out of all of the people in the thread looks kurdish and to the other troll I am the only whoe who doesnt look kurdish" dont try to troll
you fuckers . you are assyrian maybe thats why you write such nonsense . assyrians dont like kurds much . just stop the nonsense guys and gtfo of my thread

iraqi kurds often look different from us btw . where I live there are also some iraqi kurds and I dont look like them either . not saying that there are not also iraqi kurds who fit among us and vice versa but many look different

07-21-2018, 07:47 PM
I fit very well with my people (with the people I posted) and we are all kurdish looking . all of the people I posted are ethnic kurds . if you like it or not

"only you look kurdish to me" ...yeah right 1 out of all of the people in the thread looks kurdish and to the other troll I am the only whoe who doesnt look kurdish" dont try to troll
you fuckers . you are assyrian maybe thats why you write such nonsense . assyrians dont like kurds much . just stop the nonsense guys and gtfo of my thread

iraqi kurds often look different from us btw . where I live there are also some iraqi kurds and I dont look like them either . not saying that there are not also iraqi kurds who fit among us and vice versa but many look different

You suffer from severe OWD. Sure the ones you posted are Kurds, but they don't look particularly close to Iraqi Kurds and Yazidis which I'm familiar with.
Also you are quite known to have a huge complex regarding Kurds and their relation with Persians and other Iranics so I don't really trust what you have to say lol.
Also what does my observation have to do with whether I hate Kurds or not? Saying you guys look like Iranians is not an insult even though you probably believe so since you are very complexed.

07-21-2018, 07:50 PM
You suffer from severe OWD. Sure the ones you posted are Kurds, but they don't look particularly close to Iraqi Kurds and Yazidis which I'm familiar with.
Also you are quite known to have a huge complex regarding Kurds and their relation with Persians and other Iranics so I don't really trust what you have to say lol.
Also what does my observation have to do with whether I hate Kurds or not? Saying you guys look like Iranians is not an insult even though you probably believe so since you are very complexed.

wtf are you even talking about . why owd ? because I represent my people the way we are ? what are you talking about

I dont have a huge complex regarding iranians I am just saying that many iranians look different from us . I know many iranians in real life and also have seen a lot of pics and videos of them and many of them look foreign and dont pass . thats it . it has nothing to do with having a complex or disliking anybody or anything . I actually like iranians a lot I often mentioned this

and yes as I said iraqi kurds often look different . we turkey kurds look like what I have in my signature link . either take it or leave it . I dont know why the fuck you even care . maybe the gallery is "too white" for your taste which bothers you . maybe that is the owd ? dunno

but yeah I hope you know what I mean now

07-21-2018, 08:02 PM
wtf are you even talking about . why owd ? because I represent my people the way we are ? what are you talking about

I dont have a huge complex regarding iranians I am just saying that many iranians look different from us . I know many iranians in real life and also have seen a lot of pics and videos of them and many of them look foreign and dont pass . thats it . it has nothing to do with having a complex or disliking anybody or anything . I actually like iranians a lot I often mentioned this

and yes as I said iraqi kurds often look different . we turkey kurds look like what I have in my signature link . either take it or leave it . I dont know why the fuck you even care . maybe the gallery is "too white" for your taste which bothers you . maybe that is the owd ? dunno

but yeah I hope you know what I mean now

Yes, OWD since you think Iranians look to dark and eastern for Kurds to pass among them and you seem to think you look closer to Armenians and other Caucasians(lol). I don't care I just wrote my opinion since I'm quite familiar with Arbel Kurds that's why. I highly doubt the Kurds from SE Turkey look different, maybe those further West in Turkey.

07-21-2018, 08:06 PM
Yes, OWD since you think Iranians look to dark and eastern for Kurds to pass among them and you seem to think you look closer to Armenians and other Caucasians(lol). I don't care I just wrote my opinion since I'm quite familiar with Arbel Kurds that's why. I highly doubt the Kurds from SE Turkey look different, maybe those further West in Turkey.

well Iran is pretty big and also diverse and there are indeed many iranians too exotic to pass among us . or often facially different . am I not allowed to say that as a kurd or what . this is so ridiculous . many iranians dont pass period . I dont know why some of you bitches take such offense in this . it is not an insult or anything but I hate when people try to lecture me about my own ethnicity . I know my people best and as I said I also know many iranians and have seen enough iranians on media and many of them dont fucking pass as kurds ...for the 1000th time now

why "lol" ? we have a big overlap with south caucasians . many people already said that . it is nothing crazy since we are living next to each other etc

why does it bother you ? seems odd to me

again : turkey kurds look like what I have in my signature link . many of the people I posted are from deepest southeast . now what ...

07-21-2018, 08:11 PM
well Iran is pretty big and also diverse and there are indeed many iranians too exotic to pass among us . or often facially different . am I not allowed to say that as a kurd or what . this is so ridiculous . many iranians dont pass period . I dont know why some of you bitches take such offense in this . it is not an insult or anything but I hate when people try to lecture me about my own ethnicity . I know my people best and as I said I also know many iranians and have seen enough iranians on media and many of them dont fucking pass as kurds ...for the 1000th time now

why "lol" ? we have a big overlap with south caucasians . many people already said that . it is nothing crazy since we are living next to each other etc

why does it bother you ? seems odd to me

again : turkey kurds look like what I have in my signature link . many of the people I posted are from deepest southeast . now what ...

No, you think I have a problem with that. I literally just wrote that the ones you posted don't look like the Kurds I'm familiar with. That's not having a problem.
No you don't look like Armenians either, Armenians have a distinct look so do Kurds but you guys overlap more with Persians this is also supported by auDNA.
I don't need to look at pictures you've chosen I've seen plenty of Kurds, and that includes loads of Turkish Kurdish here in Sweden. I know what you guys look like.

07-21-2018, 08:16 PM
No, you think I have a problem with that. I literally just wrote that the ones you posted don't look like the Kurds I'm familiar with. That's not having a problem.
No you don't look like Armenians either, Armenians have a distinct look so do Kurds but you guys overlap more with Persians this is also supported by auDNA.
I don't need to look at pictures you've chosen I've seen plenty of Kurds, and that includes loads of Turkish Kurdish here in Sweden. I know what you guys look like.

you dont know what we look like if you think we look closer to persians than armenians sorry

first you say that the gallery I post dont look like iraqi kurds you are familiar with but at the same time you say this now

and you are trying to tell me my gallery is not good ? lol . I have posted literally 10000 pics and videos of people . it is very accurate . just check the thread out and you will see that it is good :)

we can also talk in a respectful matter no problem .

persians come high in our oracles but in the exact admix scores there are differences . I lately linked a comparison of k13 results between me and a persian if you want check it out . we also shift very west from iranians . we get things like 75% iranian + 25% south italian for example . that is a big shift regarding the fact that we are supposed to be 2 balls of the same scrotum haha

if you want I can also show you some persian examples who are very foreign looking and wouldnt pass as turkish kurd at all

07-21-2018, 08:27 PM
you dont know what we look like if you think we look closer to persians than armenians sorry

first you say that the gallery I post dont look like iraqi kurds you are familiar with but at the same time you say this now

and you are trying to tell me my gallery is not good ? lol . I have posted literally 10000 pics and videos of people . it is very accurate . just check the thread out and you will see that it is good :)

we can also talk in a respectful matter no problem .

persians come high in our oracles but in the exact admix scores there are differences . I lately linked a comparison of k13 results between me and a persian if you want check it out . we also shift very west from iranians . we get things like 75% iranian + 25% south italian for example . that is a big shift regarding the fact that we are supposed to be 2 balls of the same scrotum haha

if you want I can also show you some persian examples who are very foreign looking and wouldnt pass as turkish kurd at all

You are projecting a lot. I didn't say your gallery is not good. I simply don't need to look at it since I know what Kurds look like I see Kurds irl everyday here in Stockholm and I grew up around Kurds so yes I do know you guys don't look particularly like Armenians but ofc there's a decent overlap between most West Asians. Again which is also shown by auDNA. No need for your examples just check every Kurdish/Iranian average on Gedmatch they match very closely.

07-21-2018, 08:31 PM
You are projecting a lot. I didn't say your gallery is not good. I simply don't need to look at it since I know what Kurds look like I see Kurds irl everyday here in Stockholm and I grew up around Kurds so yes I do know you guys don't look particularly like Armenians but ofc there's a decent overlap between most West Asians. Again which is also shown by auDNA. No need for your examples just check every Kurdish/Iranian average on Gedmatch they match very closely.

you are actually the one projecting and accusing me of things . and you are resistent to what I am saying

Armenians are very similar to us . I dont know why you dont see it . a lot of Armenians pass as Kurds . we also have some Armenians in my province and most of them are indistuingishable from us





Armenians . many of them could be Kurds easily)




and I just explained you that on pca / oracles iranians come up high but on the direct admix scores there are big differences . let me show you an example

Iranian :

1 West_Asian 47.9
2 East_Med 24.57
3 South_Asian 12.19
4 Red_Sea 5.74
5 West_Med 3.26
6 Baltic 3.1
7 Sub-Saharan 1.78
8 North_Atlantic 0.78
9 Amerindian 0.68


me :

1 West_Asian 36.06
2 East_Med 30.76
3 West_Med 8.27
4 South_Asian 6.84
5 Red_Sea 6.06
6 North_Atlantic 4.67
7 Baltic 2.74
8 Sub-Saharan 1.29
9 Siberian 1.29
10 East_Asian 1.21
11 Amerindian 0.82


source : https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?232161-West-Asian-Gedmatch-Results

07-21-2018, 08:47 PM
you are actually the one projecting and accusing me of things . and you are resistent to what I am saying

Armenians are very similar to us . I dont know why you dont see it . a lot of Armenians pass as Kurds . we also have some Armenians in my province and most of them are indistuingishable from us





Armenians . many of them could be Kurds easily)




and I just explained you that on pca / oracles iranians come up high but on the direct admix scores there are big differences . let me show you an example

Iranian :

1 West_Asian 47.9
2 East_Med 24.57
3 South_Asian 12.19
4 Red_Sea 5.74
5 West_Med 3.26
6 Baltic 3.1
7 Sub-Saharan 1.78
8 North_Atlantic 0.78
9 Amerindian 0.68


me :

1 West_Asian 36.06
2 East_Med 30.76
3 West_Med 8.27
4 South_Asian 6.84
5 Red_Sea 6.06
6 North_Atlantic 4.67
7 Baltic 2.74
8 Sub-Saharan 1.29
9 Siberian 1.29
10 East_Asian 1.21
11 Amerindian 0.82


source : https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?232161-West-Asian-Gedmatch-Results

Lol you litteraly keep repeating stuf I never said and you are accusing me of projection? :picard1:

Again what makes you think your two examples are more accurate than the fucking academic Iranian or Kurdish average on Gedmatch?
Also I can post individual examples too.
Iranian from Southern Iran

# Population Percent
1 West_Asian 41.1
2 East_Med 27.45
3 South_Asian 11.19
4 Red_Sea 5.12
5 Baltic 4.86
6 West_Med 3.45
7 North_Atlantic 2.46
8 Sub-Saharan 2.21
9 Amerindian 1.33
10 East_Asian 0.73
11 Northeast_African 0.06
12 Oceanian 0.06

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Iranian 4.55
2 Kurdish 5.43
3 Azeri 8.83
4 Armenian 13.67
5 Georgian_Jewish 14.08
6 Kumyk 14.23
7 Turkish 14.89
8 Georgian 15.21
9 Adygei 15.97
10 Abhkasian 16.32

Iraqi Kurd

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 West_Asian 38.76
2 East_Med 29.14
3 South_Asian 11.42
4 Red_Sea 7.53
5 West_Med 6.14
6 Baltic 4.37
7 North_Atlantic 1.84
8 Northeast_African 0.47
9 Amerindian 0.29
10 Siberian 0.04

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Iranian 2.98
2 Kurdish 4.27
3 Azeri 7.46
4 Georgian_Jewish 11.07
5 Armenian 11.32
6 Turkish 12.74
7 Assyrian 13.56
8 Iranian_Jewish 14.99
9 Kurdish_Jewish 15.84
10 Kumyk 15.95
11 Georgian 16.68
12 Turkmen 17.84
13 Adygei 17.91
14 Abhkasian 17.98
15 Ossetian 19.95
16 Balkar 19.96
17 Lebanese_Muslim 20.1
18 Syrian 20.54
19 North_Ossetian 20.6
20 Kabardin 20.72

And the vids you posted show the contrary, you can clearly tell apart which vid is Kurds and which one Armenian just by the looks. Not that you can get a good view of them, either way there's a big thread about Armenian phenotypes and I don't think the ones posted there look particularly Kurdish.

07-21-2018, 09:00 PM
^ you are actually proving my point . compare the iranian with my results

the other is an iraqi kurd and likely an outlier also

as I told you oracles is one thing but you have to compare the admixture scores . I dont know why this is so hard to understand

but beside of that genotype is not phenotype to begin with . armenians kurds turks iranians georgians all cluster close to each other . not sure why kurdish-iranian is supposed to be soo close looking even though it is a myth but the others are ignored . let me tell you why : because we speak an iranic language ....lol

many of the armenians pass as kurds . I am a kurd and I say this . it is actually quite obvious also and many people said that armenians overlap with us . not that there is anything special with it I dont try to make armenians close to us (but they are)

as I said many iranians dont pass as kurds and look foreign . nothing wrong with this . I still like them

07-21-2018, 09:14 PM
^ you are actually proving my point . compare the iranian with my results

the other is an iraqi kurd and likely an outlier also

as I told you oracles is one thing but you have to compare the admixture scores . I dont know why this is so hard to understand

but beside of that genotype is not phenotype to begin with . armenians kurds turks iranians georgians all cluster close to each other . not sure why kurdish-iranian is supposed to be soo close looking even though it is a myth but the others are ignored . let me tell you why : because we speak an iranic language ....lol

many of the armenians pass as kurds . I am a kurd and I say this . it is actually quite obvious also and many people said that armenians overlap with us . not that there is anything special with it I dont try to make armenians close to us (but they are)

as I said many iranians dont pass as kurds and look foreign . nothing wrong with this . I still like them

The Iraqi Kurd litteraly gets Iranian as first population cause you guys are so close. It's rather you who's an outlier, aren't you from like Central Turkey and partly Zaza? Maybe that explains it.
But again just look at the Kurdish and Iranian averages on gedmatch they are nearly identical. It's not a surprise to anyone even before genetic testing one could guess this.
Plotting on a PCA isn't the same as being genetically the same. You and Armenians have different ethnogenesis. The Kurdish ethnogenesis happend in the Iranian plateau when Central Asian Iranics mixed with local the Zagrosian people, the Armenians are basically assimilated native Eastern Anatolians.

07-21-2018, 09:23 PM
The Iraqi Kurd litteraly gets Iranian as first population cause you guys are so close. It's rather you who's an outlier, aren't you from like Central Turkey and partly Zaza? Maybe that explains it.
But again just look at the Kurdish and Iranian averages on gedmatch they are nearly identical. It's not a surprise to anyone even before genetic testing one could guess this.
Plotting on a PCA isn't the same as being genetically the same. You and Armenians have different ethnogenesis. The Kurdish ethnogenesis happend in the Iranian plateau when Central Asian Iranics mixed with local the Zagrosian people, the Armenians are basically assimilated native Eastern Anatolians.

I am 60% Alevi Kurmanji Kurd and 40% Alevi Zaza . I am very kurdish and you can take my scores for kurdish comparison . I am no outlier I just have a little more mongoloid than average . zazas are very similar to kurds genetically . but some alevi zaza have some turkish ancestry I think

lol dude you first try to take pca as proof that we look like iranians and that we are genetically the same and now you say pca isnt the same as genetically the same . make up your mind

I dont know why you take an iraqi kurd as example btw. . we are talking about turkey kurds and that iranians look often different from us and that they also have different admix scores . so you have to take me instead of the iraqi kurd to compare with the iranian

on 2 calcs my first fit is armenian btw.

we have a lot of native east anatolian blood . we come out as armenian or georgian jew + 25% pashtun/tajik . basically anatolian people who have some iranic admix from the invaders and speak an iranic language

man lets stop because I am talking to a wall

1. my gallery in my signature is very accurate for us turkey kurds . I posted 10000 people and also my own fucking face and even my gedmatch results

2. many iranians look different from us and many iranians dont fit as kurdish

3. this doesnt mean that I dislike iranians . I like them very much

so let us not derail the thread more

07-21-2018, 09:37 PM
I am 60% Alevi Kurmanji Kurd and 40% Alevi Zaza . I am very kurdish and you can take my scores for kurdish comparison

lol dude you first try to take pca as proof that we look like iranians and that we are genetically the same and now you say pca isnt the same as genetically the same . make up your mind

I dont know why you take an iraqi kurd as example btw. . we are talking about turkey kurds and that iranians look often different from us and that they also have different admix scores . so you have to take me instead of the iraqi kurd to compare with the iranian

on 2 calcs my first fit is armenian btw.

we have a lot of native east anatolian blood . we come out as armenian or georgian jew + 25% pashtun/tajik . basically anatolian people who have some iranic admix from the invaders and speak an iranic language

man lets stop because I am talking to a wall

1. my gallery in my signature is very accurate for us turkey kurds . I posted 10000 people and also my own fucking face and even my gedmatch results

2. many iranians look different from us and many iranians dont fit as kurdish

3. this doesnt mean that I dislike iranians . I like them very much

so let us not derail the thread more

What are you talking about? I never mentioned a PCA, you've got a short memory or what? Kurds and Persians are highly related which is shown by ADMIXTURE runs, such as the calcs on Gedmatch but also with IBD sharing and uniparental markers. You belong often to the same subclades. There's minor amount of Anatolian blood in Turkish Kurds for sure, by assimilating Armenians but it's minor since you're still quite close to other Kurds and Iranians.
And again most Kurds don't come out Iranian + Armenian on Gedmatch. You seem to be an outlier for sure. I still can't figure out what is it that you don't understand regarding averages? Why would your results matter when we actually got a Kurdish average based on many Kurds collected by academics?

Alright one last try, Kurd from Turkey from Anthroscape

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 West_Asian 39.29
2 East_Med 29.38
3 West_Med 7.85
4 South_Asian 7.61
5 Red_Sea 5.9
6 Baltic 5.7
7 North_Atlantic 2.21
8 Siberian 1.14
9 Amerindian 0.82
10 Oceanian 0.05
11 Sub-Saharan 0.04
12 East_Asian 0.02

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Kurdish 3.04
2 Iranian 5.07
3 Azeri 5.91
4 Armenian 8.87
5 Georgian_Jewish 9.07
6 Turkish 10.51
7 Assyrian 12.23
8 Kumyk 13.57
9 Georgian 14.27
10 Iranian_Jewish 14.84
11 Kurdish_Jewish 15.3
12 Adygei 15.48
13 Abhkasian 15.69
14 Balkar 17.39
15 Turkmen 17.46
16 Ossetian 17.86
17 North_Ossetian 18.23
18 Kabardin 18.4
19 Lebanese_Muslim 19.32
20 Lezgin 19.8

07-21-2018, 09:39 PM
^ are you stupid ? I already said that we get iranians high in oracle but the ADMIXTURE SCORES HAVE DIFERENCEEEEEEEEEEES AAAAAAAAAAARGH ! :D

you havent understood anything I told you . and no I am no fucking outlier I am very kurdish . keep hating bra

think what you want . please dont derail the thread any further just take my last post as my final answer to you

I am quoting

1. my gallery in my signature is very accurate for us turkey kurds . I posted 10000 people and also my own fucking face and even my gedmatch results

2. many iranians look different from us and many iranians dont fit as kurdish

3. this doesnt mean that I dislike iranians . I like them very much

so let us not derail the thread more"

07-21-2018, 09:40 PM
Irano Afghan is based on skull or cranial type and not phenotype. Or do you actually think the Dinarics of Lebanon or the Dinaric Austrians look phenotypically same as Northern Albanians? Same goes for Nordic types across the world, they share similarities in skull / cranial but phenotypically can be distinguished.

Kurds are mostly long skulled. Armenians are majority brachyphalic, they are Dinaricized Irano Afghans.

07-21-2018, 09:41 PM
Irano Afghan is based on skull or cranial type and not phenotype. Or do you actually think the Dinarics of Lebanon or the Dinaric Austrians look phenotypically same as Northern Albanians? Same goes for Nordic types across the world, they share similarities in skull / cranial but phenotypically can be distinguished.

wassup albo bro

07-21-2018, 09:44 PM
^ are you stupid ? I already said that we get iranians high in oracle but the ADMIXTURE SCORES HAVE DIFERENCEEEEEEEEEEES AAAAAAAAAAARGH ! :D

you havent understood anything I told you . and no I am no fucking outlier I am very kurdish . keep hating bra

think what you want . please dont derail the thread any further just take my last post as my final answer to you

I am quoting

1. my gallery in my signature is very accurate for us turkey kurds . I posted 10000 people and also my own fucking face and even my gedmatch results

2. many iranians look different from us and many iranians dont fit as kurdish

3. this doesnt mean that I dislike iranians . I like them very much

so let us not derail the thread more"

You are annoying as fuck. The difference is very very minimal, you are much closer to Iranians than to any other ethnic groups around you.

Yeah you are somewhat of an outlier in comparision with the Kurdish average. Nothing wrong with that. You've derailed this thread with your complexity towards Iranians lol not me.

07-21-2018, 09:47 PM
You are annoying as fuck. The difference is very very minimal, you are much closer to Iranians than to any other ethnic groups around you.

Yeah you are somewhat of an outlier in comparision with the Kurdish average. Nothing wrong with that. You've derailed this thread with your complexity towards Iranians lol not me.

it is not minimal you baboon . it is pretty big for 2 people you guys always name together

a monkey would have understood things by now the way I explained it .

I dont have complexes towards iranians . especially since iranians are good looking people anyway . but again ...many look foreign and dont fit as kurdish

fuck off of my thread now it is enough

07-21-2018, 09:55 PM
You think Im trolling? This guy right here looks like your Arab brother, maybe you 2 are related. Iranians look more kurdish than you. You don't represent Kurds at all.

he looks nothing like pure Arabians tribes !!!!!
this nigga is either sudanese mixed with arab or descendants of black slaves if he is in GCC they will call him abed which is slave. LOL!!
stop acting ignorant if arabs saw that afro guy they will enslave him I am 24/7 with Arabians saudis,emeratis,qataris.
typical pure Arabians from saudi tribes:

plus leave KURDS alone because it seems like u know nothing about Kurds.
I am from Kurdistan and that guy you argue with he looks very typical KURD,also kurds and iranid physically are not simillar kurds are unique with lots of phenotypes.

07-21-2018, 09:57 PM
cute :D

07-21-2018, 09:58 PM
it is not minimal you baboon . it is pretty big for 2 people you guys always name together

a monkey would have understood things by now the way I explained it .

I dont have complexes towards iranians . especially since iranians are good looking people anyway . but again ...many look foreign and dont fit as kurdish

fuck off of my thread now it is enough

Ahaha you trash. Your head is so deep down your ass you can't even see how close you are to Iranians. You've been active on anthroforas for how long now? And how long have you used Gedmatch and still you are in so deep denial regarding your closeness to Iranians. This is some extreme case of ignorance and complexity.
But don't worry I'm gonna help you see this
Here's the K13 averages, wow so different right?

Population Kurdish
North_Atlantic 3.666666667
Baltic 3.55
West_Med 6.196666667
West_Asian 40.32666667
East_Med 29.76666667
Red_Sea 5.686666667
South_Asian 8.073333333
East_Asian 0.36
Siberian 1.013333333
Amerindian 0.486666667
Oceanian 0.276666667
Northeast_African 0.523333333
Sub-Saharan 0.07

Population Iranian
North_Atlantic 2.07
Baltic 4.226666667
West_Med 4.226666667
West_Asian 38.19666667
East_Med 29.69666667
Red_Sea 7.48
South_Asian 10.56
East_Asian 0.043333333
Siberian 1.343333333
Amerindian 0.283333333
Oceanian 0.24
Northeast_African 0.166666667
Sub-Saharan 1.47

07-21-2018, 10:03 PM
Ahaha you trash. Your head is so deep down your ass you can't even see how close you are to Iranians. You've been active on anthroforas for how long now? And how long have you used Gedmatch and still you are in so deep denial regarding your closeness to Iranians. This is some extreme case of ignorance and complexity.
But don't worry I'm gonna help you see this
Here's the K13 averages, wow so different right?

Population Kurdish
North_Atlantic 3.666666667
Baltic 3.55
West_Med 6.196666667
West_Asian 40.32666667
East_Med 29.76666667
Red_Sea 5.686666667
South_Asian 8.073333333
East_Asian 0.36
Siberian 1.013333333
Amerindian 0.486666667
Oceanian 0.276666667
Northeast_African 0.523333333
Sub-Saharan 0.07

Population Iranian
North_Atlantic 2.07
Baltic 4.226666667
West_Med 4.226666667
West_Asian 38.19666667
East_Med 29.69666667
Red_Sea 7.48
South_Asian 10.56
East_Asian 0.043333333
Siberian 1.343333333
Amerindian 0.283333333
Oceanian 0.24
Northeast_African 0.166666667
Sub-Saharan 1.47

you dont understand what I am saying . I am thinking I am talking to an ape . an ape would have understood by now though

first of all many kurdish samples are from iraq iran etc. but we are talking about turkey kurds here . 2. there are still differences as you see even if by only 2-3 % it is something

when you take my result for example (turkey kurd) and compare to those of iranians you see noticable differences

I also didnt say that we have nothing to do with iranians . of course we have closeness . so do other west asians . but there is also something you are missing .....we are talking about LOOKS here ....we dont even need to talk about genetics because my main point was that many iraniasn dont fit as kurds

now please leave the thread already . it is too much off topic . I just look for phenotype classiciations and such . you dont seem to understand what I am saying anyway

07-21-2018, 10:14 PM
you dont understand what I am saying . I am thinking I am talking to an ape . an ape would have understood by now though

first of all many kurdish samples are from iraq iran etc. but we are talking about turkey kurds here . 2. there are still differences as you see even if by only 2-3 % it is something

when you take my result for example (turkey kurd) and compare to those of iranians you see noticable differences

I also didnt say that we have nothing to do with iranians . of course we have closeness . so do other west asians . but there is also something you are missing .....we are talking about LOOKS here ....we dont even need to talk about genetics because my main point was that many iraniasn dont fit as kurds

now please leave the thread already . it is too much off topic . I just look for phenotype classiciations and such . you dont seem to understand what I am saying anyway

You talk as if you yourself understand what you are saying. Ofc there's gonna be a small difference, but it's exactly what it is; a very very small difference. There are larger auDNA differences between say Germans themselves than between Iranians and Kurds. Iranians are by far your closest ethnicity genetically speaking there's no way out of it.
And I did post a Turkish Kurd, who scored very close to the Kurdish and Iranian average. Again indicating you being an outlier.

And all of this ofc is linked to phenotypes because if you Kurds are autosomally very close to Iranians, almost identical and also share most uniparental markers and on top of that also originated in Western Iran speaking an Iranic language then it's hard to believe that you don't look a lot alike phenotypically speaking. But you are too biased and complexed to admit this.

07-21-2018, 10:19 PM
You talk as if you yourself understand what you are saying. Ofc there's gonna be a small difference, but it's exactly what it is; a very very small difference. There are larger auDNA differences between say Germans themselves than between Iranians and Kurds. Iranians are by far your closest ethnicity genetically speaking there's no way out of it.
And I did post a Turkish Kurd, who scored very close to the Kurdish and Iranian average. Again indicating you being an outlier.

And all of this ofc is linked to phenotypes because if you Kurds are autosomally very close to Iranians, almost identical and also share most uniparental markers and on top of that also originated in Western Iran speaking an Iranic language then it's hard to believe that you don't look a lot alike phenotypically speaking. But you are too biased and complexed to admit this.

I have seen several turkish kurd results (I had several kits) and they were mostly similar to my results . I also have seen iranian results on anthrogenica and also found iranian kits and compared our results and the difference in admix is not just "very very small" ....but okay man think what you want and we are talking about looks here to begin with so put the genetic thing aside now

you annoying fuck why do you assume I have complexes ...for what . I am just saying that many iranians dont fit as kurdish thats all . it has nothing to do with being biased ..I know better who passes as my ethnicity and who doesnt . and this includes also lighter types btw. . lighter iranians dont pass often either

iranians are a good looking people there is no need to be complexed towards them but they often do look foreign . an iranian member said it himself even . there is no need for further discussion

Congolese Rice
07-21-2018, 10:22 PM
most could pass easily in Iran, Iraq, and probably also the Turkey area. IMO, i am no expert when it comes to West asians but this is my opinion

07-21-2018, 10:23 PM
yeah and not biased . iraq yup

anyway thanks

Congolese Rice
07-21-2018, 10:25 PM
he looks nothing like pure Arabians tribes !!!!!
this nigga is either sudanese mixed with arab or descendants of black slaves if he is in GCC they will call him abed which is slave. LOL!!
stop acting ignorant if arabs saw that afro guy they will enslave him I am 24/7 with Arabians saudis,emeratis,qataris.
typical pure Arabians from saudi tribes:

plus leave KURDS alone because it seems like u know nothing about Kurds.
I am from Kurdistan and that guy you argue with he looks very typical KURD,also kurds and iranid physically are not simillar kurds are unique with lots of phenotypes.

if that guy is SSA it's most likely in the 10-19% range, i wont dare to say any higher than that. He's probably from Oman or Yemen and he looks easily Arab. Probably not your typical Bedouin no as bedouins barely have any SSA but he sure is pred. arab.

07-21-2018, 10:26 PM
I just asked for classifications . I should have known better that this is not possible here

Congolese Rice
07-21-2018, 10:27 PM
yeah and not biased . iraq yup

anyway thanks

i personally think you could pass best in the Iran/Turkey area indeed, you look very west asiatic. And maybe slightly arabid like 3-5% or so.

07-21-2018, 10:27 PM
I have seen several turkish kurd results (I had several kits) and they were mostly similar to my results . I also have seen iranian results on anthrogenica and also found iranian kits and compared our results and the difference in admix is not just "very very small" ....but okay man think what you want and we are talking about looks here to begin with so put the genetic thing aside now

you annoying fuck why do you assume I have complexes ...for what . I am just saying that many iranians dont fit as kurdish thats all . it has nothing to do with being biased ..I know better who passes as my ethnicity and who doesnt . and this includes also lighter types btw. . lighter iranians dont pass often either

iranians are a good looking people there is no need to be complexed towards them but they often do look foreign . an iranian member said it himself even . there is no need for further discussion

Sure I don't give a fuck about phenotypes anyway, auDNA is 100 times more interesting to me. There's no denying that Kurds and ethnic Persians are basically the same autosomally.

Congolese Rice
07-21-2018, 10:28 PM
I just asked for classifications . I should have known better that this is not possible here

bruh, you shouldnt take this forum seriously xD just keep a bit of humor in your posts and dont take anything TOO seriously. After all its theapricity, i dont even know how and why i am still here but i have survived so far xD

07-21-2018, 10:29 PM
i personally think you could pass best in the Iran/Turkey area indeed, you look very west asiatic. And maybe slightly arabid like 3-5% or so.

I am zero arabid :)

3-5% . nah 2.4% :p

we (the people I posted) are all ethnic kurds from turkey btw.

as a group we dont fit in neither iraq nor iran . anybody who says otherwise is just biased . and most iraqis and iranians dont pass among us especially as a group . I get attacked for saying that . I guess it is not my right to say anything anymore . I have to accept everything thrown at me :D

07-21-2018, 10:31 PM
Sure I don't give a fuck about phenotypes anyway, auDNA is 100 times more interesting to me. There's no denying that Kurds and ethnic Persians are basically the same autosomally.

we are not the same as I said . for once I get modelled as 75% iranian + 25% italian for example . we even differ from iraqi kurds . a kurdish kit from turkey I run came out 75% kurd iraq + 25% bulgarian

omg am I owd for saying this :-o ooooh no

get out of my thread already dude . go to the autosomal dna section this is a classify thread

Congolese Rice
07-21-2018, 10:35 PM
I am zero arabid :)

3-5% . nah 2.4% :p

we (the people I posted) are all ethnic kurds from turkey btw.

as a group we dont fit in neither iraq nor iran . anybody who says otherwise is just biased . and most iraqis and iranians dont pass among us especially as a group . I get attacked for saying that . I guess it is not my right to say anything anymore . I have to accept everything thrown at me :D

lol lmao, stand up for your opinion. if you dont agree with something then make that clear, that's what i do aswell. if i dont agree with someone ill start a full blown argument that 9/10 times i win xD

anyways back to the topic, and yeah, you are correct. Iranians and Kurds KINDA look similar to some extend, but they aren't really the same. Kurds are Iranic peoples, Persians are iranic peoples, both are distinguished groups. So i agree on that point.

and also lmao, i recently found out in the time you were gone from TA that i am roughly 1/3 arab XDD biggest surprise in my research so far lmao

07-21-2018, 10:36 PM
lol lmao, stand up for your opinion. if you dont agree with something then make that clear, that's what i do aswell. if i dont agree with someone ill start a full blown argument that 9/10 times i win xD

anyways back to the topic, and yeah, you are correct. Iranians and Kurds KINDA look similar to some extend, but they aren't really the same. Kurds are Iranic peoples, Persians are iranic peoples, both are distinguished groups. So i agree on that point.

and also lmao, i recently found out in the time you were gone from TA that i am roughly 1/3 arab XDD biggest surprise in my research so far lmao

how did you find out ?

07-21-2018, 10:38 PM
we are not the same as I said . for once I get modelled as 75% iranian + 25% italian for example . we even differ from iraqi kurds . a kurdish kit from turkey I run came out 75% kurd iraq + 25% bulgarian

omg am I owd for saying this :-o ooooh no

get out of my thread already dude . go to the autosomal dna section this is a classify thread

Get out of your thread lol... Please atleast try to hide your muslim mindset.
You are an outlier, I don't care about your score. I don't care. There's a Kurdish average that most Kurds match close to on Gedmatch. And guess what that Kurdish average is almost identical to the Iranian one. There's no denying or arguing against this, it's all infront of your eyes

You are not just biased but extremely biased. You don't think Kurds can pass in Iraq or Iran but think you are very close to Armenians :picard2:
Just wow...

07-21-2018, 10:40 PM
Get out of your thread lol... Please atleast try to hide your muslim mindset.
You are an outlier, I don't care about your score. I don't care. There's a Kurdish average that most Kurds match close to on Gedmatch. And guess what that Kurdish average is almost identical to the Iranian one. There's no denying or arguing against this, it's all infront of your eyes

You are not just biased but extremely biased. You don't think Kurds can pass in Iraq or Iran but think you are very close to Armenians :picard2:
Just wow...

I am no outlier for the 35030530th time . and I just told you I also run other turkish kurd kits and they are very similar to me . we are very homogenous

as for the rest .whatever dude ... dont derail my thread any further and believe what you want

07-21-2018, 10:44 PM
if that guy is SSA it's most likely in the 10-19% range, i wont dare to say any higher than that. He's probably from Oman or Yemen and he looks easily Arab. Probably not your typical Bedouin no as bedouins barely have any SSA but he sure is pred. arab.

yeah he's not pure arab/bedouin I would say he's southern Egyptian or northern sudanese or maybe afro omani or Yemeni that descendants from ancient slaves with arab admixture.

Congolese Rice
07-21-2018, 10:45 PM
how did you find out ?

i started doing many different DIY calculator tests with the R program, using YourDNAPortal, genealogy, and more websites. Every single test shows me to be atleast 21%> arab, and 4-8% berber or so.

MyGenomeBox test gave me 35%> African and only 2.23% Asia (Arabia) but that doesnt make any sense because i am only 21% western african. 35% - 21% = 14 + 2.23% + some other percentages is atleast 21%> arab.

furthermore i dont know any other more reliable ways to find out but tests generally dont lie. If 10-20 tests show me to have atleast 27% arab then im pretty sure they are right, i also asked people to classify me and this is what most people said:

TheApricity: Egyptian, Jordanian/Palestinian, Syrian, Iraqi, Yemeni, Saudi, North African/Berber /Pan-ME


"I guess mixed northafrican+latin may be"

"Lebanese descended"

"Yh you look like a new world mix of spanish+amerind+middle eastern similar to Shakira and the Mexican footballer Miguel Layun, you could also have some SSA influence because of your lips."

"Arabid+gracile med? Yh you look mixed to me so its hard to classify."

"North African (my guess Tunisian)"

"Atlanto-Med + Arabid + minor SSA (lips and nose)"

^ i also didnt tell anyone what my true ethnicity was and i just let them guess. results were interesting, i also asked many ppl irl that hang out with alot of Arabs, and Arabs themselves, also some Kurds and all of them say that i look Kinda arab or "more arab than caribbean" so yeah.

Congolese Rice
07-21-2018, 10:46 PM
yeah he's not pure arab/bedouin I would say he's southern Egyptian or northern sudanese or maybe afro omani or Yemeni that descendants from ancient slaves with arab admixture.

Egyptian im not sure.. He doesn't look berber or strongly SSA. And Sudanese people are more African than Arab so i dont think so either. I think he's a Omani or Yemeni with SSA admix.

07-21-2018, 10:47 PM
^ I thought you asked your parents or grandparent etc and that you have direct arab ancestry . not sure if going by what you just explained is enough to conclude that you have arab ancestry . you should ask your family members

Congolese Rice
07-21-2018, 10:51 PM
^ I thought you asked your parents or grandparent etc and that you have direct arab ancestry . not sure if going by what you just explained is enough to conclude that you have arab ancestry . you should ask your family members

it could be MENA ancestry from both sides of my families cuz i dont have any direct Arabic surnames in my families. Perhaps they were christian levantine immigrants, would make ALOT more sense according to the location of where my mom's family lives (The caribbean) there are alot of Lebanese, Palestinians, etc here.

I do have the surnames "da Costa Gomez" (which could possibly be a sephardic jewish surname) and Elam (which has english and hebrew origins) from my dad's side, i am not sure though.

07-21-2018, 10:58 PM
I have seen Iranians who pass Turkish, plenty actually. Iran isn't a homogeneous country and they have many different phenotypes.

I know this Iranian girl from Turkey, very pretty, she passes Turkish although has some distinct characteristics, but according to Pahli she isn't very Iranian looking.

07-21-2018, 10:59 PM
yeah right marmara ....you lately said that many turkish kurds dont pass as turkish but now "plenty" of iranians pass ? lol

you guys are weirdos

btw. marmara many turkey kurds pass for turkish . 99% of turks who I meet dont think I am kurdish for example and I am typical for tunceli (a bit on the woggier side even)

btw. iran is big and diverse I said it myself . and I always protected iranians from trolling ....they are extremely darkwashed and also trolled on the web . but many of them have a distinct look and dont pass well in turkey (inlcuding kurds) . maaaan you fools I know plenty of iranians ...fuck man ...

07-21-2018, 11:07 PM
yeah right marmara ....you lately said that many turkish kurds dont pass as turkish but now "plenty" of iranians pass ? lol

you guys are weirdos

btw. marmara many turkey kurds pass for turkish . 99% of turks who I meet dont think I am kurdish for example and I am typical for tunceli (a bit on the woggier side even)

btw. iran is big and diverse I said it myself . and I always protected iranians from trolling ....they are extremely darkwashed on the web . but many of them have a distinct look and dont pass well in turkey . maaaan you fools I know plenty of iranians ...fuck man ...

I don't know much İranians, i know this girl, i also knew another Iranian (he wasn't passing Turkish) also this guy.


Also this guy

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/nP3aK6KuOmXbOn4x66mS3AI0BGEykUxrrvMcPhfhi5QLgahZhU 13dtD6Pz-qEtqstqJaHP0tMKbGjLC2B7MmjZnXHXLiPrsC8YaaUEqFRBLFe rhz2u9U4X8S=w522-h282-nc

07-21-2018, 11:11 PM
I have seen Iranians who pass Turkish, plenty actually. Iran isn't a homogeneous country and they have many different phenotypes.

I know this Iranian girl from Turkey, very pretty, she passes Turkish although has some distinct characteristics, but according to Pahli she isn't very Iranian looking.

She looks more South European, I rarely see Iranians like these, they are on the light spectrum, she can pass of course but not the most common type of Iranian you'd see around

Also this fucking shitfest needs to stop, Iranians and Kurds are related, but depends on what region; Kurds from Turkey are obviously more Western shifted compared to Iranians unless they have mixed with Turks, but they are in general close to them genetically.

Most Kurds don't pass in Iraq as Iraqi Arabs, but some can, usually the ones with darker features have a stronger resemblance to some Iraqis, but they are still two different people. On top of that, many shi'ite Iraqi Arabs have strong Iranian or Kurdish admixture, in gedmatch they don't score as much Bedouin as Sunni Arabs.

07-21-2018, 11:13 PM
Ahmedinejad surely looks nothing Turkish or Kurdish

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/jE0IKAepvMctAvvuUvRoQsdkXUyBoFehTJHYDFlXs9Qlwx6BxT Foucajxm3-_gaEM1dGOazaCCw0NigRpJg1m8MHVeC7cmna3Df6kYzBHwsdyW PeBQ0DH_7E3iYzeuPPAfsuvVjz_F30E2Ilz-Zh75ymVdFavSN4PIsUFfoWVGAwclJpiNTwBPytnZwlgrFlsrlI opHqWzvu3R__lK9utlW2tOfuwtMEKDDxt_k=w500-h294-nc

07-21-2018, 11:15 PM
Ahmedinejad surely looks nothing Turkish or Kurdish

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/jE0IKAepvMctAvvuUvRoQsdkXUyBoFehTJHYDFlXs9Qlwx6BxT Foucajxm3-_gaEM1dGOazaCCw0NigRpJg1m8MHVeC7cmna3Df6kYzBHwsdyW PeBQ0DH_7E3iYzeuPPAfsuvVjz_F30E2Ilz-Zh75ymVdFavSN4PIsUFfoWVGAwclJpiNTwBPytnZwlgrFlsrlI opHqWzvu3R__lK9utlW2tOfuwtMEKDDxt_k=w500-h294-nc

He looks South Iranian / Balochi, not even typical Persian

07-21-2018, 11:16 PM
She looks more South European, I rarely see Iranians like these, they are on the light spectrum, she can pass of course but not the most common type of Iranian you'd see around

Also this fucking shitfest needs to stop, Iranians and Kurds are related, but depends on what region; Kurds from Turkey are obviously more Western shifted compared to Iranians unless they have mixed with Turks, but they are in general close to them genetically.

Most Kurds don't pass in Iraq as Iraqi Arabs, but some can, usually the ones with darker features have a stronger resemblance to some Iraqis, but they are still two different people.

She was one of the first Iranians i have known, so for a long time she was the stereotypical Iranian girl to me :p but i disagree, she doesn't look South European or at least wouldn't be perceived as such here.

07-21-2018, 11:17 PM
I could post you several iranians that dont pass as kurds . including lighter types . many iranians dont pass for kurds (at least for us turkey kurds . I dont want to talk for others)

it is a crime to state that though . some idiots seem to think I am throwing iranians under the bus because of that lol

07-21-2018, 11:28 PM
I could post you several iranians that dont pass as kurds . including lighter types . many iranians dont pass for kurds (at least for us turkey kurds . I dont want to talk for others)

it is a crime to state that though . some idiots seem to think I am throwing iranians under the bus because of that lol

I agree some Iranians definitely don't pass among Turkish Kurds, but genetically they are closer than what they are lookwise

She was one of the first Iranians i have known, so for a long time she was the stereotypical Iranian girl to me :p but i disagree, she doesn't look South European or at least wouldn't be perceived as such here.

I just get some South Euro / Caucasus vibes, but she isn't rare here, just not that common.

07-21-2018, 11:29 PM
I agree some Iranians definitely don't pass among Turkish Kurds, but genetically they are closer than what they are lookwise

no not some . many

is this bad ? I dont get it

07-21-2018, 11:32 PM
Let's post some typical Iranians and judge.

07-21-2018, 11:33 PM
no not some . many

is this bad ? I dont get it

It depends, I can't sit and give percentages, a good amount of darker Iranians can't pass, if not most. But I guess we have different opinions on how they pass, lets just say most of them don't pass.

07-21-2018, 11:35 PM
Let's post some typical Iranians and judge.

iranians are too diverse for that . I posted typical iranians before

but let me show you some iranian examples who look too foreign to pass as kurdish for example . compare them with us (OP and post 3)


07-21-2018, 11:36 PM
It depends, I can't sit and give percentages, a good amount of darker Iranians can't pass, if not most. But I guess we have different opinions on how they pass, lets just say most of them don't pass.

lighter iranians often dont pass either . it is not necessarily about being exotic . there are turkish kurds darker than typical iranians but features are often different

see my post above

07-21-2018, 11:38 PM
lol lmao, stand up for your opinion. if you dont agree with something then make that clear, that's what i do aswell. if i dont agree with someone ill start a full blown argument that 9/10 times i win xD

anyways back to the topic, and yeah, you are correct. Iranians and Kurds KINDA look similar to some extend, but they aren't really the same. Kurds are Iranic peoples, Persians are iranic peoples, both are distinguished groups. So i agree on that point.

and also lmao, i recently found out in the time you were gone from TA that i am roughly 1/3 arab XDD biggest surprise in my research so far lmao

You better not start any arguments with me as 90% of the time, I am right all the time.

07-21-2018, 11:40 PM
more :

iranians often have a distinct look and do NOT pass as turkey kurds


07-21-2018, 11:41 PM
I don't know much İranians, i know this girl, i also knew another Iranian (he wasn't passing Turkish) also this guy.


Also this guy

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/nP3aK6KuOmXbOn4x66mS3AI0BGEykUxrrvMcPhfhi5QLgahZhU 13dtD6Pz-qEtqstqJaHP0tMKbGjLC2B7MmjZnXHXLiPrsC8YaaUEqFRBLFe rhz2u9U4X8S=w522-h282-nc

Second guy is Iranian though

07-21-2018, 11:45 PM
Ahmedinejad surely looks nothing Turkish or Kurdish

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/jE0IKAepvMctAvvuUvRoQsdkXUyBoFehTJHYDFlXs9Qlwx6BxT Foucajxm3-_gaEM1dGOazaCCw0NigRpJg1m8MHVeC7cmna3Df6kYzBHwsdyW PeBQ0DH_7E3iYzeuPPAfsuvVjz_F30E2Ilz-Zh75ymVdFavSN4PIsUFfoWVGAwclJpiNTwBPytnZwlgrFlsrlI opHqWzvu3R__lK9utlW2tOfuwtMEKDDxt_k=w500-h294-nc

Not persian either. Typical persians look like Shahab husseini.


07-21-2018, 11:45 PM
more :

iranians often have a distinct look and do NOT pass as turkey kurds


These people would pass Turkish

07-21-2018, 11:46 PM
I dont think so . maybe the one on left on second pic

the family is very typical iranian btw. . especially the woman looks UBER iranian !

07-21-2018, 11:47 PM
Not persian either. Typical persians look like Shahab husseini.

agree with you

can you post more typical persians please

07-21-2018, 11:47 PM
Not persian either. Typical persians look like Shahab husseini.

That guy seems a bit off but i don't think anyone would really think he isn't Turkish.

07-21-2018, 11:49 PM
Second guy is Iranian though

First guy is also Iranian, but i now found out he's an Iranian Azari. His name is Aref Ghafouri.

07-21-2018, 11:50 PM
agree with you

can you post more typical persians please






07-21-2018, 11:51 PM
^ none of them passes as kurdish except maybe nr.3

thanks for posting . post more if you want . good to have an iranian here now

07-21-2018, 11:52 PM
^ none of them passes as kurdish except maybe nr.3

thanks for posting . post more if you want . good to have an iranian here now

yea i agree

Congolese Rice
07-21-2018, 11:52 PM

lol, now i see why you said i couldnt pass in Iran at all. makes sense 2 me they have very distinguished features, even though they are Orientalid they look wayyy different than arabs.

07-21-2018, 11:53 PM
That guy seems a bit off but i don't think anyone would really think he isn't Turkish.

Would you say he looks a bit like ezel?


07-21-2018, 11:53 PM
So Persians a fellow Muslim Western Iranic ethnic group whom you are basically genetically indistinguishable from, they have an "unique" look and most wouldn't pass a Kurdish(xD) but Armenians a Christian ethnicitiy with a totally different ethnogenesis and who followed strict laws of not mixing with Muslims somehow overlap heavily with Kurds.
Yes great logic indeed and not extremely complexed.

07-21-2018, 11:53 PM
yea i agree

you and another iranian already agreed that many persians look different from us turkey kurds . I dont know why others who have nothing to do with us both even care or get offended even

iranians are my brothers btw. . I love you guys I really do . one of my favorite people there is (even though I like all peoples) . but lookwise many persians just look foreign

07-21-2018, 11:55 PM
Would you say he looks a bit like ezel?


Yes, maybe

07-21-2018, 11:55 PM
So Persians a fellow Muslim Western Iranic ethnic group whom you are basically genetically indistinguishable from, they have an "unique" look and most wouldn't pass a Kurdish(xD) but Armenians a Christian ethnicitiy with a totally different ethnogenesis and who followed strict laws of not mixing with Muslims somehow overlap heavily with Kurds.
Yes great logic indeed and not extremely complexed.

No trust me dude. Turkish kurds look different from persians lol

07-21-2018, 11:55 PM
So Persians a fellow Muslim Western Iranic ethnic group whom you are basically genetically indistinguishable from, they have an "unique" look and most wouldn't pass a Kurdish(xD) but Armenians a Christian ethnicitiy with a totally different ethnogenesis and who followed strict laws of not mixing with Muslims somehow overlap heavily with Kurds.
Yes great logic indeed and not extremely complexed.

religion has nothing to do with this

albanians and bosnians are muslims and they are still looking (and clustering) like other balkan folk . same how armenians and assyrians are christian but look like other west asians etc

you dumbass fuck

still not sure what it has to do with complexes . are you one of those "christian brotherhood muh european brothers we the same" kind of assyrian . not unheard of . semitic troll

worse than the "muh aryan genes" iranics

07-21-2018, 11:58 PM
btw. babak lets be friends again and lets forget what happened

07-21-2018, 11:59 PM
btw. babak lets be friends again and lets forget what happened

:) sure

07-22-2018, 12:02 AM
religion has nothing to do with this

albanians and bosnians are muslims and they are still looking (and clustering) like other balkan folk . same how armenians and assyrians are christian but look like other west asians etc

you dumbass fuck

still not sure what it has to do with complexes . are you one of those "christian brotherhood muh european brothers we the same" kind of assyrian . not unheard of . semitic troll

worse than the "muh aryan genes" iranics

Trash son of filth. I only posted this to break your complexed logic. You think Armenians look closer to Kurds than Iranians who somehow have an unique look(LOL) despite everything telling against this(genes, language, culture, religion, ethnogenesis etc). You are deranged and highly complexed. Which is probably cause you yourself look quite Iranian and "Eastern" not particularly Armenian or Turkish for that matter.

You are so dumb for bringing up Bosnians and Serbs, like really kid? Bosnian and Serbs are the same people just divided by religion. Armenians have basically very little to do with Kurds or other Iranics. It's not even a close comparison. Just wow...

Congolese Rice
07-22-2018, 12:06 AM
Trash son of filth. I only posted this to break your complexed logic. You think Armenians look closer to Kurds than Iranians who somehow have an unique look(LOL) despite everything telling against this(genes, language, culture, religion, ethnogenesis etc). You are deranged and highly complexed. Which is probably cause you yourself look quite Iranian and "Eastern" not particularly Armenian or Turkish for that matter.

You are so dumb for bringing up Bosnians and Serbs, like really kid? Bosnian and Serbs are the same people just divided by religion. Armenians have basically very little to do with Kurds or other Iranics. It's not even a close comparison. Just wow...

calm my friend why such hate xD

respect his beliefs lmao, if he thinks so who are you to judge

07-22-2018, 12:07 AM
Trash son of filth. I only posted this to break your complexed logic. You think Armenians look closer to Kurds than Iranians who somehow have an unique look(LOL) despite everything telling against this(genes, language, culture, religion, ethnogenesis etc). You are deranged and highly complexed. Which is probably cause you yourself look quite Iranian and "Eastern" not particularly Armenian or Turkish for that matter.

You are so dumb for bringing up Bosnians and Serbs, like really kid? Bosnian and Serbs are the same people just divided by religion. Armenians have basically very little to do with Kurds or other Iranics. It's not even a close comparison. Just wow...

triggered much my semitic friend ?

you just have had an iranian member tell you that we look different from iranians generally so what are you barking still

armenians are just christian west asians . they cluster with us and are our neighbors . as I told you many armenians in our province are indistuingishable from us etc. you son of a whatever

I can pass as iranian but I look more turkish armenian etc. . as I said 99% of turks dont guess me kurdish and dont notice I am kurdish until I tell them and almost all armenians I asked told me I pass as armenian and people often place me as armenian (georgian and azeri too)

show us your face please . I bet you are just an assyroid who thinks because he is chrisitan he is a special snowflake . just lol at you . fuck off already you subhuman

07-22-2018, 12:17 AM
triggered much my semitic friend ?

you just have had an iranian member tell you that we look different from iranians generally so what are you barking still

armenians are just christian west asians . they cluster with us and are our neighbors . as I told you many armenians in our province are indistuingishable from us etc. you son of a whatever

I can pass as iranian but I look more turkish armenian etc. . as I said 99% of turks dont guess me kurdish and dont notice I am kurdish until I tell them and almost all armenians I asked told me I pass as armenian and people often place me as armenian (georgian and azeri too)

show us your face please . I bet you are just an assyroid who thinks because he is chrisitan he is a special snowflake . just lol at you . fuck off already you subhuman

You are so deep down your own ass it's unbelievable so now clustering matters? Guess what you are much closer to Iranians, so what does that tell you?
West Asian means nothing, it's like saying European. And Christian West Asian means nothing either, you're like a dumb biased kid.
Armenians are native to Eastern Anatolia and cluster firmly there. The Kurds on the other hand your ethnogenesis happend in the Iranian plateau when early Iranians originating in central Asia mixed with the locals of Western Iran. This is clearly seen in ADMIXTURE runs. You guys score higher South Asian whilst Armenians score much more West Med(Anatolian farmer). Totally different ethnogenesis, yet somehow Armenians and Kurds overlap heavily but not you and Persians. Sure very true and logical xD

Nah I'm not as dumb as you to post my pic here thousand times over. Your face and Mortimers must be what come up when people google Theapricity lol.

07-22-2018, 12:21 AM
You are so deep down your own ass it's unbelievable so now clustering matters? Guess what you are much closer to Iranians, so what does that tell you?
West Asian means nothing, it's like saying European. And Christian West Asian means nothing either, you're like a dumb biased kid.
Armenians are native to Eastern Anatolia and cluster firmly there. The Kurds on the other hand your ethnogenesis happend in the Iranian plateau when early Iranians originating in central Asia mixed with the locals of Western Iran. This is clearly seen in ADMIXTURE runs. You guys score higher South Asian whilst Armenians score much more West Med(Anatolian farmer). Totally different ethnogenesis, yet somehow Armenians and Kurds overlap heavily but not you and Persians. Sure very true and logical xD

Nah I'm not as dumb as you to post my pic here thousand times over. Your face and Mortimers must be what come up when people google Theapricity lol.

I score 0% south asian on 23andme and only about 6% south asian on gedmatch . armenians get 2-3% or so on average . WOW what a difference . on ASE k6 armenians have more ASE than me btw. ..if you want I can show you

I score 8% west med while armenians score 10-12% iirc . WOW again what a difference . and no ..I am no outlier . many turkey kurds score similar to me

btw. my oracle on mdlp k16

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance

1 Armenian (Martuni) 4.11
2 Armenian (Dprabak) 4.16
3 Armenian (Chambarak) 4.32
4 Kurd (Syria) 4.34
5 Armenian (Gavar) 4.61
6 Armenian (Yegvard) 4.64
7 Assyrian (Turkey) 4.93
8 Armenian (Yerevan) 5.18
9 Jew (Uzbekistan) 5.26
10 Assyrian (Iraq) 5.27
11 Jew (Azerbaijan) 5.54
12 Armenian (Erzrum) 5.82
13 Armenian (Armenia) 5.98
14 Azeri (Azerbaijan) 6.19
15 Assyrian (Armenia) 6.31
16 Assyrian (Armavir) 6.48
17 Georgian_Abkhazia (Abkhazia) 6.55
18 Iran_Lor (Lor) 6.61
19 Armenian (Vanatur_Hrazdan) 6.67
20 Adjar (Adjaria) 6.7


no seriously show us your beautiful semitic assyroid face

why do you call me kid btw. ? I am 32 years old . how old are you ?

07-22-2018, 12:34 AM
You are so deep down your own ass it's unbelievable so now clustering matters? Guess what you are much closer to Iranians, so what does that tell you?
West Asian means nothing, it's like saying European. And Christian West Asian means nothing either, you're like a dumb biased kid.
Armenians are native to Eastern Anatolia and cluster firmly there. The Kurds on the other hand your ethnogenesis happend in the Iranian plateau when early Iranians originating in central Asia mixed with the locals of Western Iran. This is clearly seen in ADMIXTURE runs. You guys score higher South Asian whilst Armenians score much more West Med(Anatolian farmer). Totally different ethnogenesis, yet somehow Armenians and Kurds overlap heavily but not you and Persians. Sure very true and logical xD

Nah I'm not as dumb as you to post my pic here thousand times over. Your face and Mortimers must be what come up when people google Theapricity lol.

Turkish kurds, as a whole, pass better as Armenians than Iranians tbh. They may be genetically close, but phenotype wise, they look different from each other. Im not sure why theres so much trolling on this thread btw

07-22-2018, 12:36 AM
Turkish kurds, as a whole, pass better as Armenians than Iranians tbh. They may be genetically close, but phenotype wise, they look different from each other. Im not sure why theres so much trolling on this thread btw

he is constantly going on my nuts only because I said

1. even though iranians DO come high in our oracles .....there are noticable differences in the exact component admixtures . he then says I am an outlier to make himself look correct but I am no outlier . many turkish kurds come out similar . of course iranians are similar to us and other west asians but there are differences . and I come out as 75% iranian + 25% south italian for example . which is a big shift for 2 similar ethnicities

2. that many iranians even though I like them a lot as a people do not fit as kurds and look foreign

3. many armenians pass as kurdish and the armenians in my province are often indistinguishable from us

thats it . because of this he is insulting me and highjacking my thread

07-22-2018, 12:42 AM
Interesting. So Turkish Kurds are different from Iranian Kurds. Might it be that Turkish Armenians are also different from Armenian Armenians?!!

07-22-2018, 12:43 AM
Interesting. So Turkish Kurds are different from Iranian Kurds. Might it be that Turkish Armenians are also different from Armenian Armenians?!!

turkish armenians do look a little different from armenia armenians I think . armenia armenians have more native caucasus admix I would guess

the armenians we have in turkey look very similar to turkish kurds

07-22-2018, 12:47 AM
lol, now i see why you said i couldnt pass in Iran at all. makes sense 2 me they have very distinguished features, even though they are Orientalid they look wayyy different than arabs.

Yea, arabs and Iranians look pretty different from each other. There are many arabs who I met that think they've completely displaced the Iranian population with their own people just because we look slightly similiar lmao.

In fact, its gulf arabs that have some Iranian-like dna lol

07-22-2018, 12:50 AM
I score 0% south asian on 23andme and only about 6% south asian on gedmatch . armenians get 2-3% or so on average . WOW what a difference . on ASE k6 armenians have more ASE than me btw. ..if you want I can show you

I score 8% west med while armenians score 10-12% iirc . WOW again what a difference . and no ..I am no outlier . many turkey kurds score similar to me

btw. my oracle on mdlp k16

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance

1 Armenian (Martuni) 4.11
2 Armenian (Dprabak) 4.16
3 Armenian (Chambarak) 4.32
4 Kurd (Syria) 4.34
5 Armenian (Gavar) 4.61
6 Armenian (Yegvard) 4.64
7 Assyrian (Turkey) 4.93
8 Armenian (Yerevan) 5.18
9 Jew (Uzbekistan) 5.26
10 Assyrian (Iraq) 5.27
11 Jew (Azerbaijan) 5.54
12 Armenian (Erzrum) 5.82
13 Armenian (Armenia) 5.98
14 Azeri (Azerbaijan) 6.19
15 Assyrian (Armenia) 6.31
16 Assyrian (Armavir) 6.48
17 Georgian_Abkhazia (Abkhazia) 6.55
18 Iran_Lor (Lor) 6.61
19 Armenian (Vanatur_Hrazdan) 6.67
20 Adjar (Adjaria) 6.7


no seriously show us your beautiful semitic assyroid face

why do you call me kid btw. ? I am 32 years old . how old are you ?

Trash stop showing me your 50% Zaza scores from Dersim, how many times am I gonna tell you? Actual Kurds from SE Turkey, Iraq and Iran score a bit different.
Western Armenians, the ones who lived amongst you Kurds and who your great-grandparents murdered cold bloodedly in the early 20th century score around 15% West Med and were more "Western" shifted, they are even further away from Kurds than Eastern Armenians. But Gedmatch is generally outdated and using nMonte is much more accurate. Ofc your Kurdish genepool has been diluted somewhat with Armenian bride stealing and forced conversions but not by much.

Oh my face is no match to yours, handsome. That's why I won't show it.

07-22-2018, 12:54 AM
Trash stop showing me your 50% Zaza scores from Dersim, how many times am I gonna tell you? Actual Kurds from SE Turkey, Iraq and Iran score a bit different.
Western Armenians, the ones who lived amongst you Kurds and who your great-grandparents murdered cold bloodedly in the early 20th century score around 15% West Med and were more "Western" shifted, they are even further away from Kurds than Eastern Armenians. But Gedmatch is generally outdated and using nMonte is much more accurate. Ofc your Kurdish genepool has been diluted somewhat with Armenian bride stealing and forced conversions but not by much.

Oh my face is no match to yours, handsome. That's why I won't show it.

do you know that there are zazas in southeast turkey too ? they come out similar . and as I said zazas are exactly like kurds genetically . I am 40% zaza not 50 . my results are very kurdish

I knew you hate kurds now you show your true face . my ancestors didnt kill anybody . I am from tunceli and we actually hid armenians in our homes to protect them . the armenians in our province can openly say they are armenian etc. no problem . and I have seen some of their results and they come out as armenian . they are indistinguishable from us look wise and many armenians (also from armenia) can pass as turkish kurds . sorry if that hurts you . not sure why it bothers you though you are assyrian not armenian

take your hate and go away . dont bother me . I dont have time for this

Congolese Rice
07-22-2018, 12:54 AM
Yea, arabs and Iranians look pretty different from each other. There are many arabs who I met that think they've completely displaced the Iranian population with their own people just because we look slightly similiar lmao.

In fact, its gulf arabs that have some Iranian-like dna lol

could be yeah, theres east med, iranid, and armenid influence in the Gulf so doesnt surprise me no.

still funny how a egyptian shopkeeper in the netherlands guessed me to be from Iran, whilst Iranian ppl say i dont look persian or iranic influenced at all lmao. my phenotype is like a chameleon xD

07-22-2018, 01:01 AM
do you know that there are zazas in southeast turkey too ? they come out similar . and as I said zazas are exactly like kurds genetically . I am 40% zaza not 50 . my results are very kurdish

I knew you hate kurds now you show your true face . my ancestors didnt kill anybody . I am from tunceli and we actually hid armenians in our homes to protect them . the armenians in our province can openly say they are armenian etc. no problem . and I have seen some of their results and they come out as armenian . they are indistinguishable from us . sorry if that hurts you

take your hate and go away . dont bother me . I dont have time for this

I hate Kurds because I stated a fact regarding the Armenian genocide? You know how deeply involved the Kurdish tribes were right? Another fact is that Western Armenians are genetically further away from Kurds than Eastern Armenians, those who didn't even live amongst Kurds.
You just want Kurds to look like the native people of Anatolia so it makes your claim on Turkey much more valid when infact most Kurds look typically nothing alike Armenians and are much closer to Persians. But I acutally could not give a fuck about looks, what matters is DNA and you Kurds are much, much closer to Iranians in that regard than to any other ethnic group, including Armenians.

07-22-2018, 01:03 AM
I hate Kurds because I stated a fact regarding the Armenian genocide? You know how deeply involved the Kurdish tribes were right? Another fact is that Western Armenians are genetically further away from Kurds than Eastern Armenians, those who didn't even live amongst Kurds.
You just want Kurds to look like the native people of Anatolia so it makes your claim on Turkey much more valid when infact most Kurds look typically nothing alike Armenians and are much closer to Persians. But I acutally could not give a fuck about looks, what matters is DNA and you Kurds are much, much closer to Iranians in that regard than to any other ethnic group, including Armenians.

you do hate kurds it is obvious . I dont give a fuck just get out of my thread already you son of ...

you are assyrian and not even armenian so stfu

I dont want to repeat myself . I already explained and proved enough . get lost

07-22-2018, 01:04 AM
I hate Kurds because I stated a fact regarding the Armenian genocide? You know how deeply involved the Kurdish tribes were right? Another fact is that Western Armenians are genetically further away from Kurds than Eastern Armenians, those who didn't even live amongst Kurds.
You just want Kurds to look like the native people of Anatolia so it makes your claim on Turkey much more valid when infact most Kurds look typically nothing alike Armenians and are much closer to Persians. But I acutally could not give a fuck about looks, what matters is DNA and you Kurds are much, much closer to Iranians in that regard than to any other ethnic group, including Armenians.

Ok dude I think thats enough

07-22-2018, 01:08 AM
you do hate kurds it is obvious . I dont give a fuck just get out of my thread already you son of ...

you are assyrian and not even armenian so stfu

I dont want to repeat myself . I already explained and proved enough . get lost

"Hate Kurds" xD
Must be fun to just claim stuf like this and move on.

07-22-2018, 01:10 AM
Ok dude I think thats enough

Enough of what? Pretty cringe comment.

07-22-2018, 01:13 AM
You think Im trolling? This guy right here looks like your Arab brother, maybe you 2 are related. Iranians look more kurdish than you. You don't represent Kurds at all.


Kurds look nothing like arabs

07-22-2018, 01:14 AM
he is banned bro . I told you he is a troll

07-22-2018, 01:23 AM
Look Jews.

07-22-2018, 01:24 AM
Look Jews.

my k13


# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 86.2% Kurdish + 13.8% Algerian_Jewish @ 1.94
2 85.3% Kurdish + 14.7% Sephardic_Jewish @ 2.02
3 85.6% Kurdish + 14.4% Tunisian_Jewish @ 2.09
4 86.4% Kurdish + 13.6% Italian_Jewish @ 2.13
5 67.9% Azeri + 32.1% Armenian @ 2.19
6 86% Kurdish + 14% Libyan_Jewish @ 2.22
7 89.8% Kurdish + 10.2% Tunisian @ 2.26
8 82.4% Kurdish + 17.6% Cyprian @ 2.3
9 90.2% Kurdish + 9.8% Algerian @ 2.4
10 85.7% Kurdish + 14.3% South_Italian @ 2.42
11 90.5% Kurdish + 9.5% Mozabite_Berber @ 2.43
12 63.1% Kurdish + 36.9% Turkish @ 2.47
13 86.6% Kurdish + 13.4% Ashkenazi @ 2.48
14 79% Kurdish + 21% Lebanese_Muslim @ 2.48
15 70.4% Azeri + 29.6% Georgian_Jewish @ 2.53
16 80.3% Kurdish + 19.7% Syrian @ 2.58
17 90.8% Kurdish + 9.2% Moroccan @ 2.64
18 86.3% Kurdish + 13.7% East_Sicilian @ 2.64
19 88% Kurdish + 12% West_Sicilian @ 2.66
20 55.7% Iranian + 44.3% Turkish @ 2.75

07-22-2018, 02:02 AM
What are you talking about? I never mentioned a PCA, you've got a short memory or what? Kurds and Persians are highly related which is shown by ADMIXTURE runs, such as the calcs on Gedmatch but also with IBD sharing and uniparental markers. You belong often to the same subclades. There's minor amount of Anatolian blood in Turkish Kurds for sure, by assimilating Armenians but it's minor since you're still quite close to other Kurds and Iranians.
And again most Kurds don't come out Iranian + Armenian on Gedmatch. You seem to be an outlier for sure. I still can't figure out what is it that you don't understand regarding averages? Why would your results matter when we actually got a Kurdish average based on many Kurds collected by academics?

Alright one last try, Kurd from Turkey from Anthroscape

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 West_Asian 39.29
2 East_Med 29.38
3 West_Med 7.85
4 South_Asian 7.61
5 Red_Sea 5.9
6 Baltic 5.7
7 North_Atlantic 2.21
8 Siberian 1.14
9 Amerindian 0.82
10 Oceanian 0.05
11 Sub-Saharan 0.04
12 East_Asian 0.02

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Kurdish 3.04
2 Iranian 5.07
3 Azeri 5.91
4 Armenian 8.87
5 Georgian_Jewish 9.07
6 Turkish 10.51
7 Assyrian 12.23
8 Kumyk 13.57
9 Georgian 14.27
10 Iranian_Jewish 14.84
11 Kurdish_Jewish 15.3
12 Adygei 15.48
13 Abhkasian 15.69
14 Balkar 17.39
15 Turkmen 17.46
16 Ossetian 17.86
17 North_Ossetian 18.23
18 Kabardin 18.4
19 Lebanese_Muslim 19.32
20 Lezgin 19.8

That Iranian pop is from NW iran iirc

07-22-2018, 02:08 AM
triggered much my semitic friend ?

you just have had an iranian member tell you that we look different from iranians generally so what are you barking still

armenians are just christian west asians . they cluster with us and are our neighbors . as I told you many armenians in our province are indistuingishable from us etc. you son of a whatever

I can pass as iranian but I look more turkish armenian etc. . as I said 99% of turks dont guess me kurdish and dont notice I am kurdish until I tell them and almost all armenians I asked told me I pass as armenian and people often place me as armenian (georgian and azeri too)

show us your face please . I bet you are just an assyroid who thinks because he is chrisitan he is a special snowflake . just lol at you . fuck off already you subhuman

Even funnier because God knows how many kurdified Armenians there are in Turkey lel

07-22-2018, 02:19 AM
Okay, both sides in this thread are getting out of hand and nasty I must admit. I have to take a bash at this. I'll try to be as unbiased as I can be.

1. Iranians are a diverse looking people. Some may look more similar to Kurds and even Assyrians, but others would definitely be rather 'foreign'. Let's not be slanted here. Yes, there are a few Kurds and Iranians who seem similar in appearance (after all, they're an Iranic people). But there are many that barely lookalike. Which reminds me, I used argue with a Yazidi Kurd in another forum who said Iranians, Kurds and Afghans are "all of the same Aryan race" and that Assyrians, Arabs and Jews are all "Semitic Afro-Asiatics" (or some shit like that Lol). I told him some Kurds are still more similar in appearance to Assyrians than Pashtuns and even Iranians in general, but to no avail. He was stubbornly biased and it was as if I was speaking to a brick wall. The moral of the story is that we shouldn't be biased.

2. Assyrians and Armenians are a universally Christian group who suffered persecution and torment from their Islamic Kurdish and Turkish neighbours (to note, Assyrians were one of the first peoples to convert to Christianity). So yes, because of these unfortunate circumstances, it doesn't make sense that they'd mix with Kurds and Turks as it is a religious taboo. Not saying that it never happened. But it's rather rare. And I'm also not insinuating that modern day Kurds and Turks are bad and want to kill us. But they should acknowledge the genocides and not "meh" it (as some do, sadly).

3. Racially, since Kurds, Armenians, Turks and Assyrians are neighbours, of course they will be similar to each other either way, physical-wise and genetically. I believe, most of our genetic similarities with Armenians is due to intermixture. We have mixed with them a lot. I don't think Assyrians and Armenians in general resemble each other as well. Only those who have Armenian ancestry do so perhaps. Besides, many Armenians look very Caucasid and akin to Georgians (thanks to the photos provided by an Armenian gentleman in here whom I forgot his username). They are very distinguishable from Assyrians in general, who look more like Maronites, Middle Eastern Jews and Mandeans.

07-22-2018, 02:21 AM
lol I just wanted to have phenotype classification . so far only a few members stuck to the topic

and only because I say that many iranians look foreign to me and dont fit well as kurds I get attacked . ouuuukaaaaayyyy .......fuck this shit

07-22-2018, 02:25 AM
IT always ends with trolling lmao wether its about iranians, kurds, turks or arabs.

07-22-2018, 02:32 AM
lol I just wanted to have phenotype classification . so far only a few members stuck to the topic

and only because I say that many iranians look foreign to me and dont fit well as kurds I get attacked . ouuuukaaaaayyyy .......fuck this shit
Well, I did classify Kurds, or at least agreed with a poster who did so. And I was one of the first to post on this thread. :cool:


07-22-2018, 02:32 AM
lol I just wanted to have phenotype classification . so far only a few members stuck to the topic

and only because I say that many iranians look foreign to me and dont fit well as kurds I get attacked . ouuuukaaaaayyyy .......fuck this shit

I get 0% South Asian but 0.2% Asian? xD

23andme doesn't split up ancestry after ancient components but uses modern populations

07-22-2018, 02:34 AM
I get 0% South Asian but 0.2% Asian? xD

23andme doesn't split up ancestry after ancient components but uses modern populations


no kurd would score south asian on 23andme . maybe some would get 2-3 % or so . otherwise the person is not (fully) kurdish

on gedmatch also only a few %

we are west asians after all ..why would we score much to begin with

Congolese Rice
07-22-2018, 10:49 AM
lol I just wanted to have phenotype classification . so far only a few members stuck to the topic

and only because I say that many iranians look foreign to me and dont fit well as kurds I get attacked . ouuuukaaaaayyyy .......fuck this shit

lol. well yeah, if you make statements like that some people are bound to get triggered. just laugh at them being mad for no reason and continue on about your day xD thats what i do

The Blade
07-23-2018, 02:33 PM
btw, nr. 13 are 2 women . they are sisters I think
I thought we are dealing with a fat loss and before/after photos.

07-24-2018, 12:12 AM
my k13


K13 is Jewish marker.
That's why the Kurds look like the Jews.

07-24-2018, 12:14 AM
K13 is Jewish marker.
That's why the Kurds look like the Jews.

k13 is the name of the calculator lol

we dont look jewish

07-24-2018, 12:15 AM
k13 is the name of the calculator lol

we dont look jewish

Yes you do.

08-04-2018, 02:07 PM
Mainly Taurids, East-Meds, few Iranids, and Anadolids.

08-14-2018, 11:26 PM


08-14-2018, 11:33 PM
East-Med, Armenoid, Anatolid, Mtebid, Gorrid, and robust Iranian. They look very Kurdish and this is very representative.

08-15-2018, 01:58 AM
I wonder if people are not much interested in taxonomy or just dislike me as a member and therefore dont post

08-15-2018, 11:20 PM

08-15-2018, 11:32 PM
In general they strongly resemble you, East Med + Taurid or Armenoid seems to be the most common in this group. This woman stands out, seems mostly Gorid:


08-15-2018, 11:33 PM
In general they strongly resemble you, East Med + Taurid or Armenoid seems to be the most common in this group. This woman stands out, seems mostly Gorid:

yup . many people said that I fit well among my people but 2-3 people said I dont . of course there is a trollish reason for that

08-23-2018, 06:04 PM

08-23-2018, 08:48 PM
anybody ? come on

08-23-2018, 09:16 PM
This set is the least uniform and shows a broad variation.
Many show Anatolian/Caucasian affiliation. A few others could pass for Greeks. A few maybe as Israeli jewish.

08-23-2018, 09:39 PM
Are Kurds considered Turkic?

08-23-2018, 09:41 PM
Are Kurds considered Turkic?

no. Iranic

08-23-2018, 09:50 PM
no. Iranic

How do you classify Turkic people versus Iranic, if some share the same Mongoloid % in their DNA results?

08-23-2018, 09:52 PM
How do you classify Turkic people versus Iranic, if some share the same Mongoloid % in their DNA results?

there is no turkic or iranic uniform ethnic group . turkics are people who have turkic ancestry and iranics are people who have iranic ancestry :D but each iranic or turkic groups have their own ethnogenesis and looks

for example ossetians are iranic and balochs are iranic too but they both look different and have different autosomal results

same as balkan turks vs yakuts for example . both are turkic but very different

08-23-2018, 09:54 PM
Indid :rolleyes:

08-23-2018, 09:55 PM
Indid :rolleyes:


08-23-2018, 09:56 PM
there is no turkic or iranic uniform ethnic group . turkics are people who have turkic ancestry and iranics are people who have iranic ancestry :D but each iranic or turkic groups have their own ethnogenesis and looks

for example ossetians are iranic and balochs are iranic too but they both look different and have different autosomal results

same as balkan turks vs yakuts for example . both are turkic but very different

How can you differentiate Turkish Kurds vs Turkic Turks from Turkey (lol), genetically/historically?

08-23-2018, 09:56 PM

Sorry, couldn't resist.

In all seriousness, the second to last lady looks uber Cypriot to me.

Overall they look a lot more 'European' than the Kurds I have met in England

08-23-2018, 09:58 PM
Sorry, couldn't resist.

In all seriousness, the second to last lady looks uber Cypriot to me.

Overall they look a lot more 'European' than the Kurds I have met in England

explain the indid thing to me please . it is so random

and I dont know what kind of kurds you met . probably iraqi ones . and maybe even not (fully) ethnic kurds

08-23-2018, 09:58 PM
How can you differentiate Turkish Kurds vs Turkic Turks from Turkey (lol), genetically/historically?

well turks know they are turks and kurds know they are kurds :D

08-23-2018, 10:01 PM
well turks know they are turks and kurds know they are kurds :D

Confusing. Just trying to understand as an outsider lol. People claim to have Turkic ancestry due to their Siberian % or whatever for example, but then Kurds can have the same genetic results but don't claim that. Then is it a cultural thing?

08-23-2018, 10:02 PM
explain the indid thing to me please . it is so random

and I dont know what kind of kurds you met . probably iraqi ones . and maybe even not (fully) ethnic kurds

Got the general impression you dislike comparisons with Indians, so I felt the need to troll.

They were mostly Turkish, and are generally a lot darker than the Kurds you posted here.

Interestingly, I met an Iranian Kurd who looked completely Western European

08-23-2018, 10:02 PM
Confusing. Just trying to understand as an outsider lol. People claim to have Turkic ancestry due to their Siberian % or whatever for example, but then Kurds can have the same genetic results but don't claim that. Then is it a cultural thing?Yep, cultural and linguistic.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk

08-23-2018, 10:03 PM
Got the general impression you dislike comparisons with Indians, so I felt the need to troll.

They were mostly Turkish, and are generally a lot darker than the Kurds you posted here.

Interestingly, I met an Iranian Kurd who looked completely Western EuropeanIranian kurds look diff than turkish kurds imho

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk

08-23-2018, 10:09 PM
Confusing. Just trying to understand as an outsider lol. People claim to have Turkic ancestry due to their Siberian % or whatever for example, but then Kurds can have the same genetic results but don't claim that. Then is it a cultural thing?

turks have ancestry from the oghuz invaders who mixed with native anatolians


on gedmatch the siberian , east asian , and amerindian give clues about the oghuz admix . the higher the scores the higher the oghuz ancestry . but the oghuz themselves were "only" about 30% or so mongoloid . maybe 40


us iranics we have some ancestry from central asia indoiranians who also invaded and gave us language . but we are mostly native to the lands we live

my gencove :


my dnaland



08-23-2018, 10:10 PM
Got the general impression you dislike comparisons with Indians, so I felt the need to troll.

They were mostly Turkish, and are generally a lot darker than the Kurds you posted here.

Interestingly, I met an Iranian Kurd who looked completely Western European

well I would have to see those people first to judge . but when you say you wanted to troll then who knows if you are honest now :P

all I can say is that my galleries/sets are very representative for turkey kurds

08-23-2018, 10:13 PM
All pass as pigmented CordedWare-oids

08-23-2018, 10:15 PM
us iranics we have some ancestry from central asia indoiranians who also invaded and gave us language . but we are mostly native to the lands we live

So the Central Asian % found in Iranic peoples is from a different population reference than the Oghuz?

08-23-2018, 10:17 PM
So the Central Asian % found in Iranic peoples is from a different population reference than the Oghuz?

I think partially it is the same since oghuz seem to have some iranic admix but turks got more north euro and east eurasian from them which is lower in us . but some of us also score some east eurasian because of some mix with turks I think . I for example score 2.5 to 5.5% east eurasian depending on calc and get Azeri as first fit often which means I have a little bit of turkic ancestry too (very little though)

08-23-2018, 10:32 PM
I think partially it is the same since oghuz seem to have some iranic admix but turks got more north euro and east eurasian from them which is lower in us . but some of us also score some east eurasian because of some mix with turks I think . I for example score 2.5 to 5.5% east eurasian depending on calc and get Azeri as first fit often which means I have a little bit of turkic ancestry too (very little though)

Makes sense! Cheers

08-25-2018, 03:39 AM

08-25-2018, 04:25 AM
I'm surprised at the number of people with "UP" features. Deep-set eyes, large heads, cheekbones, brow ridges...general "Cro-Magnon" and quasi-Native-American vibes. I'm wondering if this is related to Caucasus Hunter-gatherers.

I also definitely see the Pontid Med type in there--or something like it. An intermediate/mix between Atlanto and Irano-Afghan types.

08-25-2018, 04:26 AM
I'm surprised at the number of people with "UP" features. Deep-set eyes, large heads, cheekbones, brow ridges...general "Cro-Magnon" and quasi-Native-American vibes. I'm wondering if this is related to Caucasus Hunter-gatherers.

I also definitely see the Pontid Med type in there--or something like it. An intermediate/mix between Atlanto and Irano-Afghan types.

neither atlanto med nor iranoafghan

what you see is probably cappadocian med

and I dont see the native american thing . there are some kurds who have that though

08-25-2018, 04:34 AM
neither atlanto med nor iranoafghan

what you see is probably cappadocian med

and I dont see the native american thing . there are some kurds who have that though

Definitely Atlanto + Irano and must be related to the type Anthropologists said were native around the Black Sea area.

Cappadocian = Gracile/Western Med + Alpine + Irano. Like a small, dark Armenoid. Notis Sfakianakis....

I didn't mean Native American in the literal sense. Just that your people have archaic features.

08-25-2018, 04:35 AM
Definitely Atlanto + Irano and must be related to the type Anthropologists said were native around the Black Sea area.

Cappadocian = Gracile/Western Med + Alpine + Irano. Like a small, dark Armenoid. Notis Sfakianakis....

I didn't mean Native American in the literal sense. Just that your people have archaic features.

Cappadocian Med is a mediterranid type that is in the range of atlanto med and iranid . it is what you mean trust me . and cappadocid is a very common type among us . pontid is also not uncommon

archaic ? is that "bad" ?

08-26-2018, 08:52 PM

08-26-2018, 09:02 PM
Mainly armenoids

08-26-2018, 09:02 PM
Mainly armenoids

come on ....

08-26-2018, 09:05 PM
come on ....

Oh no... Do you disagree again?? :D

08-26-2018, 09:06 PM
Oh no... Do you disagree again?? :D

of course dude . mostly armenoids my ass :D

08-26-2018, 10:25 PM
apperently kurds look indian according to a brazilian member who probably hasnt met one kurd in his life . so tell me . really ? :)

08-26-2018, 10:26 PM
apperently kurds look indian according to a brazilian member who probably hasnt met one kurd in his life . so tell me . really ? :)

No, you guys look halstatt nordid

08-26-2018, 10:26 PM
No, you guys look halstatt nordid

on a serious note it is obvious that he talks bullshit

08-26-2018, 10:28 PM
on a serious note it is obvious that he talks bullshit

Yes obviously

08-30-2018, 02:38 PM

08-30-2018, 04:07 PM
if I annoy you guys with my bumps please tell me . I will slow down then if it bothers members

09-04-2018, 03:23 PM

09-04-2018, 03:52 PM
Honestly these Kurds look cherrypicked to me... but i have seen Kurds only in my hometown so idk if they really look dark that much generally or not. Probably same shit when Europeans see German Turks which are darker than local Turks and think all of us are dark as much as them :lol:

09-04-2018, 03:53 PM
they all look a bit high to me

09-04-2018, 03:56 PM
Honestly these Kurds look cherrypicked to me... but i have seen Kurds only in my hometown so idk if they really look dark that much generally or not. Probably same shit when Europeans see German Turks which are darker than local Turks and think all of us are dark as much as them :lol:

no not cherrypicked but this is a classify thread . and in your hometown you dont even know most of the people which you think are kurds. just like how some germans think they see turks when they look at moroccans and the actual turks they often guess as south euro. most turks guess me turk and not kurd even though as you see I fit with kurdish people

09-11-2018, 06:00 PM
would Stonyarabia fit among us ?

09-12-2018, 01:21 PM
last bump for days

09-12-2018, 01:36 PM
Very noble looking people

Mostly Cap Meds, Taurids, alpines.

09-14-2018, 10:34 PM

09-15-2018, 04:20 AM
we are Kurdish

note : I dont want Sikeliot , Myanthropologies , or Tooting Carmen to post here . they always troll





Number 2 reminded me of David de Gea

10-05-2018, 06:47 PM

10-25-2018, 03:10 AM
Pontid, robust Anatolid, Dinaro-Med, Alpine and CM influences here and there.

Very little Armenid that I can see and the alpine doesn't seem to be that of 'Asiatic' alpine.

10-25-2018, 07:05 AM
Majority look Taurid(Caucasids and some Anadolids) + some few Alpines, Meds and Pontids. Some also have CM influence.

10-26-2018, 09:05 PM
Il just write the phenotypes shown as theirs to many to classify individually , from the photos i see Armenoids, East Meds, Cap Meds, Robust Iranids, Anatolid and Asiatic Alpines, pretty typical of Kurdish people.

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10-31-2018, 09:36 PM