View Full Version : Classify Russian football player

07-19-2018, 03:53 PM
He seems to be half azerbaijani, half russian or something like that.


But what happened with his Russian part?
(He just looks like any other Iranian I think)

07-19-2018, 03:53 PM
Yes, he is half Azeri.

07-19-2018, 03:55 PM
Not sure. Irano-Armenoid mix, apparently.

07-19-2018, 03:56 PM
Yes, he is half Azeri.

The eyes are super typical. He just looks azeri or iranian, not even on the "lighter" side.

07-19-2018, 03:58 PM
The eyes are super typical. He just looks azeri or iranian, not even on the "lighter" side.

You are right he is not doesn't look mixed.
He looks just Azeri.

07-19-2018, 04:11 PM
His mother https://s8.cdn.teleprogramma.pro/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/8c3db0ccfbd2ce9284d4e70b8e8a7da2.jpg

07-19-2018, 04:14 PM
His mother https://s8.cdn.teleprogramma.pro/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/8c3db0ccfbd2ce9284d4e70b8e8a7da2.jpg

I see the similarity. But his mother looks more german, polish or something like that

07-19-2018, 04:15 PM
he looks persian

Or Azeri. He looks very Iranian in general.

07-19-2018, 04:17 PM
Azerbaijanis are relatives of Ottoman Turks. His mother is Russian.

07-19-2018, 04:19 PM
Azerbaijanis are relatives of Ottoman Turks. His mother is Russian.

Doesn't she look more "western" like a pole?

07-19-2018, 04:23 PM
Doesn't she look more "western" like a pole?

It's hard to say based from one photo.
She looks just old woman.
All old people are similar to each other.

07-19-2018, 04:26 PM
Doesn't she look more "western" like a pole?

I think the mother has a Jewish admixture. But I'm not sure, I need more photos.

07-19-2018, 04:27 PM
I think the mother has a Jewish admixture. But I'm not sure, I need more photos.

Yes, her nose is very strange.
Maybe she is Polish Jew.

07-19-2018, 04:28 PM
Doesn't she look more "western" like a pole?

The Poles look more "southern".

07-19-2018, 04:34 PM
I think the mother has a Jewish admixture. But I'm not sure, I need more photos.
I think that's the reason he just looks iranian.

07-19-2018, 08:24 PM
i dont think azeris real turks. they mixed with persians so much. azeri people looks like iranian.

Azerbaijan is literally an Iranian province. They're the same country except one is ran by muslim monkeys and the other one has soviet infleuce and speaks a different language. Most of Azerbaijanis are heavily Iranian by genes and a bit of caucasians. Azerbaijan has been inhabited by Iranians like Kurds, talysh and Persians for a long time. Turkified Iranians.

07-19-2018, 08:37 PM
Azerbaijan is literally an Iranian province. They're the same country except one is ran by muslim monkeys and the other one has soviet infleuce and speaks a different language. Most of Azerbaijanis are heavily Iranian by genes and a bit of caucasians. Azerbaijan has been inhabited by Iranians like Kurds, talysh and Persians for a long time. Turkified Iranians.
Iranian azeris has slight mongol influence I think.

07-19-2018, 11:30 PM
Iranian azeris has slight mongol influence I think.

So do some Iranians themselves. After all, Mongols came in and raped a lot of Iranians and also killed 80% of its population. Finns have mongoloid mixtures so do some Russians. It's called rape and ransacking villages

07-19-2018, 11:33 PM
So do some Iranians themselves. After all, Mongols came in and raped a lot of Iranians and also killed 80% of its population. Finns have mongoloid mixtures so do some Russians. It's called rape and ransacking villages

Nah, most Iranians in Central Asia were cold bloodely killed, no rapes occured as such, but intermarriages happened in Afghanistan and created the Hazaras. Finns and Russians have Mong because its ancient, the hunter gatherers in the Baltics, Finland and Russia were all Mong influenced long before any Mongols or Turks were around.

Keep in mind Iran was invaded by nomadic Saka / Scythians, and they were ~20% mong. Most mongoloid influence in Iranians is not a result of rape.

Anyways, this guy seems to have won the unlucky lottery, he is even darker than me lmfao xD