View Full Version : Why have Florida Hispanics maintained their traditions much more than California and Texas Hispanics

Tooting Carmen
07-20-2018, 06:59 PM
In other words, how come Cubans in Florida have maintained the Spanish language and their cultural traditions much more than have Mexicans and Central Americans in California and Texas? This is especially surprising and ironic when you consider that, being wealthier and more successful on the whole, you'd expect the former to be thus more assimilated into mainstream Anglo-American culture, not less.

Thot Whisperer
07-20-2018, 07:11 PM
White Cubans are mostly of Spanish descant so they tend to be more proud their spanish ancestry rather than Mexicans and Central Americans(the one who immigrate here are heavily indo mestizo) who are mostly of indigenous descant.

07-20-2018, 07:11 PM
This is news to me.

07-20-2018, 07:19 PM
This is news to me.

Yeah same here. I think it might be the opposite.

Tooting Carmen
07-20-2018, 07:26 PM
To give you an example: several schools in Miami offer bilingual education, whereas California has explicitly banned it.

07-20-2018, 07:33 PM
To give you an example: several schools in Miami offer bilingual education, whereas California has explicitly banned it.

Cali repealed that, and guessing the reason for English only was to get all of the immigrants and illegals speaking English. Miami Dade schools probably offer lots of foreign languages. Cuban Americans probably maintain some of food and music culture but they seem to be proud Americans.

Tooting Carmen
07-20-2018, 07:48 PM
Cali repealed that, and guessing the reason for English only was to get all of the immigrants and illegals speaking English. Miami Dade schools probably offer lots of foreign languages. Cuban Americans probably maintain some of food and music culture but they seem to be proud Americans.

When did Cali repeal it? As for Miami, it is true that, depending on the school and area, they offer bilingual education not just with Spanish but also French, German, Mandarin and Haitian Creole. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami#Public_schools

That said, the above Wiki page also states that 70% of people in Miami speak only Spanish at home. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami#Languages

07-20-2018, 07:59 PM
When did Cali repeal it? As for Miami, it is true that, depending on the school and area, they offer bilingual education not just with Spanish but also French, German, Mandarin and Haitian Creole. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami#Public_schools

That said, the above Wiki page also states that 70% of people in Miami speak only Spanish at home. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami#Languages

Voters in California officially ended the era of English-only instruction in public schools and lifted restrictions on bilingual education that had been in place for 18 years. Proposition 58 passed by a 73-27 percent margin. What happens next though, could get complicated.

My guess is that all instruction in Miami Dade is English and Spanish is an elective course. It seems the repeal in Cali could allow for classes to be taught in Spanish. There is nothing wrong with speaking Spanish in the home as many Cubans came to the USA as adults and did not have schooling in English.

07-21-2018, 05:45 PM
In other words, how come Cubans in Florida have maintained the Spanish language and their cultural traditions much more than have Mexicans and Central Americans in California and Texas? This is especially surprising and ironic when you consider that, being wealthier and more successful on the whole, you'd expect the former to be thus more assimilated into mainstream Anglo-American culture, not less.

Most Central Americans only speak Spanish and have not assimilated at all.

07-21-2018, 05:45 PM
White Cubans are mostly of Spanish descant so they tend to be more proud their spanish ancestry rather than Mexicans and Central Americans(the one who immigrate here are heavily indo mestizo) who are mostly of indigenous descant.

Most Central Americans are Indio-mestizos. Mexican-Americans are around 55-60% Euro.

07-21-2018, 05:49 PM
Cuban Americans probably maintain some of food and music culture but they seem to be proud Americans.

Are you saying Mexican-Americans are NOT proud Americans? Guess who have excelled in the American military by winning MORE congressional medals of honor per capita during WWR2 THAN ANY OTHER ETHNICITY and the most decorated units and produced some of the greatest military men.

07-21-2018, 05:49 PM
This is news to me.

Yeah, I think OP has not been around the block.

07-21-2018, 05:54 PM

07-21-2018, 05:55 PM
Perikolez posted this on another thread .He is from Spain and has an idea whats going on in the USA.

Estados Unidos es un país angloparlante, y el castellano no deja de ser un idioma de inmigrantes allí, y encima pobres. En el suroeste de los EEUU si que había un población hispanoparlante, pero lo tejanos o los nuevomexicanos se anglicizaron durante el siglo XX, y ahora la gran mayoría de los hispanos descendientes de los antiguos pobladores del suroeste de los EEUU son monolingues en ingles. Además tampoco veo a los descendientes de inmigrantes mexicanos alla muy fieles linguisticamente. La mayoría de los nietos de inmigrantes mexicanos parecen saber tanto castellano como un blanco estadounidense promedio.

07-21-2018, 05:59 PM
Are you saying Mexican-Americans are NOT proud Americans? Guess who have excelled in the American military by winning MORE congressional medals of honor per capita during WWR2 THAN ANY OTHER ETHNICITY and the most decorated units and produced some of the greatest military men.

Were those people born in the USA? If so not Mexican American. They are American.

07-21-2018, 06:01 PM
Were those people born in the USA? If so not Mexican American. They are American.

Any person of Mexican heritage born in the USA are Mexican-Americans,just like their is Italian-Americans,Irish-Americans.

07-22-2018, 12:37 AM
Any person of Mexican heritage born in the USA are Mexican-Americans,just like their is Italian-Americans,Irish-Americans.

No. One has to be American. Their heritage becomes American. Your claim is silly.

07-22-2018, 12:39 AM
Any person of Mexican heritage born in the USA are Mexican-Americans,just like their is Italian-Americans,Irish-Americans.

Maybe your heritage is not Mexican but part American and Spain? How far do you want to go back? Weird as phuck.

07-22-2018, 02:50 AM
Maybe your heritage is not Mexican but part American and Spain? How far do you want to go back? Weird as phuck.

Im Mexican-American,my profile says it.

Mexican-American congressman Edward Roybal's family were part of the familes that founded Santa Fe,New Mexico in 1598.
Very few white Americans 50 years ago considered him "American".

You have Americans like Smeagal etc that's says Latinos,blacks,Natives,Asians
etc can never be Americans. Millions of white Americans agree with him. Im not saying the majority but their is millions.

Heather Duval
07-22-2018, 03:01 AM
No. One has to be American. Their heritage becomes American. Your claim is silly.

I think is time for those called "Mexican Americans" be just Americans. In Brazil, everyones Brazilians. No one here go around saying "im italian, im german". Have u seen Gisele Bundchen saying shes German? No, she only claims to be Brazilian.

07-22-2018, 04:31 AM
I think is time for those called "Mexican Americans" be just Americans. In Brazil, everyones Brazilians. No one here go around saying "im italian, im german". Have u seen Gisele Bundchen saying shes German? No, she only claims to be Brazilian.

Even the Italian-Americans,Irish-Americans have their own organizations and take pride in their heritage.

One of the Kennedy's who is Irish-Americans boycotted the Queen of England's visit to the US congress.

" In 1991 Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy boycotted a speech to the U.S. Congress by the United Kingdom's Queen Elizabeth II "in protest to the British occupation in northern Ireland".[29]

Representative Joseph P. Kennedy 2d, Democrat of Massachusetts, and several other Irish-American Congressman boycotted the monarch’s speech to Congress, “in protest to the British occupation in northern Ireland,” Mr. Kennedy said. Across the street from the Capitol, two dozen Irish-Americans opposed to the British occupation of Northern Ireland also protested the Queen’s visit.


07-22-2018, 04:43 AM
Mexicans americans and puerto ricans tend to be more assimilated. But now a days younger generation are more assimilated in general

07-22-2018, 05:17 AM
No. One has to be American. Their heritage becomes American. Your claim is silly.I used to think I was just american when I was a kid. Its why I didnt want to speak spanish. But as I got older I realized that was foolish and that I would always be puerto rican. And that I needed to learn some spanish to talk with family. And under stand my own individual family heritage

07-22-2018, 06:01 AM
In other words, how come Cubans in Florida have maintained the Spanish language and their cultural traditions much more than have Mexicans and Central Americans in California and Texas? This is especially surprising and ironic when you consider that, being wealthier and more successful on the whole, you'd expect the former to be thus more assimilated into mainstream Anglo-American culture, not less.
Have you been to any of those states?
Maybe you should provide some evidence that this is the case instead of assuming it is!

07-22-2018, 04:12 PM
Have you been to any of those states?
Maybe you should provide some evidence that this is the case instead of assuming it is!

This chart has alot of info.Also illegal Mexican immigrants don not represent Mexican-Americans. That's like saying Southern poor rednecks represent Middle class Californians.

16% of the people of Mexican heritage are illegal aliens,so they bring down the numbers since most just speak spanish.


This chart includes illegal immigrants

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2018, 04:31 PM
Florida was the first Spanish land in current USA, and the last. It has been more years Spanish than American. In the year 2055 will be a tie.
That is why.

Carlito's Way
07-23-2018, 04:08 AM
I think culturally speaking its on the same level, I don't see how they are more culturally Hispanic than us, actually their whole style of Chonga was copied from Mexican Americans, a lot of the style that is considered Mexican American was actually developed in Mexico and made its way into Southwest due to immigrants that later developed into something else, for example the Pachucos which were originally from Chihuahua, due to immigration, that style went to Texas and from there made its way into the rest.

The language is where Hispanics in Florida due tend to beat us, I remember an article of a Cuban and her experience in Texas and how on her first trip there, Mexicans were speaking to her in English even when she would reply back to them in Spanish, she said it was a lot more different in Florida where she would speak in Spanish and everyone would speak back to her in Spanish, and that Spanish is widely spoken a lot more by second and even third generation Hispanics, while with Mexicans, it starts to fade after the first generation.

07-24-2018, 05:31 PM
I don’t know how accurate the observation about Hispanics in other parts of the country is but it should be noted that the first few waves of Cubans that arrived in Miami up until the 80’s all had the mentality of returning to Cuba once the communist government fell. They wanted to overthrow Castro, reclaim their properties and go back home. It makes sense that they didn’t actively try to assimilate themselves or their children since their intent was never to stay. I think the strong culture they established based on their Cuban pride and wanting to reclaim their homeland set the stage for later groups to continue the practice of proudly embracing their own culture.

07-24-2018, 05:32 PM
Florida was the first Spanish land in current USA, and the last. It has been more years Spanish than American. In the year 2055 will be a tie.
That is why.Nobody gives a fuck.

Cristiano viejo
07-24-2018, 06:51 PM
Nobody gives a fuck.

Worry for yourself, black.
Go to steal any handbag or something.

Tooting Carmen
08-03-2018, 06:43 PM

Tooting Carmen
08-20-2018, 10:11 PM

01-25-2019, 01:07 AM
White Cubans: For the most part wealthy Spaniards, won't adapt to someone else's culture. It's similar when British expats move somewhere else they take their culture with them.
Mexicans/Central Americans: Indomestizos who form an underclass in the USA. Their children will simply take on the local culture once's they are born. They take it for the possibility of upward mobility.

Sebastianus Rex
01-25-2019, 01:11 AM
In other words, how come Cubans in Florida have maintained the Spanish language and their cultural traditions much more than have Mexicans and Central Americans in California and Texas? This is especially surprising and ironic when you consider that, being wealthier and more successful on the whole, you'd expect the former to be thus more assimilated into mainstream Anglo-American culture, not less.

Or perhaps exactly because of that they are more confortable and assured about their identity than others who have some kind of inferiority complex and eager to be perceived as mainstream americans.

01-25-2019, 01:16 AM

01-25-2019, 01:24 AM
One of the only posts here that actually makes any sense so far
White Cubans: For the most part wealthy Spaniards, won't adapt to someone else's culture. It's similar when British expats move somewhere else they take their culture with them.
Mexicans/Central Americans: Indomestizos who form an underclass in the USA. Their children will simply take on the local culture once's they are born. They take it for the possibility of upward mobility.

01-25-2019, 01:30 AM
One of the only posts here that actually makes any sense so far

Quote Originally Posted by kratz View Post
White Cubans: For the most part wealthy Spaniards, won't adapt to someone else's culture. It's similar when British expats move somewhere else they take their culture with them.
Mexicans/Central Americans: Indomestizos who form an underclass in the USA. Their children will simply take on the local culture once's they are born. They take it for the possibility of upward mobility.

If the American hood they grow up in is similar to back home then they maintain that, don't assimilate though.

01-25-2019, 03:34 PM

01-25-2019, 03:42 PM
Because most of them are political refugees

They were driven out of their home by the communists. They dont feel Americans cause they are Cubans

01-25-2019, 08:24 PM
Because most of them are political refugees

They were driven out of their home by the communists. They dont feel Americans cause they are Cubans

It could be that you won't find many Cubans serving in the American military.

01-25-2019, 08:33 PM
Because Cubans were mostly political refugees and immigrants, from middle an upper classes, educated and thus with a forged identity.

Hispanics from Southwest, on the other hand, are mainly Mexicans and Central Americans from much poorer backgrounds, who were discriminated against, and felt that their children needed to speak English in order to integrate to the American society.

01-25-2019, 08:50 PM
Because Cubans were mostly political refugees and immigrants, from middle an upper classes, educated and thus with a forged identity.

Hispanics from Southwest, on the other hand, are mainly Mexicans and Central Americans from much poorer backgrounds, who were discriminated against, and felt that their children needed to speak English in order to integrate to the American society.

All Europeans immigrants were discriminated at one time and they assimilated . The most lynched group after blacks were the Italians.

Central Americans don't assimilate.

01-25-2019, 10:37 PM
All Europeans immigrants were discriminated at one time and they assimilated . The most lynched group after blacks were the Italians.

Central Americans don't assimilate.

Yep. That's why the Italian language (or rather the dialect spoken by the parents) wasn't passed to their children.

The same happens with poor Mexican and Central American illegal immigrants. I guess most of them think it's better for their children to be fully monolingual, erasing any Spanish vestige.

01-25-2019, 10:45 PM
Yep. That's why the Italian language (or rather the dialect spoken by the parents) wasn't passed to their children.

The same happens with poor Mexican and Central American illegal immigrants. I guess most of them think it's better for their children to be fully monolingual, erasing any Spanish vestige.

All Immigrants assimilate and adopt english as the official language etc. Central Americans like Hondurans,Guatemalans,Nicas don't really assimilate. If Hondurans can't assimilate in Mexico even less in the USA.

01-25-2019, 11:45 PM
All Immigrants assimilate and adopt english as the official language etc. Central Americans like Hondurans,Guatemalans,Nicas don't really assimilate. If Hondurans can't assimilate in Mexico even less in the USA.

But the premise of the question is why Hispanics from Florida maintained their traditions more than Southwestern Hispanics. I think it’s because of different types of assimilation, for the reasons I’ve already exposed.

Cristiano viejo
01-26-2019, 12:39 AM
Florida was the first Spanish land in current USA, and the last. It has been more years Spanish than American. In the year 2055 will be a tie.
That is why.

02-13-2019, 04:31 AM
Most florida cubans dont seem to assimilate well, from what I heard about them they exclude people unless they are cuban often, at least florida ones but not all of em.

02-13-2019, 04:32 AM
Florida was the first Spanish land in current USA, and the last. It has been more years Spanish than American. In the year 2055 will be a tie.
That is why.It was settled by france first but spain took it away. Than the US took it.

Daco Celtic
08-05-2021, 12:17 AM
Florida was the first Spanish land in current USA, and the last. It has been more years Spanish than American. In the year 2055 will be a tie.
That is why.

Covid infested swamp land https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/04/health/florida-covid-hospitalizations/index.html

08-05-2021, 05:01 AM
White Cubans are mostly of Spanish descant so they tend to be more proud their spanish ancestry rather than Mexicans and Central Americans(the one who immigrate here are heavily indo mestizo) who are mostly of indigenous descant.

Based on the Central Americans I’ve seen on 23andme, I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that was full indigenous tbh. I think most of they’re are either Balanced or Indio-Mestizos

Tooting Carmen
08-05-2021, 06:02 AM
Or perhaps exactly because of that they are more confortable and assured about their identity than others who have some kind of inferiority complex and eager to be perceived as mainstream americans.

Isn't it usually assumed that immigrants to Western countries - and especially their descendants - fit in better the more prosperous and well-educated they are? Weill in Miami there is almost a reverse assimilation, with many non-Hispanics learning Spanish out of a sense of duty.

Tenma de Pegasus
08-05-2021, 06:19 AM
Latino money from Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela abd Cuba make up a considerable part of Florida economy. Thats why.

08-06-2021, 04:09 PM
Latino money from Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela abd Cuba make up a considerable part of Florida economy. Thats why.

Yes, the Florida culture is latina.

08-06-2021, 04:20 PM
Central Americans and Mexicans mostly live in southern Miami-DADE County so Homestead & Florida City. These are the most southern cities in Miami County. There is a lot of agriculture and farm land here something you don't see in the rest of the county.

Most central Americans & Mexicans that live in Southern Miami Dade County are very Amerindian and work in those farms or just live in the area. I've also mentioned before that you see a lot of them out in Home Depot, in the parking lots, looking for work as a lot of them don't have papers.

Cubans mostly live in the Hialeah, little Havana, Doral areas of Miami. Most are stuck in their ways and only speak Spanish (at least the older ones) and this is never going to change. They vote heavily Republican but can't speak a word of English. They swear up and down that they are American.

08-06-2021, 04:26 PM
It’s definitely the opposite. Cubans on average have been more apt to assimilate and learn proper English.
As someone who was raised in Houston, I can assure you the average Hispanic (mostly Mexican and Salvadorans) in Texas don’t assimilate very well at all. Not to bash on them because they are some of the hardest workers in the area, just on average they are very prideful of their native country and a lot of them don’t pick up on English well.

Tenma de Pegasus
08-06-2021, 04:45 PM
Yes, the Florida culture is latina.

And a big part of the imobiliary market have their money and clients from Latin America.

Tenma de Pegasus
08-06-2021, 04:47 PM
The same for aviation, malls and tourism of Florida

That does not happen in Los Angeles

Latinos have way pess impact there on economy

08-06-2021, 05:24 PM
I don't it's is true. Just because Florida Hispanic tend to have more people in upper class doesn't mean anything in keeping tradition. A good Indicator of keeping traditions is language. Spanish among the under 18 is increasing in mayor cities in Texas and California ; Unlike the cities in Florida with the exception of Tampa ( which quite ironically has the most Mexicans as a percentage of the Hispanic population out of three mayor cities in Florida). Now in San Antonio and south Texas Spanish is decreasing among the younger generation, but the Mexicans there came during a different immigration wave or were already there.

08-06-2021, 06:24 PM
It’s definitely the opposite. Cubans on average have been more apt to assimilate and learn proper English.

About 70% of U.S. Hispanics ages 5 and older speak only English at home or speak English at least “very well,” compared with 71% of Mexicans.
” compared with 71% of Mexicans.
” compared with 71% of Mexicans.

Similarly, 64% of Hispanic adults are English proficient, as are 65% of Mexican adults.
Similarly, 64% of Hispanic adults are English proficient, as are 65% of Mexican adults.
Similarly, 64% of Hispanic adults are English proficient, as are 65% of Mexican adults.

About 70% of U.S. Hispanics ages 5 and older speak only English at home or speak English at least “very well,” compared with 61% of Cubans.
” compared with 61% of Cubans.
” compared with 61% of Cubans.

Similarly, 64% of Hispanic adults are English proficient, as are 55% of Cuban adults.
Similarly, 64% of Hispanic adults are English proficient, as are 55% of Cuban adults.
Similarly, 64% of Hispanic adults are English proficient, as are 55% of Cuban adults.

As someone who was raised in Houston, I can assure you the average Hispanic (mostly Mexican and Salvadorans) in Texas don’t assimilate very well at all. Not to bash on them because they are some of the hardest workers in the area, just on average they are very prideful of their native country and a lot of them don’t pick up on English well.

You must of lived among recent Mexican immigrants. The majority of Mexican-Americans i grew up with,did not know how to speak spanish at all. Some knew a few words or understood some spanish.

08-06-2021, 06:37 PM
It’s definitely the opposite. Cubans on average have been more apt to assimilate and learn proper English.

That's not my experience at all with the Miami Cubans at least, some of the ones I've met live in US since the revolution time and don't speak English much at all. They retained their language to such a degree that they made Miami a de facto bilingual city.

08-06-2021, 07:08 PM
The same for aviation, malls and tourism of Florida

That does not happen in Los Angeles

Latinos have way pess impact there on economy

lol,you think Mexicans don't spend in the USA?

Mexican shoppers spend over $1 billion in McAllen


Mexico shoppers worth billions to area stores Last year, Mexican nationals spent $2.4 billion shopping in key locations in South and Central Texas, according to a study touted as the first-ever attempt to gauge their economic impact on the regional economy.

Study finds Mexican shoppers outspend American counterparts by 2-1 margin

The study found the average group of Mexican shoppers spent $1,568 per trip during a holiday period beginning in late 2008 compared with the average group of domestic shoppers, which spent $746 per trip. Researchers also found that the Mexican shoppers’ retail spending contributed from 44 cents to 68 cents to the local and regional economies for each dollar they spent at retail shops.

“This study suggests that Mexican nationals who cross the border into the United States for many of their holiday shopping activities tend to contribute to our economy at a significantly higher rate than domestic shoppers--and that they help make the local economy more robust,” said Pauline Sullivan, an associate professor of fashion merchandising in the School of Family and Consumer Sciences at Texas State.

Additionally, researchers examined the spending habits of those Mexican nationals who visited the outlet malls for day trips against those who had at least one overnight stay. Daily spending per group for Mexican shoppers staying overnight was found to be highest at $1715.94, compared with day visitor spending at $898.31.

The study’s principals said the research “quantifies the importance Mexican national tourist shoppers contribute to the local and regional economies.” Direct dollars spent by Mexican nationals through retail tourism visits to the United States not only generates income, but also supports employment.

Drop in activity along border could cost Texas billions, says Baker Institute expert
Without Mexican tourists and shoppers, Rodriguez-Sanchez explains, there will be an estimated reduction of nearly $4.9 billion in the GDP of border counties — representing 6.1% of their total GDP.

projected spending of Mexican visitors to Arizona to nearly $3.1 billion and a total jobs impact of 31,766 These numbers would be expected to increase each year thereafter.

Cuellar said before the pandemic, an estimated 18 million Mexican nationals had spent nearly $20 billion in the U.S.

In San Antonio alone, Krupinski said that normally 90% of its 2.5 million international travelers are from Mexico.

While retailers don’t have hard numbers on how much of their traffic comes from Baja California, it is estimated that shoppers from Mexico spend about $6 billion a year in San Diego County.

For Miami
More than 23 million tourists visited Miami in 2018, a record-breaking volume that contributed nearly $18 billion to the local economy, the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau announced this week.

Latin American tourists, primarily from Argentina, Brazil and Colombia, made up 20% of all international visitors

I don't think Latin Americans contributed more than 4 billion dollars to Miami economy.
Mexicans tourist nationals spend up to $20 billion to American economy

Cuellar said before the pandemic, an estimated 18 million Mexican tourist nationals had spent nearly $20 billion in the U.S.

08-06-2021, 07:21 PM
Not true at all with miami cubans. Older cubans don't speak any English. The younger generation does speak English but they speak Spanish at home, with friends and everyone else. If you go to hialeah u are gonna have a hard time if you don't speak Spanish.

Cristiano viejo
08-07-2021, 01:06 AM
Not true at all with miami cubans. Older cubans don't speak any English. The younger generation does speak English but they speak Spanish at home, with friends and everyone else. If you go to hialeah u are gonna have a hard time if you don't speak Spanish.

But boy, that is what the OP is saying: Cubans maintain their culture much betttter than for example Chicanos, who usually lick the Anglo ass.

08-07-2021, 03:38 AM
Hispanics in FL are middle to upper class (at least the first waves), they tend to open their own businesses and hire/deal with their own so they don't depend on the gringo that much, they live in a bubble to say it in a way. As a matter of fact, even the mexicans who have started to arrive keep their traditions way better than in the east coast.

08-07-2021, 04:05 AM
Because Florida Hispanics are mostly refugees from Cuba , meaning that they will one day return to their homes when the current regime falls. California and Texas Hispanics came here to stay and will become the future Spanish speaking Americans.

08-07-2021, 04:19 AM
But boy, that is what the OP is saying: Cubans maintain their culture much betttter than for example Chicanos, who usually lick the Anglo ass.

It's not about kissing Anglos ass. It's about assimilating and becaming AMERICANS.
Mexican-Americans mostly eat Mexican food.Some do listen to Mexican music or listen to both Mexican music and american music.
Many still celebrate quinceneras.Most have the portrait of the Virgin of Guadalupe in their house.
Many will give their kids names like Mark,Samantha etc. We are mostly catholic still. But what is lost the fastest is the Spanish language. By the third generation most Mexican-American can't speak spanish at all. Im not sure if the spanish language is part of Mexican culture. Just a borowed language i would assume.

Tooting Carmen
08-07-2021, 09:56 AM
Im not sure if the spanish language is part of Mexican culture. Just a borowed language i would assume.

:picard1::picard1:Spanish is no more foreign to Mexico than Portuguese is to Brazil, English is to the US itself and French is to Quebec!

08-07-2021, 04:02 PM
The mayer over there gusano is a straight up gusano
He wanted to bomb cuba. But never mind the poor cubans that still live there. Smh
A straight up tool for the US government to invade cuba.

08-07-2021, 04:05 PM
It’s definitely the opposite. Cubans on average have been more apt to assimilate and learn proper English.
As someone who was raised in Houston, I can assure you the average Hispanic (mostly Mexican and Salvadorans) in Texas don’t assimilate very well at all. Not to bash on them because they are some of the hardest workers in the area, just on average they are very prideful of their native country and a lot of them don’t pick up on English well.Not what I heard. I Heard its pretty much expected of you to know spanish. They dont call it new havana for nothing.

08-07-2021, 07:52 PM
The mayer over there gusano is a straight up gusano
He wanted to bomb cuba. But never mind the poor cubans that still live there. Smh
A straight up tool for the US government to invade cuba.

He and alot of the Miami Cubans are cowards. Their way of fighting the Cuban government is by supporting the Cuban trade embargo ,instead of being tough men and going to Cuba and topple the Cuban communist government. They are to afraid scared to die for "liberta" .:rolleyes:

08-07-2021, 10:21 PM
It's not about kissing Anglos ass. It's about assimilating and becaming AMERICANS.
Mexican-Americans mostly eat Mexican food.Some do listen to Mexican music or listen to both Mexican music and american music.
Many still celebrate quinceneras.Most have the portrait of the Virgin of Guadalupe in their house.
Many will give their kids names like Mark,Samantha etc. We are mostly catholic still. But what is lost the fastest is the Spanish language. By the third generation most Mexican-American can't speak spanish at all. Im not sure if the spanish language is part of Mexican culture. Just a borowed language i would assume.

That was probably one of the dumbest things I've ever read in my life.

Cristiano viejo
08-07-2021, 11:33 PM
It's not about kissing Anglos ass. It's about assimilating and becaming AMERICANS.
Mexican-Americans mostly eat Mexican food.Some do listen to Mexican music or listen to both Mexican music and american music.
Many still celebrate quinceneras.Most have the portrait of the Virgin of Guadalupe in their house.
Many will give their kids names like Mark,Samantha etc. We are mostly catholic still. But what is lost the fastest is the Spanish language. By the third generation most Mexican-American can't speak spanish at all. Im not sure if the spanish language is part of Mexican culture. Just a borowed language i would assume.
What for sure it is not part of the Mexican culture is the English language.

08-08-2021, 01:34 AM
What for sure it is not part of the Mexican culture is the English language.

For Mexican-American's the English language is part of our culture.;)

Cristiano viejo
08-09-2021, 10:38 PM
For Mexican-American's the English language is part of our culture.;)


Yesss, kissing Anglo ass was the perfect definition :D