View Full Version : Military questionnaire

07-30-2018, 04:16 PM
Do you have any previous experiences of fighting?

What is fighting to you?

Is there such a thing as "good" fighting? Explain.

Does being a warrior make you a better person?

We will teach you fighting, we will critique your aptitude but give us your own personal thoughts on the process

What is value? Do you value yourself? What are the things about you that make you worthy?

Why do you wish to join the military? Try to rationalize your move to join.

If he gives a sloppy answer tell him but do you know you can die? And you can die in these manners. Proceed to give examples of dead soldiers and enemies.

What kind of a person do you think that you are?

What is life? Does life have a meaning?

IQ test.

What/who are you fighting for? Why are you fighting?

Do you value your life? Describe how much value your life has. Give as many reasons as you can.

Why is it acceptable to kill someone? How is that person an enemy?

Do you value justice? Are you a righteous person? Give examples of law. The importance of law.

Why are warriors superior?

What does war mean?

Are you aware that an enemy could possibly kill you? Express this as vividly as you can. What sentiment does that evoke within you?

Can you picture the darkness of the battlefield and see the dangers of war? Amidst all these what are the things that can help you win?

Have you practiced martial arts? What was it like? What did you learn from it? Did it inspire you to join the military? What do you think are the similarities and dissimilarities between martial arts and conventional war?

Have you studied politics and what form of government do you support?

What is your relationship to the government? How can the government deploy you, explain and justify your service to them

Would you consider yourself a "noble" person? Do you have concepts of what a "ruling elite" should be like?

Do you have a favorite hero? What according to you makes him great?