View Full Version : Is Alpinid code for ugly ?

07-31-2018, 06:40 AM
I notice that Alpinid is described as rather Peasant-ish looking when I read up on phenotypes. They are described as being short and stocky with rather plump looking and broad faces. Brown hair and brown eyes with skin that is neither fair nor too dark. Unfortunately, I have been typed that way thus far, (even though I am actually of average height with a more heart shaped face, than round.) But I was just wondering if it implies an unattractive/mediocre looking run of the mill European? Or can it be very attractive people as well?

07-31-2018, 07:04 AM
Post here


if you're concerned about being ugly

Silver Lining
07-31-2018, 07:06 AM
Alpines are of average height and tall by global standards. In the end, Alpines aren't even an overly well-defined type. German and Eastern European Alpines are often sturdy and tall-ish, while Alpines in French are usually rather short and gracile (yet tend to carry mass). These days they probably aren't even extremely short-headed. They can be found from Iceland to North Africa (Alpines in Central and Northern Europe are probably reduced "Paleo-Atlantids" (Bell Beakers could also play a role), while more Southern they stem from archaic Mediterranoid groups, and obviously various intermediate mixes). Everything else in subjective, I guess, but Alpines violate the beauty standards of the classic WASP world, that is true, the women aren't curvy and voluptuous like Med women, not as exotic as Eastern European women and not as elegant and graceful like Nordics. The men don't have the attractive faces of the Meds, not the athletics of the Nordics (I can tell you firsthand that Alpines are significantly worse in track & field, it's almost a crime to judge them by the same standards in school) or Dinarics... well, they are probably better looking than Osteuropid males... So yeah, give 'em that.

07-31-2018, 07:45 AM
Alpines are of average height and tall by global standards. In the end, Alpines aren't even an overly well-defined type. German and Eastern European Alpines are often sturdy and tall-ish, while Alpines in French are usually rather short and gracile (yet tend to carry mass). These days they probably aren't even extremely short-headed. They can be found from Iceland to North Africa (Alpines in Central and Northern Europe are probably reduced "Paleo-Atlantids" (Bell Beakers could also play a role), while more Southern they stem from archaic Mediterranoid groups, and obviously various intermediate mixes). Everything else in subjective, I guess, but Alpines violate the beauty standards of the classic WASP world, that is true, the women aren't curvy and voluptuous like Med women, not as exotic as Eastern European women and not as elegant and graceful like Nordics. The men don't have the attractive faces of the Meds, not the athletics of the Nordics (I can tell you firsthand that Alpines are significantly worse in track & field, it's almost a crime to judge them by the same standards in school) or Dinarics... well, they are probably better looking than Osteuropid males... So yeah, give 'em that.

But Alpines do tend to look younger for their ages. So there's that. I'm almost 40

Silver Lining
07-31-2018, 07:52 AM
But Alpines do tend to look younger for their ages. So there's that. I'm almost 40

They look younger... when young. But they do not age very well. Nordics often tend to look young until their mid-50s. My mother will be 60 soon and she is still very lean and athletic, my father is 60, muscular, with full hair and hardly grey (albeit that sort of "persistance" come more from Cromagnid, Nordic hair is often thinning).

07-31-2018, 07:57 AM
They look younger... when young. But they do not age very well. Nordics often tend to look young until their mid-50s. My mother will be 60 soon and she is still very lean and athletic, my father is 60, muscular, with full hair and hardly grey (albeit that sort of "persistance" come more from Cromagnid, Nordic hair is often thinning).

It's interesting. My family would be mostly Aplinid and everyone looks much younger than their age. Alpinids are known to have more baby faced. The people who age worse are the Nordic types. I guess it depends. My sister is almost 50 and she looks about 35. BTW, I don't consider weight gain to necessarily be related to ageing. It can be independent of it. Being in shape means nothing if your face is covered in lines and wrinkles.

07-31-2018, 08:14 AM
I notice that Alpinid is described as rather Peasant-ish looking when I read up on phenotypes. They are described as being short and stocky with rather plump looking and broad faces. Brown hair and brown eyes with skin that is neither fair nor too dark. Unfortunately, I have been typed that way thus far, (even though I am actually of average height with a more heart shaped face, than round.) But I was just wondering if it implies an unattractive/mediocre looking run of the mill European? Or can it be very attractive people as well?

The most masculine sexy actor of Hollywood were/are Alpinid looking... None ( or very few ) of them is nordic/blonde or White/mongoloids mix

07-31-2018, 09:13 AM
Alpines are mediocre in all dimensions, not particularly ugly. Their stature is usually smaller than Nordics' and Dinarics' but higher than that of the mediterraneans (the most beta/incel White subrace).

07-31-2018, 09:32 AM
Alpines aren't ugly they just tend to look kinda plain in my opinion, though it comes down to personal preference.

07-31-2018, 09:37 AM
I don't think any phenotype is completely unattractive, actually I didn't know Alpinids were associated with being ugly before coming across this thread. I definately do agree that it is a very common and perhaps 'peasant' look, but I actually find it to be a positive thing. Being associated with Alpinids, I love the mountains, which is allegedly where the look is most common, so it's not a bad thing in my eyes.

Also Alpinid hybrids are often very attractive, especially women. I am biased though because I seldom find long slim facial features to be particularly attractive.

07-31-2018, 09:38 AM
http://orig04.deviantart.net/255c/f/2015/024/7/f/alpine_race_map___anthropology_map_by_schrodinger_ excidium-d8f7toy.png

07-31-2018, 09:39 AM
https://orig00.deviantart.net/a7c1/f/2015/024/5/d/mediterranean_race_map___anthropology_map_by_schro dinger_excidium-d8f7nvx.png

07-31-2018, 09:41 AM

07-31-2018, 09:47 AM
Better than being gracile med

07-31-2018, 10:07 AM
British persons are playing the role of Ancient Europeans. They look like Proto Alpinides.


07-31-2018, 10:40 AM
Not particularly.
The bad press is probably because most Alpine samples on anthro books (especially Guenther ones) focus on overweight, often middle aged, small featured infantle/feminine types.

07-31-2018, 10:52 AM
Well, Alpinid individuals appear to have roundish and soft facial features which is not good for males. Good for women, though.


07-31-2018, 11:39 AM
http://orig04.deviantart.net/255c/f/2015/024/7/f/alpine_race_map___anthropology_map_by_schrodinger_ excidium-d8f7toy.png

Where did you find this map? Are there others?

07-31-2018, 12:19 PM
Where did you find this map? Are there others?


07-31-2018, 12:21 PM
Any type can be attractive or unattractive.

07-31-2018, 12:33 PM
Alpine Region in accordance with E.U. commission


07-31-2018, 12:34 PM
Alps mountains ( not Hills ) geographic area..


07-31-2018, 02:15 PM
But Alpines do tend to look younger for their ages. So there's that. I'm almost 40
I do look quite young for my age, as an Asiatic Alpine.

But I think alpinized faces can be pretty attractive on both men and women. Either way, I'd always prefer a round or short alpine face on a man than a long one, with a doli skull.

07-31-2018, 02:18 PM
They look younger... when young. But they do not age very well. Nordics often tend to look young until their mid-50s. My mother will be 60 soon and she is still very lean and athletic, my father is 60, muscular, with full hair and hardly grey (albeit that sort of "persistance" come more from Cromagnid, Nordic hair is often thinning).
I beg to differ. Nordids, at least Keltid Nordids, age very quickly and badly. Okay, maybe not all Nordid types are the same, but KN's usually tend to age badly and look like seniors by early 50s.

I'm speaking with my experience of Anglo Celtic Australians, btw.

07-31-2018, 02:22 PM
Well, Alpinid individuals appear to have roundish and soft facial features which is not good for males. Good for women, though.


You think that woman is an alpine?

07-31-2018, 02:29 PM
Yes same foe indo brachid

Skickat frĺn min SM-G935F via Tapatalk

07-31-2018, 02:29 PM
Better than being gracile med

The women are hot af but for men i have to agree with you!Kinda short with very feminine features.

07-31-2018, 02:29 PM
You think that woman is an alpine?

Sure. Possible med. influence also.


07-31-2018, 02:30 PM
I always hear people saying Brunns and Borrebies are ugly, especially men, which is not a sentiment I can agree with completely since they are common types among my own ethnic background.

On contrast some people speak highly of Alpinids. I believe it was the French who took the Alpinid type as their national type and as a badge of honor.

07-31-2018, 02:30 PM
Sure. Possible med. influence also.


Are you retarded?

07-31-2018, 02:34 PM
The women are hot af but for men i have to agree with you!Kinda short with very feminine features.
That's me. Lol.

07-31-2018, 02:36 PM
That's me. Lol.

I dont think you are gracile md xd!

If i remember well you were Pontid with some kind of Taurid traits...

07-31-2018, 02:37 PM
Are you retarded?

I think you need a pair of glasses and some chill pills.

07-31-2018, 02:38 PM
I think you need a pair of glasses and some chill pills.

You didn't answer my question gurl.

07-31-2018, 02:39 PM
It's unattractive on men because it's a phenotype that lacks masculine features. On women, for the same reasons, it has the opposite effect - alpinid women are usually considered 'cute'.

07-31-2018, 02:42 PM
You didn't answer my question gurl.

Take your pills first and then talk to your shrink. He's got all the answers.

07-31-2018, 02:43 PM
Take your pills first and then talk to your shrink. He's got all the answers.

I took my vitamin pills, now talk.

07-31-2018, 02:45 PM
Take your pills first and then talk to your shrink. He's got all the answers.

I put the pills in my boy hole :)

07-31-2018, 02:48 PM
Alpinids generally do give off that boorish look. They can look young in certain ways, like being baby-faced, but something about their build and other features make them look older. I know a guy in his mid-20s that looks either 21 or 40 depending on how you look at it. Receding hairlines also seem common with Alpinids.

07-31-2018, 02:59 PM
I dont think you are gracile md xd!

If i remember well you were Pontid with some kind of Taurid traits...
I thought being short & Med looking automatically makes you some sort of a gracile-med. Lol.

07-31-2018, 03:00 PM

07-31-2018, 03:05 PM
I thought being short & Med looking automatically makes you some sort of a gracile-med. Lol.

No xd!

G.Med is very very short(1.70) height,and they have very soft and some kind of roundish features simillar to alpinid.

Pontids and Atlantomeds are way good looking IMO.

07-31-2018, 03:13 PM
No xd!

G.Med is very very short(1.70) height,and they have very soft and some kind of roundish features simillar to alpinid.

Pontids and Atlantomeds are way good looking IMO.
I'm shorter than 170cm. ;)

Not sure if my features are soft or roundish, but they're certainly not robust or chiseled (beside my brow area though). Lol.

07-31-2018, 03:39 PM
Most of them are Alpinids I guess... are they ugly? well, I think it could be much worse...

07-31-2018, 06:16 PM
The women are hot af but for men i have to agree with you!Kinda short with very feminine features.

I'm 5'11 which isn't really short and I have a heart shaped faced. But people have told me my face is kind of feminine. I heard that women who are wanting to marry a man, look for softer men anyway,rather than hard faced. Maybe Alpinid is an example of "cute" rather than beautiful/handsome.

07-31-2018, 06:18 PM
Most of them are Alpinids I guess... are they ugly? well, I think it could be much worse...

Those fellas look Irish to me. Like quite a few of my people.

07-31-2018, 06:39 PM
I'm 5'11 which isn't really short and I have a heart shaped faced. But people have told me my face is kind of feminine. I heard that women who are wanting to marry a man, look for softer men anyway,rather than hard faced. Maybe Alpinid is an example of "cute" rather than beautiful/handsome.

My comment goes for Gracile Meditteranid and not for Alpine!

If you want my opinion i dont really find Alpines good looking but i believe is the smartest phenotype among europeans.
Even nordids are below when it comes on IQ,educational level,working skills etc.

The ugly thing on physical appearance is the the round-brachy skull shape,the nose seems like a clown and ofc the majority of Alpines have endomorph bodies.

But thats just my opinion!Other people may found them cute :D

07-31-2018, 06:40 PM
Alpinid is code for opinion.

07-31-2018, 06:58 PM
Someone said it was the Negroid equivalent of being white, lol.

07-31-2018, 07:00 PM
My comment goes for Gracile Meditteranid and not for Alpine!

If you want my opinion i dont really find Alpines good looking but i believe is the smartest phenotype among europeans.
Even nordids are below when it comes on IQ,educational level,working skills etc.

The ugly thing on physical appearance is the the round-brachy skull shape,the nose seems like a clown and ofc the majority of Alpines have endomorph bodies.

But thats just my opinion!Other people may found them cute :D

That is fine by me. As an Apline-Med mix I guess I have the best of both worlds. I always thought it was the Crogagnid types that had the awkward looking head shapes. But on the other hand, they tend to have better builds.
Frankly, I enjoy having the sturdy, even somewhat chubby large frame of an aplinid. It makes me stand out. Quite a few people (men) do not have that shape. Most are just straight up and down . The nordic type with their very narrow frame and lanky appearance seems lacking. For women, anyway, I like them to have curves.You don't find that in Nordics so much.

07-31-2018, 07:07 PM
"Alpinid" it's pseudoscience and bullshit

it's just a term to include all European/west asian with certain similar characteristics, like nose and head shape

07-31-2018, 07:27 PM
That is fine by me. As an Apline-Med mix I guess I have the best of both worlds. I always thought it was the Crogagnid types that had the awkward looking head shapes. But on the other hand, they tend to have better builds.
Frankly, I enjoy having the sturdy, even somewhat chubby large frame of an aplinid. It makes me stand out. Quite a few people (men) do not have that shape. Most are just straight up and down . The nordic type with their very narrow frame and lanky appearance seems lacking. For women, anyway, I like them to have curves.You don't find that in Nordics so much.

You look fine dude!

And you are not textbook alpine,I can see some med on you.

Your profile pic seems that you are not fully mesoprosopic like the majority of alpines but leaning to leptoprosopic witch is med trait!

07-31-2018, 08:03 PM
Jesus Christ, this thread is ridiculous. We Alpines are a proud tribe, we invented mountains, we invented skiing, watches, etc. Our women are beautiful, our men are robust and masculine. This anti-Alpine bigotry will not be tolerated, you sadistic beasts!

The Alpine phenotype also inspired this song of mine (https://soundcloud.com/lamoralscience/3-alpines) which will soon be at the top of the charts, or at least exceed $50 in sales worldwide. Alpines, the mighty mountains and high times....

07-31-2018, 08:06 PM
Jesus Christ, this thread is ridiculous. We Alpines are a proud tribe, we invented mountains, we invented skiing, watches, etc. Our women are beautiful, our men are robust and masculine. This anti-Alpine bigotry will not be tolerated, you sadistic beasts!

The Alpine phenotype also inspired this song of mine (https://soundcloud.com/lamoralscience/3-alpines) which will soon be at the top of the charts, or at least exceed $50 in sales worldwide. Alpines, the mighty mountains and high times....

You tell em Harry potter!!!!!

07-31-2018, 08:12 PM
Jesus Christ, this thread is ridiculous. We Alpines are a proud tribe, we invented mountains, we invented skiing, watches, etc. Our women are beautiful, our men are robust and masculine. This anti-Alpine bigotry will not be tolerated, you sadistic beasts!

The Alpine phenotype also inspired this song of mine (https://soundcloud.com/lamoralscience/3-alpines) which will soon be at the top of the charts, or at least exceed $50 in sales worldwide. Alpines, the mighty mountains and high times....

You tell em Harry potter!!!!!

More like Harry Pothead.

07-31-2018, 08:25 PM



08-01-2018, 06:21 AM
Most of them are Alpinids I guess... are they ugly? well, I think it could be much worse...
I believe only the three on the right are Alpinids.

Justin Bieber is also alpine and I don't think he's bad at all:


"Pretty", round-faced look on a guy can be really attractive, depending on the person.

This footy player is Alpine-Med and I think he's very handsome:


And this is an Assyrian TV host who is also alpinized, and is quite fine:


The thing about Alpinids, is that they must have other components as well in order to be attractive. In this case, or at least in my view, those who are Med/Pontid seem pretty decent.

08-03-2018, 05:14 AM
Is this an Alpinid woman?




She's definitely my type.

08-03-2018, 05:57 AM
Is this an Alpinid woman?




She's definitely my type.

She could be alpinid.. but for sure she is really nice..

08-03-2018, 06:08 AM
Is this an Alpinid woman?




She's definitely my type.
Good question. I would make a thread on her. She seems pretty ambiguous, phenotypically speaking.

I can see some alpinization, but I'd safely say she's some sort of a Dinaridized North Atlantid.

Heather Duval
08-03-2018, 06:19 AM
They look very plain

Heather Duval
08-03-2018, 06:20 AM
Berids and Armenoids are ugly. Gracile too

08-03-2018, 06:30 AM
Berids and Armenoids are ugly. Gracile too
I'm guessing you like Atlantids/Atlanto-Meds?

08-03-2018, 09:20 PM
They look very plain

Plain vs Cute? I seen many cute Alpinid women. The Nordics look harsh and cold, and don't age as well.

02-21-2020, 10:17 AM
I don't think alpinids are ugly, some are pretty and others not so much, and I also don't judge a person's appearance based on the concept of race.

02-21-2020, 10:31 AM
Not at all. They aren't my preference, but Alpine influenced persons can look very pleasant and attractive.

02-21-2020, 02:54 PM
Bullshit. My best friend is Alpine with W. Baltid influence and he is most popular male among girls I know.

02-21-2020, 02:57 PM
Maybe. But you are not ugly IMO.

Daco Celtic
02-21-2020, 03:20 PM
My grandpa was a 5'5 Alpinid ladies man.

02-21-2020, 03:24 PM
Blonde high fWHR chad Alpinid by Biasutti (https://archive.org/details/lerazzeeipopolid02bias):


02-21-2020, 03:34 PM
Alpines are of average height and tall by global standards. In the end, Alpines aren't even an overly well-defined type. German and Eastern European Alpines are often sturdy and tall-ish, while Alpines in French are usually rather short and gracile (yet tend to carry mass). These days they probably aren't even extremely short-headed. They can be found from Iceland to North Africa (Alpines in Central and Northern Europe are probably reduced "Paleo-Atlantids" (Bell Beakers could also play a role), while more Southern they stem from archaic Mediterranoid groups, and obviously various intermediate mixes). Everything else in subjective, I guess, but Alpines violate the beauty standards of the classic WASP world, that is true, the women aren't curvy and voluptuous like Med women, not as exotic as Eastern European women and not as elegant and graceful like Nordics. The men don't have the attractive faces of the Meds, not the athletics of the Nordics (I can tell you firsthand that Alpines are significantly worse in track & field, it's almost a crime to judge them by the same standards in school) or Dinarics... well, they are probably better looking than Osteuropid males... So yeah, give 'em that.

Alpinid women have bigger tits than med ones though.
At least in the bulk of cases.
And many of them have neothenic traits... and pretty faces.
They are not ugly at all in my humble opinion.

02-21-2020, 06:11 PM
Alpine admix gives very cute faces.

02-21-2020, 06:20 PM
Alpine admix gives very cute faces.

For women not really for men

02-21-2020, 06:24 PM
For women not really for men

Alpines are all very generic looking, but there are some hot alpine women for sure.

02-21-2020, 06:46 PM
Since we are talking in codes:

61 eb

02-21-2020, 06:47 PM
Alpines are hot. Anglos are not.

02-21-2020, 07:19 PM
For women not really for men

I don't care about men :P slenderness of Nordids or Pontids mixed with roundness of Alpines gives the best results.

02-21-2020, 07:24 PM
It's unattractive on men because it's a phenotype that lacks masculine features. On women, for the same reasons, it has the opposite effect - alpinid women are usually considered 'cute'.

I looks very feminine. I don't have any jaw.

02-21-2020, 08:17 PM
More like code for cute. Especially on girls it can work really well, I'd say.

02-21-2020, 08:28 PM
Alpine girls keep their level of attractiveness, men don't, although they try ;)

The Lawspeaker
02-21-2020, 08:30 PM
"Awe... you aren't ugly. You're just Alpinid.. !"

02-21-2020, 08:31 PM
To me it looks cute and friendly

02-21-2020, 08:34 PM
Alpinid women better than med women.

02-21-2020, 08:37 PM
Alpinid women better than med women.


02-21-2020, 08:44 PM

Alpine-med for the peace of you two? :D

02-21-2020, 09:07 PM
I looks very feminine. I don't have any jaw.

This guy for sure is not Alpinid


02-21-2020, 09:56 PM
According to Coon:

'They are usually shy, but are nevertheless capable of great courage and amazing feats under the proper circumstances. They are adept at throwing stones.'

This specimen, from 'Races of Europe', is a handsome little feller, imo.


02-22-2020, 06:57 AM
Alpine pride worldwide :victory0:

02-26-2020, 04:49 PM

03-03-2024, 12:06 PM
One thing I have noticed in my life, young males with this phenotype or even the berid phenotype tend to be incels, as the aesthetic competition is ruthless, and objectively it is the ugliest phenotype (on males) in Western Europe

03-03-2024, 01:15 PM
Being one I think we absolutely slay. We just look so fucking European. ;) alpines look closer to each other than to other phenotypes from their country.
https://i.ibb.co/511mLMb/IMG-8347.jpg (https://ibb.co/2FFxdnG)

03-03-2024, 01:21 PM
Being one I think we absolutely slay. We just look so fucking European. ;) alpines look closer to each other than to other phenotypes from their country.
https://i.ibb.co/511mLMb/IMG-8347.jpg (https://ibb.co/2FFxdnG)

Alpine looks certainly better on women- but the reality is even Alpine men if they care about how they look (body+style) they look usually decent- so its an anthrostereotype. There is simply a lot of Europeans who neither take care of their body nor how they dress.

03-03-2024, 01:23 PM
I notice that Alpinid is described as rather Peasant-ish looking when I read up on phenotypes. They are described as being short and stocky..

The proverbial Alpinids from the Czech Republic are now taller than the Scandinavians.

https://i.ibb.co/C86cmkd/GHq3-V-1-XQAA5-A0-E.jpg (https://ibb.co/Jtq1mfL)

03-03-2024, 01:43 PM
The proverbial Alpinids from the Czech Republic are now taller than the Scandinavians.

https://i.ibb.co/C86cmkd/GHq3-V-1-XQAA5-A0-E.jpg (https://ibb.co/Jtq1mfL)

Lol at that map and Ukriainians, Slovenes, Slovaks and Estonians being taller than Croats.
In some alternate universe, perhaps.

03-03-2024, 01:44 PM
I like alpinid traits on men more and more as I get older.

03-03-2024, 02:05 PM
I like alpinid traits on men more and more as I get older.

Yes, I noticed that mainly robust women with sharp facial features are into gracile alpine men. The girlfriend of the Southern Dutch friend who is with me in my picture is Faelid-Tronder. And his ex whom he dated before her is Noric. :D

03-03-2024, 02:11 PM
Yes, I noticed that mainly robust women with sharp facial features are into gracile alpine men. The girlfriend of the Southern Dutch friend who is with me in my picture is Faelid-Tronder. And his ex whom he dated before her is Noric. :D

I really like gracile men xD

03-03-2024, 02:23 PM
Lol at that map and Ukriainians, Slovenes, Slovaks and Estonians being taller than Croats.
In some alternate universe, perhaps.

The source looks credible.
It is possible that the young generation was studied.

It's possible this is the source

03-03-2024, 02:34 PM
The proverbial Alpinids from the Czech Republic are now taller than the Scandinavians.

Czechs are very mixed in phenotype- they just happen to be on average brachy.

Things that would be interesting to know in Czechia: Cephalic Index and hair colour correlation. Height and phenotype correlation

03-03-2024, 02:37 PM
Czechs are very mixed in phenotype- they just happen to be on average brachy.

Things that would be interesting to know in Czechia: Cephalic Index and hair colour correlation. Height and phenotype correlation

This was just an example. Based on current national observations, it is difficult to maintain the theses from 100 years ago.

03-03-2024, 02:39 PM
ive always thought alpine looks the friendliest

03-03-2024, 03:20 PM
https://i.ibb.co/yW8m0NK/pub.jpg (https://ibb.co/NZLgxFf)

I don't know how certain the Lancet thesis is that genetics is of little importance. It is certainly a regularity that Mediterranean populations have a lower height (https://i.ibb.co/xLYkXpv/GHq3-V-1-XQAA5-A0-E.jpg). But that could very well be due to faster maturation.

03-03-2024, 03:32 PM
Dalmatian Croat young men are tallest in Europe.


03-03-2024, 03:35 PM
Western Balkans young male height


03-03-2024, 04:17 PM
An interesting example of the impact of the deterioration of economic conditions on the height of the population. The case of Ukraine after the start of the civil war.

https://i.ibb.co/L9vGvgf/ukrai.jpg (https://ibb.co/ygV3VkJ)

source (https://www.thelancet.com/action/showPdf?pii=S0140-6736%2820%2931859-6)

06-07-2024, 08:59 AM
Depends. Alpinioid when mixed with other phenotypes (Nordid, Atlantid, Baltid) can make a prettyboy, sometimes babyfaced look and gives a youthful appearance (James Dean, Dicaprio, Maguire)

The phenotype itself, when not mixed is horrible for Men. Hyperbrachycephalic, Endomorph, Short, No cheekbones. Sounds like a living hell as a man. Guaranteed Incel.

06-07-2024, 10:50 AM
Depends. Alpinioid when mixed with other phenotypes (Nordid, Atlantid, Baltid) can make a prettyboy, sometimes babyfaced look and gives a youthful appearance (James Dean, Dicaprio, Maguire)

The phenotype itself, when not mixed is horrible for Men. Hyperbrachycephalic, Endomorph, Short, No cheekbones. Sounds like a living hell as a man. Guaranteed Incel.

The phenotype seems to be rather an endproduct of an evolution- those men are best paired with rough female Meds or Nordids because they have hypermasculine traits like strongs chins and prominent noses etc. And i think those women go for this type of men as well.

06-07-2024, 07:40 PM
The phenotype seems to be rather an endproduct of an evolution- those men are best paired with rough female Meds or Nordids because they have hypermasculine traits like strongs chins and prominent noses etc. And i think those women go for this type of men as well.
Sure, like a Subnordid. I agree

06-08-2024, 03:07 AM
The phenotype seems to be rather an endproduct of an evolution- those men are best paired with rough female Meds or Nordids because they have hypermasculine traits like strongs chins and prominent noses etc. And i think those women go for this type of men as well.

Evolution is a myth.

06-08-2024, 03:07 AM
Depends. Alpinioid when mixed with other phenotypes (Nordid, Atlantid, Baltid) can make a prettyboy, sometimes babyfaced look and gives a youthful appearance (James Dean, Dicaprio, Maguire)

The phenotype itself, when not mixed is horrible for Men. Hyperbrachycephalic, Endomorph, Short, No cheekbones. Sounds like a living hell as a man. Guaranteed Incel.

Do I seem pure Alpinid?


06-08-2024, 03:09 AM
One thing I have noticed in my life, young males with this phenotype or even the berid phenotype tend to be incels, as the aesthetic competition is ruthless, and objectively it is the ugliest phenotype (on males) in Western Europe

How it objectively the ugliest pheno? I would say others are worse such as gracile or brachy or even brunn.

06-08-2024, 04:20 AM
Do I seem pure Alpinid?


You need to see a counselor or a therapist (serious). Your eyes shout "depressed", and you're not doing yourself any favors by asking for insults from your "fans". I can tell that you're not in a good emotional place just by looking at your photo. Stop posting these masochistic threads because they do nothing to uplift you, so you'll feel much better, as well as look much better (not saying you look bad), if you kick this routine to the curb.

06-08-2024, 05:14 AM
For women, I'd say it can be very cute, when not too brachy. Maybe an average-looking phenotype among Euro phenotypes. However, being endomorph is a negative point, because staying leaner will be harder for Alpines.
For men, it is defintely an uglier-than-average phenotype. Unlike the CM brachy phenotypes, which are among the best-looking, Alpines have less 'angular' features. Round skull, snub nose, short height, short legs compared to the trunk. I'd also say that it is a working-class phenotype, at least in France, which can make them look less desirable than more 'elegant' types.
Berid, Paleo-Sardinian and Gracile Med are worse though. And obviously, you can be good or bad-looking whatever your phenotype is.

06-08-2024, 07:09 AM
Alpinid is a code for fat

06-08-2024, 07:47 AM
How it objectively the ugliest pheno? I would say others are worse such as gracile or brachy or even brunn.

From what I have been able to see, the gracile med is not bad because overall on average the face is thin and has good facial harmony as well as gaining little fat, I think I am on the gracile med dinarized or on the dinaro-med and I tend to attract girls even though I never made the famous "first move", I happened to post photos of myself on Reddit to be classify my pheno, and receive a few messages from girls in a short space of time, I agree about Brunn, it's a good fight, the main problem of the Alpine phenotype is facial fat and a tendency not to have very "manly" somatic features on average let's say
This Is me:
Sorry for my English (Google translator)

06-08-2024, 09:09 AM
No, even if most Alpinids are found ugly(not in my opinion, I LUV my potato bros) still there are people who with right grooming will elevate their attractiveness level by muscles, haircut, outfits etc. I believe there is no code for ugly in specific phenotype, the wrong diet and lifestyle can turn most people into ugly

06-08-2024, 09:35 AM
How it objectively the ugliest pheno? I would say others are worse such as gracile or brachy or even brunn.

Borreby, Brunn, Alpinid, Paleo-Sardinian, Keltic-Nordids and Carparthids are all very disgusting and ugly-looking phenotypes for men.

The best-looking Men in the world are usually Northern/Western European phenotypes, like Northern Atlantid, Paleo Atlantid, Dalofaelid, Hallstatt, Tronder, Anglo-Saxon. They are masculine faced and of good height, not too brachy, good body proportions.

Eurafricanids as well.

You can throw Baltids in there too. Babyfaced, Effeminate, cute-looking Men with better facial features than the Alpinid.

06-08-2024, 01:16 PM
Evolution is a myth.

You might as well be illiterate.

06-08-2024, 08:36 PM
Evolution is a myth.

You might as well be illiterate.

Maybe call it adaptation. Certainly a lot of humans went from rubust and ugly to less robust and ugly to infantil and ugly (sometimes infantil isnt ugly even in men, though its never masculine). But thats just basically it.

It might be a hard pill to swollow but a lot of us really did not live a "natural" live, the food that we ate, the level of activity, school system, the value systems are all jut invented to keep us controlled. The testosterone level is on the low point. Many people who are bound to less activity will also be more prone to fantasy, it explains a lot of virgins for sure these days.

06-08-2024, 08:46 PM
I like alpinid traits on men more and more as I get older.

Traits yes, but pure Alpines don't seem too attractive to me. Alpine-Pontid and other mixed types may be very nice ones.

06-11-2024, 10:48 PM
Borreby, Brunn, Alpinid, Paleo-Sardinian, Keltic-Nordids and Carparthids are all very disgusting and ugly-looking phenotypes for men.

The best-looking Men in the world are usually Northern/Western European phenotypes, like Northern Atlantid, Paleo Atlantid, Dalofaelid, Hallstatt, Tronder, Anglo-Saxon. They are masculine faced and of good height, not too brachy, good body proportions.

Eurafricanids as well.

You can throw Baltids in there too. Babyfaced, Effeminate, cute-looking Men with better facial features than the Alpinid.

But quite a few NW Europeans are Alpines- especially places like Bavaria.

06-11-2024, 10:50 PM
You need to see a counselor or a therapist (serious). Your eyes shout "depressed", and you're not doing yourself any favors by asking for insults from your "fans". I can tell that you're not in a good emotional place just by looking at your photo. Stop posting these masochistic threads because they do nothing to uplift you, so you'll feel much better, as well as look much better (not saying you look bad), if you kick this routine to the curb.

LOL. I'm not depressed at all. I was just tired when I took the photo. Also, you kind of add insult to injury. A GL person would never be told to stop posting their pictures.

06-11-2024, 11:11 PM
One thing I have noticed in my life, young males with this phenotype or even the berid phenotype tend to be incels, as the aesthetic competition is ruthless, and objectively it is the ugliest phenotype (on males) in Western Europe
Brunns, Faelids, Borreby's, and Berids are all uglier, imo.

06-11-2024, 11:17 PM
Brunns, Faelids, Borreby's, and Berids are all uglier, imo.

Some Brunn females can look very striking, same with the other types except maybe Berid

06-12-2024, 12:02 AM
Some Brunn females can look very striking, same with the other types except maybe Berid
I can't agree, when I think of ugly European women I think of stereotypical Germanic CM's. Including the "better" looking ones:

Maybe because I'm used to their superior Baltid counterparts. :D

06-12-2024, 01:06 AM
LOL. I'm not depressed at all. I was just tired when I took the photo. Also, you kind of add insult to injury. A GL person would never be told to stop posting their pictures.

I tried to help. That won't happen again.

06-12-2024, 01:47 AM
No,there're beautiful Alpinids

Colonel Frank Grimes
06-12-2024, 02:13 AM
Alpines are cursed to toil for higher phenotypes. Forever damned.

06-12-2024, 02:19 AM
No,there're beautiful Alpinids


She looks like my niece. I'm starting to think that you guys are spying on me. ;)

06-12-2024, 06:59 AM
The SS (RuSHA) ranked the Alpinid and East Baltid types the least attractive and desirable, and considered them to be on par with non-whites even.

Schultz divided his criteria into three parts: racial phenotype, physical condition, and "general bearing". He aimed his set of values to favor the Nordic type. He listed five racial groupings:

- "pure Nordic,"
- "predominantly Nordic or Falic" [Falic = Brunn],
- "harmonious bastard [cross-breed] with slight Alpine, Dinaric or Mediterranean characteristics,"
- "bastards of predominantly East Baltic or Alpine origin," and
- "bastards of extra-European origin".

Only those in the first three categories were eligible to join the ϟϟ. Schultz also composed a list of nine categories of physical proportion as a guide for the physical examination of ϟϟ candidates (Hoehne 1971: 166). Candidates achieving ratings of 6-9 were passed; categories 4 and 5 were only passed after proving "Nordic qualities" in their behavior; while ratings 1-3 were failed (Knoebel 1965: 26). Himmler was adamant that his men be "of well-proportioned build; for instance there must be no disproportion between the lower leg and the thigh or between the legs and the body; otherwise an exceptional bodily effort is required to carry out long marches" (Hoehne 1971: 166-167). As to "Nordic bearing", Himmler put it this way: "The point is that in his attitude to discipline the man should not behave like an underling, that his gait, his hands, everything, should correspond to the ideal which we set ourselves". (Hoehne 1971: 167)


06-12-2024, 08:50 PM
The SS (RuSHA) ranked the Alpinid and East Baltid types the least attractive and desirable, and considered them to be on par with non-whites even.

Schultz divided his criteria into three parts: racial phenotype, physical condition, and "general bearing". He aimed his set of values to favor the Nordic type. He listed five racial groupings:

- "pure Nordic,"
- "predominantly Nordic or Falic" [Falic = Brunn],
- "harmonious bastard [cross-breed] with slight Alpine, Dinaric or Mediterranean characteristics,"
- "bastards of predominantly East Baltic or Alpine origin," and
- "bastards of extra-European origin".

Only those in the first three categories were eligible to join the ϟϟ. Schultz also composed a list of nine categories of physical proportion as a guide for the physical examination of ϟϟ candidates (Hoehne 1971: 166). Candidates achieving ratings of 6-9 were passed; categories 4 and 5 were only passed after proving "Nordic qualities" in their behavior; while ratings 1-3 were failed (Knoebel 1965: 26). Himmler was adamant that his men be "of well-proportioned build; for instance there must be no disproportion between the lower leg and the thigh or between the legs and the body; otherwise an exceptional bodily effort is required to carry out long marches" (Hoehne 1971: 166-167). As to "Nordic bearing", Himmler put it this way: "The point is that in his attitude to discipline the man should not behave like an underling, that his gait, his hands, everything, should correspond to the ideal which we set ourselves". (Hoehne 1971: 167)


The average Alpine, sure. But there are exceptions to everything. Personally, I find Nordids the least attractive. The best combo is Altanto-Med or Alpine Med.

06-13-2024, 09:05 AM
Brunns, Faelids, Borreby's, and Berids are all uglier, imo.

I'm talking about facial harmony but also about the perceived virility of somatic features, in fact I'm talking above all about male beauty, on females Alpine features are very nice, the faelid doesn't have good facial harmony on average but has very masculine features that can compensate, here in Italy I noticed that those who are really less successful with girls tend to have very much Alpine somatic features, especially among young people, while those who have more are usually of the Atlanto-med phenotype

06-13-2024, 10:48 AM
The average Alpine, sure. But there are exceptions to everything. Personally, I find Nordids the least attractive. The best combo is Altanto-Med or Alpine Med.

Well, yeah, they did state that they only considered pure Alpinids to be sub-human, while they classified those with Alpinid features as "harmonious cross-breeds".

I think people are biased in classifying people as Alpinid when they're short, fat and ugly. If someone is considered obese and Alpinid and loses weight, they would not be considered pure Alpinid anymore.

06-13-2024, 10:45 PM
Well, yeah, they did state that they only considered pure Alpinids to be sub-human, while they classified those with Alpinid features as "harmonious cross-breeds".

I think people are biased in classifying people as Alpinid when they're short, fat and ugly. If someone is considered obese and Alpinid and loses weight, they would not be considered pure Alpinid anymore.

I'm Alpine and while not tall, I'm definitely not short. I'm around 5'11 with a large built frame. I think what you're saying has more to do with people being mistyped pheno due to weight gain/loss rather than their true pheno. Alpines can look thin too.