View Full Version : Classify this spanish basque

03-30-2011, 08:56 AM
Iñaki Perurena








And yes, basque people do this stuff on a daily basis.

He looks very british imho.

03-30-2011, 02:19 PM
Cro-Magnid with strong Celtic appearance. Not Iberian looking at all, except his eyes...

03-30-2011, 02:24 PM
Still fits as Iberian.

I say robust-light Atlanto-Mediterranid (Atlantid if you must).

03-30-2011, 02:31 PM
Cro-Magnid with strong Celtic appearance. Not Iberian looking at all, except his eyes...

What the fuck you know about what is the real iberian looking?

I can stand humble ignorants, but I can't stand big mouth ignorants.

They are even unable to notice that when they talk about unknown matters, their ignorance is transforming into idiocy at the eyes of the others.


I guess we are celt-iberians for something, after all.

03-30-2011, 02:39 PM
Still fits as Iberian.

I say robust-light Atlanto-Mediterranid (Atlantid).
I agree. He looks very Iberian to me.

03-30-2011, 05:03 PM
Hardly much of a revision but perhpas he is closer to the Baskid variant range of West-/Atlanto-Mediterranid.

03-31-2011, 04:35 AM
Hardly much of a revision but perhpas he is closer to the Baskid variant range of West-/Atlanto-Mediterranid.

Atlantid? Give me a fucking break:) I think this guy is typical for the people who used to live there before the coming of Iberians during late Neolithic. His phenotype (face and body type) is typical Cro-Magnid. His eyes are a bit odd and betray Iberian admixture (since Cro-Magnid eyes are always rounded), otherwise he fits this category entirely.

03-31-2011, 08:03 AM
Predominately Cromagnid with Nordo-Mediterranid influences, I agree there is something Iberian about his look, though he isn't the most common type there for sure. Yet for these sports Cromagnoid individuals are best suited so I guess many of his "strongman" compatriots resemble him.

03-31-2011, 11:16 AM
I guess we are celt-iberians for something, after all.


Atlantid? Give me a fucking break:) I think this guy is typical for the people who used to live there before the coming of Iberians during late Neolithic. His phenotype (face and body type) is typical Cro-Magnid. His eyes are a bit odd and betray Iberian admixture (since Cro-Magnid eyes are always rounded), otherwise he fits this category entirely.

I am agree, simply do not exist Spanish guys with this aspect, there is no doubt that this man is a classic Basque legendary with no iberian ancestors pure descendant of the old habitants of the peninsula that were all tall and strong before the arrival of the short, weak and dark Iberians.

No os molestéis, la leyenda prevalece.

03-31-2011, 12:35 PM
Atlantid? Give me a fucking break:) I think this guy is typical for the people who used to live there before the coming of Iberians during late Neolithic. His phenotype (face and body type) is typical Cro-Magnid. His eyes are a bit odd and betray Iberian admixture (since Cro-Magnid eyes are always rounded), otherwise he fits this category entirely.
the coming of iberians in the late neolithic, wtf ? The iberians were already living there in the Paleolithic

03-31-2011, 12:56 PM

03-31-2011, 01:51 PM
Atlantid? Give me a fucking break:) I think this guy is typical for the people who used to live there before the coming of Iberians during late Neolithic. His phenotype (face and body type) is typical Cro-Magnid. His eyes are a bit odd and betray Iberian admixture (since Cro-Magnid eyes are always rounded), otherwise he fits this category entirely.

03-31-2011, 05:45 PM
Atlantid? Give me a fucking break:) I think this guy is typical for the people who used to live there before the coming of Iberians during late Neolithic. His phenotype (face and body type) is typical Cro-Magnid. His eyes are a bit odd and betray Iberian admixture (since Cro-Magnid eyes are always rounded), otherwise he fits this category entirely.

Iberians lived only in the mediterranean coast line of the peninsula. People living in modern Basque country and surrounding areas were basically celtic, though later they mixed with the former.

03-31-2011, 08:23 PM
Predominately Cromagnid with Nordo-Mediterranid influences, I agree there is something Iberian about his look, though he isn't the most common type there for sure. Yet for these sports Cromagnoid individuals are best suited so I guess many of his "strongman" compatriots resemble him.

Could pass as Balkan, eh ? ;)

03-31-2011, 08:47 PM
Could pass as Balkan, eh ? ;)
Why not? :)

Kosovo je Sjrbia
04-01-2011, 11:40 PM
Still fits as Iberian.

I say robust-light Atlanto-Mediterranid (Atlantid if you must).

I agree. He looks very Iberian to me.

what's exactly the meaning of Iberian?
Is there a difference between Iberians and Spaniards?

In this web site I continue to read posts of Spanish people who define Iberians tall, blonde with blue eyes persons, in my opinion the avarage Spanish people are totally different, the man in the pic looks almost a scandinavian viking! Nothing about Spaniards.
I' ve been in Spain 4 times, I' ve never found men as that one, the most of people I met were shorter and darker.
Mine is not a racist claim, it's a observation consequence of several visits in Spain.
Sincerely the most of Spaniards I' ve met during my travels in Spain can be classified as gracile mediterranean, often mixed with berids, and many south-american immigrants.
Atlanto mediterraneans on the contrary are typical of France, in Spain are a minority, celtic instead are almost nonexistent.

04-01-2011, 11:49 PM
what's exactly the meaning of Iberian?
Is there a difference between Iberians and Spaniards?

In this web site I continue to read posts of Spanish people who define Iberians tall, blonde with blue eyes persons, in my opinion the avarage Spanish people are totally different, the man in the pic looks almost a scandinavian viking! Nothing about Spaniards.
I' ve been in Spain 4 times, I' ve never found men as that one, the most of people I met were shorter and darker.
Mine is not a racist claim, it's a observation consequence of several visits in Spain.
Sincerely the most of Spaniards I' ve met during my travels in Spain can be classified as gracile mediterranean, often mixed with berids, and many south-american immigrants.
Atlanto mediterraneans on the contrary are typical of France, in Spain are a minority, celtic instead are almost nonexistent.

How long we will have to suffer to this fucking moro?

Kosovo je Sjrbia
04-02-2011, 12:02 AM
How long we will have to suffer to this fucking moro?

You suffer of inferior complex, this is the truth. You insult because you are racist so you don't accept what you are.
Avarage Spaniard is not blonde, is not celtic, is not atlantid.

but no problem, now I say that most of Spanish people are blondes with blue eyes, is it ok now? Spaniards and Swedish look the same!! -.-
Is it correct to distort the reality beacuse you have so many of hangs up?

No it's a childish behaviour, and you're childish.

04-02-2011, 12:16 AM
what's exactly the meaning of Iberian?

Those that your ancestors looked with respect and fear.

In this web site I continue to read posts of Spanish people who define Iberians tall, blonde with blue eyes persons

I think you are confusing the forum.

I' ve been in Spain 4 times, I' ve never found men as that one, the most of people I met were shorter and darker.

I think you are confusing the Country.


Now really, I think you are a bastard liar, no one that have been in Spain one only time could say that.

Anyone that knows spaniards knows perfectly that they are not the ones that want to compare themselves with others, on the contrary, they, we, are too arrogant and proud... no way to think of ourselves as guiris (swedish or whoever you say, ridiculous :) ).

That maybe happens to you and your family, a inferior breed of rats, not to the Spaniards, the "world champions", the imperial and proud breed that ruled the world with our cojones and our swords, including here your ancestors for sure, inferior being.

Anyway, you are basically a troll, a basic troll.

Otro hijo de perra más.

04-02-2011, 12:22 AM
You suffer of inferior complex, this is the truth. You insult because you are racist so you don't accept what you are.
Avarage Spaniard is not blonde, is not celtic, is not atlantid.

but no problem, now I say that most of Spanish people are blondes with blue eyes, is it ok now? Spaniards and Swedish look the same!! -.-
Is it correct to distort the reality beacuse you have so many of hangs up?

No it's a childish behaviour, and you're childish.

Arrêter de faire semblant d'être un Serbe.

وقف التظاهر ليكون أحد صرب


04-02-2011, 12:25 AM
In this web site I continue to read posts of Spanish people who define Iberians tall, blonde with blue eyes persons, in my opinion the avarage Spanish people are totally different, the man in the pic looks almost a scandinavian viking! Nothing about Spaniards.

Nobody said he was the mathematical average Spaniard, nobody said he was a Berid or gracile Mediterranid, nobody said Spaniards weren't usually that (eg, darker), and nobody gives a fuck about Nordicising Spain.

04-02-2011, 12:31 AM
You suffer of inferior complex, this is the truth. You insult because you are racist so you don't accept what you are.
Avarage Spaniard is not blonde, is not celtic, is not atlantid.

but no problem, now I say that most of Spanish people are blondes with blue eyes, is it ok now? Spaniards and Swedish look the same!! -.-
Is it correct to distort the reality beacuse you have so many of hangs up?

No it's a childish behaviour, and you're childish.

I give a damn if we the Spanish are darks, browns or blonds, the only thing that matters is that a fucking moro de mierda as you not participate in Apricity , go to your fucking bullshit forum with other Moros de mierda.

Kosovo je Sjrbia
04-02-2011, 12:31 AM
Nobody said he was the mathematical average Spaniard, nobody said he was a Berid or gracile Mediterranid, nobody said Spaniards weren't usually that (eg, darker), and nobody gives a fuck about Nordicising Spain.

Nobody? Some of them have accused me to be a troll only because in the past I've written that Spain was colonized by moors, the same persons claim to be celtic, that Spaniards are all blonde and related with Brits!!! hahhhahhh

04-02-2011, 12:33 AM

Kosovo je Sjrbia
04-02-2011, 12:42 AM


hahaha obviously the only who are attaking me are spaniards, I don't know the reason why you claim to be nordish, it's a sad thing don't accept what a people is!

in this photo you can see a folk of real Spaniards of Spain during SouthAfrica 2010


and a group of Spaniards from Segovia


Sincerely those are Spaniards that we can meet everydays in the streets of Spain, I don't know why somebody cannot accept this fact.

I was not saying that don't exist blondes!! but be honest!!!! they're a small minority!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kosovo je Sjrbia
04-02-2011, 01:04 AM
I give a damn if we the Spanish are darks, browns or blonds, the only thing that matters is that a fucking moro de mierda as you not participate in Apricity , go to your fucking bullshit forum with other Moros de mierda.


for me this is dark:


and this is light:


the first one is Spanish, the second one is Irish.
Persons as the 1st one are common in southern-west Europe, Persons as the 2nd one are common in the British Islands!

Is it difficult to accept this difference?

In any case I' m not a troll and I' m not muslim, I hate muslims and consider mohammed a pig as you consider him.

It's simple to accuse a person only because he say the truth! But what I' m saying is the truth, I know many spainiards and fortunatelly are not obsessed by nordicism as you are. They accept their race and they don't claim to be what they are not!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-02-2011, 03:55 AM
Can somebody ban this fucking mexicanito ? Thank you.

04-02-2011, 05:20 AM
I' ve been in Spain 4 times, I' ve never found men as that one


I even know several criollos (Latin Americans of Spanish ascent) with that kind of appearance. The fact you have gone to Spain 4 times and never found men like that, makes me think you are either lying, or simply dumb.

04-02-2011, 06:54 AM
Please, there is no way to keep this moron Kosovo out of my threads? We should vote his banning.

If it serves to shut him up, one of the reasons why I posted this guy is because his type is somewhat unusual where he comes from and therefore I found it interesting to classify.

04-02-2011, 11:19 AM
Maybe he needs eyeglasses the next time he goes to Spain. :)

Kosovo je Sjrbia
04-02-2011, 03:27 PM
Can somebody ban this fucking mexicanito ? Thank you.

Before I was muslim, now am I Mexican? hahahaha, I don't know for which reason you hate everyone who is racially related with Spaniards.

In my posts I' ve never insulted anyone, on the contrary you and your friends are saying all kind of offences to me.

04-02-2011, 03:33 PM
Косово је Сјербиа!

Kosovo je Sjrbia
04-02-2011, 03:33 PM
Maybe he needs eyeglasses the next time he goes to Spain. :)

instead many of you must look themselves on the mirror. Even you are a berid as you write in your profile, and as I can see in the photos you've loaded in a thread.
I really don't understand your way of overturning the reality.
And I don't understand why if I say that avarage Iberians are darker than northern European you get angry. That's really sad.

Anyway I will not answer to other provocations!


04-02-2011, 03:44 PM
So what if they're darker than Northern Europeans? Facial features wise they look just like the southern French, and no one questions whether or not they are European.

Dark doesn't mean non-European.

04-02-2011, 04:10 PM
instead many of you must look themselves on the mirror. Even you are a berid as you write in your profile, and as I can see in the photos you've loaded in a thread.
I really don't understand your way of overturning the reality.
And I don't understand why if I say that avarage Iberians are darker than northern European you get angry. That's really sad.

Anyway I will not answer to other provocations!


I've not seen any spaniard in this forum or in real world wanting to be a Guiri (northern european) people that for us -is clear that not for you- are, in all ways, inferior, perhaps except in one, they are more efficient workers than us. In the other ways they are owned in each comparation possible with us, in any arts painting, literature..., war, cojones, valor, culture, life-style...

To say that you have found here spaniards wanting to be guiris is not only A LIE, but a ridiculous thing from someone that does not knows spaniards.

So you have 2 problems in here:

1.- Projection. You are projecting in spaniards your complexes of inferiority, thinking that they have your fears and wishes.

2.- Missinterpretation (due to lack of intelligence or an intense inner conflict invoving the previous trait of pathological projection mainly) when readin spaniards telling that

this guy

A fact that I will say 1 and 1000000 times.


So we have a recurrent original message confirmed and shared by spaniards and knowers of Spain:

- "This guy is common is spain"

And we have a pathological projective Interpretation by a low quality troll (Sudaca, for sure)

- "Spaniards say that want to be swedish. The spaniards get angry because they are darker than northern."


Now back to real world and real Spain portraited by a Spaniard that knows well Spain:

So far I've not found spaniard that want to be guiri or moor.

Well, maybe I am wrong and I've heard about pathological teens and other cases that want to be negros perhaps and even moors among some pro-alandalusians (look, more than guiris).
But they are, like you, sick and lost people. We have these kind of garbage in all societies.

I'm imagining asking my father or my mother or any friend of me or familiar or my neighbour if they want to be guiris and to my mind only comes recurrent images of loud and arrogant laughs after surprise expresions. :tongue:tongue:tongue


Ridiculous. No nos conoces.


Some tips for you, troll, tips related to improve your offensive capabilities toward spaniards:

TIP: Spaniards don't really get angry being called what they are notbecause they are called moors and linked to people they are not, they are quite used to that by sudacas and others. In fact, when you call spaniards moors or relating us to north africa are proving your low information about the matter and losing power in your offensive efficiency since you are ignoring the reality of our history involving the MAJOR ETHNIC CLEANSING in an European country of non-iberian genes. There is more spaniard (iberian) genes in north africa than viceversa. Explanation??? :) Too easy. Linked to the Inquisition. I'm not going to explain everything. That is the link the low minds missinterpretate :). White looking northafricans genes originated in Spain previous to expulsion of Islamics (many converted).

TIP 2: If you want to fuck spaniards and conceal yourself in a coherent identity of a knower of Spain don't do such FAILS that unveil your poor rags. You can attack us based in reality like we are invaded by rats like you and your family, sudaca, and we have no longer the impetus to kill the invaders and put their heads on poles as our ancestors use to do from the very origins of our tribes. That hurts much more than being called moors or guiris wannabe because the truth offends much more than the lies.

If you are a troll to Spaniards, at least do the things well.
There is nothing more boring that a mediocre troll trapped by their own conflicts and intelectual and cultural limitations.


04-02-2011, 04:31 PM
instead many of you must look themselves on the mirror. Even you are a berid as you write in your profile, and as I can see in the photos you've loaded in a thread.
I really don't understand your way of overturning the reality.
And I don't understand why if I say that avarage Iberians are darker than northern European you get angry. That's really sad.

Anyway I will not answer to other provocations!


What has the fact of me being mostly Berid to do with is? Honestly, I have nothing personal about you, but you seem obsessed with your quasi-quest to portray Iberians (read Spanish and Portuguese, on this context) as Moor descended mongrels - which is obviously false. We got them outta here instead!

I speak for myself and I don't overtun reality. There are a lot of racial types in Iberia, from darker to lighter ones. Nordid types are minor, but there's a significant range of lighter types - that is what you seem not to accept. Anyway, you don't need to accept it, it's a fact. And I really don't give it much attention, both darker and lighter Iberians are native, ethnic Europeans.

The northwestern African influence in Iberia, well, what's your point with that? There's Turkish influence in your homeland the Balkans, there's Asian influence in much of eastern Europe and Scandinavia. But still you seem to be obsessed with the Iberian Peninsula. I regret that you can't overcome the fact that both Spain and Portugal were and still are pinacles of the Euroepan culture and civilization... Can we say the same on Serbia/Balkans? I guess not. Still I don't fight you for that.

04-02-2011, 04:39 PM
instead many of you must look themselves on the mirror. Even you are a berid as you write in your profile, and as I can see in the photos you've loaded in a thread.
I really don't understand your way of overturning the reality.
And I don't understand why if I say that avarage Iberians are darker than northern European you get angry. That's really sad.

Anyway I will not answer to other provocations!

You are pure comedy, a buffoon.

04-02-2011, 05:19 PM
Atlanto mediterraneans on the contrary are typical of France, in Spain are a minority, celtic instead are almost nonexistent.

No. We Atlanto-meds are the most common phenotype in Spain. Really far from being a minority lol

04-02-2011, 07:51 PM
No. We Atlanto-meds are the most common phenotype in Spain. Really far from being a minority lol

Proportions are hard to estimate, but for sure Atlantomediterranid is a major constitutive element in Spain and from all of Europe, actually the world, the proportion of Atlantomediterranid in total of the population (with all mixtures), might be relatively the highest in Spaniards.