View Full Version : Beard Growth

08-03-2018, 03:59 PM
We are not completely sure why some populations have heavy beard growth and others do not. We know that it is related to testosterone (for follicle priming) and dihydrotestosterone (for linear growth) (1). DHT (dihydrotestoterone), which is converted from testosterone, is not only responsible for for male beard growth, but also is correlated with male pattern baldness.

Pictures from World Beard and Mustache Championship in Schömberg, in the southern state of Baden-Württemberg (6).

Different ratios of Testosterone and DHT can lead to different beard growth patterns and body hair patterns.

Men bald more and grow a beard faster in the summer than in the winter (2). I wonder if this fact has anything to do with Southern Europeans and certain Middle Easterners and Indians being able to grow thicker beards on average than Northern Europeans.


Compare these maps to the list of baldest nations on earth:
Spain (42.60%), Germany (41.24%), France (39.24%), and the UK (39.23%), USA (39.04%) then Italy, Poland, the Netherlands and Russia (3)

Interestingly, our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, the bonobo, does not have a dense beard, despite being hairy almost everywhere else.

So why did human males evolve to have beards? The most ancient and diverse population on earth, the Khoisan people of Africa do not often grow beards. This is likely how all humans looked at one point in time. (4)

Today, most populations do not have males with heavy beards. Why then do some populations seem to be made up of only bearded men?

Most evolutionary biologist believe that it is a sexually selected characteristic in humans. It could also be a side effect of other traits being selected for. If for any reason men with full beards have on average slightly more offspring that survive to then grow up and have slightly ore of their own, over time the trait will become common (4). This would take tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years to occur.

Beard growth rate differences over populations could be related to the founder effect. For example, if most of the men who found a population are bearded and hairy, it is likely that the descendants in that are would also be more bearded and hairy. The same works in reverse, if the genetically originally founding men of a population are relatively hairless, so too will be their descendants, assuming they do not mix with other hairier populations.

So how do beards make men stand out? Some claim that it serves the purpose of giving men status among other men, while others believe it is to stand out to women.
Studies on the effects on the way men and women perceive beards and bearded men are inconclusive. Some studies claim that a beard sends the message of Masculinity (Dixson & Brooks, 2013) and some claim the show aggressiveness and dominance (Archer, 2009). Numerous studies report that men with beards are perceived as being more mature (5). Studies also show that women perceive full-bearded men as being better fathers.
It's not clear if women prefer cleanly shaven men to bearded men, or if perhaps they are most attracted to men with a light stubble as Dixson & Brooks found in their aforementioned 2013 study.
Having a beard may change the way a man feels about himself. One study by Wood in 1986 found that when giving clean shaven men a fake beard and having them put it on, the men rated themselves as being more masculine (5).

What are you favorite beards? Who do you think grows the best beards in Europe/the World?


08-03-2018, 04:01 PM

I have a full beard as well as a full set of hair. No signs of receding yet.

08-03-2018, 04:04 PM
Keltic Nordids

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 04:04 PM
well im not sure, but what i do know is that im 17 and i can only grow a thin black moustache XD i have some hair on my sideburns and even less so on my chin and neck area. idk, most of my facial hair and hair on my arms is rather "transparent" so probably peachfuzz or something, theres 1 pure black hair sprouting out of my arm that is darker and thicker than the rest though.

guess it makes sense that i dont have alot of facial hair because i am only 17 XD i have more facial hair than my best friend and he's ethnically 100% a dutch guy. so i guess only time will tell, i bet im able to grow a beard though only i am still way too young to see any proper beard growth XD

i have a half indian quarter turkish and quarter dutch friend and he already has tons of body hair and tons of facial hair. so i guess its genetics yeah.

the only thing i so far inherited from my genetics is probably my bodily hair from my european side mostly. i am very hairy when it comes to body though and all my hair on my body is thick pure black XD

08-03-2018, 04:05 PM

I have a full beard as well as a full set of hair. No signs of receding yet.

I have a mostly full beard with two little holes by my lower lip/upper chin. And I think i might be showing very slight signs of receding. Ill have to compare pictures of myself from a while back to now

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 04:07 PM
I have a mostly full beard with two little holes by my lower lip/upper chin. And I think i might be showing very slight signs of receding. Ill have to compare pictures of myself from a while back to now

lmao, i have barely no facial hair, even my thin black moustache isnt super noticable. i have kinda noticable hair on my sideburn area and a bit on my cheeks, the rest you can barely see unless you shine a flashlight directly on it.

ancestryDNA's traits showed me to have less chance of male balding so i guess it has something to do with my beard growth/testosterone? i barely work out so makes sense, yet i am a aggressive individual XD genetics are weird

08-03-2018, 04:07 PM
I have a mostly full beard with two little holes by my lower lip/upper chin. And I think i might be showing very slight signs of receding. Ill have to compare pictures of myself from a while back to now

That's the best way to do it. I've had my doubts about receding in certain spots until I checked old photos and realized my hair was just always like that.

08-03-2018, 04:09 PM
lmao, i have barely no facial hair, even my thin black moustache isnt super noticable. i have kinda noticable hair on my sideburn area and a bit on my cheeks, the rest you can barely see unless you shine a flashlight directly on it.

ancestryDNA's traits showed me to have less chance of male balding so i guess it has something to do with my beard growth/testosterone? i barely work out so makes sense, yet i am a aggressive individual XD genetics are weird

You can still have high testosterone and not much body hair. If you have low DHT, or if you are just insensitive to it. If your hair follicles aren't sensitive to T and DHT, they will never be triggered to grow no matter how high your hormones are

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-03-2018, 04:13 PM
Interestingly, our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, the bonobo, does not have a dense beard, despite being hairy almost everywhere else.

In my case the closest primate is the Emperor Tamarin.


08-03-2018, 04:15 PM
you can have high testosterone with no beard growth, the two do not go hand in hand. Most of my family members are all balding but have lots of facial growth but I am the opposite with a full head of hair, no receding but I cant grow a beard :rolleyes:

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 04:18 PM
You can still have high testosterone and not much body hair. If you have low DHT, or if you are just insensitive to it. If your hair follicles aren't sensitive to T and DHT, they will never be triggered to grow no matter how high your hormones are

oh wow lol.

Well speaking of my ability to grow a beard. I have a definite line of a bit thick peach fuzz down my cheek, indicating a beard line, i have hair under my lower lip, on my chin, under my chin and on my neck, also behind my jaw, i have a sideburn line, and my hair is bit for bit slowly starting to gain more color, aka black. So from transparent it's slowly turning to light brown, to dark brown, and then immediately to pure black.

does that indicate i will be able to grow a beard in the upcoming years perhaps?

(removed pic)

it's weird lol, since i am partially european and roughly 1/3 arab i should be able to grow thick facial hair i assume XD maybe my facial hair is on vacation XDD

08-03-2018, 04:19 PM
you can have high testosterone with no beard growth, the two do not go hand in hand
They are correlated but it’s not causal because it’s more about genetics than just hormone levels. If you don’t ha e the genes to have hair follicles that are sensitive to DHT and testosterone, then it doesn’t matter how much T or DHT you have

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 04:20 PM
They are correlated but it’s not causal because it’s more about genetics than just hormone levels. If you don’t ha e the genes to have hair follicles that are sensitive to DHT and testosterone, then it doesn’t matter how much T or DHT you have

well, how to find out if you have the genes to have hair follicles that are sensitive to that stuff? XD cause idk where to look, me having hair on my face is enough of a indicator i guess. maybe my facial hair is just a "late bloomer" XDDDD

08-03-2018, 04:21 PM
I couldn't ever grow a beard and I am 22, I started to use Rogaine and it helped alot, but I still prefere clean shaved face for some reason. I just dont have enough density to grow a badass beard. I would be happy with Fassbender type of beard not super dense but cool looking + ginger beard and darker hair is a deadly combination.

08-03-2018, 04:22 PM
I think Punjabis are very impressive with their beard growth.

08-03-2018, 04:34 PM
I couldn't ever grow a beard and I am 22, I started to use Rogaine and it helped alot, but I still prefere clean shaved face for some reason. I just dont have enough density to grow a badass beard. I would be happy with Fassbender type of beard not super dense but cool looking + ginger beard and darker hair is a deadly combination.

Rogaine helped a lot??

08-03-2018, 04:35 PM
Rogaine helped a lot??

I don't remember the name, but there is an actual product you rub on your face daily that helps grows a beard. It's strange.

08-03-2018, 04:36 PM
Rogaine helped a lot??

Yeah, I used it for about 20 months I guess.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-03-2018, 04:36 PM
I don't remember the name, but there is an actual product you rub on your face daily that helps grows a beard. It's strange.


08-03-2018, 04:38 PM

Yup that's it. You ever use it?

08-03-2018, 04:42 PM
genetic stuff, i'm 18 and have way more beard than my father

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-03-2018, 04:42 PM
Yup that's it. You ever use it?

No, I do not need it. I have had facial hair since I became an young adult.

It is not an efficient treatment as well because when you stop using it you loose all your gains, it is basically "steroids" for hair follicles.

Just let your genetics do its own thing. Some people are late bloomers and only start seeing significant growth in their early thirties. Men tend to get hairier as well as they grow older.

08-03-2018, 04:44 PM
No, I do not need it. I have had facial hair since I became an young adult.

It is not an efficient treatment as well because when you stop using it you loose all your gains, it is basically "steroids" for hair follicles.

Just let your genetics do its own thing. Some people are late bloomers and only start seeing significant growth in their early thirties. Men tend to get hairier as well as they grow older.

Not true, in fact you will loose your hair if you stop using it, but if you use it on beard those hair that turn to terminal will most likely remain.

08-03-2018, 04:45 PM
No, I do not need it. I have had facial hair since I became an young adult.

It is not an efficient treatment as well because when you stop using it you loose all your gains, it is basically "steroids" for hair follicles.

Just let your genetics do its own thing. Some people are late bloomers and only start seeing significant growth in their early thirties. Men tend to get hairier as well as they grow older.

Oh no, I agree. I have a full beard.

I just found it strange and interesting.

08-03-2018, 04:45 PM
Yup that's it. You ever use it?

Rogaine, Minoxidil and you have some other brands.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-03-2018, 04:49 PM
Not true, in fact you will loose your hair if you stop using it, but if you use it on beard those hair that turn to terminal will most likely remain.

From what I have read most people loose nearly everything that they have gained once they stop using it. You hairs probably remained merely because you have grown older and they were going to pop up eventually whether you were using it or not.

08-03-2018, 04:57 PM
No, I do not need it. I have had facial hair since I became an young adult.

It is not an efficient treatment as well because when you stop using it you loose all your gains, it is basically "steroids" for hair follicles.

Just let your genetics do its own thing. Some people are late bloomers and only start seeing significant growth in their early thirties. Men tend to get hairier as well as they grow older.


08-03-2018, 04:59 PM
From what I have read most people loose nearly everything that they have gained once they stop using it. You hairs probably remained merely because you have grown older and they were going to pop up eventually whether you were using it or not.

No, I was member of Minox community and I know how it works. Aswell I talked to many people who were analysing the product in labs etc. I am not a promoter, but I know how minox work. If you use minox on your scalp the hair wont remain, after you stop using it. On another hand if you use it on beard and you use it for atleast 2 years until they mature and turn terminal, you wont loose them. The problem of people you talked to is, that they stopped too early. And nope, I only had scuffed mustache with density of 15 yo teenager and really little sideburns until I was like early 21. For 1-2 years while on minox I literally gained so much terminal hair on neck and side areas you cant imagine and there is no way they started to grow out naturally suddenly, maybe just like 10%. Aswell you can read theres a group on facebook there are many members who stopped using minox long time ago and their gains remained ;)

08-03-2018, 05:10 PM
Beards are related to more paternal interaction from what I can see. Remember our ancestors didn’t shave so the question is, why did some human populations need such huge beards? For their babies to cling to.

08-03-2018, 05:13 PM
Is heavy beard growth a broadly Caucasian trait or do you guys think it comes from a more specific source from within the Caucasian family tree?

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-03-2018, 05:26 PM
Is heavy beard growth a broadly Caucasian trait or do you guys think it comes from a more specific source from within the Caucasian family tree?

Mostly yes. When Iberians came to the Americas the natives thought we were beings from another dimension since we were rocking full blown beards.

08-03-2018, 05:43 PM
Mostly yes. When Iberians came to the Americas the natives thought we were beings from another dimension since we were rocking full blown beards.

I think generally people consider MENA to be hairier than Europeans. Do you think this is true in reality?

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 05:48 PM
I think generally people consider MENA to be hairier than Europeans. Do you think this is true in reality?

uhh. Well it's definitely a stereotype i assume. When white americans think of Arabs what do you think they see?

A brown skinny man with a big black beard reaching to his chest, a white arabian outfit and ofc thick ass eyebrows and tons of body hair.

i generally think it's kinda true, i am way hairier than my dad, who is a northwestern european.

He has only very minor berber influence (roughly 6-10% or so) and he barely had any beard growth or he was always clean shaven, im not sure. i havent seen him often with a stubble so i guess its a american thing to always keep your face clean shaven idk.

eitherway, i have more body hair than he does and hes in his late 50's XD my mom's family also isnt super hairy, neither are the men as they are mainly of SSA heritage but they do have beards.

so i guess its the arab influence that made me hairy like this yeah XD

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 05:54 PM
Is heavy beard growth a broadly Caucasian trait or do you guys think it comes from a more specific source from within the Caucasian family tree?

Heavy beard growth is probably strong in Caucasoids.. But i've seen plenty of African men or African-americans with big thick black beards, so i dont think it's necessarily a caucasoid trait.

08-03-2018, 06:03 PM
Heavy beard growth is probably strong in Caucasoids.. But i've seen plenty of African men or African-americans with big thick black beards, so i dont think it's necessarily a caucasoid trait.

It's definitely not a Caucasian trait solely, of course, but we are talking about heavy beard growth which is typically found more so in Caucasians than anyone else ( I think ). Excessive body hair too seems to be a specific Caucasian trait though. If I am wrong let me know

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 06:12 PM
It's definitely not a Caucasian trait solely, of course, but we are talking about heavy beard growth which is typically found more so in Caucasians than anyone else ( I think ). Excessive body hair too seems to be a specific Caucasian trait though. If I am wrong let me know

Yes, i agree ATLEAST from what i've seen. I see more Arabs, Indians, and Europeans with thick "viking" like beards rather than Africans or Mongoloids.

And yeah, from what i've seen most Caucasoids have strong body hair, only it really depends on genetics and the individual. I know Dutch people that barely have any hair on their face and body and they are 17 years old xD compared to my body hair i look like a black monkey to them XD

however yeah, most arabs and indians ive seen are very hairy. Not the same to be said for most africans in the netherlands. Sure they might have a nice beard of which i dont have, but they dont even have hair on their legs or arms XDDD

08-03-2018, 06:34 PM
Yes, i agree ATLEAST from what i've seen. I see more Arabs, Indians, and Europeans with thick "viking" like beards rather than Africans or Mongoloids.

And yeah, from what i've seen most Caucasoids have strong body hair, only it really depends on genetics and the individual. I know Dutch people that barely have any hair on their face and body and they are 17 years old xD compared to my body hair i look like a black monkey to them XD

however yeah, most arabs and indians ive seen are very hairy. Not the same to be said for most africans in the netherlands. Sure they might have a nice beard of which i dont have, but they dont even have hair on their legs or arms XDDD

Hairiness is basically related to the Middle Eastern ancestry. This is why Northern Europeans are less hairy than Southerners.

08-03-2018, 06:35 PM
Hairiness is basically related to the Middle Eastern ancestry. This is why Northern Europeans are less hairy than Southerners.

Ehh..not entirely true.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-03-2018, 06:37 PM
It's definitely not a Caucasian trait solely, of course, but we are talking about heavy beard growth which is typically found more so in Caucasians than anyone else ( I think ). Excessive body hair too seems to be a specific Caucasian trait though. If I am wrong let me know

Yes, especially chest hair. Asians and Africans usually have none or substantially less chest hair than Caucasians on average.

08-03-2018, 06:37 PM
From what i know Portuguese and other southern Europeans can grow pretty nice beards. Middle Easterners have a even more voluminous one but their beard is too wiry

08-03-2018, 06:49 PM
To grow a beard requires a small amount of testosterone. It starts to grow even in women with small hormonal disorders. Weak growth of a beard is a racial feature. At whom the beard grows weakly, means, there is a gene blocking growth of a beard. This problem is found in Mongoloids and found among some Europeans, and she went to Europeans from her distant ancestors, Eurasianists. In southern Europeans, the beard grows better, which is due to the dominant Middle Eastern genes.

08-03-2018, 06:51 PM
Ehh..not entirely true.
It's right

08-03-2018, 07:06 PM
It's right

As usual, the little gay Russian boy thinks he's right.

And as usual, he is not.

08-03-2018, 07:11 PM
To grow a beard requires a small amount of testosterone. It starts to grow even in women with small hormonal disorders. Weak growth of a beard is a racial feature. At whom the beard grows weakly, means, there is a gene blocking growth of a beard. This problem is found in Mongoloids and found among some Europeans, and she went to Europeans from her distant ancestors, Eurasianists. In southern Europeans, the beard grows better, which is due to the dominant Middle Eastern genes.

Ever wondered why women to male transgender people can grow beard? Simple, they are put on testosterone injections and gels. Which lifts their blood levels to the same as a non-transgender male with normal to high testosterone levels would have.

Women should not have these genes to grow beards that some men don't. It is the high levels of T and DHT that activate the beard growth and turn on these genes to grow a beard

If you can't grow a beard then maybe testosterone pills or testosterone injections would help yougrow you a beard

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 07:13 PM
To grow a beard requires a small amount of testosterone. It starts to grow even in women with small hormonal disorders. Weak growth of a beard is a racial feature. At whom the beard grows weakly, means, there is a gene blocking growth of a beard. This problem is found in Mongoloids and found among some Europeans, and she went to Europeans from her distant ancestors, Eurasianists. In southern Europeans, the beard grows better, which is due to the dominant Middle Eastern genes.

i am 1/3 arab, i am 17 years old and i can only grow a little bit of facial hair, which is mostly located in my moustache and sideburns

XDD i dont think it necessarily has to do much with middle eastern genes.

08-03-2018, 07:14 PM
In all actuality though you can have very high testosterone and still not have a beard

08-03-2018, 07:26 PM
i am 1/3 arab, i am 17 years old and i can only grow a little bit of facial hair, which is mostly located in my moustache and sideburns

XDD i dont think it necessarily has to do much with middle eastern genes.

Genetics does not work in a way many people may think it does. Being 1/3 arab does not mean that you inherited the exact alleles responsible for the excessive hair growth.

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 07:28 PM
Genetics does not work in a way many people may think it does. Being 1/3 arab does not mean that you inherited the exact alleles responsible for the excessive hair growth.

well yeah thats true. I probably dont have excessive hair growth in my face, atleast not as its standing now. I definitely inherited the middle eastern genes necessary for looking like a monkey when we are talking about body hair XD i have hair everywhere, its also on my face but its mostly peach fuzz still. It's starting to get thicker and darker slowly and i notice alot more hair on my face where i didnt have it before so i assume i am able to grow a beard XD

08-03-2018, 08:03 PM
well yeah thats true. I probably dont have excessive hair growth in my face, atleast not as its standing now. I definitely inherited the middle eastern genes necessary for looking like a monkey when we are talking about body hair XD i have hair everywhere, its also on my face but its mostly peach fuzz still. It's starting to get thicker and darker slowly and i notice alot more hair on my face where i didnt have it before so i assume i am able to grow a beard XD

Beards continue to get thicker with age. If I were you I would eat a lot of gelatin (even though it’s not vegan) because it promotes hair growth, and I would deadlift weight to increase testosterone. I’m actually thinking about starting to deadlift 3 times per week again to give myself a boost

08-03-2018, 08:04 PM
Can your beard continue to develop in terms of thickness+new facial hair sprouting well into your late 20s or early thirties?

I can grow an alright beard by my personal standards, but I am still in envy of other people's beards where they have full coverage in the area between lower lips and chin. I noticed I have a bunch of goosebump looking things in that area, are they hair follicles waiting to sprout eventually?

08-03-2018, 08:09 PM
Ever wondered why women to male transgender people can grow beard? Simple, they are put on testosterone injections and gels. Which lifts their blood levels to the same as a non-transgender male with normal to high testosterone levels would have.

Women should not have these genes to grow beards that some men don't. It is the high levels of T and DHT that activate the beard growth and turn on these genes to grow a beard

If you can't grow a beard then maybe testosterone pills or testosterone injections would help yougrow you a beard

I'm fine with the beard. To the topic I'm from the point of view of interest in racial issues. I advise you to do business in China, growing a beard. You will make half a billion Chinese men happy. They definitely absolutely lack testosterone.

08-03-2018, 08:11 PM
Can your beard continue to develop in terms of thickness+new facial hair sprouting well into your late 20s or early thirties?

I can grow an alright beard by my personal standards, but I am still in envy of other people's beards where they have full coverage in the area between lower lips and chin. I noticed I have a bunch of goosebump looking things in that area, are they hair follicles waiting to sprout eventually?

I am the same way, and yes from what I've read, beards continue to grow thicker and darker into a man's 30's

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 08:21 PM
Beards continue to get thicker with age. If I were you I would eat a lot of gelatin (even though it’s not vegan) because it promotes hair growth, and I would deadlift weight to increase testosterone. I’m actually thinking about starting to deadlift 3 times per week again to give myself a boost

Does gelatin really help? XDD thats great to hear, i really wish to grow some more hair on my chin so i can rock the typical moroccan or arab goattee or whatever you wanna call it, i think it could potentionally look very good on me along with a thick black moustache.

and aight, i'll listen 2 ur advice XD i want more facial hair, even though it can be a pain in the ass to constantly shave it's definitely nice to have

08-03-2018, 08:32 PM

Damiăo de Góis
08-03-2018, 08:43 PM
I don't think this is linked to ethnicity but rather it depends on the individual, i've seen too many weak beard growths here.

08-03-2018, 08:55 PM
Ehh..not entirely true.

The center of hairiness is the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Even the map you posted in the first post of this thread confirms this (in spite of not being totally accurate). And Europeans are mostly hairy due to the ancient neolithic admixture which is also inherently Middle Eastern. Of course testosterone influences the androgenic hair growth but in combination with genes.

08-03-2018, 08:58 PM
I don't think this is linked to ethnicity but rather it depends on the individual, i've seen too many weak beard growths here.

There is an individual variation but the correlation with ethnicity is obvious. Who is more hairy - Koreans or Arabs?

08-03-2018, 08:59 PM
Does gelatin really help? XDD thats great to hear, i really wish to grow some more hair on my chin so i can rock the typical moroccan or arab goattee or whatever you wanna call it, i think it could potentionally look very good on me along with a thick black moustache.

and aight, i'll listen 2 ur advice XD i want more facial hair, even though it can be a pain in the ass to constantly shave it's definitely nice to have

If you are 17, you have a long way to go + plenty of time. You will naturally most probably be able to grow satisfying facial hair by your mid 20's.

08-03-2018, 09:02 PM
There is an individual variation but the correlation with ethnicity is obvious. Who is more hairy - Koreans or Arabs?

Exactly. 90% of the punjabi men I've seen, especially Jatts can grow some majestic looking beards.

https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/05aea8e770a42f057db54096207e53dd/5C0C2EEF/t51.2885-15/e35/35999271_270112787064678_6478693089224425472_n.jpg ?dl=1

08-03-2018, 10:12 PM
Exactly. 90% of the punjabi men I've seen, especially Jatts can grow some majestic looking beards.

https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/05aea8e770a42f057db54096207e53dd/5C0C2EEF/t51.2885-15/e35/35999271_270112787064678_6478693089224425472_n.jpg ?dl=1

That’s a nice beard

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 11:25 PM
If you are 17, you have a long way to go + plenty of time. You will naturally most probably be able to grow satisfying facial hair by your mid 20's.

yeah, most realistically aswell XD i have a 2 month younger friend of mine that is of indian descend.. (always those goddamn indians XD) and he has tons of facial hair, so yeah. It really depends on genetics, besides not every Arab or SSA guy has a fullblown gandalf the grey beard at the age of 16 or 17 i bet.

My beard is still on vacation XDDD

08-03-2018, 11:28 PM
No full beard and I know dozents of other blondes that dont have a full beard, even some steroid users.

I think somehow blondes have waaaaay less body and facial hair than others

Also less sudoriparous glands

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 11:30 PM
No full beard and I know dozents of other blondes that dont have a full beard, even some steroid users.

I think somehow blondes have waaaaay less body and facial hair than others

Also less sudoriparous glands

becuz 9/10 times issa true that they have less body and facial hair. which is weird since ppl of nordic ancestry seem to need the additional body hair to survive in cold climates etc. but whatever what do i know xD i think hair's main purpose is to absorb sweat or something, so i guess it can be handy for ppl living in hotter climates like Saudi's, hence why they are hairy donkeys XD

08-03-2018, 11:33 PM
becuz 9/10 times issa true that they have less body and facial hair. which is weird since ppl of nordic ancestry seem to need the additional body hair to survive in cold climates etc. but whatever what do i know xD i think hair's main purpose is to absorb sweat or something, so i guess it can be handy for ppl living in hotter climates like Saudi's, hence why they are hairy donkeys XD

Must be a evolutionary thing, but the sweat thing could be an explanation.

We dont have hot climate and dont sweat alot

But also heat feels alot worse for us, sweat is a good thing when it comes to balance your body temperature, and as a blonde that barelly sweats this is always trroubling, I drink 3liters a day during this heat time

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 11:36 PM
Must be a evolutionary thing, but the sweat thing could be an explanation.

We dont have hot climate and dont sweat alot

But also heat feels alot worse for us, sweat is a good thing when it comes to balance your body temperature, and as a blonde that barelly sweats this is always trroubling, I drink 3liters a day during this heat time


i've noticed, all dutch do is complain when it's too hot. When it's too cold they complain, when it's medium temperature they complain, when its too dry they complain when its too wet they complain XDDD its never good

but yeah true, i think in general white ppl that grow up in europe have difficulties handling heat, like for example ppl growing up in Arizona in america or texas will be able to handle the heat way better even thou they are just as white as u.

I myself am capable of handling a good amount of heat and humidity, thats obvious cuz im naturally light brown, black-brown haired, and SSA/arab in ethnicity XD only makes sense if you ask me.

and yeah, i am very hairy when it comes to body hair so it's probably a adaptation to hotter climate.

08-03-2018, 11:40 PM

i've noticed, all dutch do is complain when it's too hot. When it's too cold they complain, when it's medium temperature they complain, when its too dry they complain when its too wet they complain XDDD its never good

but yeah true, i think in general white ppl that grow up in europe have difficulties handling heat, like for example ppl growing up in Arizona in america or texas will be able to handle the heat way better even thou they are just as white as u.

I myself am capable of handling a good amount of heat and humidity, thats obvious cuz im naturally light brown, black-brown haired, and SSA/arab in ethnicity XD only makes sense if you ask me.

and yeah, i am very hairy when it comes to body hair so it's probably a adaptation to hotter climate.

I love heat over cold, especially at a coast where its windy, but here in Germany especially in my region which is the biggest metropolian region in Europe the heat gets stored in the concrete jungle and it feels like an oven here

Congolese Rice
08-03-2018, 11:42 PM
I love heat over cold, especially at a coast where its windy, but here in Germany especially in my region which is the biggest metropolian region in Europe the heat gets stored in the concrete jungle and it feels like an oven here

XDDD jup, lately in the netherlands it's been extremely hot too, they had a heat wave or something. It was 35 degrees celsius there recently like wtf, it's only 30 degrees celsius here in Aruba XD imagine all the poor dutch who have sunburned and suffered throughout that week. they arent even used to that extreme heat XD

08-03-2018, 11:56 PM
I could grow a full beard only after 25 years. (3.5-3.7 on this scale)
Hair on the chest appeared much earlier, in 17-18 years.
Legs and arms are not particularly hairy. While still not balding, but single gray hair is visible on the temples.
For those who are 17 years old it's still too early to worry about.
A colleague uses minoxidil for a beard, but hair grows poor, thin and unnatural, like hair in the armpits. And there are side effects such as low blood pressure. It is better not to use heavy chemistry for the sake of a beard, it's not worth it.

Congolese Rice
08-04-2018, 12:13 AM
I could grow a full beard only after 25 years. (3.5-3.7 on this scale)
Hair on the chest appeared much earlier, in 17-18 years.
Legs and arms are not particularly hairy. While still not balding, but single gray hair is visible on the temples.
For those who are 17 years old it's still too early to worry about.
A colleague uses minoxidil for a beard, but hair grows poor, thin and unnatural, like hair in the armpits. And there are side effects such as high blood pressure. It is better not to use heavy chemistry for the sake of a beard, it's not worth it.

ill never use anything to make anything grow faster XD id rather let my body do its job. if i cant grow a beard so be it lol, but im pretty sure i can. it's just still very thin, i'd say i am before stage 1 of the picture you've posted XD

i have some minor hair on my sideburns, thin moustache, and mostly peach fuzz on my chin and neck area i guess yeah. but so far and ever so slowly my hair is starting to get a bit darker and im starting to get more facial hair, so i guess its cool XD

08-04-2018, 12:14 AM
I could grow a full beard only after 25 years. (3.5-3.7 on this scale)
Hair on the chest appeared much earlier, in 17-18 years.
Legs and arms are not particularly hairy. While still not balding, but single gray hair is visible on the temples.
For those who are 17 years old it's still too early to worry about.
A colleague uses minoxidil for a beard, but hair grows poor, thin and unnatural, like hair in the armpits. And there are side effects such as high blood pressure. It is better not to use heavy chemistry for the sake of a beard, it's not worth it.

You should convince your colleague to drop that stuff.

08-04-2018, 12:19 AM
You should convince your colleague to drop that stuff.
He is a programmer.
Have you ever seen programmers without a beard?

08-04-2018, 12:21 AM
He is a programmer.
Have you ever seen programmers without a beard?

Do they ever leave their computers?

08-04-2018, 12:24 AM
ill never use anything to make anything grow faster XD id rather let my body do its job. if i cant grow a beard so be it lol, but im pretty sure i can. it's just still very thin, i'd say i am before stage 1 of the picture you've posted XD
At the age of 17, I was as on stage 1, but my hair was thin, not mature.
Everything will be fine in the fullness of time).

08-04-2018, 12:28 AM
Do they ever leave their computers?
Only during the war, when the enemy will destroy power plants.

08-04-2018, 12:29 AM
ill never use anything to make anything grow faster XD id rather let my body do its job. if i cant grow a beard so be it lol, but im pretty sure i can. it's just still very thin, i'd say i am before stage 1 of the picture you've posted XD

i have some minor hair on my sideburns, thin moustache, and mostly peach fuzz on my chin and neck area i guess yeah. but so far and ever so slowly my hair is starting to get a bit darker and im starting to get more facial hair, so i guess its cool XD

Let’s hope you don’t turn out with ear and back hair as you grow old. https://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-05/fyi-why-do-old-people-get-so-hairy

Congolese Rice
08-04-2018, 12:41 AM
Let’s hope you don’t turn out with ear and back hair as you grow old. https://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-05/fyi-why-do-old-people-get-so-hairy

lol, i already have some backhair XD my doom is near

08-04-2018, 02:09 AM
My facial hair, and scalp hair grow very fast and thick apparently. I am not sure why?

Congolese Rice
08-04-2018, 02:37 AM
My facial hair, and scalp hair grow very fast and thick apparently. I am not sure why?

genetics probably.

i also have very thick fast growing hair.

Facial hair isnt really there yet, but my moustache grows back to its original thickness that i have when i let it grow out in like 3 days XD thats pretty impressive for me lmao

08-04-2018, 09:43 PM
He is a programmer.
Have you ever seen programmers without a beard?

Any chance your friend is a light-haired Balto-Mongol? Many Balto-Mongols are not able to grow beard unless they are admixed with Middle Eastern influenced (Pontids, Dinarids, Alpinids etc.) or Viking phenotypes.

Deifinitely he should not worry about this and he shouldn't take chemistry if he has normal penis, testicles, erection, ejaculation etc.

I am a blonde Balto-Mongol as well and in spite of already living on this planet for 27 years I am not capable of growing facial hair. I have a mustache like this 17-year-old Yemeni that got banned if I don't shave it for 4-5 days. I usually shave it every 2-3 days and my face is almost hairless. My beard is very sparse - I have very few hair follicles and growing takes ages so I also shave it every 2-3 days. I don't have sideburns at all so I don't have to shave them ;) I have very sparse, straight and short hair on my arms and I have never shoven them, legs are bit more hairy but not much - also never shoven. My pubic hair the only body hair I have that gets somewhat curly. Other hair I have is Japanese-straight ;) My face is as hairless as the face of this chess-youtuber: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzLX2LmCrs8 The difference is that I have actually blonde, straight hair on my head and they never get any curly even if they get longer + I am younger than he is. I normally tend to keep them short but sometimes I let them grow for 2-3 months ;) Over the last years I started to get some slight hair on my stomach (just slightly visible) and around my nipples (not really visible though).

Do you think I have hormone issues? Not really! I have normal testicles, average length penis in Poland (not a porn size, just normal), I get normal erection, ejaculation. My voice is normal (not really low but not gayish too). My father has a bit more facial hair than me but his body hair is even weaker! My brother is a bit more hairy on body than me but not really on face. In my team at work there are 4 blonde/light-brown haired guys who have similar level of hairness as I have and they are just good examples of Baltids! The remaining like 8 guys are dark-brown/black haired and are much more hairy and beardy! There are also some more hairy Viking-like blonde guys.

I would never ever take any chemistry just to get a bit more hairy. It is just a pure nonsense. Chemistry is good if you have hormone issues, not getting proper erection, ejaculation, having gayish high voice. It is not good to take chemistry if you are just not hairy due to your own genes. Of course there are drawbacks of not having "European" or I should better say Caucasian/Middle Eastern facial hair. Some less educated, hairy and brown Alpine woman in the shop may not just sell me the fuckin whisky and ask for the ID card because she thinks I am below 18 years old and I cannot legally buy alcohol LOL. + You get a "benefit" of being harassed by some monkey-like hairy Caucasians at the workplace. Thankfully I work in IT industry and there are mostly gentle people and not some racist jerks.

Targitaus, Me and you friend could actually move to China or Korea and be normal, respected people without being harassed by some hairy jerks.

08-04-2018, 11:37 PM

08-06-2018, 07:53 PM

02-11-2021, 02:58 AM
I would generally agree. Pure Negroids and Mongoloids cannot grow full-out beards. If such a beard is managed, it indicates heavy Caucasoid admixture.

You'll notice black Americans who have more European admixture in them (up to 25%) tend to be able to grow decent goatees, but true Africans almost never have them. The same can be said of most East and Southeast Asian men. Non-Caucasoid races are generally hairless.