View Full Version : Atlanto Mediterranid is not rare among Northern Semites and North Africans.

08-04-2018, 03:07 PM

(6) Mediterraneans: Within this general class, which still retains much of its original racial unity, the following sub-classes may at present be distinguished:

(a) Mediterranean Proper: Short-statured, dolicho- and mesocephalic form found in Spain, Portugal, the western Mediterranean islands, and to some extent in North Africa, southern Italy, and other Mediterranean borderlands. Its purest present-day racial nucleus is without doubt Arabia. Most of the Cappadocian, isolated in the skeletal material, seems to have been absorbed into the western Mediterranean variety after its early Metal Age migration, while that which remained in Asia Minor became assimilated into the Dinaric and Armenoid. It still appears, however, among individuals in its original form, and is particularly common among Oriental Jews.

(b) Atlanto-Mediterranean: The tall, straight-nosed Mediterranean, not mesocephalic, as Deniker erroneously stated, but strongly dolichocephalic. Today this race forms the principal element in the population of North Africa, and is strong in Iraq, Palestine, parts of Arabia, and the eastern Balkans; in solution with varying degrees of negroid it is also the principal race in the whole of East Africa. In Europe it is a minority element in the Iberian Peninsula, Italy, and the British Isles.

(c) Irano-Afghan: The long-faced, high-headed, hook-nosed type, usually of tall stature, which forms the principal element in the population of Iran, Afghanistan, and the Turkoman country, and which is also present in Palestine, parts of Arabia, and North Africa. It is probably related to the old Corded type of the Neolithic and Bronze Age.

I guess, people who are classified as "East Med" are just Greek, Turkish, North African or Mesopotamian Atlanto Mediterranids.

Congolese Rice
08-04-2018, 03:09 PM

i dont think so son.

"east med" is a middle eastern mediterranean variant that is native to the middle east but extends into southeastern europe/balkans etc etc.

08-04-2018, 03:12 PM

i dont think so son.

"east med" is a middle eastern mediterranean variant that is native to the middle east but extends into southeastern europe/balkans etc etc.

North Atlantid =/= Atlanto Mediterranid.

08-04-2018, 03:13 PM

i dont think so son.

"east med" is a middle eastern mediterranean variant that is native to the middle east but extends into southeastern europe/balkans etc etc.

This is Atlanto Mediterranid: http://humanphenotypes.net/Eurafricanid.html

08-04-2018, 03:14 PM
humanphenotypes is full of errors

08-04-2018, 03:15 PM

i dont think so son.

"east med" is a middle eastern mediterranean variant that is native to the middle east but extends into southeastern europe/balkans etc etc.

North Atlantid is intermediate between Hallstatt Nordid and Gracile Mediterranid, I guess.

Congolese Rice
08-04-2018, 03:17 PM
This is Atlanto Mediterranid: http://humanphenotypes.net/Eurafricanid.html

Oooh yeah lol, well even so it only extends mostly along the coast of the levant and maybe a bit into Iran. i don't think eurafricanid is east med though.


^ this is a more common middle eastern med type

not that i am an expert on any of this but this is just my opinion XD

Congolese Rice
08-04-2018, 03:18 PM
humanphenotypes is full of errors

oh lol, well i wouldnt know XD its the closest info i can get on phenotypes.

08-04-2018, 03:18 PM
Oooh yeah lol, well even so it only extends mostly along the coast of the levant and maybe a bit into Iran. i don't think eurafricanid is east med though.


^ this is a more common middle eastern med type

not that i am an expert on any of this but this is just my opinion XD

In fact, I think what you say is more correct than mine. :)

Congolese Rice
08-04-2018, 03:20 PM
In fact, I think what you say is more correct than mine. :)

oh well then XD cool 2 hear lmao, its just that eurafricanid on humanphenotypes atleast (im not sure if its accurate or not) but its strongest in the maghreb and southwest europe so yeah.

08-04-2018, 03:28 PM
North Atlantid is intermediate between Hallstatt Nordid and Gracile Mediterranid, I guess.


Congolese Rice
08-04-2018, 03:29 PM


08-04-2018, 03:58 PM

What is the truth then? :)