View Full Version : Armenoid: is it brachy and lighther skinned Arabid?

08-05-2018, 12:19 PM
Some people claim that Armenoid is brachy and lighter skinned version of Arabid and therefore, Armenoid is one of the brachy Oreintalid types but I do not think it is true. What do you think?

08-05-2018, 12:20 PM
no Armenid has nothing to do with Arabid

08-05-2018, 12:39 PM
Armenoid/-is is one thing and Arabid/Convex nose Med another.
Is like Dinaric and Med.
Obviously, especially in the Levant there are intermediates/overlaps etc.

08-05-2018, 12:42 PM
Armenoid/-is is one thing and Arabid/Convex nose Med another.
Is like Dinaric and Med.
Obviously, especially in the Levant there are intermediates/overlaps etc.

08-05-2018, 04:19 PM
Armenoid/-is is one thing and Arabid/Convex nose Med another.
Is like Dinaric and Med.
Obviously, especially in the Levant there are intermediates/overlaps etc.

I guess, Dinarid to Med analogy is not so true at all because Mediterranids are usually straight nosed but Dinarids are usually convex nosed.

Better analogy would be like:

Dinarid - Iranid
Armenoid - Arabid

I guess...