View Full Version : Alpinid + Iranid = Armenoid. Is it true?

08-06-2018, 02:38 AM
Alpinid + Iranid = Armenoid. Is it true?

08-06-2018, 03:59 AM
Physically, I'd say Armenoid is more closer to Arabid than Iranid. Complexion-wise, Armenoids may be more like Iranids.

But then again, they're all Orientalids anyway.

08-06-2018, 04:04 AM
Physically, I'd say Armenoid is more closer to Arabid than Iranid. Complexion-wise, Armenoids may be more like Iranids.

But then again, they're all Orientalids anyway.

Which aspects of Armenoid look more Arabid rather than Iranid?

08-06-2018, 04:07 AM
Which aspects of Armenoid look more Arabid rather than Iranid?
There's no need to thumb be down every you time you disagree with me.

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08-06-2018, 04:08 AM
Physically, I'd say Armenoid is more closer to Arabid than Iranid. Complexion-wise, Armenoids may be more like Iranids.

But then again, they're all Orientalids anyway.

Orientalids are dolichocephal. Armenoid is brachycephal. Armenoid is not an Orientalid subtype.

08-06-2018, 04:08 AM
There's no need to thumb be down every you time you disagree with me.

Ask this question again after you undo the thumbs down.

Okay. I have undone them.

08-06-2018, 04:11 AM
There's no need to thumb be down every you time you disagree with me.

Ask this question again after you undo the thumbs down.

Which aspects of Armenoid look more Arabid rather than Iranid? Both Iranid and Armenoid are robust types but Arabid is pretty gracile. Also, which one is darker overall: Iranids or Armenoids?

08-06-2018, 04:12 AM
Orientalids are dolichocephal. Armenoid is brachycephal. Armenoid is not an Orientalid subtype.
Okay, I stand corrected. I really thought that Armenoids were part of the orientalid umberella term, alongside Iranids and Arabids, because I believed "Oriental" encompassed all west Asian races.

I must've read it wrong, or conflated Syrid with Armenoid (since the former is an orientalid pheno). Lol

Truth Preacher
08-06-2018, 04:20 AM
Armenoid= Dinaricized Iranid

08-06-2018, 04:23 AM
Which aspects of Armenoid look more Arabid rather than Iranid? Both Iranid and Armenoid are robust types but Arabid is pretty gracile. Also, which one is darker overall: Iranids or Armenoids?
First, I'll answer why Arabids and Iranids look similar:

*Arabids and Iranids are both doli, or on that spectrum. So in turn, they can resemble each other.
*Many Iranids and Arabids have mixed with each other due to their close proximity, especially those in Iraq.
*Iranids and Arabids are orientalid
*Iranids and Arabids are genetically west Asian and share olive to medium-dark skin tone.

Now why Armenoids resemble Arabids more than Iranids:

*Armenoids are brachy and Iranids are not. But some Arabids can be within the meso or even brachy range as well (Asiatic Alpinids), thus giving an Armenoid "undertone".
*Armenoids, like Arabids, do tend to have large noses, lower foreheads and protruding lips (aka "Semitic features").
*Iranids have rather "soft" features - Narrow noses, small lips or mouth area, high foreheads. Unlike Armenoids and Arabids.
*By "gracile", do you mean short or broad headed? Arabids can be pretty tall, despite being doli and ectomorph. Whereas Armenoids can be short and fat. Is a short, fat person "gracile" as well? I admit, I never understood the meaning of "gracile". Is a 6 foot tall, skinny person "gracile"?

Maybe Armenoids resemble the Robust Iranid type, which is a different phenotype than the Iranid (but closely related). Indo-Iranid is another robust Iranid phenotype, but it appears to be more similar to North Indids and Bracho Indids.

P.S. Armenoids are pretty consistent with their skin tone. Iranids can be very dark, but also pretty light. Hard to answer.

08-06-2018, 04:51 AM
First, I'll answer why Arabids and Iranids look similar:

*Arabids and Iranids are both doli, or on that spectrum. So in turn, they can resemble each other.
*Many Iranids and Arabids have mixed with each other due to their close proximity, especially those in Iraq.
*Iranids and Arabids are orientalid
*Iranids and Arabids are genetically west Asian and share olive to medium-dark skin tone.

Now why Armenoids resemble Arabids more than Iranids:

*Armenoids are brachy and Iranids are not. But some Arabids can be within the meso or even brachy range as well (Asiatic Alpinids), thus giving an Armenoid "undertone".
*Armenoids, like Arabids, do tend to have large noses, lower foreheads and protruding lips (aka "Semitic features").
*Iranids have rather "soft" features - Narrow noses, small lips or mouth area, high foreheads. Unlike Armenoids and Arabids.
*By "gracile", do you mean short or broad headed? Arabids can be pretty tall, despite being doli and ectomorph. Whereas Armenoids can be short and fat. Is a short, fat person "gracile" as well? I admit, I never understood the meaning of "gracile". Is a 6 foot tall, skinny person "gracile"?

Maybe Armenoids resemble the Robust Iranid type, which is a different phenotype than the Iranid (but closely related). Indo-Iranid is another robust Iranid phenotype, but it appears to be more similar to North Indids and Bracho Indids.

P.S. Armenoids are pretty consistent with their skin tone. Iranids can be very dark, but also pretty light. Hard to answer.

Some of those information are wrong:
Armenoids are high foreheaded.
Iranids have larger nose than Arabids.

08-06-2018, 04:40 PM
First, I'll answer why Arabids and Iranids look similar:

*Arabids and Iranids are both doli, or on that spectrum. So in turn, they can resemble each other.
*Many Iranids and Arabids have mixed with each other due to their close proximity, especially those in Iraq.
*Iranids and Arabids are orientalid
*Iranids and Arabids are genetically west Asian and share olive to medium-dark skin tone.

Now why Armenoids resemble Arabids more than Iranids:

*Armenoids are brachy and Iranids are not. But some Arabids can be within the meso or even brachy range as well (Asiatic Alpinids), thus giving an Armenoid "undertone".
*Armenoids, like Arabids, do tend to have large noses, lower foreheads and protruding lips (aka "Semitic features").
*Iranids have rather "soft" features - Narrow noses, small lips or mouth area, high foreheads. Unlike Armenoids and Arabids.
*By "gracile", do you mean short or broad headed? Arabids can be pretty tall, despite being doli and ectomorph. Whereas Armenoids can be short and fat. Is a short, fat person "gracile" as well? I admit, I never understood the meaning of "gracile". Is a 6 foot tall, skinny person "gracile"?

Maybe Armenoids resemble the Robust Iranid type, which is a different phenotype than the Iranid (but closely related). Indo-Iranid is another robust Iranid phenotype, but it appears to be more similar to North Indids and Bracho Indids.

P.S. Armenoids are pretty consistent with their skin tone. Iranids can be very dark, but also pretty light. Hard to answer.

Iranids don't resembles Arabids at all, Armenoid however look more Arabid to me. It's probably because it includes a mixture of Syrian version of arabid since Armenians are close to Mesopotamians. Pure Iranids don't resembles any of their neighbours actually

08-06-2018, 04:50 PM
Are assyrians armenoid or assyrid?

08-06-2018, 04:50 PM
Are assyrians armenoid or assyrid?

Mostly Assyrid.

08-06-2018, 04:51 PM

Can you vote and-or answer, mate? https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?254471-Armenoid-phenotype

08-06-2018, 05:14 PM
Can you vote and-or answer, mate? https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?254471-Armenoid-phenotype
Irano alpine doesn't look Armenoid, its dinarized Iranid with assyrid

08-06-2018, 05:15 PM
Irano alpine doesn't look Armenoid, its dinarized Iranid with assyrid

Assyrid =?= Iranid + Arabid

08-06-2018, 05:17 PM
Assyrid =?= Iranid + Arabid

Assyrid = armenoid + arabid isnt it?

08-06-2018, 05:18 PM
Assyrid = armenoid + arabid isnt it?

Not sure.

08-06-2018, 05:20 PM
Not sure.

They most similar to armenoid/armenisn

08-06-2018, 05:21 PM
They most similar to armenoid/armenisn

Armenoids are most similar to Dinarids as far as I know.

08-06-2018, 05:24 PM
Not sure.

Ive seen other Azerbaijanis with strong Armenoid features and because of it they look very Arabid to me.

08-06-2018, 05:25 PM
Ive seen other Azerbaijanis with strong Armenoid features and because of it they look very Arabid to me.

Which one is darker pigmented overall: Armenoid or Iranid?

08-06-2018, 05:26 PM
Which one is darker pigmented overall: Armenoid or Iranid?

Iranids come in all colours, lighter and darker than Armenoids. Because of geography and temperature. In Azerbaijan, you can find Iranids and many of them can be very fair skinned. Again, it's mostly because of temperature and geography

08-06-2018, 05:32 PM
Iranids come in all colours, lighter and darker than Armenoids. Because of geography and temperature. In Azerbaijan, you can find Iranids and many of them can be very fair skinned. Again, it's mostly because of temperature and geography

I guess, Armenoid is a blend of Iranid, Arabid and Dinarid. Is it true?

08-06-2018, 05:41 PM
I guess, Armenoid is a blend of Iranid, Arabid and Dinarid. Is it true?

no you fucktard it is not true

08-06-2018, 05:52 PM
no you fucktard it is not true

Absolutely, there were no need to use abusive language.

08-06-2018, 05:53 PM
Absolutelyi there were no need to use abusive language.

your threads are abusive for our heads

08-06-2018, 05:55 PM
your threads are abusive for our heads

Then report me to admins. LOL :D

08-06-2018, 05:57 PM
Then report me to admins. LOL :D

no I prefer to call you names :D

08-06-2018, 05:58 PM
no I prefer to call you names :D

No no. Report me. I want to get banned for some time. LOL :D

08-06-2018, 05:58 PM
Ive seen other Azerbaijanis with strong Armenoid features and because of it they look very Arabid to me.

Arabs are mostly part SSA . Azeris not

08-06-2018, 06:33 PM
Arabs are mostly part SSA . Azeris not

Some of them have strong Armenoid features which give them a Mesopotamian look. Syrians and soms Iraqis have it too. Their nose and eye shape. It's not just azeris either, anyone with Armenoid features can look similar to Mesopotamians

08-06-2018, 06:34 PM
Some of them have strong Armenoid features which give them a Mesopotamian look. Syrians and soms Iraqis have it too. Their nose and eye shape

They may be assyrian origin

08-06-2018, 06:36 PM
Considering the history between Assyrians and south caucasians, that's logical. Armenians and Assyrians have lived beside one another for a long time

08-06-2018, 07:21 PM
Some of them have strong Armenoid features which give them a Mesopotamian look. Syrians and soms Iraqis have it too. Their nose and eye shape. It's not just azeris either, anyone with Armenoid features can look similar to Mesopotamians

Its interesting because I've compared the ADNA between Assyrians and armenians and the only major difference was armenians have more south asian. Not that im saying ADNA=phenotype, but they look very similiar.

08-07-2018, 08:32 PM
Its interesting because I've compared the ADNA between Assyrians and armenians and the only major difference was armenians have more south asian. Not that im saying ADNA=phenotype, but they look very similiar.

Well, according to these graphs, Armenians are a lot closer to Mesopotamians than Iranians are.