View Full Version : Classify Lebanese-born French journalist Léa Salamé

08-07-2018, 09:51 AM

Height: 5'5 1/3


08-07-2018, 09:53 AM
Arabid + South Med

08-07-2018, 09:59 AM
if I said that this girl is lebanon nobody would have placed her like this . people would have said EAST MED and even said things like "she can pass in sicily" or some shit

just lol at you people ....I am laughing from above on you

simple minded sheep idiots

biased fucks

Arabid + South Med

Hadouken man... you're becoming bat shit crazy as of late. Why be a hypocrite for? This woman is in no way shape or form Arabid LMAO. Look in the mirror, if you think she is Arabid, you must be Somalid.

08-07-2018, 10:03 AM
Hadouken man... you're becoming bat shit crazy as of late. Why be a hypocrite for? This woman is in no way shape or form Arabid LMAO. Look in the mirror, if you think she is Arabid, you must be Somalid.

wtf are you talking about she has arabid features . she is the one who looks almost light somalid

08-07-2018, 10:05 AM
wtf are you talking about she has arabid features . she is the one who looks almost light somalid

you're full of shit bro just like everyone else on this forum. Go on... pin point her Arabid features.

08-07-2018, 10:06 AM
you're full of shit bro just like everyone else on this forum. Go on... pin point her Arabid features.

how would you classify her ?

let me guess . east med , sicilian night club


08-07-2018, 10:07 AM
Classifications are bullshit... but if I were to play ball I'd classify her as Armenoid Med

08-07-2018, 10:08 AM
She looks Yemenite but mixed with something lol

08-07-2018, 10:08 AM
Armenoid + Med

08-07-2018, 10:08 AM
Classifications are bullshit... but if I were to play ball I'd classify her as Armenoid Med

thats not a bad classification either for her but I do think instead of armenid she has arabid . but ok lets see what others will say maybe they will agree with you

08-07-2018, 10:12 AM
I thought she looked kinda Armenian and I was right, her mother is Armenian. Paula Yacoubian lookalike.

08-07-2018, 10:17 AM
I thought she looked kinda Armenian and I was right, her mother is Armenian. Paula Yacoubian lookalike.

No bro she looks Arabid because she's a Semitic speaker

08-07-2018, 10:18 AM
No bro she looks Arabid because she's a Semitic speaker

She looks like a Yemeni Armenian mix.

08-07-2018, 10:19 AM
She looks like a Yemeni Armenian mix.

The probability of you encountering a Yemeni Armenian mix is 0.0000000000000000000001%

08-07-2018, 10:21 AM
The probability of you encountering a Yemeni Armenian mix is 0.0000000000000000000001%

She has Jewish kinda look. I get your point lol.

08-07-2018, 10:35 AM
No bro she looks Arabid because she's a Semitic speaker

I dont go by linguistic at all . many lebanese I actually didnt classify as arabid . I even classified one as part iranid :D

08-07-2018, 10:37 AM
I dont go by linguistic at all . many lebanese I actually didnt classify as arabid . I even classified one as part iranid :D

Arabid strains exist in Lebanon.

08-07-2018, 10:39 AM
Arabid strains exist in Lebanon.

I know

08-07-2018, 10:51 AM
I dont go by linguistic at all . many lebanese I actually didnt classify as arabid . I even classified one as part iranid :D
He's being sarcastic and is satirizing that mindset. Lol

Some ignorant people do legit think that because you're Semitic-speaking you have more in common with Arabids, Somalids and Ethiopids just because you speak a Semitic language like they do. Some extremists even think that Afro-Asiatic language speaking peoples like Assyrians and Mauritanians are alike because they speak an Afro-Asiatic language. Lmao.

08-07-2018, 10:54 AM
He's being sarcastic and is satirizing that mindset. Lol

Some ignorant people do legit think that because you're Semitic-speaking you have more in common with Arabids, Somalids and Ethiopids just because you speak a Semitic language like they do. Some extremists even think that Afro-Asiatic language speaking peoples like Assyrians and Mauritanians are alike because they speak an Afro-Asiatic language. Lmao.

uhm this happens also with us iranics which I often criticize . lebanese and kurds are WAY closer to each other than lebanese are to yemenese or kurds to balochs for example

people are stupid I hate that . some people need a slap

08-07-2018, 11:40 AM
There are Italian and Jewish Americans with her look. I don't see Yemen or Armenia at all.

08-07-2018, 12:13 PM
Hum, this guy has been classified as armenid+med as well, he does'nt look like Léa Salamé at all: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?254485-Classify-Lebanese-guy

I dont find that she look sicilian either though.

08-07-2018, 12:26 PM
Wake up y’all. She looks clearly armenoid. Very fucking atypical in Italy,her skin complexion is too dark

08-07-2018, 12:42 PM
She looks Yemenite but mixed with something lol

actually she could pass for being 100% Yemeni jewish LOL!

08-07-2018, 01:11 PM

08-07-2018, 01:17 PM
Wake up y’all. She looks clearly armenoid. Very fucking atypical in Italy,her skin complexion is too dark

if she was armenid she would pass in turkey , armenia etc. but she cant