View Full Version : Is English a good universal language?

08-07-2018, 07:36 PM
Being English, I know that one of our greatest achievements is giving the world our language. But, from a foreigner's persepective, is it a good language to use in this capacity? What are its good points and bad points, both in terms of ease of learning, and any other factors that may affect its status?

08-07-2018, 07:43 PM
In comparison to the other languages I know, what seems to separate English from the other is the amount of available scientific and technical jargon. And the literary words of English which had derived from the Norman French seem to be more beautiful and eloquent sounding for use in writing/speaking/etc..just more sophisticated in general.

I'm comparing it to the only other language I know btw (Tagalog, which is of SE-Asian origin). Don't know bout other languages though.

In regard to the core grammar though, both English AND Tagalog essentially accomplishes the same thing in general I think. :D

08-07-2018, 10:43 PM
In comparison to the other languages I know, what seems to separate English from the other is the amount of available scientific and technical jargon.

all the technical and scientific jargon is of Latin and Greek origin

08-08-2018, 03:59 AM
NO. The spelling is too inconsistent. One must consider the ease or difficulty encountered by a foreigner trying to learn the language. In this respect, English is poor.

08-08-2018, 04:02 AM
English has gotta get so frustrating to learn, I imagine. But with the infinite number of resources and forms of entertainment, it's probably learned a lot by people through immersion more than anything these days. I mean of course you'd got to study but the amount of people I've heard who've learned English through TV is huge.

Bobby Martnen
08-08-2018, 06:11 AM
Yes, it is the most advanced language

08-08-2018, 06:18 AM
Yes, there is a reason why it has become so dominant. Nor me or anyone I descend from have any English ancestry but everyone in my family speaks English as their first language, aside from grandparents. It is the lingua franca here in Australia, but in many third world countries and even some first world ones like Korea and Japan, the ability to speak English is seen as a symbol of status in their societies.

Edit: I think it's best for people to maintain their native languages in their own countries though, it's sad otherwise. But diaspora people should assimilate to the dominate linguistic group in whatever country they live in.

08-08-2018, 06:25 AM
Many languages have their charms, but English is the most efficient language overall.