View Full Version : Are Aralids Tungid + Cromagnids?

08-11-2018, 12:06 AM
Are Aralids Tungid + Cromagnids?

08-11-2018, 05:31 AM
Aralids are a mixture of Tungid & Turanid.

08-11-2018, 05:49 AM
So are aralids pretty much 75% mongoloid and 25% caucasoid from the turanid side? Thats the standard kazakh pheno and percentages

08-11-2018, 05:57 AM
So are aralids pretty much 75% mongoloid and 25% caucasoid from the turanid side? Thats the standard kazakh pheno and percentages

Then it might be 75 percent Tungid plus 25 percent Cromagnid, I guess.

08-11-2018, 06:04 AM
Then it might be 75 percent Tungid plus 25 percent Cromagnid, I guess.

question is what is turanid? Is it Tungid + Cromagnid?

08-11-2018, 06:12 AM
question is what is turanid? Is it Tungid + Cromagnid?

As far as I know, yes.

08-11-2018, 06:39 AM

1. I do not resemble Ahmedinejat. My classification is Turanid + Danubian Mediterranid.

2. Isn’t Turanid =?= Cromagnid + Tungid

08-11-2018, 06:49 AM

What the hell do you think Turanid is? Iranid + Bantuid?

08-11-2018, 09:58 AM
Rather than “Cro Magnid” we should maybe speak of a Siberian “Proto Europoid” that likely mixed with “Mongoloid” element. This would probably be the original “Andronovo” type.

Successive people movements and migration brought in either more “Mongoloid” (creating the “Aralid”)
And the Mountanous Dinaric-Alpines (Pamiro-Ferghana race) and possibly also an Indo-Iranian types creating the broad spectrum we have in C.Asia today.

“Andronovo” Turanian and possibly other Turanian types likely migrated to the Hungarian plain where Hungarian anthropologist named it “Afoldi” (a somewhat “Alpinised” version)

08-11-2018, 06:34 PM
Who cares, Berkanid best phenotype