View Full Version : The Secret of the Runes by Guido von List..

02-27-2009, 08:15 PM
The Secret of the Runes by Guido von List..

A fourth still I know, when someone throws
my arms and legs into fetters:
as soon as I sing it, I can go forth,
from my feet fall the fetters,
the hasp falls from my hands.

The mouth, the power of speech! Spiritual power working through speech (power of suggestion) bursts physical fetters and gives freedom, it itself conquers all conquerors, who only gain advantages through physical force, and it destroys all tyranny. (In the struggle for existence, the folk who always remain lasting winners are those who develop themselves with the preservation of their moral force. With the disappearance of morality, higher spiritual and intellectual rank is also lost, as history--the final judgment--will prove.) Therefore: Your spiritual force makes you free!


03-01-2009, 04:39 AM
This is something to bear in mind when people assume that the runes are just inane things. I remember someone elsewhere being very mocking and arrogant about people who, in his mind, were "merely using runes". Unfortunately in this day and age, we don't appreciate the power of not only words spoken with intent, but of the words themselves.