View Full Version : If I stop eating will I lose muscle before I lose fat?

08-15-2018, 03:42 AM
I wanted to try a fast for a few days and I'm wondering if that would cause muscle loss, or does that take longer? By fasting I mean 500 calories max.
I want to restart my metabolic rate. I can't seem to get rid of any flab.

08-15-2018, 03:51 AM
To lose weight you need to maintain a long term caloric deficit

but your caloric intake has to matter with lots of protein and fats and little simple carbs.

only after building up enough muscle mass will you 'lose fat before muscle' by fasting. Until that point, your body will deplete its muscle mass and hold on to or even prone to store more fat, making you emaciated AND flabby.

That point is different for different people, but you should try living a healthy active lifestyle + balanced diet for 6 months...then starve yourself (intermittent fasting) while working out for 3 months...then see what you need for the remaining 3 months (cut more weight or gain more muscle)

08-15-2018, 03:55 AM
I gained 2 kg in 1 week. Eventhough I think I didnt ate much, but obviously it was too much. Today Im back at 130.1kg but last week on thursday I had 128.3kg.

08-15-2018, 03:59 AM
You can try vegetable juices, a far healthier way to get protein.

I drink a vegetable juice on most days usually a cellery/apple οr a carrot/spinach combination.

08-15-2018, 04:02 AM
I gained 2 kg in 1 week. Eventhough I think I didnt ate much, but obviously it was too much. Today Im back at 130.1kg but last week on thursday I had 128.3kg.

Why this guy thumbed me down for such a random and innocent comment?

Congolese Rice
08-15-2018, 04:05 AM
idk, i dont think not eating is the right awsner. But i can tell you having anticipated in the Ramadan this year i lost atleast 4kgs in 2-3 weeks XD pretty cool

08-15-2018, 04:09 AM
Your body will get rid of what it doesn't need, ie muscle tissue. It will think you're facing harsh conditions, therefore protecting the fat for future fuel.
There're no shortcuts to weight loss, anything lost fast you'll bounce back up right away. Things like exercise, cutting out sodas/sugar/sodium/empty carbs/fast food, etc. are the only things that will permanently alter your physique. Incorporate them at a pace you feel comfortable at and work your way up.
Clearly you're not very knowledgeable on basic nutrition, so I'm gonna advice against fasting, since it can be counter-productive if done wrong. Besides, fasting as a weight loss strategy is unsustainable and inefficient compared to other routes. Fasting for spiritual matters, on the other hand, works like a charm.

08-15-2018, 04:13 AM
I'm very anti-diet culture and a big believer in mindful eating.


My advice: Throw out your scale (or at least only use it for weighing suitcases) and focus on HABITS. Your goals should be to have a consistent exercise routine and eat mindfully. Do not set "lose weight" as your goal; that could lead to eating disorders and most people who lose weights from dieting gain that weight back.

And be sure to watch The Intuitive Eating Series (Intuitive Eating Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9eWEHQPXHwV5sBCjf7kx8h5_QHF0f26V) from Clean and Delicious on YouTube; she gives very helpful tips. I feel much better now that I've followed her advice.

Clean and Delicious herself said that she has been on many diets (I think the number was over 40) and that none of them have worked.

And a long time ago I realized on my own that if I don't have to worry about calorie counting if I just focus on eating clean, whole foods.

08-15-2018, 04:18 AM
yeah.. you don't wanna follow female advice on dieting OP

08-15-2018, 04:19 AM
Thanks for advice. I have been battling weight for years with losing quite a bit but then re-gaining. I started weight lifting 5 years ago and I built up quite a bit of muscle, but the flab won't come off very easily. Its even worse than just being plain 'ol fat because I look even bigger. I track my calories every day with lose it app. I thought maybe fasting once a week could help speed things up .

08-15-2018, 04:21 AM
Your body will get rid of what it doesn't need, ie muscle tissue. It will think you're facing harsh conditions, therefore protecting the fat for future fuel.
There're no shortcuts to weight loss, anything lost fast you'll bounce back up right away. Things like exercise, cutting out sodas/sugar/sodium/empty carbs/fast food, etc. are the only things that will permanently alter your physique. Incorporate them at a pace you feel comfortable at and work your way up.
Clearly you're not very knowledgeable on basic nutrition, so I'm gonna advice against fasting, since it can be counter-productive if done wrong. Besides, fasting as a weight loss strategy is unsustainable and inefficient compared to other routes. Fasting for spiritual matters, on the other hand, works like a charm.

Even a short fast of a few days? I thought you have to be mostly lean to lose muscle . Oh well, I probably will just have to cut back even more calories. Right now I eat average of 2200. I exercise heavy twice a week.

08-15-2018, 04:27 AM
idk, i dont think not eating is the right awsner. But i can tell you having anticipated in the Ramadan this year i lost atleast 4kgs in 2-3 weeks XD pretty cool

Why did you participated in the Ramadan dude? Do you want to become muslim? And just because you think you look mena that you want to become muslim? Thats not taking islam serious, islam is about obedience and believe in Allah.

08-15-2018, 04:47 AM
yeah.. you don't wanna follow female advice on dieting OP

OP listen to my advice: Don't focus on speeding things up, for those who lose weight too quickly often gain it back. Just focus on having good habits so you'll keep off whatever you lose. Focus on eating mindfully and exercising. As for diet changes, make sure that your diet consists of mostly clean, whole foods. Dieting and fasting just isn't natural and our bodies aren't really designed to lose weight so quickly.

I noticed that when I eat mindfully, I could stay full for 3-8 hours, and so you'll just consume less calories without having to think or stress about it.

08-15-2018, 04:51 AM
If you stop eating you'll lose your virginity.

08-15-2018, 04:53 AM
Even a short fast of a few days? I thought you have to be mostly lean to lose muscle . Oh well, I probably will just have to cut back even more calories. Right now I eat average of 2200. I exercise heavy twice a week.

If you really want to count calories then be on a 500 calorie deficit. Add some cardio to your workouts too (HIIT works great).

08-15-2018, 11:51 AM
I saw the pics you posted, u didnt even look "fat", you have a body type that easily gains muscle mass. lift some weights and cut down calory intake but high protein diet.

08-15-2018, 11:56 AM

08-15-2018, 12:00 PM
I wanted to try a fast for a few days and I'm wondering if that would cause muscle loss, or does that take longer? By fasting I mean 500 calories max.
I want to restart my metabolic rate. I can't seem to get rid of any flab.

If you fasted at 500 calories for longer than 2-3 weeks I think you' burn muscle because you wouldn't be consuming enough carbs or fat

08-15-2018, 12:03 PM
Thanks for advice. I have been battling weight for years with losing quite a bit but then re-gaining. I started weight lifting 5 years ago and I built up quite a bit of muscle, but the flab won't come off very easily. Its even worse than just being plain 'ol fat because I look even bigger. I track my calories every day with lose it app. I thought maybe fasting once a week could help speed things up .

Trust me, it doesn't look worse than plain old fat. You look strong and sturdy. If you lost 30 pounds you'd look great with the muscle you already seem to have. I'd say just do a basic caloric deficit but maintain eating carbs and lifting for a few months.

Congolese Rice
08-15-2018, 05:06 PM
Why did you participated in the Ramadan dude? Do you want to become muslim? And just because you think you look mena that you want to become muslim? Thats not taking islam serious, islam is about obedience and believe in Allah.

no, that was not my reason.

i promised to a muslim turkish friend of mine that i would anticipate this year, and i did. i am a man of my word.

also i respect their religion and culture. i followed all the rules in ramadan, and even though it was very tough i got through it XD eventually i got kinda sick and i had to stop like 9 days in or so. i think i did a pretty decent job for my first time lol

08-15-2018, 09:23 PM
I'm lifting weights with a caveat that I have strength, but I also have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Therefor, I can only do high intensity exercise twice a week. So the diet is equally important. I am just flabby, and I tend to gain water . I do admit that I slipped and started having fast food more often than once a week, and that makes me put on weight because of high sodium content. At least I'm not gaining. I need more vegetables, though. I barely eat more than 2 servings a day.

01-06-2019, 06:31 PM
You can try vegetable juices, a far healthier way to get protein.

I drink a vegetable juice on most days usually a cellery/apple οr a carrot/spinach combination.

Did greeks invent juice?

01-06-2019, 06:33 PM
Honestly Meade, you have a sturdy and robust Germanic build, the fat will just roll off you revealing your rippling muscles and bulging veins. Even if you do lose a bit of muscle, you'll still be a unit compared to everyone else.

01-06-2019, 10:00 PM
Start to eat complex carbs.No sugar at all.
Porridge of oats, boiled rice, corn flour porridge (that is polenta) with 1.5% cow milk.
Avoid to eat more than the recommended quantity of carbs and essential fats,per day.
A good way to get your essential fats are sardines cans. Do not eat too much meat, if you eat sardines.
Exercise a lot, with medium heavy weights.
This way you will gain muscles while loosing from body fat.
Be careful to not loose too fast body fat - that will be great danger for your health.

01-06-2019, 10:15 PM
You will lose both muscle and fat. You need to take amino acid supplements so you won't lose muscle. Beef liver pills work. I am on a winter cut and that's what I am taking.

01-07-2019, 01:22 AM
You will lose both muscle and fat. You need to take amino acid supplements so you won't lose muscle. Beef liver pills work. I am on a winter cut and that's what I am taking.

Even if you lift while dieting?

01-07-2019, 01:28 AM
Your body will get rid of what it doesn't need, ie muscle tissue. It will think you're facing harsh conditions, therefore protecting the fat for future fuel.
There're no shortcuts to weight loss, anything lost fast you'll bounce back up right away. Things like exercise, cutting out sodas/sugar/sodium/empty carbs/fast food, etc. are the only things that will permanently alter your physique. Incorporate them at a pace you feel comfortable at and work your way up.
Clearly you're not very knowledgeable on basic nutrition, so I'm gonna advice against fasting, since it can be counter-productive if done wrong. Besides, fasting as a weight loss strategy is unsustainable and inefficient compared to other routes. Fasting for spiritual matters, on the other hand, works like a charm.

Good advice.

01-07-2019, 01:32 AM
Even if you lift while dieting?

If you don't lift weights on a calorie deficit you'll lose muscle so you need to stimulate the muscle fibers.

01-07-2019, 03:08 AM
You will lose both muscle and fat. You need to take amino acid supplements so you won't lose muscle. Beef liver pills work. I am on a winter cut and that's what I am taking.

Dude those supplements and pills are bullshit from big pharma. As long as you are getting enough protein in a day you will be fine, 1 gram per pound of bodyweight generally works....

01-07-2019, 03:41 AM
I'm no expert or dietician but I'm 99% sure there's no real protein in vegetables or vegetable juice.
Did greeks invent juice?