View Full Version : Classify the non white players of the 1998 French football team

08-15-2018, 06:37 AM
Bernard Lama


Height: 6 feet

Marcel Dessailly


Height:6 feet

Lilian Thuram

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNmNhNTMzZDMtMDdkMC00YTI1LWFmNTEtZjhjNGExOTEyMj BhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,70 6,1000_AL_.jpg

Height: 6'1

Patrick Vieira


Height: 6'4

Youri Djorkaeff


Height: 5'10 1/2

Zinédine Zidane


Height: 6'1

Alain Boghossian


Height: 6'1

Christian Karembeu


Height: 5'9 2/3

Thierry Henry

https://img.gentside.com/article/480/equipe-de-france/thierry-henry-je-ne-reviendrai-plus-en-equipe-de-france_c9a29723c33bcba36477d83a4a518ba1783817f7.jp g

Height: 6'2

Bernard Diomède


Height: 5'7

David Trezeguet


6'1 2/3

08-15-2018, 06:38 AM
Zidane looks white to me.

08-15-2018, 06:44 AM
What a great generation

Bobby Martnen
08-15-2018, 06:44 AM
Zidane looks white to me.

apparently he's a full blood Berber

08-15-2018, 06:45 AM
Zidane looks white to me.

Yes, when I was a kid I thought he was white. He could be if we use that term in a broader sense.

My guess:

Lama: mulatto
Desailly: paleo-congoid
Thuram: paleo-congoid
Vieira: sudanid
Djorkaeff: armenid + turanid
Zidane: berberid
Boghossian: armenid
Karembeu: australid
Henry: caucaso-congoid (1/4 EURO, 3/4 SSA approximatively)
Diomede: paleo-congoid
Trezeguet: castizo

08-15-2018, 09:20 AM
Zidane and Poghosyan are white. Djorkaeff is half Armenian and half Kalmyk(Asian). Everyone else is clearly nonwhite

Tooting Carmen
08-15-2018, 10:25 AM
Yes, when I was a kid I thought he was white. He could be if we use that term in a broader sense.

My guess:

Lama: mulatto
Desailly: paleo-congoid
Thuram: paleo-congoid
Vieira: sudanid
Djorkaeff: armenid + turanid
Zidane: berberid
Boghossian: armenid
Karembeu: australid
Henry: caucaso-congoid (1/4 EURO, 3/4 SSA approximatively)
Diomede: paleo-congoid
Trezeguet: castizo

Something like this. I think Vieira might pass as a very dark-skinned Indian.

08-15-2018, 11:01 AM
Two of them are clearly white. Just because they're not European that doesn't mean they're "non-white".

08-15-2018, 11:24 AM
Two of them are clearly white. Just because they're not European that doesn't mean they're "non-white".

I would not have problem to consider them as white personally. But I know that for some people white = european.

Something like this. I think Vieira might pass as a very dark-skinned Indian.

He is Senegalese.

The Blade
08-15-2018, 11:47 AM
Two of them are clearly white. Just because they're not European that doesn't mean they're "non-white".
Yes, Zidane is Berberid (archaic Cromagnid found in North Africa) and Boghossian is a Dinaro-Med, as this photo shows: