View Full Version : Salvini: ‘No Room’ For Roma Who Robbed Elderly Disabled Woman of Her Pension

08-15-2018, 04:17 PM
Salvini: ‘No Room’ For Roma Who Robbed Elderly Disabled Woman of Her Pension
by Chris Tomlinson
15 Aug 2018

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini expressed outrage in reaction to a video which showed a Roma woman use a baby to rob an elderly disabled Italian woman of her pension at a cash machine.

The video shows the Roma woman carrying a two-month-old baby and approaching the elderly woman in the city of Sassari. Using the blanket covering the baby, the thief was able to put her free hand into the Italian’s bag and steal an envelope of cash, Il Giornale reports.

The 31-year-old Roma woman, who is reported to be a mother of 12 children, was later arrested after the pensioner discovered the cash was missing and reported the 600 euro theft to the police who were able to identify the woman from CCTV footage.

La Lega leader Salvini took to Facebook to comment on the incident saying, “In Italy, there is no room for criminals like that,” and adding, ” I have a democratic and peaceful bulldozer ready.”

Earlier this year in June, many expressed outrage when Salvini advocated conducting a census on Roma living in Italy in order to determine how many of them were living in the country illegally and look at steps to deport them.

La Lega later released a statement on the affair saying, “Our goal is a recognition of the situation of Roma camps. We intend to protect thousands of children who are not allowed to attend school regularly.”

The firebrand Interior Minister has also engaged in dialogue with Five Star Movement Mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi over the issue of Roma squatter camps in the city. Salvini has expressed a desire to dismantle the squatter camps and return the space to the public.

In April, before entering a coalition with the Five Star Movement, Salvini caused controversy after posting on Twitter, “today is the International Day of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti. If many of them worked more and stole less, if many of them sent their children to school instead of teaching them to steal, then it really would be something to celebrate.”