View Full Version : Genetic isolation or just classification?

08-17-2018, 02:17 AM
For example, Dinarid, Armenoid, Mtebid, Pamirid and Anatolid types are considered as "Taurid". I wonder whether Dinarid, Armenoid, Mtebid, Pamirid and Anatolid are formed from a single type called as "Taurid" as a result of genetic isolation or are they considered as "Taurid types" by anthropologists.

This is also the same for Pontid and Iranid types. They are considered as "East Mediterranid". Again, I wonder whether Pontid and Iranid and are formed from a single type called as "East Mediterranid" as a result of genetic isolation or are they considered as "East Mediterranid types" by anthropologists.

What do you think?

08-17-2018, 02:44 AM
I'll say classification before genetics.

It is quicker to find apparent similarities, than to find genetic proofs of such.

08-17-2018, 11:04 AM

08-17-2018, 11:26 AM
Dinarid type was formed in the mountain coditions. In the climate where are warm summers and cold winters, and cold night warm day (high daily amplitudes in temperature).
Dinarization is a process of adatpion to mountain condition of moderate latitudes. Pamirid and Armenoid formed at similar way as Dinarid in the different regions which are far away to each other, but latitudes and mountains condition are conection between these types.

Even Native Americans can be dinarized