Cristiano viejo
08-19-2018, 04:35 PM


Un grupo de brasileños expulsaron a inmigrantes venezolanos que se encontraban en un refugio de la ONU ubicado en Paracaima, estado Roraima, zona fronteriza de Brasil. Lugar a donde llegaron para refugiarse tras huir de la crisis política, económica y social que vive su país.

Américo de Grazia, diputado a la Asamblea Nacional, informó que este desalojo forzado se debe a que dos inmigrantes venezolanos robaron y agredieron de gravedad a un comerciante brasileño en la entidad.

Tras ese incidente, un gran número de habitantes cariocas se concentraron desde las primeras horas de este sábado, y tras realizar una violenta manifestación prendieron fuego a los objetos personales y tiendas de campaña donde están encontraban los venezolanos.

El ejército de Brasil dispersó mediante disparos las acciones violentas de los ciudadanos. Mientras que muchos de los venezolanos que se encontraban en el campamento se retiraron voluntariamente de la zona por su seguridad.


Carlito's Way
08-19-2018, 04:46 PM
If they were germans immigrating to that region, Brazilians wouldve been worshipping them, even building homes for the germans and model agencies speeding fast to make them top models for their unique traits lol

08-19-2018, 04:52 PM
If they were germans immigrating to that region, Brazilians wouldve been worshipping them, even building homes for the germans and model agencies speeding fast to make them top models for their unique traits lol

Germans were discriminated in Brazil during Vargas era.

Chaos One
08-19-2018, 04:55 PM
Germans were discriminated in Brazil during Vargas era.

Italians too.

And most people don't know what happened here with Japanese since they started to settle here. Far worse than US I think.

Carlito's Way
08-19-2018, 04:59 PM
Germans were discriminated in Brazil during Vargas era.

Discriminated because of what exactly? For being totoo owners of companies? For leveling up in Brazilian society while colonials were in poverty?

I doubt the discrimination they face lasted long, nowadays it's different, their colonies in Brazil are worshipped and a blonde hair Brazilian is called an Alemao, model agencies drive many miles to find their next top model in such communities, most Brazilians will claim being part German even if they only have 1%

Now compare the racism and discrimination blacks faced and still face today in Brazilian society, it's a whole different ball game

What these Brazilians did to those Venezuelans is simply not okay and it's very disgusting they are behaving like that, when clearly those Brazilians get mistreated badly in other parts ofBrazil, it's just sad to read this ,

08-19-2018, 05:06 PM
Discriminated because of what exactly? For being totoo owners of companies? For leveling up in Brazilian society while colonials were in poverty?

I doubt the discrimination they face lasted long, nowadays it's different, their colonies in Brazil are worshipped and a blonde hair Brazilian is called an Alemao, model agencies drive many miles to find their next top model in such communities, most Brazilians will claim being part German even if they only have 1%

Now compare the racism and discrimination blacks faced and still face today in Brazilian society, it's a whole different ball game

What these Brazilians did to those Venezuelans is simply not okay and it's very disgusting they are behaving like that, when clearly those Brazilians get mistreated badly in other parts ofBrazil, it's just sad to read this ,

They were discriminated because of the nationalist policies of Vargas and because many of them supported the NS regime.
By the way, I don't see Brazilians with no German ancestry claiming to have it. I have seen it with Italians, but not with Germans.

Germans are workshipped by their lighter features, but that's it. I would say Italians, who look similar to the average Iberian-Brazilian, are way more workshipped, even notable in the media.

08-19-2018, 05:20 PM
About bloody time.

08-19-2018, 05:26 PM
They were discriminated because of the nationalist policies of Vargas and because many of them supported the NS regime.
By the way, I don't see Brazilians with no German ancestry claiming to have it. I have seen it with Italians, but not with Germans.

Germans are workshipped by their lighter features, but that's it. I would say Italians, who look similar to the average Iberian-Brazilian, are way more workshipped, even notable in the media.

Was WW2 a contributor to the stigma like in the U.S. or no?

08-19-2018, 06:30 PM
¿Que tiene de raro la noticia?. Si yo y mis compatriotas emigramos masivamente a otro país, es lógico que en ese país al que emigramos se genere un corriente de rechazo, porque todo lo masivo y sin control es malo, y más si eres pobre, sin educación y no hablas el idioma del país receptor. Es el lógico instinto de supervivencia de un grupo étnico defendiendose de una invasión.

Además lo venezolanos no debería tener ningún trato de favor con respecto a los demás. No son refugiados. No huyen de una guerra. Huyen de una situación que ellos han creado, y ellos tiene que arreglar, pero prefieren huir que rebelarse.

08-19-2018, 06:38 PM
Was WW2 a contributor to the stigma like in the U.S. or no?

Yep, it was.

Cristiano viejo
08-19-2018, 09:04 PM
¿Que tiene de raro la noticia?. Si yo y mis compatriotas emigramos masivamente a otro país, es lógico que en ese país al que emigramos se genere un corriente de rechazo, porque todo lo masivo y sin control es malo, y más si eres pobre, sin educación y no hablas el idioma del país receptor. Es el lógico instinto de supervivencia de un grupo étnico defendiendose de una invasión.

Además lo venezolanos no debería tener ningún trato de favor con respecto a los demás. No son refugiados. No huyen de una guerra. Huyen de una situación que ellos han creado, y ellos tiene que arreglar, pero prefieren huir que rebelarse.

Son refugiados. Económicos, pero refugiados al fin y al cabo. Se están refugiando en Brasil, colegui.

La noticia tiene de rara que no es titular en los principales medios occidentales, porque podría dar malvadas ideas a los malvados europeos xenófobos y que dijeran "hey mirad, el rechazo al extranjero sucede en cualquier lado, no es cosa sólo de europeos".

08-19-2018, 10:19 PM
a mi no me joderia que vengan venezolanos anti chavistas de derecha.

Pero si me daria por los huevos que vengan chavistas cagados de hambre que , sin arrepentirse de sus votos socialistas de mierda, busquen una vida mejor aca

Black Panther
08-19-2018, 10:54 PM
Germans were discriminated in Brazil during Vargas era.

Yes. But you won't see that in the media :( They only talk about how Blacks suffered this and that, lol. Germans, Italians and Japanese are the true victims.

08-19-2018, 10:57 PM
Yes. But you won't see that in the media :( They only talk about how Blacks suffered this and that, lol. Germans, Italians and Japanese are the true victims.

Lets stop trolling now?

08-19-2018, 10:58 PM
a mi no me joderia que vengan venezolanos anti chavistas de derecha.

Pero si me daria por los huevos que vengan chavistas cagados de hambre que , sin arrepentirse de sus votos socialistas de mierda, busquen una vida mejor aca

Los antichavistas de derechas son de clase media o media-alta y tienen el capital suficiente para comprar un billete de avión. Los que vienen andando cruzando la frontera de Brasil, o en autobús por Colombia, Ecuador y Perú tienen toda la pinta de ser de clase más baja y que han sido potenciales votantes de PSUV, es decir que fieles votantes de Chaves, y los causantes de que Maduro sea presidente de Venezuela.

Black Panther
08-19-2018, 11:02 PM
Lets stop trolling now?

Why? Those immigrants fought hard for their wealth and power. Blacks didn't want to work after slavery. They just wanted to dance samba.

08-19-2018, 11:09 PM
Lets stop trolling now?

He is very troll today.

08-19-2018, 11:28 PM
Los antichavistas de derechas son de clase media o media-alta y tienen el capital suficiente para comprar un billete de avión. Los que vienen andando cruzando la frontera de Brasil, o en autobús por Colombia, Ecuador y Perú tienen toda la pinta de ser de clase más baja y que han sido potenciales votantes de PSUV, es decir que fieles votantes de Chaves, y los causantes de que Maduro sea presidente de Venezuela.

hace unos dias en el noticiero pasaron un especial de venezolanos en argentina y habia un monton que eran blancos de clase media. Me da la impresion que los que van a brazil caminando, como vos decis, son mas villa. La verdad si son chavistas habria que devolverlos a venezuela de inmediato.

08-19-2018, 11:29 PM
Why? Those immigrants fought hard for their wealth and power. Blacks didn't want to work after slavery. They just wanted to dance samba.


Black Panther
08-19-2018, 11:35 PM

What's so controversial about this? Why are Whites rich in Brazil? Because of their merit, their hard work and their ideological backgrounds. Blacks wanted nothing to do with life after slavery. They abandoned their plantations and went on to build favelas around the country :/

08-19-2018, 11:36 PM
What's so controversial about this? Why are Whites rich in Brazil? Because of their merit, their hard work and their ideological backgrounds. Blacks wanted nothing to do with life after slavery. They abandoned their plantations and went on to build favelas around the country :/


Black Panther
08-19-2018, 11:40 PM

I am sorry the Brazilian government gave too little land for the newly arrived immigrants from Europe. They had to suffer working for Luso-Brazilians until they could manage to buy more land and/or move to large cities. They shouldn't have been treated that way.

08-19-2018, 11:44 PM
I am sorry the Brazilian government gave too little land for the newly arrived immigrants from Europe. They had to suffer working for Luso-Brazilians until they could manage to buy more land and/or move to large cities. They shouldn't have been treated that way.


Black Panther
08-19-2018, 11:48 PM

I just wish that the right-wing wins in Brazil so we can finally get rid of Amerindians, cut down the forrests and give the land to White Brazilians.

08-19-2018, 11:53 PM
I just wish that the right-wing wins in Brazil so we can finally get rid of Amerindians, cut down the forrests and give the land to White Brazilians.


08-20-2018, 02:13 AM
I read some chilean news it happened when a venezuelan robbed and beat a brazilian seller, then they call an ambulance to save him but the ambulance which is payed with brazilian taxpayers money refused its services since it was exclusive for venezuelans refugees.

My opinion about it: North Brazil is a very poor region with barely infrastructure. Venezuelans are enjoying and taking for themselves all social services to them. They had few people living there. Suddenly arrives 100 000 venezuelans. It is almost 50% of its population.

Now the question, why is UN in silence? I think these brazilians already have many problems, they dont need import more issues because venezuelans vote in socialists.

Black Panther
08-20-2018, 09:43 AM
I read some chilean news it happened when a venezuelan robbed and beat a brazilian seller, then they call an ambulance to save him but the ambulance which is payed with brazilian taxpayers money refused its services since it was exclusive for venezuelans refugees.

My opinion about it: North Brazil is a very poor region with barely infrastructure. Venezuelans are enjoying and taking for themselves all social services to them. They had few people living there. Suddenly arrives 100 000 venezuelans. It is almost 50% of its population.

Now the question, why is UN in silence? I think these brazilians already have many problems, they dont need import more issues because venezuelans vote in socialists.

Yes. Socialism is the exact opposite of what needs to happen in Brazil. We need right wingers who will exterminate Amerindians, cut down forrests, exterminate favela communities, etc. That's the only way Brazil can progress into the future, yes.

08-20-2018, 05:43 PM
Now the question, why is UN in silence?

The UN just cares about muslims and black African and North Africans , they don't care about Venezuelan refugees.

Heather Duval
08-20-2018, 05:52 PM
How could them tell a part Venezuelanos? People from North Brazil are very mestizos....

Cristiano viejo
08-20-2018, 06:22 PM
The UN just cares about muslims and black African and North Africans , they don't care about Venezuelan refugees.

They dont care if the country that welcomes refugees is not European :thumb001:

08-20-2018, 06:51 PM
Very awful situation, Brazil already have a lot of problems! Both sides could be wrong, but I support my country!

08-20-2018, 06:53 PM
They dont care if the country that welcomes refugees is not European :thumb001:


08-21-2018, 12:17 AM
Yes. Socialism is the exact opposite of what needs to happen in Brazil. We need right wingers who will exterminate Amerindians, cut down forrests, exterminate favela communities, etc. That's the only way Brazil can progress into the future, yes.

Guy, just leave your country and go to Venezuela! You will be welcomed.

Lista de venezolanos muertos


It is a huge list

A lot of amerindians, mixed race people, blacks.

I even find a video in portughese for you. I dont know if you get spanish, then watch this video. Maduro just ordered to kill this oppositionist.


08-21-2018, 12:40 AM
That is really sad. BTW never vote for Socialists you see what happens.

08-21-2018, 12:43 AM
I just wish that the right-wing wins in Brazil so we can finally get rid of Amerindians, cut down the forrests and give the land to White Brazilians.

Says the guy living in a white country because of his white DNA.

08-21-2018, 12:50 AM

08-21-2018, 01:02 AM

What is the meaning of "Hue hue" for Brazilians?

08-21-2018, 01:09 AM

Imperialist. Lol.

08-21-2018, 01:10 AM
What is the meaning of "Hue hue" for Brazilians?


Black Panther
08-21-2018, 01:13 AM
Says the guy living in a white country because of his white DNA.

Lol. Don't you want Brazil to succeed? How can Brazil succeed with a bunch of Amerindians keeping us from cutting down the rain forest to sustain and expand the lumber industry?

Black Panther
08-22-2018, 10:45 AM
How could them tell a part Venezuelanos? People from North Brazil are very mestizos....

Venezuelans are more SSA than them. This is actually an excuse to not allow Roraima to become even more SSA.

08-25-2018, 04:34 PM
Venezuelans are more SSA than them. This is actually an excuse to not allow Roraima to become even more SSA.

kkkk How pathetic you are Marcus Garvey (Ogum). Roraima is a poor state and you know about it. They simply havent conditions to take a lot of people. Their health public sistem is a shit. Is better Santa Catarina take them.

Black Panther
08-25-2018, 08:13 PM
kkkk How pathetic you are Marcus Garvey (Ogum). Roraima is a poor state and you know about it. They simply havent conditions to take a lot of people. Their health public sistem is a shit. Is better Santa Catarina take them.
